def timeout(timeout_seconds): def decorate(function): message = "Timeout (%s sec) elapsed for test %s" % (timeout_seconds, function.__name__) def handler(signum, frame): raise TimeoutError(message) def new_f(*args, **kwargs): old = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler) signal.alarm(timeout_seconds) try: function_result = function(*args, **kwargs) finally: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, old) signal.alarm(0) return function_result new_f.func_name = function.func_name return new_f return decorate
def timeout(seconds=10, error_message=os.strerror(errno.ETIME)): def decorator(func): def _handle_timeout(signum, frame): raise TimeoutError(error_message) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _handle_timeout) signal.alarm(seconds) try: result = func(*args, **kwargs) finally: signal.alarm(0) return result return wraps(func)(wrapper) return decorator
def __call__(self, *args, **keyArgs): # If we have SIGALRM signal, use it to cause an exception if and # when this function runs too long. Otherwise check the time taken # after the method has returned, and throw an exception then. if hasattr(signal, 'SIGALRM'): old = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.handle_timeout) signal.alarm(self.timeout) try: result = self.function(*args, **keyArgs) finally: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, old) signal.alarm(0) else: startTime = time.time() result = self.function(*args, **keyArgs) timeElapsed = time.time() - startTime if timeElapsed >= self.timeout: self.handle_timeout(None, None) return result
def send(self, commands): responses = list() try: for command in to_list(commands): signal.alarm(self._timeout) self._history.append(str(command)) cmd = '%s\r' % str(command) self.shell.sendall(cmd) if self._timeout == 0: return responses.append(self.receive(command)) except socket.timeout: raise ShellError("timeout trying to send command: %s" % cmd) except socket.error: exc = get_exception() raise ShellError("problem sending command to host: %s" % to_native(exc)) return responses
def retry(func: Callable[[], T]) -> T: """ Retry the function with 30 second timeouts until it works - I've observed the getFirefoxDriver() without this freeze once (out of hundreds of runs...) so adding this as a safety measure. """ for i in range(10): if config.DEBUG and i > 0: print("Retry #%s" % str(i)) def timeoutHandler(signum, frame): raise TimeoutException("Timeout!") signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeoutHandler) signal.alarm(delayTime) try: t = func() signal.alarm(0) return t except TimeoutException: pass signal.alarm(0) raise TimeoutException("Retried 10 times... Failed!")
def decorator(minutes=1, error_message=os.strerror(errno.ETIME)): def dec(func): def _handle_timeout(signum, frame): msg = 'Timeout Error: %s' % (error_message) add_test_note(msg) raise TimeoutException(error_message) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if minutes > 0: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _handle_timeout) signal.alarm(int(minutes * 60)) try: result = func(*args, **kwargs) finally: signal.alarm(0) return result return wraps(func)(wrapper) return dec
def js6_to_js5(code): global INITIALISED, babel, babelPresetEs2015 if not INITIALISED: import signal, warnings, time warnings.warn('\nImporting babel.py for the first time - this can take some time. \nPlease note that currently Javascript 6 in Js2Py is unstable and slow. Use only for tiny scripts!') from .babel import babel as _babel babel = _babel.Object.babel babelPresetEs2015 = _babel.Object.babelPresetEs2015 # very weird hack. Somehow this helps babel to initialise properly! try: babel.transform('warmup', {'presets': {}}) signal.alarm(2) def kill_it(a,b): raise KeyboardInterrupt('Better work next time!') signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, kill_it) babel.transform('stuckInALoop', {'presets': babelPresetEs2015}).code for n in range(3): time.sleep(1) except: print("Initialised babel!") INITIALISED = True return babel.transform(code, {'presets': babelPresetEs2015}).code
def test_select_interrupt(self): s = self.SELECTOR() self.addCleanup(s.close) rd, wr = self.make_socketpair() orig_alrm_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, lambda *args: None) self.addCleanup(signal.signal, signal.SIGALRM, orig_alrm_handler) self.addCleanup(signal.alarm, 0) signal.alarm(1) s.register(rd, selectors.EVENT_READ) t = time() self.assertFalse(s.select(2)) self.assertLess(time() - t, 2.5)
def timeout(seconds=10, error_message=os.strerror(errno.ETIME)): def decorator(func): def _handle_timeout(signum, frame): raise TimeoutError(error_message) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _handle_timeout) signal.alarm(seconds) try: result = func(*args, **kwargs) finally: signal.alarm(0) return result return wraps(func)(wrapper) return decorator # special test case for running ssh commands at module level
