def __new__(cls, filename=None, *args, **kwargs): if not isinstance(filename, string_types): obj = object.__new__(cls) # The Stream frontend uses a StreamHandler object to pass metadata # to __init__. is_stream = (hasattr(filename, 'get_fields') and hasattr(filename, 'get_particle_type')) if not is_stream: obj.__init__(filename, *args, **kwargs) return obj apath = os.path.abspath(filename) cache_key = (apath, cPickle.dumps(args), cPickle.dumps(kwargs)) if ytcfg.getboolean("yt","skip_dataset_cache"): obj = object.__new__(cls) elif cache_key not in _cached_datasets: obj = object.__new__(cls) if obj._skip_cache is False: _cached_datasets[cache_key] = obj else: obj = _cached_datasets[cache_key] return obj
def check_pickling(self, x_data): x = chainer.Variable(x_data) y = self.link(x) y_data1 = y.data del x, y pickled = pickle.dumps(self.link, -1) del self.link self.link = pickle.loads(pickled) x = chainer.Variable(x_data) y = self.link(x) y_data2 = y.data gradient_check.assert_allclose(y_data1, y_data2, atol=0, rtol=0)
def save(self, key, data): try: with open(self.cache_path, 'wb') as fh: self.data[pickle.dumps(key)] = data pickle.dump(self.data, fh, protocol=2) except Exception as e: log.warning("Could not save cache %s err: %s" % ( self.cache_path, e)) if not os.path.exists(self.cache_path): directory = os.path.dirname(self.cache_path) log.info('Generating Cache directory: %s.' % directory) try: os.makedirs(directory) except Exception as e: log.warning("Could not create directory: %s err: %s" % ( directory, e))
def update(self, items): if self.read_only: return query = """UPDATE {tb} SET value=(?) WHERE key=("?");""" if isinstance(items, Mapping): items = items.items() # ====== check if update is in cache ====== # db_update = [] for key, value in items: key = str(key) if key in self.current_cache: self.current_cache[key] = value else: db_update.append((marshal.dumps(value), key)) # ====== perform DB update ====== # self.cursor.executemany(query.format(tb=self._current_table), db_update) self.connection.commit() return self
def test_complex_transform(self): with TemporaryDirectory() as temp: from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline path = os.path.join(temp, 'audio.sph') urlretrieve(filename=path, url='https://s3.amazonaws.com/ai-datasets/sw02001.sph') f = Pipeline([ ('step1', model.SpeechTransform('mspec', fs=8000, vad=True)), ('step2', model.Transform(lambda x: (x[0][:, :40], x[1].astype(str)))), ('step3', model.Transform(lambda x: (np.sum(x[0]), ''.join(x[1].tolist())))) ]) x = f.transform(path) f = cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(f)) y = f.transform(path) self.assertEqual(x[0], y[0]) self.assertEqual(y[0], -3444229.0) self.assertEqual(x[1], y[1])
def test_pickling(self): so = ex.SomeObj(minlen=5) assert so._sav.entity.minlen == 5 pstr = pickle.dumps(so) del so so2 = pickle.loads(pstr) assert so2._sav.entity.minlen == 5 # make sure it's a weakref vh = so2._sav del so2 gc.collect() try: vh.entity assert False, 'expected exception' except EntityRefMissing: pass
def check_pickling(self, x_data): x = chainer.Variable(x_data) y = self.link(x) y_data1 = y.data del x, y pickled = pickle.dumps(self.link, -1) del self.link self.link = pickle.loads(pickled) x = chainer.Variable(x_data) y = self.link(x) y_data2 = y.data testing.assert_allclose(y_data1, y_data2, atol=0, rtol=0)
def record_metadata_solver(self, recording_requester): """ Record solver metadata. Parameters ---------- recording_requester: <Solver> The Solver that would like to record its metadata. """ path = recording_requester._system.pathname solver_class = type(recording_requester).__name__ if not path: path = 'root' id = "{}.{}".format(path, solver_class) solver_options = pickle.dumps(recording_requester.options, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) with self.con: self.con.execute( "INSERT INTO solver_metadata(id, solver_options, solver_class) " "VALUES(?,?,?)", (id, sqlite3.Binary(solver_options), solver_class))
