Python skimage.exposure 模块,adjust_gamma() 实例源码


项目:deepsleepnet    作者:akaraspt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def brightness(x, gamma=1, gain=1, is_random=False):
    """Change the brightness of a single image, randomly or non-randomly.

    x : numpy array
        An image with dimension of [row, col, channel] (default).
    gamma : float, small than 1 means brighter.
        Non negative real number. Default value is 1.

        - If is_random is True, gamma in a range of (1-gamma, 1+gamma).
    gain : float
        The constant multiplier. Default value is 1.
    is_random : boolean, default False
        - If True, randomly change brightness.

    - `skimage.exposure.adjust_gamma <>`_
    - `chinese blog <>`_
    if is_random:
        gamma = np.random.uniform(1-gamma, 1+gamma)
    x = exposure.adjust_gamma(x, gamma, gain)
    return x
项目:deepsleepnet    作者:akaraspt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def brightness_multi(x, gamma=1, gain=1, is_random=False):
    """Change the brightness of multiply images, randomly or non-randomly.
    Usually be used for image segmentation which x=[X, Y], X and Y should be matched.

    x : list of numpy array
        List of images with dimension of [n_images, row, col, channel] (default).
    others : see ``brightness``.
    if is_random:
        gamma = np.random.uniform(1-gamma, 1+gamma)

    results = []
    for data in x:
        results.append( exposure.adjust_gamma(data, gamma, gain) )
    return np.asarray(results)

# contrast
项目:tensorlayer-chinese    作者:shorxp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def brightness(x, gamma=1, gain=1, is_random=False):
    """Change the brightness of a single image, randomly or non-randomly.

    x : numpy array
        An image with dimension of [row, col, channel] (default).
    gamma : float, small than 1 means brighter.
        Non negative real number. Default value is 1, smaller means brighter.

        - If is_random is True, gamma in a range of (1-gamma, 1+gamma).
    gain : float
        The constant multiplier. Default value is 1.
    is_random : boolean, default False
        - If True, randomly change brightness.

    - `skimage.exposure.adjust_gamma <>`_
    - `chinese blog <>`_
    if is_random:
        gamma = np.random.uniform(1-gamma, 1+gamma)
    x = exposure.adjust_gamma(x, gamma, gain)
    return x
项目:tensorlayer-chinese    作者:shorxp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def brightness_multi(x, gamma=1, gain=1, is_random=False):
    """Change the brightness of multiply images, randomly or non-randomly.
    Usually be used for image segmentation which x=[X, Y], X and Y should be matched.

    x : list of numpy array
        List of images with dimension of [n_images, row, col, channel] (default).
    others : see ``brightness``.
    if is_random:
        gamma = np.random.uniform(1-gamma, 1+gamma)

    results = []
    for data in x:
        results.append( exposure.adjust_gamma(data, gamma, gain) )
    return np.asarray(results)

# illumination
项目:dcgan    作者:zsdonghao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def brightness(x, gamma=1, gain=1, is_random=False):
    """Change the brightness of a single image, randomly or non-randomly.

    x : numpy array
        An image with dimension of [row, col, channel] (default).
    gamma : float, small than 1 means brighter.
        Non negative real number. Default value is 1.

        - If is_random is True, gamma in a range of (1-gamma, 1+gamma).
    gain : float
        The constant multiplier. Default value is 1.
    is_random : boolean, default False
        - If True, randomly change brightness.

    - `skimage.exposure.adjust_gamma <>`_
    - `chinese blog <>`_
    if is_random:
        gamma = np.random.uniform(1-gamma, 1+gamma)
    x = exposure.adjust_gamma(x, gamma, gain)
    return x
项目:dcgan    作者:zsdonghao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def brightness_multi(x, gamma=1, gain=1, is_random=False):
    """Change the brightness of multiply images, randomly or non-randomly.
    Usually be used for image segmentation which x=[X, Y], X and Y should be matched.

    x : list of numpy array
        List of images with dimension of [n_images, row, col, channel] (default).
    others : see ``brightness``.
    if is_random:
        gamma = np.random.uniform(1-gamma, 1+gamma)

    results = []
    for data in x:
        results.append( exposure.adjust_gamma(data, gamma, gain) )
    return np.asarray(results)

# contrast
项目:Image-Captioning    作者:zsdonghao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def brightness(x, gamma=1, gain=1, is_random=False):
    """Change the brightness of a single image, randomly or non-randomly.

    x : numpy array
        An image with dimension of [row, col, channel] (default).
    gamma : float, small than 1 means brighter.
        Non negative real number. Default value is 1.
            - If is_random is True, gamma in a range of (1-gamma, 1+gamma).
    gain : float
        The constant multiplier. Default value is 1.
    is_random : boolean, default False
        - If True, randomly change brightness.