def run_watcher(): site = pywikibot.Site(user="Embedded Data Bot") redis = Redis(host="tools-redis") signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, on_timeout) signal.alarm(TIMEOUT) rc = site_rc_listener(site) for change in rc: signal.alarm(TIMEOUT) if ( change['type'] == 'log' and change['namespace'] == 6 and change['log_type'] == 'upload' ): redis.rpush(REDIS_KEY, json.dumps(change)) pywikibot.output("Exit - THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN")
def timeout(seconds, error_message="function call time out"): def decorated(func): def _handle_timeout(signum, frame): raise TimeoutError(error_message); def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _handle_timeout) signal.alarm(seconds) try: result = func(*args, **kwargs) finally: signal.alarm(10) return result return functools.wraps(func)(wrapper) return decorated #}}}
def timeout(func, args=(), kwargs={}, timeout_duration=1, default=None): import signal class TimeoutError(Exception): pass def handler(signum, frame): raise TimeoutError() # set the timeout handler signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler) signal.alarm(timeout_duration) try: result = func(*args, **kwargs) except TimeoutError as exc: result = default finally: signal.alarm(0) return result
def _on_signal_received(self, sig): # Code below must not block to return to select.select() and catch # next signals if sig == _utils.SIGALRM: self._alarm() elif sig == signal.SIGTERM: LOG.info('Caught SIGTERM signal, ' 'graceful exiting of service %s' % self.title) if self.service.graceful_shutdown_timeout > 0: if os.name == "posix": signal.alarm(self.service.graceful_shutdown_timeout) else: threading.Timer(self.service.graceful_shutdown_timeout, self._alarm).start() _utils.spawn(self.service._terminate) elif sig == _utils.SIGHUP: _utils.spawn(self.service._reload)
def timeout(seconds=10, error_message="Timer expired"): def decorator(func): def _handle_timeout(signum, frame): raise TimeoutError(error_message) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if 'GATHER_TIMEOUT' in globals(): if GATHER_TIMEOUT: seconds = GATHER_TIMEOUT signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _handle_timeout) signal.alarm(seconds) try: result = func(*args, **kwargs) finally: signal.alarm(0) return result return wrapper return decorator # --------------------------------------------------------------
def scan_DNS_zone(self, domain_name): log.console_log("{}[*] Perfoming DNS Zone Scanning... {}".format(G, W)) log.console_log("{}[*] Please wait, maximum timeout for checking is 1 minutes {}".format(G, W)) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.timeLimitHandler) signal.alarm(60) try: scan_list = str(list(Scanner(domain_name).scan())) ns_record_list = [] mx_record_list = [] log.console_log("{}{}{}".format(G, scan_list.replace(",","\n"), W)) log.console_log("{}DNS Server:{}".format(G, W)) for ns in dns.resolver.query(domain_name, 'NS'): log.console_log(G + ns.to_text() + W) ns_record_list.append(ns.to_text()) log.console_log("{}MX Record:{}".format(G, W)) for ns in dns.resolver.query(domain_name, 'MX'): log.console_log("{}{}{}".format(G, ns.to_text(), W)) mx_record_list.append(ns.to_text()) self.db.update_dns_zone(self.project_id, domain_name, util.clean_list_string(ns_record_list), util.clean_list_string(mx_record_list)) except Exception, exc: print("{}[*] No response from server... SKIP!{}".format(R, W))
def test_rlock_acquire_interruption(self): # Mimic receiving a SIGINT (KeyboardInterrupt) with SIGALRM while stuck # in a deadlock. # XXX this test can fail when the legacy (non-semaphore) implementation # of locks is used in thread_pthread.h, see issue #11223. oldalrm = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.alarm_interrupt) try: rlock = thread.RLock() # For reentrant locks, the initial acquisition must be in another # thread. def other_thread(): rlock.acquire() thread.start_new_thread(other_thread, ()) # Wait until we can't acquire it without blocking... while rlock.acquire(blocking=False): rlock.release() time.sleep(0.01) signal.alarm(1) t1 = time.time() self.assertRaises(KeyboardInterrupt, rlock.acquire, timeout=5) dt = time.time() - t1 # See rationale above in test_lock_acquire_interruption self.assertLess(dt, 3.0) finally: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, oldalrm)
def test_wakeup_fd_during(self): self.check_wakeup("""def test(): import select import time TIMEOUT_FULL = 10 TIMEOUT_HALF = 5 signal.alarm(1) before_time = time.time() # We attempt to get a signal during the select call try: select.select([read], [], [], TIMEOUT_FULL) except select.error: pass else: raise Exception("select.error not raised") after_time = time.time() dt = after_time - before_time if dt >= TIMEOUT_HALF: raise Exception("%s >= %s" % (dt, TIMEOUT_HALF)) """)