def _record_driver_metadata(self, driver_class, model_viewer_data): """ Record driver metadata. Parameters ---------- driver_class : str The name of the driver type. model_viewer_data : JSON Object All model viewer data, including variable names relationships. """ driver_metadata_dict = { 'id': driver_class, 'model_viewer_data': model_viewer_data } driver_metadata = json.dumps(driver_metadata_dict) requests.post(self._endpoint + '/' + self._case_id + '/driver_metadata', data=driver_metadata, headers=self._headers)
def test_map(self): def plus_one(x): return x + 1 N = 10 x = np.arange(N) futures_original = self.wrenexec.map(plus_one, x) futures_str = pickle.dumps(futures_original) futures = pickle.loads(futures_str) result_count = 0 while result_count < N: fs_dones, fs_notdones = pywren.wait(futures) result_count = len(fs_dones) res = np.array([f.result() for f in futures]) np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, x + 1)
def _serialize_key(self, key): return cPickle.dumps(key)
def to_bytes(graph, protocol=HIGHEST_PROTOCOL): """Converts a graph to bytes with pickle. Note that the pickle module has some incompatibilities between Python 2 and 3. To export a universally importable pickle, choose 0, 1, or 2. :param BELGraph graph: A BEL network :param int protocol: Pickling protocol to use :return: Pickled bytes representing the graph :rtype: bytes .. seealso:: https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/pickle.html#data-stream-format """ raise_for_not_bel(graph) return dumps(graph, protocol=protocol)
def save_pklgz(obj, path, log_description=None, logger=None, logging_level=logging.INFO, verbose_start=True, verbose_end=True, end_in_new_line=True, log_prefix="..."): if log_description is None: log_description = "Pickling to " + (path) with SimpleTimer(log_description, logger, logging_level, verbose_start, verbose_end, end_in_new_line, log_prefix): pkl = cPickle.dumps(obj, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) with gzip.open(path, "wb") as fp: fp.write(pkl)
def _dumps(o): return cPickle.dumps(o, protocol=-1)
def test_pickle_cpu(self): fs2_serialized = pickle.dumps(self.fs2) fs2_loaded = pickle.loads(fs2_serialized) self.assertTrue((self.fs2.b.p.data == fs2_loaded.b.p.data).all()) self.assertTrue( (self.fs2.fs1.a.p.data == fs2_loaded.fs1.a.p.data).all())
def test_pickle_gpu(self): self.fs2.to_gpu() fs2_serialized = pickle.dumps(self.fs2) fs2_loaded = pickle.loads(fs2_serialized) fs2_loaded.to_cpu() self.fs2.to_cpu() self.assertTrue((self.fs2.b.p.data == fs2_loaded.b.p.data).all()) self.assertTrue( (self.fs2.fs1.a.p.data == fs2_loaded.fs1.a.p.data).all())
def test_pickle_cpu(self): s = pickle.dumps(self.fs) fs2 = pickle.loads(s) self.check_equal_fs(self.fs, fs2)
def test_pickle_gpu(self): self.fs.to_gpu() s = pickle.dumps(self.fs) fs2 = pickle.loads(s) self.fs.to_cpu() fs2.to_cpu() self.check_equal_fs(self.fs, fs2)
def get(self, key): return self.data.get(pickle.dumps(key))
def save(self, key, data): self.data[pickle.dumps(key)] = data
def get(self, key): k = pickle.dumps(key) return self.data.get(k)
def test_get(self): #mock the pick and set it to the data variable test_pickle = pickle.dumps( {pickle.dumps(self.test_key): self.test_value}, protocol=2) self.test_cache.data = pickle.loads(test_pickle) #assert self.assertEquals(self.test_cache.get(self.test_key), self.test_value) self.assertEquals(self.test_cache.get(self.bad_key), None)
def __setstate__(self, states): path, read_only, cache_size = states if not os.path.exists(path): raise ValueError("Cannot find store NoSQL database at path: %s." "If you have moved the database, the dumps from " "cannot restore the previous intance." % path) self._restore_dict(path, read_only, cache_size) self._path = path self._read_only = read_only self._cache_size = cache_size
def _flush(self, save_all=False): curr_tab = self.current_table tables = self.get_all_tables() if save_all else [curr_tab] for tab in tables: self.set_table(tab) if len(self.current_cache) > 0: self.cursor.executemany( "INSERT INTO {tb} VALUES (?, ?)".format(tb=tab), [(str(k), marshal.dumps(v.tolist()) if isinstance(v, np.ndarray) else marshal.dumps(v)) for k, v in self.current_cache.items()]) self.connection.commit() self.current_cache.clear() # restore the last table return self.set_table(curr_tab)
