def updateImage(self, img): arr = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(img,"bgr8") # Uncomment following two lines for CompressedImage topic #np_arr = np.fromstring(img.data, np.uint8) #arr = cv2.imdecode(np_arr, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) if self.image_lock.acquire(True): self.img = arr if self.model is None: self.model = self.get_model() self.img_out, self.boxes = self.predict(self.model, self.img) self.img_out = np.asarray(self.img_out[0,:,:,:]) for box in self.boxes: if 'traffic light' in box['label']: cv2.rectangle(self.img_out,(box['topleft']['x'], box['topleft']['y']), (box['bottomright']['x'], box['bottomright']['y']), (255,0,0), 6) cv2.putText(self.img_out, box['label'], (box['topleft']['x'], box['topleft']['y'] - 12), 0, 0.6, (255,0,0) ,6//3) print(self.img_out.shape) self.image_lock.release()
def filter_image_msgs(topic, datatype, md5sum, msg_def, header): if(datatype=="sensor_msgs/CompressedImage"): if (opt_topic != "" and opt_topic == topic) or opt_topic == "": print "############# USING ######################" print topic,' with datatype:', str(datatype) return True; if(datatype=="theora_image_transport/Packet"): if (opt_topic != "" and opt_topic == topic) or opt_topic == "": print topic,' with datatype:', str(datatype) # print "############# USING ######################" print '!!! theora not supportet, sorry !!!' return False; if(datatype=="sensor_msgs/Image"): if (opt_topic != "" and opt_topic == topic) or opt_topic == "": print "############# USING ######################" print topic,' with datatype:', str(datatype) return True; return False;
def __init__(self, width, height): self.width = width self.height = height self.image = None self.image_y = None self.camera_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/camera/image_raw/compressed", CompressedImage, callback=self.callback_camera, queue_size=1) self.camera_sub_y = rospy.Subscriber("/camera_y/image_raw/compressed", CompressedImage, callback=self.callback_camera_y, queue_size=1)
def from_msg(cls, msg): """Serializes a ROS Image message into a compressed PNG image. Args: msg: ROS Image or CompressedImage message. Returns: Compressed PNG image. Raises: CvBridgeError: On image conversion error. """ if isinstance(msg, CompressedImage): # Decompress message. msg = cls.from_raw(msg.data) # Convert ROS Image to OpenCV image. bridge = CvBridge() img = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg) # Convert to PNG with highest level of compression to limit bandwidth # usage. PNG is used since it is a lossless format, so this can later # be retrieved as a ROS image without issue. compression = [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 9] png = cv2.imencode(".png", img, compression)[1].tostring() return png
def from_raw(cls, raw, compress=False): """Deserializes binary-encoded image data into a ROS Image message. Args: raw: Binary encoded image data. compress: Whether to return a compressed image or not. Returns: ROS Image or CompressedImage message. Raises: CvBridgeError: On image conversion error. """ # Convert to OpenCV image. nparr = np.fromstring(raw, np.uint8) img = cv2.imdecode(nparr, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) # Convert to ROS message. bridge = CvBridge() msg = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(img) if compress: data = cls.from_msg(msg) msg = CompressedImage() msg.format = "png" msg.data = data return msg
def __init__(self): """ROS Subscriptions """ self.image_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/raspicam_node/image/compressed",CompressedImage,self.cvt_image) self.cmdVelSub = rospy.Subscriber("/cmd_vel", Twist, self.callback) self.baseVelocityPub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel_stamped', TwistStamped, queue_size=10) """ Variables """ self.secs = 0 self.nsecs = 0 self.last = 0 self.cmdvel = Twist() self.baseVelocity = TwistStamped() self.flag = 0
def __init__(self, get_model_callback, model_callback): rospy.init_node('tlight_model') self.model = get_model_callback() self.get_model = get_model_callback self.predict = model_callback self.bridge = CvBridge() self.boxes = None self.img = None self.img_out = None self.image_lock = threading.RLock() #self.sub = rospy.Subscriber('/left_camera/image_color/compressed', CompressedImage, self.updateImage) # Use for CompressedImage topic self.sub = rospy.Subscriber('/image_raw', Image, self.updateImage, queue_size=1) self.pub = rospy.Publisher('/out_image', Image, queue_size=1) rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.04), self.callbackImage)
def detect_and_visualize(self, root_dir=None, extension=None, classes=[], thresh=0.6, show_timer=False): global imgi global img_rect global Frame global show global trackpos global imshow global acc_pub global acc_enable acc_pub = rospy.Publisher("acc_cmd", ACCCommand, queue_size=2) acc_enable = rospy.Publisher("acc_enable", Bool, queue_size=2) # rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.02), self.trackCallback) rospy.Subscriber("/zed/left/image_rect_color/compressed",CompressedImage, self.ImgCcallback, queue_size = 4) # rospy.Subscriber("/zed/left/image_rect_color",Image, self.Imgcallback, queue_size = 4) rospy.Subscriber("/zed/depth/depth_registered",Image, self.DepthImgcallback, queue_size = 4) im_path = '/home/wolfram/mxnet/example/ssd/data/demo/dog.jpg' with open(im_path, 'rb') as fp: img_content = fp.read() trackpos = 0 imshow = 0 imgi = mx.img.imdecode(img_content) while(1): # ret,img_rect = cap.read() dets = self.im_detect(root_dir, extension, show_timer=show_timer) # if not isinstance(im_list, list): # im_list = [im_list] # assert len(dets) == len(im_list) # for k, det in enumerate(dets): # img[:, :, (0, 1, 2)] = img[:, :, (2, 1, 0)] # img = img_rect.copy() self.visualize_detection(img_rect, dets[0], classes, thresh) if imshow == 1: cv2.imshow("tester", show) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()