def check_reentrant_write(self, data, **fdopen_kwargs): def on_alarm(*args): # Will be called reentrantly from the same thread wio.write(data) 1/0 signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, on_alarm) r, w = os.pipe() wio = self.io.open(w, **fdopen_kwargs) try: signal.alarm(1) # Either the reentrant call to wio.write() fails with RuntimeError, # or the signal handler raises ZeroDivisionError. with self.assertRaises((ZeroDivisionError, RuntimeError)) as cm: while 1: for i in range(100): wio.write(data) wio.flush() # Make sure the buffer doesn't fill up and block further writes os.read(r, len(data) * 100) exc = cm.exception if isinstance(exc, RuntimeError): self.assertTrue(str(exc).startswith("reentrant call"), str(exc)) finally: wio.close() os.close(r)
def check_interrupted_read_retry(self, decode, **fdopen_kwargs): """Check that a buffered read, when it gets interrupted (either returning a partial result or EINTR), properly invokes the signal handler and retries if the latter returned successfully.""" r, w = os.pipe() fdopen_kwargs["closefd"] = False def alarm_handler(sig, frame): os.write(w, b"bar") signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarm_handler) try: rio = self.io.open(r, **fdopen_kwargs) os.write(w, b"foo") signal.alarm(1) # Expected behaviour: # - first raw read() returns partial b"foo" # - second raw read() returns EINTR # - third raw read() returns b"bar" self.assertEqual(decode(rio.read(6)), "foobar") finally: rio.close() os.close(w) os.close(r)
def test_communicate_eintr(self): # Issue #12493: communicate() should handle EINTR def handler(signum, frame): pass old_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler) self.addCleanup(signal.signal, signal.SIGALRM, old_handler) # the process is running for 2 seconds args = [sys.executable, "-c", 'import time; time.sleep(2)'] for stream in ('stdout', 'stderr'): kw = {stream: subprocess.PIPE} with subprocess.Popen(args, **kw) as process: signal.alarm(1) # communicate() will be interrupted by SIGALRM process.communicate() # context manager
def timeout(seconds): """ Implement timeout :param seconds: timeout in seconds :type seconds: int """ def timeout_handler(signum, frame): """Function to call on a timeout event""" if signum or frame: pass original_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler) try: signal.alarm(seconds) yield finally: signal.alarm(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, original_handler)
def connection_made(self, transport): logger.info('gmy=>connection_made') self.transport = transport # Building client packet to send to SFF packet = build_nsh_header(self.encapsulate_header_values, self.base_header_values, self.ctx_header_values) udp_inner_packet = build_udp_packet(self.inner_header.inner_src_ip, self.inner_header.inner_dest_ip, self.inner_header.inner_src_port, self.inner_header.inner_dest_port, "test".encode('utf-8')) logger.info("Sending %s packet to SFF: %s", self.encapsulate_type, (self.remote_sff_ip, self.remote_sff_port)) logger.info("Packet dump: %s", binascii.hexlify(packet)) # Send the packet signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.alarm_handler) signal.alarm(2) try: self.transport.sendto(packet + udp_inner_packet, (self.remote_sff_ip, self.remote_sff_port)) except socket.error as msg: print('Failed to send packet. Error Code : ' + str(msg)) sys.exit() except Exception as e: logger.error("Error processing client: %s" % str(e))
def connection_made(self, transport): self.transport = transport # Building client dummy IP packet to send to SFF packet = build_nsh_eth_header(self.encapsulate_header_values, self.base_header_values, self.ctx_header_values, self.ethernet_values) # packet = build_vxlan_header(self.encapsulate_header_values, # self.ethernet_values) udp_inner_packet = build_udp_packet(self.inner_header.inner_src_ip, self.inner_header.inner_dest_ip, self.inner_header.inner_src_port, self.inner_header.inner_dest_port, "test".encode('utf-8')) gpe_nsh_ethernet_packet = packet + udp_inner_packet logger.debug("Ethernet dump: ", binascii.hexlify(gpe_nsh_ethernet_packet)) logger.info("Sending %s packet to SFF: %s", self.encapsulate_type, (self.remote_sff_ip, self.remote_sff_port)) # Send the packet signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.alarm_handler) signal.alarm(2) try: self.transport.sendto(gpe_nsh_ethernet_packet, (self.remote_sff_ip, self.remote_sff_port)) except socket.error as msg: print('Failed to send packet. Error Code : ' + str(msg)) sys.exit()