def func_to_str(func): # conver to byte code = cPickle.dumps(array("B", marshal.dumps(func.__code__)), protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) closure = None if func.__closure__ is not None: print("[WARNING] function: %s contains closure, which cannot be " "serialized." % str(func)) closure = tuple([c.cell_contents for c in func.__closure__]) defaults = func.__defaults__ return (code, closure, defaults)
def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs): super(functionable, self).__init__() self._function = func self.__name__ = self._function.__name__ try: # sometime cannot get the source self._source = inspect.getsource(self._function) except Exception as e: print("[WARNING] Cannot get source code of function:", func, "(error:%s)" % str(e)) self._source = None # try to pickle the function directly try: self._sandbox = cPickle.dumps(self._function, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) except Exception: self._sandbox = _serialize_function_sandbox(func, self._source) # ====== store argsmap ====== # argspec = inspect.getargspec(func) argsmap = OrderedDict([(i, _ArgPlaceHolder_()) for i in argspec.args]) # store defaults if argspec.defaults is not None: for name, arg in zip(argspec.args[::-1], argspec.defaults[::-1]): argsmap[name] = arg # update positional arguments for name, arg in zip(argspec.args, args): argsmap[name] = arg # update kw arguments argsmap.update(kwargs) self._argsmap = argsmap # ==================== Pickling methods ==================== #
def is_pickleable(x): try: cPickle.dumps(x, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) return True except cPickle.PickleError: return False
def _serialise_args(shared_objects, args): # pragma: no cover serialised_args = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, _SharedConstant): value = arg.value key = id(value) if key not in shared_objects: shared_objects[key] = dumps(value) ref = _SharedRef(key=key) serialised = ref else: serialised = arg serialised_args.append(serialised) return tuple(serialised_args)
def test_pickle_unpickle_with_reoptimization(): mode = theano.config.mode if mode in ["DEBUG_MODE", "DebugMode"]: mode = "FAST_RUN" x1 = T.fmatrix('x1') x2 = T.fmatrix('x2') x3 = theano.shared(numpy.ones((10, 10), dtype=floatX)) x4 = theano.shared(numpy.ones((10, 10), dtype=floatX)) y = T.sum(T.sum(T.sum(x1 ** 2 + x2) + x3) + x4) updates = OrderedDict() updates[x3] = x3 + 1 updates[x4] = x4 + 1 f = theano.function([x1, x2], y, updates=updates, mode=mode) # now pickle the compiled theano fn string_pkl = pickle.dumps(f, -1) in1 = numpy.ones((10, 10), dtype=floatX) in2 = numpy.ones((10, 10), dtype=floatX) # test unpickle with optimization default = theano.config.reoptimize_unpickled_function try: # the default is True theano.config.reoptimize_unpickled_function = True f_ = pickle.loads(string_pkl) assert f(in1, in2) == f_(in1, in2) finally: theano.config.reoptimize_unpickled_function = default
def test_pickle_unpickle_without_reoptimization(): mode = theano.config.mode if mode in ["DEBUG_MODE", "DebugMode"]: mode = "FAST_RUN" x1 = T.fmatrix('x1') x2 = T.fmatrix('x2') x3 = theano.shared(numpy.ones((10, 10), dtype=floatX)) x4 = theano.shared(numpy.ones((10, 10), dtype=floatX)) y = T.sum(T.sum(T.sum(x1**2 + x2) + x3) + x4) updates = OrderedDict() updates[x3] = x3 + 1 updates[x4] = x4 + 1 f = theano.function([x1, x2], y, updates=updates, mode=mode) # now pickle the compiled theano fn string_pkl = pickle.dumps(f, -1) # compute f value in1 = numpy.ones((10, 10), dtype=floatX) in2 = numpy.ones((10, 10), dtype=floatX) # test unpickle without optimization default = theano.config.reoptimize_unpickled_function try: # the default is True theano.config.reoptimize_unpickled_function = False f_ = pickle.loads(string_pkl) assert f(in1, in2) == f_(in1, in2) finally: theano.config.reoptimize_unpickled_function = default
def test_pickle_bug(self): # Regression test for bug fixed in 24d4fd291054. o = Prod() s = pickle.dumps(o, protocol=-1) o = pickle.loads(s) pickle.dumps(o)
