def begin(queue, event=None): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler) if sys.platform == 'win32': win.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(win_handler,1) load(queue) queue.put('CONNECTED') start() try: # linux signal handling while True: signal.pause() except AttributeError: # signal.pause() not implemented on windows while not event.is_set(): time.sleep(1) print('event was set in bci, stopping') stop(queue)
def begin(queue, event=None): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler) load(queue) start() try: while True: signal.pause() except AttributeError: # signal.pause() not implemented on windows # while not event.is_set(): while not event: time.sleep(1) print('event was set, stopping') stop()
def test_signals(self): signalled_all.acquire() self.spawnSignallingThread() signalled_all.acquire() # the signals that we asked the kernel to send # will come back, but we don't know when. # (it might even be after the thread exits # and might be out of order.) If we haven't seen # the signals yet, send yet another signal and # wait for it return. if signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR1]['tripped'] == 0 \ or signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR2]['tripped'] == 0: signal.alarm(1) signal.pause() signal.alarm(0) self.assertEqual( signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR1]['tripped'], 1) self.assertEqual( signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR1]['tripped_by'], thread.get_ident()) self.assertEqual( signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR2]['tripped'], 1) self.assertEqual( signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR2]['tripped_by'], thread.get_ident()) signalled_all.release()
def do_everything (self): if "pause" in self.path: self.session.pause_flag = True if "resume" in self.path: self.session.pause_flag = False self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() if "view_crash" in self.path: response = self.view_crash(self.path) elif "view_pcap" in self.path: response = self.view_pcap(self.path) else: response = self.view_index() self.wfile.write(response)
def main(listen_addrs=['']): s = create_server(listen_addrs) print("Server created on", listen_addrs) s.start() print("Server started") import signal old1 = signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) old2 = signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler) import time # signal.pause is not valid in windows try: while True: time.sleep(3600 * 24) except QuitException: print("Quit server") shutdown_event = s.stop(5) shutdown_event.wait() finally: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, old1) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, old2)
def stop(self): """Spops all animation""" if self.fading: self.fader.stop() self.fading = False if self.pulsing: self.pulsing = False self.pulser.pause() if self.blinking: self.blinking = False #self.gpio_pwm.stop() #time.sleep(0.01) if self._value: self.duty_cycle(100) else: self.duty_cycle(0) #GPIO.output(self.pin, self._value) return True
def main(): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler) load(queue=None) start() signal.pause()
def main(): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler) load(queue=None) # Required message for subprocess comms print('CONNECTED') start() signal.pause()
def begin(queue): signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler) load(queue) queue.put('CONNECTED') start() signal.pause()
def begin(queue, event=None): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler) if sys.platform == 'win32': win.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(win_handler, 1) load(queue) start() while True: try: signal.pause() except AttributeError: # signal.pause() not implemented on windows while not event.is_set(): time.sleep(1) print('event was set in graphing utility, stopping') stop()
def _graph_lsl(self): print('checking if stream has be initialized') self.streams = resolve_byprop('name', 'bci', timeout=2.5) try: self.inlet = StreamInlet(self.streams[0]) except IndexError: raise ValueError('Make sure stream name=bci is opened first.') while self.running: # initial run self.sample, self.timestamp = self.inlet.pull_sample(timeout=5) # time correction to sync to local_clock() try: if self.timestamp is not None and self.sample is not None: self.timestamp = self.timestamp + self.inlet.time_correction(timeout=5) except TimeoutError: pass self.SecondTimes.append(self.sample[1]) #add time stamps to array 'timeValSeconds' self.ProcessedSig.append(self.sample[0]) #add processed signal values to 'processedSig' self.count = self.count + 1 if((self.count % 20 == 0) and (self.count != 0)): #every 20 samples (ie ~ 0.10 s) is when plot updates self.lineHandle[0].set_ydata(self.ProcessedSig) self.lineHandle[0].set_xdata(self.SecondTimes) #plt.xlim(0, 5) plt.xlim(self.SecondTimes[0], self.SecondTimes[-1]) plt.ylim(0, 10) plt.pause(0.01) if(self.count >= 399): self.ProcessedSig.pop(0) self.SecondTimes.pop(0) plt.pause(0.01) print('closing graphing utility') self.inlet.close_stream()