def test_signals(self): signalled_all.acquire() self.spawnSignallingThread() signalled_all.acquire() # the signals that we asked the kernel to send # will come back, but we don't know when. # (it might even be after the thread exits # and might be out of order.) If we haven't seen # the signals yet, send yet another signal and # wait for it return. if signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR1]['tripped'] == 0 \ or signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR2]['tripped'] == 0: signal.alarm(1) signal.pause() signal.alarm(0) self.assertEqual( signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR1]['tripped'], 1) self.assertEqual( signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR1]['tripped_by'], thread.get_ident()) self.assertEqual( signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR2]['tripped'], 1) self.assertEqual( signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR2]['tripped_by'], thread.get_ident()) signalled_all.release()
def check_reentrant_write(self, data, **fdopen_kwargs): def on_alarm(*args): # Will be called reentrantly from the same thread wio.write(data) 1//0 signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, on_alarm) r, w = os.pipe() wio = self.io.open(w, **fdopen_kwargs) try: signal.alarm(1) # Either the reentrant call to wio.write() fails with RuntimeError, # or the signal handler raises ZeroDivisionError. with self.assertRaises((ZeroDivisionError, RuntimeError)) as cm: while 1: for i in range(100): wio.write(data) wio.flush() # Make sure the buffer doesn't fill up and block further writes os.read(r, len(data) * 100) exc = cm.exception if isinstance(exc, RuntimeError): self.assertTrue(str(exc).startswith("reentrant call"), str(exc)) finally: wio.close() os.close(r)
def accept(self): # Messages are passed from remote client to server line by line # A number representing the number of lines to receive will be passed first # Then serialCommunicationServer should loop the exact time to receive the following lines # All these reads add up tp ONE timeout: acceptTimeout. Once exceeded, this timeout will trigger a callback raising an exception # Throw acceptTimeoutException, ValueError # Store the incoming parameters into an internal data structure self._returnList = [] self._log.writeLog("Clear internal list. Size: " + str(len(self._returnList))) signal.alarm(self._acceptTimeout) # Enable SIGALRM self._log.writeLog("Accept-timer starts, with acceptTimeout: " + str(self._acceptTimeout) + " second(s).") numLines = int(self._basicInput()) # Get number of lines to receive self._log.writeLog(str(numLines) + " lines to be received. Loop begins.") loopCount = 1 while(loopCount <= numLines): currElementIn = self._basicInput() self._returnList.append(currElementIn) self._log.writeLog("Received: " + str(loopCount) + "/" + str(numLines) + " Message is: " + currElementIn) loopCount += 1 signal.alarm(0) # Finish reading from remote client, disable SIGALRM self._log.writeLog("Finish reading from remote client. Accept-timer ends.") return self._returnList
def timeout(seconds=20): def decorator(func): def _handle_timeout(command, signum, frame): raise TimeoutError("'%s' command did not return" % command) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if len(args) >= 3: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, partial(_handle_timeout, args[2])) else: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, partial(_handle_timeout, None)) signal.alarm(seconds) try: result = func(*args, **kwargs) finally: signal.alarm(0) return result return wraps(func)(wrapper) return decorator
def time_limit(seconds): ''' Context manager (with statement) to handle long function calls. Needed to test the while loop in Listener :param seconds: time before stop ''' def signal_handler(signum, frame): raise SignalTimeoutException('{sec} seconds are over!'.format(sec=seconds)) # Sets a timeout using signal signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal_handler) signal.alarm(seconds) try: yield finally: signal.alarm(0)
def timeout(seconds=10, error_message=os.strerror(errno.ETIME)): """returns a decorator controlling the running time of the decorated function. Throws a TimeoutError exception if the decorated function does not return in given time. """ def decorator(func): """the decorator.""" def _handle_timeout(_signum, _frame): raise TimeoutError(error_message) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """wraps the function""" signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _handle_timeout) signal.alarm(seconds) try: result = func(*args, **kwargs) finally: signal.alarm(0) return result return wraps(func)(wrapper) return decorator
