def glob1(dirname, pattern): if not dirname: if isinstance(pattern, binary_type): dirname = os.curdir.encode('ASCII') else: dirname = os.curdir try: names = os.listdir(dirname) except OSError: return [] return fnmatch.filter(names, pattern)
def _rlistdir(dirname): if not dirname: if isinstance(dirname, binary_type): dirname = binary_type(os.curdir, 'ASCII') else: dirname = os.curdir try: names = os.listdir(dirname) except os.error: return for x in names: yield x path = os.path.join(dirname, x) if dirname else x for y in _rlistdir(path): yield os.path.join(x, y)
def has_magic(s): if isinstance(s, binary_type): match = magic_check_bytes.search(s) else: match = magic_check.search(s) return match is not None
def _isrecursive(pattern): if isinstance(pattern, binary_type): return pattern == b'**' else: return pattern == '**'
def escape(pathname): """Escape all special characters. """ # Escaping is done by wrapping any of "*?[" between square brackets. # Metacharacters do not work in the drive part and shouldn't be escaped. drive, pathname = os.path.splitdrive(pathname) if isinstance(pathname, binary_type): pathname = magic_check_bytes.sub(br'[\1]', pathname) else: pathname = magic_check.sub(r'[\1]', pathname) return drive + pathname