def test_log(self): """Logging tests""" # Not much to test here but exercise the code nonetheless # for regression/coverage. log = Log(verbose=False, prefix='test') log.debug("Invisible debug.") try: raise ValueError("Test exception") except ValueError: log.exception("Test exception with message") for num in range(1, 5): log.debug("Debug") log.info("Info") log.warning("Warning") log.error("Error") log.critical("Crtitical") os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGUSR1 if (num % 2) != 0 else signal.SIGUSR2)
def handle_logging_signal(self, signum, frame): """ Handle a signal sent to this process (SIGUSR1 or SIGUSR2) to enable or disable logging. :param signum: signal number sent to process :type signum: int :param frame: current stack frame when signal was caught """ if signum == signal.SIGUSR1: logger.warning('Logging enabled via signal; send SIGUSR2 to PID ' '%d to disable logging', getpid()) self.log_enabled = True elif signum == signal.SIGUSR2: logger.warning('Logging disabled via signal; send SIGUSR1 to PID ' '%d to enable logging', getpid()) self.log_enabled = False # else don't know how we got here, but ignore it
def test_signals(self): signalled_all.acquire() self.spawnSignallingThread() signalled_all.acquire() # the signals that we asked the kernel to send # will come back, but we don't know when. # (it might even be after the thread exits # and might be out of order.) If we haven't seen # the signals yet, send yet another signal and # wait for it return. if signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR1]['tripped'] == 0 \ or signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR2]['tripped'] == 0: signal.alarm(1) signal.pause() signal.alarm(0) self.assertEqual( signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR1]['tripped'], 1) self.assertEqual( signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR1]['tripped_by'], thread.get_ident()) self.assertEqual( signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR2]['tripped'], 1) self.assertEqual( signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR2]['tripped_by'], thread.get_ident()) signalled_all.release()
def main(): win = Window() # allow keyboard interrupt / nodemon to end program cleanly for sig in [signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGUSR2]: signal.signal(sig, lambda _s, _f: win.on_delete()) style_provider = Gtk.CssProvider() style_provider.load_from_path(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/apart.css") Gtk.StyleContext.add_provider_for_screen( Gdk.Screen.get_default(), style_provider, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION ) win.show_all() Gtk.main()
def handler(self): ''' the signal/event alarm handler. This code is executed when the alarm is off. ''' if self.process.poll() != None: return try: if platform.system() == 'Linux': self.process.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR2) elif platform.system() == 'Windows': event_object = ctypes.windll.kernel32.OpenEventA( EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, False, self.event_name) ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetEvent(event_object) except OSError, ex: print '[!] ERROR: ', ex
def setup_limit(self): """set up the process limit""" assert currentThread().getName() == 'MainThread' os.setpgrp() if self._limit_set <= 0: if self.max_time is not None: self._old_usr2_hdlr = signal(SIGUSR2, self._hangle_sig_timeout) self._timer = Timer(max(1, int(self.max_time) - self._elapse_time), self._time_out) self._start_time = int(time()) self._timer.start() if self.max_cpu_time is not None: self._old_max_cpu_time = getrlimit(RLIMIT_CPU) cpu_limit = (int(self.max_cpu_time), self._old_max_cpu_time[1]) self._old_sigxcpu_hdlr = signal(SIGXCPU, self._handle_sigxcpu) setrlimit(RLIMIT_CPU, cpu_limit) if self.max_memory is not None: self._msentinel = MemorySentinel(1, int(self.max_memory) ) self._old_max_memory = getrlimit(RLIMIT_AS) self._old_usr1_hdlr = signal(SIGUSR1, self._hangle_sig_memory) as_limit = (int(self.max_memory), self._old_max_memory[1]) setrlimit(RLIMIT_AS, as_limit) self._msentinel.start() self._limit_set += 1
def clean_limit(self): """reinstall the old process limit""" if self._limit_set > 0: if self.max_time is not None: self._timer.cancel() self._elapse_time += int(time())-self._start_time self._timer = None signal(SIGUSR2, self._old_usr2_hdlr) if self.max_cpu_time is not None: setrlimit(RLIMIT_CPU, self._old_max_cpu_time) signal(SIGXCPU, self._old_sigxcpu_hdlr) if self.max_memory is not None: self._msentinel.stop() self._msentinel = None setrlimit(RLIMIT_AS, self._old_max_memory) signal(SIGUSR1, self._old_usr1_hdlr) self._limit_set -= 1
def test_register_signal_handler( self, patch_config, patch_db_connections, patch_restarter, patch_signal, patch_running, patch_producer, patch_exit, ): patch_running.return_value = False replication_stream = self._init_and_run_batch() # ZKLock also calls patch_signal, so we have to work around it assert [ mock.call(signal.SIGINT, replication_stream._handle_shutdown_signal), mock.call(signal.SIGTERM, replication_stream._handle_shutdown_signal), mock.call(signal.SIGUSR2, replication_stream._handle_profiler_signal), ] in patch_signal.call_args_list
def run_in_main_thread(self, func): if self.main_thread_func: return False self.main_thread_func = func os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGUSR2) return True