def test_pickle(self): a = T.scalar() # the a is for 'anonymous' (un-named). x, s = T.scalars('xs') f = function([x, In(a, value=1.0, name='a'), In(s, value=0.0, update=s + a * x, mutable=True)], s + a * x) try: # Note that here we also test protocol 0 on purpose, since it # should work (even though one should not use it). g = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(f, protocol=0)) g = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(f, protocol=-1)) except NotImplementedError as e: if e[0].startswith('DebugMode is not picklable'): return else: raise # if they both return, assume that they return equivalent things. # print [(k,id(k)) for k in f.finder.keys()] # print [(k,id(k)) for k in g.finder.keys()] self.assertFalse(g.container[0].storage is f.container[0].storage) self.assertFalse(g.container[1].storage is f.container[1].storage) self.assertFalse(g.container[2].storage is f.container[2].storage) self.assertFalse(x in g.container) self.assertFalse(x in g.value) self.assertFalse(g.value[1] is f.value[1]) # should not have been copied self.assertFalse(g.value[2] is f.value[2]) # should have been copied because it is mutable. self.assertFalse((g.value[2] != f.value[2]).any()) # its contents should be identical self.assertTrue(f(2, 1) == g(2)) # they should be in sync, default value should be copied. self.assertTrue(f(2, 1) == g(2)) # they should be in sync, default value should be copied. f(1, 2) # put them out of sync self.assertFalse(f(1, 2) == g(1, 2)) # they should not be equal anymore.
def startup(self, recording_requester): """ Prepare for a new run and create/update the abs2prom and prom2abs variables. Parameters ---------- recording_requester : Object to which this recorder is attached. """ super(SqliteRecorder, self).startup(recording_requester) # grab the system if isinstance(recording_requester, Driver): system = recording_requester._problem.model elif isinstance(recording_requester, System): system = recording_requester else: system = recording_requester._system # merge current abs2prom and prom2abs with this system's version for io in ['input', 'output']: for v in system._var_abs2prom[io]: self._abs2prom[io][v] = system._var_abs2prom[io][v] for v in system._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list[io]: if v not in self._prom2abs[io]: self._prom2abs[io][v] = system._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list[io][v] else: self._prom2abs[io][v] = list(set(self._prom2abs[io][v]) | set(system._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list[io][v])) # store the updated abs2prom and prom2abs abs2prom = pickle.dumps(self._abs2prom) prom2abs = pickle.dumps(self._prom2abs) if self._open_close_sqlite: with self.con: self.con.execute("UPDATE metadata SET abs2prom=?, prom2abs=?", (abs2prom, prom2abs))
def record_metadata_driver(self, recording_requester): """ Record driver metadata. Parameters ---------- recording_requester: <Driver> The Driver that would like to record its metadata. """ driver_class = type(recording_requester).__name__ model_viewer_data = pickle.dumps(recording_requester._model_viewer_data, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) with self.con: self.con.execute("INSERT INTO driver_metadata(id, model_viewer_data) VALUES(?,?)", (driver_class, sqlite3.Binary(model_viewer_data)))
def record_metadata_system(self, recording_requester): """ Record system metadata. Parameters ---------- recording_requester: <System> The System that would like to record its metadata. """ # Cannot handle PETScVector yet from openmdao.api import PETScVector if PETScVector and isinstance(recording_requester._outputs, PETScVector): return # Cannot handle PETScVector yet # collect scaling arrays scaling_vecs = {} for kind, odict in iteritems(recording_requester._vectors): scaling_vecs[kind] = scaling = {} for vecname, vec in iteritems(odict): scaling[vecname] = vec._scaling scaling_factors = pickle.dumps(scaling_vecs, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) path = recording_requester.pathname if not path: path = 'root' with self.con: self.con.execute("INSERT INTO system_metadata(id, scaling_factors) \ VALUES(?,?)", (path, sqlite3.Binary(scaling_factors)))