    - `skimage.exposure.adjust_gamma <>`_
    - `chinese blog <>`_
    if is_random:
        gamma = np.random.uniform(1-gamma, 1+gamma)
    x = exposure.adjust_gamma(x, gamma, gain)
    return x
项目:Image-Captioning    作者:zsdonghao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def brightness_multi(x, gamma=1, gain=1, is_random=False):
    """Change the brightness of multiply images, randomly or non-randomly.
    Usually be used for image segmentation which x=[X, Y], X and Y should be matched.

    x : list of numpy array
        List of images with dimension of [n_images, row, col, channel] (default).
    others : see ``brightness``.
    if is_random:
        gamma = np.random.uniform(1-gamma, 1+gamma)

    results = []
    for data in x:
        results.append( exposure.adjust_gamma(data, gamma, gain) )
    return np.asarray(results)

# contrast
项目:Behavioral-Cloning    作者:JustinHeaton    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def telemetry(sid, data):
    # The current steering angle of the car
    steering_angle = data["steering_angle"]
    # The current throttle of the car
    throttle = data["throttle"]
    # The current speed of the car
    speed = data["speed"]
    # The current image from the center camera of the car
    imgString = data["image"]
    image =
    image_array = np.asarray(image)
    image_array = imresize(image_array, (32,64,3)).astype(np.float32)
    image_array = adjust_gamma(image_array)
    transformed_image_array = image_array[None, 12:, :, :].astype(np.float32)
    # This model currently assumes that the features of the model are just the images. Feel free to change this.
    steering_angle = float(model.predict(transformed_image_array, batch_size=1))
    # The driving model currently just outputs a constant throttle. Feel free to edit this.
    throttle = 0.4
    print(steering_angle, throttle)
    send_control(steering_angle, throttle)
项目:KagglePlanetPytorch    作者:Mctigger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def random_gamma(gamma=lambda: np.random.rand() * 0.4 + 0.8):
    def call(x):
        return exposure.adjust_gamma(x, gamma())

    return call
项目:inferno    作者:inferno-pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def image_function(self, image):
        gamma_adjusted = adjust_gamma(image,
        return gamma_adjusted
项目:nuts-ml    作者:maet3608    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def normalize_histo(image, gamma=1.0):
    Perform histogram normalization on image.

    :param numpy array image: Numpy array with range [0,255] and dtype 'uint8'.
    :param float gamma: Factor for gamma adjustment.
    :return: Normalized image
    :rtype: numpy array with range [0,255] and dtype 'uint8'
    image = ske.equalize_adapthist(image)
    image = ske.adjust_gamma(image, gamma=gamma)
    return floatimg2uint8(image)
项目:segmentation    作者:zengyu714    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _augment(xs):
    """Image adjustment doesn't change image shape, but for intensity.

        images: 4-d tensor with shape [depth, height, width, channels]

    # `xs` has shape [depth, height, width] with value in [0, 1].
    brt_gamma, brt_gain = np.random.uniform(low=0.9, high=1.1, size=2)
    aj_bright = adjust_gamma(xs, brt_gamma, brt_gain)
    contrast_gain = np.random.uniform(low=5, high=10)
    aj_contrast = adjust_sigmoid(aj_bright, gain=contrast_gain)
    return aj_contrast
项目:stomatameasurer    作者:TeamMacLean    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gamma_transform(img, gamma=0.75):
    return exposure.adjust_gamma(img, gamma)
项目:tanda    作者:HazyResearch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def TF_adjust_gamma(x, gamma=1.0):
    assert len(x.shape) == 3
    h, w, nc = x.shape
    return adjust_gamma(x, gamma)
项目:nn-segmentation-for-lar    作者:cvdlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_segmented_image(self, filepath_image, modality='t1c', show=False):
        Creates an image of original brain with segmentation overlay and save it in ./predictions
        INPUT   (1) str 'filepath_image': filepath to test image for segmentation, including file extension
                (2) str 'modality': imaging modality to use as background. defaults to t1c. options: (flair, t1, t1c, t2)
                (3) bool 'show': If true, shows output image. defaults to False.
        OUTPUT  (1) if show is True, shows image of segmentation results
                (2) if show is false, returns segmented image.
        modes = {'flair': 0, 't1': 1, 't1c': 2, 't2': 3}

        segmentation = self.predict_image(filepath_image, show=False)
        print 'segmentation = ' + str(segmentation)
        img_mask = np.pad(segmentation, (16, 16), mode='edge')
        ones = np.argwhere(img_mask == 1)
        twos = np.argwhere(img_mask == 2)
        threes = np.argwhere(img_mask == 3)
        fours = np.argwhere(img_mask == 4)

        test_im = io.imread(filepath_image)
        test_back = test_im.reshape(5, 216, 160)[modes[modality]]
        # overlay = mark_boundaries(test_back, img_mask)
        gray_img = img_as_float(test_back)

        # adjust gamma of image
        image = adjust_gamma(color.gray2rgb(gray_img), 0.65)
        sliced_image = image.copy()
        red_multiplier = [1, 0.2, 0.2]
        yellow_multiplier = [1, 1, 0.25]
        green_multiplier = [0.35, 0.75, 0.25]
        blue_multiplier = [0, 0.25, 0.9]

        print str(len(ones))
        print str(len(twos))
        print str(len(threes))
        print str(len(fours))