def main(): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler) load(queue=None) start() try: signal.pause() except AttributeError: while True: time.sleep(1) stop()
def wait_for_signal(): print('Waiting for signal in', threading.currentThread().name) signal.pause() print('Done waiting') # Start a thread that will not receive the signal
def run(self): """Starts all runners and processes.""" logging.info('ArgosD starting') self._create_database() logging.info('Starting taskscheduler') self.taskscheduler.run() logging.info('Starting taskrunner') self.taskrunner.run() logging.info('Starting API') self.api.run() if settings.TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN: logging.info('Starting telegrambot') self.bot.run() # Stop everything when a SIGTERM is received signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._handle_signal) logging.info('ArgosD running') # Wait for a signal. This causes our main thread to remain alive, # which is needed to properly process any signals. signal.pause()
def handle_noargs(self, **options): self.runbuild() signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, lambda sig, frame: None) while True: signal.pause() self.runbuild()
def signal_term_handler(signal, frame): print('Exiting ...') sys.exit(0) #-----------------------------------------------------------------# # main program # #-----------------------------------------------------------------# #signal.pause()
def test_signals(self): # Test signal handling semantics of threads. # We spawn a thread, have the thread send two signals, and # wait for it to finish. Check that we got both signals # and that they were run by the main thread. signalled_all.acquire() self.spawnSignallingThread() signalled_all.acquire() # the signals that we asked the kernel to send # will come back, but we don't know when. # (it might even be after the thread exits # and might be out of order.) If we haven't seen # the signals yet, send yet another signal and # wait for it return. if signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR1]['tripped'] == 0 \ or signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR2]['tripped'] == 0: signal.alarm(1) signal.pause() signal.alarm(0) self.assertEqual( signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR1]['tripped'], 1) self.assertEqual( signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR1]['tripped_by'], thread.get_ident()) self.assertEqual( signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR2]['tripped'], 1) self.assertEqual( signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR2]['tripped_by'], thread.get_ident()) signalled_all.release()
def test_itimer_real(self): self.itimer = signal.ITIMER_REAL signal.setitimer(self.itimer, 1.0) if support.verbose: print("\ncall pause()...") signal.pause() self.assertEqual(self.hndl_called, True) # Issue 3864, unknown if this affects earlier versions of freebsd also
def main(): # start basicevents default_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) run(finish_tasks.is_set) list_process = [] for queue in settings.queues: for x in range(queue['concurrency']): p = Worker(event_kill, ip=settings.RABBITMQ_IP, **queue) logging.info("start process worker: %s queue: %s" % (p, queue)) list_process.append(p) p.start() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, default_handler) try: signal.pause() except: print("init stop") event_kill.set() for x in list_process: x.join() print("finish tasks") finish_tasks.set()
def test_itimer_real(self): self.itimer = signal.ITIMER_REAL signal.setitimer(self.itimer, 1.0) if test_support.verbose: print("\ncall pause()...") signal.pause() self.assertEqual(self.hndl_called, True) # Issue 3864. Unknown if this affects earlier versions of freebsd also.
def test_itimer_real(self): self.itimer = signal.ITIMER_REAL signal.setitimer(self.itimer, 1.0) signal.pause() self.assertEqual(self.hndl_called, True) # Issue 3864, unknown if this affects earlier versions of freebsd also
def main(): pid = os.getpid() print('Started with PID %d' % pid) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, terminate) with open('/tmp/karton-session-runner.pid', 'w') as pid_file: pid_file.write(str(pid)) while True: signal.pause() print('Got a signal, continuing.')