def record_metadata_driver(self, recording_requester): """ Record driver metadata. Parameters ---------- recording_requester: <Driver> The Driver that would like to record its metadata. """ driver_class = type(recording_requester).__name__ model_viewer_data = json.dumps(recording_requester._model_viewer_data) self._record_driver_metadata(driver_class, model_viewer_data)
def test_pickle(self): self.test_file_name_property() name = "file" file1 = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, name) wrap = FileWrapper(file1) pickled_data = pickle.dumps(wrap) wrap2 = pickle.loads(pickled_data) print(wrap2.file_path)
def test_pickle(self): rpm_version = [int(v) for v in getattr(rpm, '__version__', '0.0').split('.')] if rpm_version[0:2] < [4, 10]: warnings.warn('RPM header pickling unsupported in rpm %s' % rpm_version) return wrap = RpmWrapper(self.file_path) pickled_data = pickle.dumps(wrap) wrap2 = pickle.loads(pickled_data) self.assertEqual(wrap.name, wrap2.name)
def test_pickle(self): wrap = SimpleRpmWrapper(self.file_path) pickled_data = pickle.dumps(wrap) wrap2 = pickle.loads(pickled_data) self.assertEqual(wrap.name, wrap2.name)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): # If the function args cannot be used as a cache hash key, fail fast key = pickle.dumps((args, kwargs)) try: return self.cache[key] except KeyError: value = self.func(*args, **kwargs) self.cache[key] = value return value
def __init__(self, data_desc, dtype=None, batch_filter=None, batch_mode='batch', ncpu=1, buffer_size=8, hwm=86, mpi_backend='python'): super(Feeder, self).__init__(data=as_tuple(data_desc, t=DataDescriptor), read_only=True) # find intersection of all indices in DataDescriptor self._indices_keys = async( lambda: np.array( list(set.intersection(*[set(dat.indices.keys()) for dat in self._data])), dtype=str) )() # ====== desire dtype ====== # nb_data = sum(len(dat._data) for dat in self._data) self._output_dtype = as_tuple(dtype, N=nb_data) # ====== Set default recipes ====== # self._recipes = RecipeList() self._recipes.set_feeder_info(nb_desc=len(self._data)) self.set_multiprocessing(ncpu, buffer_size, hwm, mpi_backend) # ====== cache shape information ====== # # store first dimension self._cache_shape = None # if the recipes changed the shape need to be recalculated self._recipes_changed = False # ====== Iteration information ====== # self._running_iter = [] # ====== batch mode ====== # if batch_filter is None: batch_filter = _dummy_batch_filter elif not hasattr(batch_filter, '__call__'): raise ValueError('batch_filter must be a function has 1 or 2 ' 'parameters (X) or (X, y).') # check if batch_filter Picklable try: cPickle.dumps(batch_filter, protocol=2) except Exception: raise ValueError("`batch_filter` must be pickle-able, which must be " "top-level function.") self._batch_filter = batch_filter # check batch_mode batch_mode = str(batch_mode).lower() if batch_mode not in ("batch", 'file'): raise ValueError("Only support `batch_mode`: 'file'; 'batch', but " "given value: '%s'" % batch_mode) self._batch_mode = batch_mode # ==================== pickling ==================== #
def _flush(self, save_all=False): """ Parameters ---------- save_indices: bool force the indices dictionary to be saved, even though, its increased hasn't reach the maximum. """ # check if closed or in read only mode if self.is_closed or self.read_only: return # ====== write new data ====== # # get old position file = self._file # start from header (i.e. "mmapdict") file.seek(len(MmapDict.HEADER)) max_position = int(file.read(MmapDict.SIZE_BYTES)) # ====== serialize the data ====== # # start from old_max_position, append new values file.seek(max_position) for key, value in self._cache_dict.items(): try: value = marshal.dumps(value) except ValueError: raise RuntimeError("Cannot marshal.dump %s" % str(value)) self.indices[key] = (max_position, len(value)) max_position += len(value) file.write(value) # increase indices size (in MegaBytes) self._increased_indices_size += (8 + 8 + len(key)) / 1024. / 1024. # ====== write the dumped indices ====== # indices_length = 0 if save_all or \ self._increased_indices_size > MmapDict.MAX_INDICES_SIZE: indices_dump = cPickle.dumps(self.indices, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) indices_length = len(indices_dump) file.write(indices_dump) self._increased_indices_size = 0. # ====== update the position ====== # # write new max size file.seek(len(MmapDict.HEADER)) max_position = ('%' + str(MmapDict.SIZE_BYTES) + 'd') % max_position file.write(max_position.encode()) # update length of pickled indices dictionary if indices_length > 0: indices_length = ('%' + str(MmapDict.SIZE_BYTES) + 'd') % indices_length file.write(indices_length.encode()) # flush everything file.flush() # upate the mmap self._mmap.close(); del self._mmap self._mmap = mmap.mmap(file.fileno(), length=0, offset=0, flags=mmap.MAP_SHARED) # reset some values del self._cache_dict self._cache_dict = {} # ==================== I/O methods ==================== #
def test_optimizations_preserved(self): a = T.dvector() # the a is for 'anonymous' (un-named). x = T.dvector('x') s = T.dvector('s') xm = T.dmatrix('x') sm = T.dmatrix('s') f = function([a, x, s, xm, sm], ((a.T.T) * (tensor.dot(xm, (sm.T.T.T)) + x).T * (x / x) + s)) old_default_mode = config.mode old_default_opt = config.optimizer old_default_link = config.linker try: try: str_f = pickle.dumps(f, protocol=-1) config.mode = 'Mode' config.linker = 'py' config.optimizer = 'None' g = pickle.loads(str_f) # print g.maker.mode # print compile.mode.default_mode except NotImplementedError as e: if e[0].startswith('DebugMode is not pickl'): g = 'ok' finally: config.mode = old_default_mode config.optimizer = old_default_opt config.linker = old_default_link if g == 'ok': return assert f.maker is not g.maker assert f.maker.fgraph is not g.maker.fgraph tf = f.maker.fgraph.toposort() tg = f.maker.fgraph.toposort() assert len(tf) == len(tg) for nf, ng in zip(tf, tg): assert nf.op == ng.op assert len(nf.inputs) == len(ng.inputs) assert len(nf.outputs) == len(ng.outputs) assert [i.type for i in nf.inputs] == [i.type for i in ng.inputs] assert [i.type for i in nf.outputs] == [i.type for i in ng.outputs]
def __init__(self, token, case_name='Case Recording', endpoint='http://www.openmdao.org/visualization', port='', case_id=None, suppress_output=False): """ Initialize the OpenMDAOServerRecorder. Parameters ---------- token: <string> The token to be passed as a user's unique identifier. Register to get a token at the given endpoint case_name: <string> The name this case should be stored under. Default: 'Case Recording' endpoint: <string> The URL (minus port, if not 80) where the server is hosted port: <string> The port which the server is listening on. Default to empty string (port 80) suppress_output: <bool> Indicates if all printing should be suppressed in this recorder """ super(WebRecorder, self).__init__() self.model_viewer_data = None self._headers = {'token': token, 'update': "False"} if port != '': self._endpoint = endpoint + ':' + port + '/case' else: self._endpoint = endpoint + '/case' self._abs2prom = {'input': {}, 'output': {}} self._prom2abs = {'input': {}, 'output': {}} if case_id is None: case_data_dict = { 'case_name': case_name, 'owner': 'temp_owner' } case_data = json.dumps(case_data_dict) # Post case and get Case ID case_request = requests.post(self._endpoint, data=case_data, headers=self._headers) response = case_request.json() if response['status'] != 'Failed': self._case_id = str(response['case_id']) else: self._case_id = '-1' if not suppress_output: print("Failed to initialize case on server. No messages will be accepted \ from server for this case. Make sure you registered for a token at the \ given endpoint.") if 'reasoning' in response: if not suppress_output: print("Failure reasoning: " + response['reasoning']) else: self._case_id = str(case_id) self._headers['update'] = "True"