        # change colors of segmented classes
        for i in xrange(len(ones)):
            sliced_image[ones[i][0]][ones[i][1]] = red_multiplier
        for i in xrange(len(twos)):
            sliced_image[twos[i][0]][twos[i][1]] = green_multiplier
        for i in xrange(len(threes)):
            sliced_image[threes[i][0]][threes[i][1]] = blue_multiplier
        for i in xrange(len(fours)):
            sliced_image[fours[i][0]][fours[i][1]] = yellow_multiplier
        #if show=True show the prediction
        if show:
            print 'Showing...'
        #save the prediction
        print 'Saving...'
            io.imsave('./predictions/' + os.path.basename(filepath_image) + '.png', sliced_image)
            print 'prediction saved.'
            io.imsave('./predictions/' + os.path.basename(filepath_image) + '.png', sliced_image)
            print 'prediction saved.'
项目:nn-segmentation-for-lar    作者:cvdlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_segmented_image(self, index, test_img, save=False):
        Creates an image of original brain with segmentation overlay
        :param index: index of image to save
        :param test_img: filepath to test image for segmentation, including file extension
        :param save: If true, shows output image. (defaults to False)
        :return: if show is True, shows image of segmentation results
                 if show is false, returns segmented image.

        segmentation = self.predict_image(test_img)

        img_mask = np.pad(segmentation, (16, 16), mode='edge')
        ones = np.argwhere(img_mask == 1)
        twos = np.argwhere(img_mask == 2)
        threes = np.argwhere(img_mask == 3)
        fours = np.argwhere(img_mask == 4)

        test_im = mpimg.imread(test_img).astype('float')
        test_back = rgb2gray(test_im).reshape(5, 216, 160)[-2]
        # overlay = mark_boundaries(test_back, img_mask)
        gray_img = img_as_float(test_back)

        # adjust gamma of image
        image = adjust_gamma(color.gray2rgb(gray_img), 0.65)
        sliced_image = image.copy()
        red_multiplier = [1, 0.2, 0.2]
        yellow_multiplier = [1, 1, 0.25]
        green_multiplier = [0.35, 0.75, 0.25]
        blue_multiplier = [0, 0.25, 0.9]

        # change colors of segmented classes
        for i in xrange(len(ones)):
            sliced_image[ones[i][0]][ones[i][1]] = red_multiplier
        for i in xrange(len(twos)):
            sliced_image[twos[i][0]][twos[i][1]] = green_multiplier
        for i in xrange(len(threes)):
            sliced_image[threes[i][0]][threes[i][1]] = blue_multiplier
        for i in xrange(len(fours)):
            sliced_image[fours[i][0]][fours[i][1]] = yellow_multiplier

        if save:

                io.imsave('./results/result' + '_' + str(index) + '.png', sliced_image)
                io.imsave('./results/result' + '_' + str(index) + '.png', sliced_image)
            return sliced_image
项目:stomatameasurer    作者:TeamMacLean    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_stomata(max_proj_image, min_obj_size=200, max_obj_size=1000):
    """Performs image segmentation from a max_proj_image.
     Disposes of objects in range min_obj_size to

    :param max_proj_image: the maximum projection image
    :type max_proj_image: numpy.ndarray, uint16
    :param min_obj_size: minimum size of object to keep
    :type min_obj_size: int
    :param max_obj_size: maximum size of object to keep
    :type max_obj_size: int
    :returns: list of [ [coordinates of kept objects - list of slice objects],
                        binary object image - numpy.ndarray,
                        labelled object image - numpy.ndarray


    # pore_margin = 10
    # max_obj_size = 1000
    # min_obj_size = 200
    # for prop, value in segment_options:
    #     if prop == 'pore_margin':
    #         pore_margin = value
    #     if prop == 'max_obj_size':
    #         max_obj_size = value
    #     if prop == 'min_obj_size':
    #         min_obj_size = value
    # print(pore_margin)
    # print(max_obj_size)
    # print(min_obj_size)

    #rescale_min = 50
    #rescale_max= 100
    #rescaled = exposure.rescale_intensity(max_proj_image, in_range=(rescale_min,rescale_max))
    rescaled = max_proj_image
    seed = np.copy(rescaled)
    seed[1:-1, 1:-1] = rescaled.max()
    #mask = rescaled
    #if gamma != None:
    #    rescaled = exposure.adjust_gamma(max_proj_image, gamma)
    #filled = reconstruction(seed, mask, method='erosion')
    closed = dilation(rescaled)
    seed = np.copy(closed)
    seed[1:-1, 1:-1] = closed.max()
    mask = closed

    filled = reconstruction(seed, mask, method='erosion')
    label_objects, nb_labels = ndimage.label(filled)
    sizes = np.bincount(label_objects.ravel())
    mask_sizes = sizes
    mask_sizes = (sizes > min_obj_size) & (sizes < max_obj_size)
    #mask_sizes = (sizes > 200) & (sizes < 1000)
    mask_sizes[0] = 0
    big_objs = mask_sizes[label_objects]
    stomata, _ = ndimage.label(big_objs)
    obj_slices = ndimage.find_objects(stomata)
    return [obj_slices, big_objs, stomata]