def __call__(self, func): def _handle_timeout(signum, frame): raise TimeoutException() @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: # set the alarm and execute func signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _handle_timeout) signal.alarm(self.timeoutSeconds) result = func(*args, **kwargs) finally: # clear the alarm signal.alarm(0) return result return wrapper # ---------------- Context managers ----------------
def test_multiprocessing(): """Tests that the number of children we produce is correct""" # Selects a number at random so we can spot check num_workers = random.choice(range(2, multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2 + 1)) app = Sanic('test_multiprocessing') process_list = set() def stop_on_alarm(*args): for process in multiprocessing.active_children(): process_list.add(process.pid) process.terminate() signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, stop_on_alarm) signal.alarm(1) app.run(HOST, PORT, workers=num_workers) assert len(process_list) == num_workers
def connect_pipe(pipe, pipeName): """ """ oldHandler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGALRM) try: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, SIGALRM_handler) signal.alarm(CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SECS + 1) retval = os.open(pipeName, os.O_RDONLY) signal.alarm(0) except OSError: # Alarm Timeout retval = None except BaseException: # Keyboard interrupt retval = None # cancel the alarm and restore prev handler signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, oldHandler) return retval
def loop(self, timeout=5): """ main loop for the consumer client """ consumer_tag = "callback_%s" % self.name chan = self.connection.channel() def callback(msg): """ callback for message received """ if options.verbose: print "Client %s saw this message: '%s'" % (self.name, msg.body) if self.check_end(msg): # we have been asked to quit self._quit = True chan.basic_consume(queue=self.name, no_ack=True, callback=callback, consumer_tag=consumer_tag) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarm_handler) signal.alarm(timeout) while True: chan.wait() if self._quit: break # cancel alarm for receive wait signal.alarm(0) chan.basic_cancel(consumer_tag) chan.close() return self._quit
def test_lock_acquire_interruption(self): # Mimic receiving a SIGINT (KeyboardInterrupt) with SIGALRM while stuck # in a deadlock. # XXX this test can fail when the legacy (non-semaphore) implementation # of locks is used in thread_pthread.h, see issue #11223. oldalrm = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.alarm_interrupt) try: lock = thread.allocate_lock() lock.acquire() signal.alarm(1) t1 = time.time() self.assertRaises(KeyboardInterrupt, lock.acquire, timeout=5) dt = time.time() - t1 # Checking that KeyboardInterrupt was raised is not sufficient. # We want to assert that lock.acquire() was interrupted because # of the signal, not that the signal handler was called immediately # after timeout return of lock.acquire() (which can fool assertRaises). self.assertLess(dt, 3.0) finally: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, oldalrm)
def test_wakeup_fd_early(self): self.check_wakeup("""def test(): import select import time TIMEOUT_FULL = 10 TIMEOUT_HALF = 5 signal.alarm(1) before_time = time.time() # We attempt to get a signal during the sleep, # before select is called time.sleep(TIMEOUT_FULL) mid_time = time.time() dt = mid_time - before_time if dt >= TIMEOUT_HALF: raise Exception("%s >= %s" % (dt, TIMEOUT_HALF)) select.select([read], [], [], TIMEOUT_FULL) after_time = time.time() dt = after_time - mid_time if dt >= TIMEOUT_HALF: raise Exception("%s >= %s" % (dt, TIMEOUT_HALF)) """, signal.SIGALRM)
def test_sigwaitinfo_interrupted(self): self.wait_helper(signal.SIGUSR1, ''' def test(signum): import errno hndl_called = True def alarm_handler(signum, frame): hndl_called = False signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarm_handler) signal.alarm(1) try: signal.sigwaitinfo([signal.SIGUSR1]) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EINTR: if not hndl_called: raise Exception("SIGALRM handler not called") else: raise Exception("Expected EINTR to be raised by sigwaitinfo") else: raise Exception("Expected EINTR to be raised by sigwaitinfo") ''')
def borgcubed_idle(apiserver): """Check schedule. Are we supposed to do something right about now?""" # seconds = seconds_until_next_occurence() # log.debug('setting alarm clock to beep in %d seconds', seconds) # signal.alarm(seconds) this_very_moment = now() for schedule in data_root().schedules: if not schedule.recurrence_enabled: continue # TODO: when django-recurrence#81 is resolved, use cache. occurence = schedule.recurrence.after(this_very_moment) if latest_executions.get(schedule._p_oid) == occurence: continue if occurence and abs((occurence - this_very_moment).total_seconds()) < 10: latest_executions[schedule._p_oid] = occurence execute(apiserver, schedule)