def _record_driver_iteration(self, counter, iteration_coordinate, success, msg, desvars, responses, objectives, constraints, sysincludes): """ Record a driver iteration. Parameters ---------- counter : int The global counter associated with this iteration. iteration_coordinate : str The iteration coordinate to identify this iteration. success : int Integer to indicate success. msg : str The metadata message. desvars : [JSON] The array of json objects representing the design variables. responses : [JSON] The array of json objects representing the responses. objectives : [JSON] The array of json objects representing the objectives. constraints : [JSON] The array of json objects representing the constraints. sysincludes : [JSON] The array of json objects representing the system variables explicitly included in the options. """ driver_iteration_dict = { "counter": counter, "iteration_coordinate": iteration_coordinate, "success": success, "msg": msg, "desvars": [] if desvars is None else desvars, "responses": [] if responses is None else responses, "objectives": [] if objectives is None else objectives, "constraints": [] if constraints is None else constraints, "sysincludes": [] if sysincludes is None else sysincludes } global_iteration_dict = { 'record_type': 'driver', 'counter': counter } driver_iteration = json.dumps(driver_iteration_dict) global_iteration = json.dumps(global_iteration_dict) requests.post(self._endpoint + '/' + self._case_id + '/driver_iterations', data=driver_iteration, headers=self._headers) requests.post(self._endpoint + '/' + self._case_id + '/global_iterations', data=global_iteration, headers=self._headers)
def _record_system_iteration(self, counter, iteration_coordinate, success, msg, inputs, outputs, residuals): """ Record a system iteration. Parameters ---------- counter : int The global counter associated with this iteration. iteration_coordinate : str The iteration coordinate to identify this iteration. success : int Integer to indicate success. msg : str The metadata message. inputs : [JSON] The array of json objects representing the inputs. outputs : [JSON] The array of json objects representing the outputs. residuals : [JSON] The array of json objects representing the residuals. """ system_iteration_dict = { 'counter': counter, 'iteration_coordinate': iteration_coordinate, 'success': success, 'msg': msg, 'inputs': [] if inputs is None else inputs, 'outputs': [] if outputs is None else outputs, 'residuals': [] if residuals is None else residuals } global_iteration_dict = { 'record_type': 'system', 'counter': counter } system_iteration = json.dumps(system_iteration_dict) global_iteration = json.dumps(global_iteration_dict) requests.post(self._endpoint + '/' + self._case_id + '/system_iterations', data=system_iteration, headers=self._headers) requests.post(self._endpoint + '/' + self._case_id + '/global_iterations', data=global_iteration, headers=self._headers)
def _record_solver_iteration(self, counter, iteration_coordinate, success, msg, abs_error, rel_error, outputs, residuals): """ Record a solver iteration. Parameters ---------- counter : int The global counter associated with this iteration. iteration_coordinate : str The iteration coordinate to identify this iteration. success : int Integer to indicate success. msg : str The metadata message. abs_error : float The absolute error. rel_error : float The relative error. outputs : [JSON] The array of json objects representing the outputs. residuals : [JSON] The array of json objects representing the residuals. """ solver_iteration_dict = { 'counter': counter, 'iteration_coordinate': iteration_coordinate, 'success': success, 'msg': msg, 'abs_err': abs_error, 'rel_err': rel_error, 'solver_output': [] if outputs is None else outputs, 'solver_residuals': [] if residuals is None else residuals } global_iteration_dict = { 'record_type': 'solver', 'counter': counter } solver_iteration = json.dumps(solver_iteration_dict) global_iteration = json.dumps(global_iteration_dict) requests.post(self._endpoint + '/' + self._case_id + '/solver_iterations', data=solver_iteration, headers=self._headers) requests.post(self._endpoint + '/' + self._case_id + '/global_iterations', data=global_iteration, headers=self._headers)