def main(): try: mq2 = threading.Thread(name='fMq2', target=fMq2) mq2.setDaemon(True) mq5 = threading.Thread(name='fMq5', target=fMq5) mq5.setDaemon(True) mq2.start() mq5.start() signal.pause() except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): print 'Exiting program'
def _subproc_pre(): os.setpgrp() signal.signal(signal.SIGTSTP, lambda n, f: signal.pause())
def __init__(self, additional_options=None): os.environ['PYSPARK_PYTHON'] = sys.executable submit_args = [ self._setup_repositories(), self._setup_packages(), self._setup_jars(), 'pyspark-shell', ] os.environ['PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS'] = ' '.join(filter(None, submit_args)) def _create_spark_context(): spark_conf = SparkConf() spark_conf.set('spark.sql.catalogImplementation', 'hive') spark_conf.setAll(self._setup_options(additional_options)) return SparkContext(conf=spark_conf) # If we are in instant testing mode if InstantTesting.is_activated(): spark_context = InstantTesting.get_context() # It's the first run, so we have to create context and demonise the process. if spark_context is None: spark_context = _create_spark_context() if os.fork() == 0: # Detached process. signal.pause() else: InstantTesting.set_context(spark_context) else: spark_context = _create_spark_context() # Init HiveContext super(SparklySession, self).__init__(spark_context) self._setup_udfs() self.read_ext = SparklyReader(self) self.catalog_ext = SparklyCatalog(self) attach_writer_to_dataframe()
def Interrupt_event(pin): # only for debug: if GPIO.input(pin) == GPIO.HIGH: print "rising edge on %s" % pin elif GPIO.input(pin) == GPIO.LOW: print "falling edge on %s" % pin if pin == Play: if GPIO.input(Play) == GPIO.HIGH: globalVar['timeTrigger'] = time() elif GPIO.input(Play) == GPIO.LOW: globalVar['timeTrigger'] = time() - globalVar['timeTrigger'] if globalVar['timeTrigger'] >= SpecialTime: #special function: play another playlist print "special play" else: #normal play print "normal play" client.volume = 10 client.play() elif GPIO.input(Pause) == GPIO.HIGH: client.pause() elif GPIO.input(Lauter) == GPIO.HIGH: client.volume += 2 elif GPIO.input(Leiser) == GPIO.HIGH: client.volume -=2 elif GPIO.input(Next) == GPIO.HIGH: client.next() elif GPIO.input(Prev) == GPIO.HIGH: client.previous() else: print "ERROR! Unknown GPIO pin triggered: %s" % pin #------------------------------------------------------------------------
def main(): try: with Button(21, hold_time=0) as button: button.when_held = lambda: count_time(button) signal.pause() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
def main(): try: GPIO.add_event_detect(PIR, GPIO.RISING, callback=interrupt_event, bouncetime=100) #keep script running signal.pause() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): print "Quit"
def Interrupt_event(pin): _ping(client) PlayStat = client.status() if GPIO.input(Play) == GPIO.HIGH: if PlayStat['state'] == "stop" or PlayStat['state'] == "pause": client.load("MyRadio") client.play() elif PlayStat['state'] == "play": client.stop() client.clear() elif GPIO.input(Lauter) == GPIO.HIGH: vol = int(PlayStat['volume']) if vol >= 95: client.setvol(100) else: SetVol = vol + 5 client.setvol(SetVol) elif GPIO.input(Leiser) == GPIO.HIGH: vol = int(PlayStat['volume']) if vol <= 5: client.setvol(0) else: SetVol = vol - 5 client.setvol(SetVol) elif GPIO.input(Next) == GPIO.HIGH: client.next() client.play() elif GPIO.input(Prev) == GPIO.HIGH: client.previous() client.play() else: print "ERROR! Unknown GPIO pin triggered: %s" % pin #------------------------------------------------------------------------
def main(): try: GPIO.add_event_detect(PIR_PIN, GPIO.RISING, callback=interrupt_event, bouncetime=100) #keep script running signal.pause() except KeyboardInterrupt: # does not work if it runs in background. print "Quit"
def main(): try: GPIO.add_event_detect(PIR_PIN, GPIO.BOTH, callback=interrupt_event, bouncetime=100) #keep script running signal.pause() except KeyboardInterrupt: # does not work if it runs in background. print "\nQuit"
def pause (self): ''' If thet pause flag is raised, enter an endless loop until it is lowered. ''' while 1: if self.pause_flag: time.sleep(1) else: break ####################################################################################################################
