def process_single_image(filename, image_format, scale_metadata_path, threshold_radius, smooth_radius, brightness_offset, crop_radius, smooth_method): image = imageio.imread(filename, format=image_format) scale = _get_scale(image, scale_metadata_path) if crop_radius > 0: c = crop_radius image = image[c:-c, c:-c] pixel_threshold_radius = int(np.ceil(threshold_radius / scale)) pixel_smoothing_radius = smooth_radius * pixel_threshold_radius thresholded = pre.threshold(image, sigma=pixel_smoothing_radius, radius=pixel_threshold_radius, offset=brightness_offset, smooth_method=smooth_method) quality = shape_index(image, sigma=pixel_smoothing_radius, mode='reflect') skeleton = morphology.skeletonize(thresholded) * quality framedata = csr.summarise(skeleton, spacing=scale) framedata['squiggle'] = np.log2(framedata['branch-distance'] / framedata['euclidean-distance']) framedata['scale'] = scale framedata.rename(columns={'mean pixel value': 'mean shape index'}, inplace=True) framedata['filename'] = filename return image, thresholded, skeleton, framedata
def _floodfill(self, img): back = Back._scharr(img) # Binary thresholding. back = back > 0.05 # Thin all edges to be 1-pixel wide. back = skm.skeletonize(back) # Edges are not detected on the borders, make artificial ones. back[0, :] = back[-1, :] = True back[:, 0] = back[:, -1] = True # Label adjacent pixels of the same color. labels = label(back, background=-1, connectivity=1) # Count as background all pixels labeled like one of the corners. corners = [(1, 1), (-2, 1), (1, -2), (-2, -2)] for l in (labels[i, j] for i, j in corners): back[labels == l] = True # Remove remaining inner edges. return skm.opening(back)
def boundaries(regions, thin=False): """ Extracts region boundaries from a labelled image. Args: regions: numpy (H, W) array Regions extracted from `image` thin: bool Whether to skeletonize or not the boundaries. Return: result: numpy (H, W) array Region boundaries as a binary mask. """ # +1 to ignore superpixel 0 treated as background result = find_boundaries(regions+1) if thin: result = skeletonize(result) return result
def mark_boundaries(image, regions, color=(0,0,0), thin=False): """ Mark region boundaries in a given image. Args: image: numpy (H, W) array RGB image regions: numpy (H, W) array Regions extracted from `image` color: RGB tuple from 0 to 1 Color to mark boundaries. Default black. thin: bool Whether to skeletonize or not the boundaries. Return: result: numpy (H, W) array Image with region boundaries overlaid on it. """ bounds = boundaries(regions, thin=thin) result = image.copy() result[bounds] = color return result
def test_skeleton(test_thresholded): skeleton = morphology.skeletonize(test_thresholded) return skeleton
def place_routers_on_skeleton(d, cmethod): wireless = np.where(d["graph"] == Cell.Wireless, 1, 0) # perform skeletonization skeleton = skeletonize(wireless) med_axis = medial_axis(wireless) skel = skeleton # skel = med_axis # get all skeleton positions pos = [] for i in range(skel.shape[0]): for j in range(skel.shape[1]): if skel[i][j]: pos.append((i, j)) budget = d['budget'] shuffle(pos) max_num_routers = min([int(d['budget'] / d['price_router']), len(pos)]) print("Num of routers constrained by:") print(" budget: %d" % int(int(d['budget'] / d['price_router']))) print(" skeleton: %d" % len(pos)) for i in tqdm(range(max_num_routers), desc="Placing Routers"): new_router = pos[i] a, b = new_router # check if remaining budget is enough d["graph"][a][b] = Cell.Router d, ret, cost = _add_cabel(d, new_router, budget) budget -= cost if not ret: break return d
def place_routers_on_skeleton_iterative(d, cmethod): budget = d['budget'] R = d['radius'] max_num_routers = int(d['budget'] / d['price_router']) coverage = np.where(d["graph"] == Cell.Wireless, 1, 0).astype(np.bool) pbar = tqdm(range(max_num_routers), desc="Placing Routers") while budget > 0: # perform skeletonization # skeleton = skeletonize(coverage) skeleton = medial_axis(coverage) # get all skeleton positions pos = np.argwhere(skeleton > 0).tolist() # escape if no positions left if not len(pos): break # get a random position shuffle(pos) a, b = pos[0] # place router d["graph"][a][b] = Cell.Router d, ret, cost = _add_cabel(d, (a, b), budget) if not ret: print("No budget available!") break budget -= cost # refresh wireless map by removing new coverage m = wireless_access(a, b, R, d['graph']).astype(np.bool) coverage[(a - R):(a + R + 1), (b - R):(b + R + 1)] &= ~m pbar.update() pbar.close() return d