def _listen_configs(self, error_event): closing = False term_count = 0 configs = frozenset() try: while True: try: while not closing: if frozenset(self._handlers) == configs: configs = yield idiokit.next() configs = frozenset(iter_startups(config.flatten(configs))) yield self._apply(configs, error_event) yield self._wait(self._handlers.values()) except idiokit.Signal as sig: closing = True if sig.signum == signal.SIGUSR1: self._clean(signal.SIGTERM) continue if sig.signum == signal.SIGUSR2: self._clean(signal.SIGKILL) continue if term_count == 0: self._clean(signal.SIGTERM) term_count += 1 continue break finally: self._check()
def run_for_instance(self, options, instance): if not options.kill: yield instance.stop(signal.SIGUSR1) else: yield instance.stop(signal.SIGUSR2)
def _setup_signal_handlers(self): """Setup the signal handlers for daemon mode""" signals = self.signals # Ignore Terminal I/O Signals if hasattr(signal, 'SIGTTOU'): signals.ignore(signal.SIGTTOU) if hasattr(signal, 'SIGTTIN'): signals.ignore(signal.SIGTTIN) if hasattr(signal, 'SIGTSTP'): signals.ignore(signal.SIGTSTP) # Ignore USR signals if hasattr(signal, 'SIGUSR1'): signals.ignore(signal.SIGUSR1) if hasattr(signal, 'SIGUSR2'): signals.ignore(signal.SIGUSR2)
def setup_signal_handlers(self): """ setup signal handlers for logging enable/disable Note that this doesn't work on Windows. """ signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.handle_logging_signal) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, self.handle_logging_signal)
def test_setup_signal_handlers(self): with patch('%s.signal.signal' % pbm) as mock_signal: self.cls.setup_signal_handlers() assert mock_signal.mock_calls == [ call(signal.SIGUSR1, self.cls.handle_logging_signal), call(signal.SIGUSR2, self.cls.handle_logging_signal), ]
def test_handle_logging_signal_USR1(self): self.cls.log_enabled = False with patch('%s.logger' % pbm) as mock_logger: with patch('%s.getpid' % pbm) as mock_getpid: mock_getpid.return_value = 12345 self.cls.handle_logging_signal(signal.SIGUSR1, None) assert mock_logger.mock_calls == [ call.warning('Logging enabled via signal; send SIGUSR2 to PID %d ' 'to disable logging', 12345) ] assert self.cls.log_enabled is True
def test_handle_logging_signal_USR2(self): self.cls.log_enabled = True with patch('%s.logger' % pbm) as mock_logger: with patch('%s.getpid' % pbm) as mock_getpid: mock_getpid.return_value = 12345 self.cls.handle_logging_signal(signal.SIGUSR2, None) assert mock_logger.mock_calls == [ call.warning('Logging disabled via signal; send SIGUSR1 to PID %d ' 'to enable logging', 12345) ] assert self.cls.log_enabled is False
def registerSignals(for_usr1, for_usr2, for_alrm): usr1 = signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, for_usr1) usr2 = signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, for_usr2) alrm = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, for_alrm) return usr1, usr2, alrm # The signal handler. Just note that the signal occurred and # from who.
def send_signals(): os.kill(process_pid, signal.SIGUSR1) os.kill(process_pid, signal.SIGUSR2) signalled_all.release()
def test_signals(self): # Test signal handling semantics of threads. # We spawn a thread, have the thread send two signals, and # wait for it to finish. Check that we got both signals # and that they were run by the main thread. signalled_all.acquire() self.spawnSignallingThread() signalled_all.acquire() # the signals that we asked the kernel to send # will come back, but we don't know when. # (it might even be after the thread exits # and might be out of order.) If we haven't seen # the signals yet, send yet another signal and # wait for it return. if signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR1]['tripped'] == 0 \ or signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR2]['tripped'] == 0: signal.alarm(1) signal.pause() signal.alarm(0) self.assertEqual( signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR1]['tripped'], 1) self.assertEqual( signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR1]['tripped_by'], thread.get_ident()) self.assertEqual( signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR2]['tripped'], 1) self.assertEqual( signal_blackboard[signal.SIGUSR2]['tripped_by'], thread.get_ident()) signalled_all.release()
def test_main(): global signal_blackboard signal_blackboard = { signal.SIGUSR1 : {'tripped': 0, 'tripped_by': 0 }, signal.SIGUSR2 : {'tripped': 0, 'tripped_by': 0 }, signal.SIGALRM : {'tripped': 0, 'tripped_by': 0 } } oldsigs = registerSignals(handle_signals, handle_signals, handle_signals) try: run_unittest(ThreadSignals) finally: registerSignals(*oldsigs)
def _run_command_process(self, args): """Command (child) process entry point. args contains the function to execute and all arguments.""" setup_logging(args._level) command = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]) setproctitle('oc/command/%s' % command) faulthandler.register(signal.SIGUSR2, all_threads=True, chain=False) # pylint:disable=no-member self._setup_requests_audit_headers(command) ret = 1 try: chain = [self._run] if args._profile: chain.append(profiling_wrapper) if args._pdb: chain.append(pdb_wrapper) ret = call_chain(chain, args) except SystemExit as exc: ret = exc.code except ParserError as pe: pe.report() except Exception: # pylint:disable=broad-except logging.exception('Top level exception in command process') finally: sys.exit(ret)