def launch(self): from restfulpy.taskqueue import worker signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.kill_signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.kill_signal_handler) if not self.args.status: self.args.status = {'new'} if self.args.gap is not None: settings.worker.merge({'gap': self.args.gap}) print('The following task types would be processed with gap of %ds:' % settings.worker.gap) print('Tracking task status(es): %s' % ','.join(self.args.status)) number_of_threads = self.args.number_of_threads or settings.worker.number_of_threads for i in range(number_of_threads): t = threading.Thread( target=worker, name='restfulpy-worker-thread-%s' % i, daemon=True, kwargs=dict( statuses=self.args.status, filters=self.args.filter ) ) t.start() print('Worker started with %d threads' % number_of_threads) print('Press Ctrl+C to terminate worker') signal.pause() # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def wait(self, subtasks=None): """Wait until subtasks finish. subtasks = None - wait for all subtasks subtasks = [task_id list] - wait for selected subtasks """ if self.foreground: # wait would call signal.pause() in the *main* worker thread and lock program forever raise RuntimeError("Foreground tasks can't wait on subtasks.") if subtasks is not None: subtasks = force_list(subtasks) self.hub.worker.wait(self.task_id, subtasks) finished = [] while True: (finished, unfinished) = self.hub.worker.check_wait(self.task_id) if len(unfinished) == 0: # all done break # sleep signal.pause() # wake up on signal to check the status # remove finished subtasks from the list, check results fail = False for i in finished: state = self.hub.worker.get_task(i) if state['state'] != TASK_STATES['CLOSED']: fail = True self._subtask_list.remove(i) if fail: print("Failing because of at least one subtask hasn't closed properly.") self.fail() return finished
def pause(self): self._paused = True
def pause(): signal.pause()
def _graph_lsl(self): while self.running: # initial run self.sample, self.timestamp = self.inlet.pull_sample(timeout=5) #if self.timeBuffer[0] == 0.0: # self.timeBuffer = collections.deque([self.timestamp] * self._bufsize, self._bufsize) # time correction to sync to local_clock() try: if self.timestamp is not None and self.sample is not None: self.timestamp = self.timestamp + self.inlet.time_correction(timeout=5) except TimeoutError: pass self.SecondTimes.append(self.timestamp) #add time stamps to array 'timeValSeconds' #print(abs(self.sample[3])/1000) self.ProcessedSig.append(abs(self.sample[3])/1000) #add processed signal values to 'processedSig' if(abs(self.sample[3]/1000) > self.maximum): self.maximum = abs(self.sample[3]/1000) if(abs(self.sample[3]/1000) < self.minimum): self.minimum = abs(self.sample[3]/1000) self.sampleCount = self.sampleCount + 1 self.count = self.count + 1 #plt.show() if((self.count % 20 == 0) and (self.count != 0)): #every 20 samples (ie ~ 0.2 ms) is when plot updates. Change the sample number (ie 20) to modify frequency at which plot updates #if(self.count == 20): self.count = -1 self.lineHandle[0].set_ydata(self.ProcessedSig) self.lineHandle[0].set_xdata(self.SecondTimes) #plt.xlim(0, 5) plt.xlim(self.SecondTimes[0], self.SecondTimes[-1]) plt.ylim(self.minimum - 0.75, self.maximum + 0.75) #plt.ylim(0, 20) #plt.ylim(0, 10) #elf.ax.set_autoscaley_on(True) #plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis='y', tight=True) plt.pause(0.01) if(self.sampleCount >= 511): #shows up to 2 seconds of data (512 samples = 2s of data given a 256 Hz sampling freq by the BCI) self.ProcessedSig.pop(0) self.SecondTimes.pop(0) plt.pause(0.01) print('closing graphing utility') self.inlet.close_stream()
def run_test(self): # Install handlers. This function runs in a sub-process, so we # don't worry about re-setting the default handlers. signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self.handlerA) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.handlerB) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, signal.SIG_IGN) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal.default_int_handler) # Variables the signals will modify: self.a_called = False self.b_called = False # Let the sub-processes know who to send signals to. pid = os.getpid() child = ignoring_eintr(subprocess.Popen, ['kill', '-HUP', str(pid)]) if child: self.wait(child) if not self.a_called: time.sleep(1) # Give the signal time to be delivered. self.assertTrue(self.a_called) self.assertFalse(self.b_called) self.a_called = False # Make sure the signal isn't delivered while the previous # Popen object is being destroyed, because __del__ swallows # exceptions. del child try: child = subprocess.Popen(['kill', '-USR1', str(pid)]) # This wait should be interrupted by the signal's exception. self.wait(child) time.sleep(1) # Give the signal time to be delivered. self.fail('HandlerBCalled exception not raised') except HandlerBCalled: self.assertTrue(self.b_called) self.assertFalse(self.a_called) child = ignoring_eintr(subprocess.Popen, ['kill', '-USR2', str(pid)]) if child: self.wait(child) # Nothing should happen. try: signal.alarm(1) # The race condition in pause doesn't matter in this case, # since alarm is going to raise a KeyboardException, which # will skip the call. signal.pause() # But if another signal arrives before the alarm, pause # may return early. time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except: self.fail("Some other exception woke us from pause: %s" % traceback.format_exc()) else: self.fail("pause returned of its own accord, and the signal" " didn't arrive after another second.") # Issue 3864, unknown if this affects earlier versions of freebsd also