Python six.moves.http_client 模块,SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE 实例源码


项目:deb-python-oauth2client    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test__do_refresh_request_failure_w_json_error_and_desc(self):
        response = http_mock.ResponseMock(
            {'status': http_client.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE})
        base_error = 'Ruckus'
        error_desc = 'Can you describe the ruckus'
        content = json.dumps({
            'error': base_error,
            'error_description': error_desc,
        error_msg = '{0}: {1}'.format(base_error, error_desc)
        self._do_refresh_request_test_helper(response, content, error_msg)
项目:REMAP    作者:REMAPApp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test__do_refresh_request_failure_w_json_error_and_desc(self):
        response = http_mock.ResponseMock(
            {'status': http_client.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE})
        base_error = 'Ruckus'
        error_desc = 'Can you describe the ruckus'
        content = json.dumps({
            'error': base_error,
            'error_description': error_desc,
        error_msg = '{0}: {1}'.format(base_error, error_desc)
        self._do_refresh_request_test_helper(response, content, error_msg)
项目:cmdchallenge-site    作者:jarv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def leave_swarm(self, force=False):
        Leave a swarm.

            force (bool): Leave the swarm even if this node is a manager.
                Default: ``False``

            ``True`` if the request went through.

                If the server returns an error.
        url = self._url('/swarm/leave')
        response = self._post(url, params={'force': force})
        # Ignore "this node is not part of a swarm" error
        if force and response.status_code == http_client.NOT_ACCEPTABLE:
            return True
        # FIXME: Temporary workaround for 1.13.0-rc bug
        if force and response.status_code == http_client.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE:
            return True
        return True
项目:treadmill    作者:Morgan-Stanley    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_retry_on_503(self, resp_mock):
        """Test retry for status code that should be retried (e.g. 503)"""
        resp_mock.return_value.status_code = http_client.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE

        with self.assertRaises(restclient.MaxRequestRetriesError):
            restclient.get('', '/')
项目:solaris-ips    作者:oracle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def index_0(self, *tokens):
                """Provides an administrative interface for search indexing.
                Returns no output if successful; otherwise the response body
                will contain the failure details.

                        cmd = tokens[0]
                except IndexError:
                        cmd = ""

                # These commands cause the operation requested to be queued
                # for later execution.  This does mean that if the operation
                # fails, the client won't know about it, but this is necessary
                # since these are long running operations (are likely to exceed
                # connection timeout limits).
                        if cmd == "refresh":
                                # Update search indexes.
                                err = "Unknown index subcommand: {0}".format(
                                raise cherrypy.HTTPError(http_client.NOT_FOUND, err)
                except queue.Full:
                        raise cherrypy.HTTPError(http_client.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE,
                           "Another operation is already in progress; try "
                           "again later.")
项目:solaris-ips    作者:oracle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def search_1(self, *args, **params):
                # Raise assorted errors; if not, call superclass search_1.
                if self.need_nasty():
                        errs = [http_client.NOT_FOUND, http_client.BAD_REQUEST,
                        code = random.choice(errs)
                        cherrypy.log("NASTY search_1: HTTP {0:d}".format(code))
                        raise cherrypy.HTTPError(code)

                return DepotHTTP.search_1(self, *args, **params)
项目:solaris-ips    作者:oracle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def feed(depot, request, response, pub):
        if depot.repo.mirror:
                raise cherrypy.HTTPError(http_client.NOT_FOUND,
                    "Operation not supported in current server mode.")
        if not depot.repo.get_catalog(pub).updates:
                raise cherrypy.HTTPError(http_client.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE,
                    "No update history; unable to generate feed.")
        return pkg.server.feed.handle(depot, request, response, pub)
项目:os-xenapi    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_resp_status_and_retry(resp, image_id, url):
    # Note(Jesse): This branch sorts errors into those that are permanent,
    # those that are ephemeral, and those that are unexpected.
    if resp.status in (httplib.BAD_REQUEST,                      # 400
                       httplib.UNAUTHORIZED,                     # 401
                       httplib.PAYMENT_REQUIRED,                 # 402
                       httplib.FORBIDDEN,                        # 403
                       httplib.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED,               # 405
                       httplib.NOT_ACCEPTABLE,                   # 406
                       httplib.PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED,    # 407
                       httplib.CONFLICT,                         # 409
                       httplib.GONE,                             # 410
                       httplib.LENGTH_REQUIRED,                  # 411
                       httplib.PRECONDITION_FAILED,              # 412
                       httplib.REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE,         # 413
                       httplib.REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG,             # 414
                       httplib.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE,           # 415
                       httplib.REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE,  # 416
                       httplib.EXPECTATION_FAILED,               # 417
                       httplib.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY,             # 422
                       httplib.LOCKED,                           # 423
                       httplib.FAILED_DEPENDENCY,                # 424
                       httplib.UPGRADE_REQUIRED,                 # 426
                       httplib.NOT_IMPLEMENTED,                  # 501
                       httplib.HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED,       # 505
                       httplib.NOT_EXTENDED,                     # 510
        raise PluginError("Got Permanent Error response [%i] while "
                          "uploading image [%s] to glance [%s]"
                          % (resp.status, image_id, url))
    # Nova service would process the exception
    elif resp.status == httplib.NOT_FOUND:                        # 404
        exc = XenAPI.Failure('ImageNotFound')
        raise exc
    # NOTE(nikhil): Only a sub-set of the 500 errors are retryable. We
    # optimistically retry on 500 errors below.
    elif resp.status in (httplib.REQUEST_TIMEOUT,                # 408
                         httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,          # 500
                         httplib.BAD_GATEWAY,                    # 502
                         httplib.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE,            # 503
                         httplib.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT,                # 504
                         httplib.INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE,           # 507
        raise RetryableError("Got Ephemeral Error response [%i] while "
                             "uploading image [%s] to glance [%s]"
                             % (resp.status, image_id, url))
        # Note(Jesse): Assume unexpected errors are retryable. If you are
        # seeing this error message, the error should probably be added
        # to either the ephemeral or permanent error list.
        raise RetryableError("Got Unexpected Error response [%i] while "
                             "uploading image [%s] to glance [%s]"
                             % (resp.status, image_id, url))