def run(self, ips, snap, img, para = None): img[:] = skeletonize(snap>0) img *= 255
def polylinesFromBinImage(img, minimum_cluster_size=6, remove_small_obj_size=3, reconnect_size=3, max_n_contours=None, max_len_contour=None, copy=True): ''' return a list of arrays of un-branching contours img -> (boolean) array optional: --------- minimum_cluster_size -> minimum number of pixels connected together to build a contour ##search_kernel_size -> TODO ##min_search_kernel_moment -> TODO numeric: ------------- max_n_contours -> maximum number of possible contours in img max_len_contour -> maximum contour length ''' assert minimum_cluster_size > 1 assert reconnect_size % 2, 'ksize needs to be odd' # assert search_kernel_size == 0 or search_kernel_size > 2 and search_kernel_size%2, 'kernel size needs to be odd' # assume array size parameters, is not given: if max_n_contours is None: max_n_contours = max(img.shape) if max_len_contour is None: max_len_contour = sum(img.shape[:2]) # array containing coord. of all contours: contours = np.zeros(shape=(max_n_contours, max_len_contour, 2), dtype=np.uint16) # if not search_kernel_size else np.float32) if img.dtype != np.bool: img = img.astype(bool) elif copy: img = img.copy() if remove_small_obj_size: remove_small_objects(img, remove_small_obj_size, connectivity=2, in_place=True) if reconnect_size: # remove gaps maximum_filter(img, reconnect_size, output=img) # reduce contour width to 1 img = skeletonize(img) n_contours = _populateContoursArray(img, contours, minimum_cluster_size) contours = contours[:n_contours] l = [] for c in contours: ind = np.zeros(shape=len(c), dtype=bool) _getValidInd(c, ind) # remove all empty spaces: l.append(c[ind]) return l
def skeleton_from_image_discrete(image, sigma = 1, absolute_threshold = None, threshold_factor = 0.95, with_head_tail = False, verbose = False): """Detect skeleton points of wormshape in image Arguments: image (array): the image to detect venterline of worm from sigma (float or None): width of Gaussian smoothing on image, if None use raw image absolute_threshold (float or None): if set use this as the threshold, if None the threshold is set via Otsu threshold_level (float): in case the threshold is determined by Otsu multiply by this factor verbose (bool): plot results Returns: array (nx2): unsorted skeleton points """ ### smooth image if sigma is not None: imgs = filters.gaussian_filter(np.asarray(image, float), sigma); else: imgs = image; ### get worm foreground if absolute_threshold is not None: level = absolute_threshold; else: level = threshold_factor * threshold_otsu(imgs); imgth = imgs < level; ### skeletonize skel = skeletonize(imgth); y,x = np.where(skel); if verbose: plt.imshow(imgth, interpolation = 'none'); plt.scatter(x,y,c = 'k', s = 40); if with_head_tail: # find end points: adj = skeleton_to_adjacency(skel); nhs = np.array([len(v) for v in adj.values()]); ht = np.where(nhs == 1)[0]; if verbose: xy = np.vstack([x,y]).T; if ht.shape[0] > 0: xyht = xy[ht]; plt.scatter(xyht[:,0], xyht[:,1], s = 60, c = 'r'); return np.vstack([x,y]).T, ht; else: return np.vstack([x,y]).T;
def skeletonize_image(image, method=None, dilation=None, binarization=None, invert=False): """Extract a 1 pixel wide representation of image by morphologically thinning the white contiguous blobs (connected components). If image is not black and white, a binarization process is applied according to binarization, which can be 'sauvola', 'isodata', 'otsu', 'li' (default, ref: binarize()). A process of dilation can also be applied by specifying the number of pixels in dilate prior to extracting the skeleton. The method for skeletonization can be 'medial', '3d', 'regular', or a 'combined' version of the three. Defaults to 'regular'. A 'thin' operator is also available. For reference, see http://scikit-image.org/docs/dev/auto_examples/edges/plot_skeleton.html """ # if image is all one single color, return it if len(np.unique(image)) == 1: return image # scikit-image needs only 0's and 1's mono_image = binarize_image(image, method=binarization) / 255 if invert: mono_image = invert_image(mono_image) if dilation: dilation = (2 * dilation) + 1 dilation_kernel = np.ones((dilation, dilation), np.uint8) mono_image = cv2.morphologyEx(mono_image, cv2.MORPH_DILATE, dilation_kernel) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning) if method == '3d': skeleton = morphology.skeletonize_3d(mono_image) elif method == 'medial': skeleton = morphology.medial_axis(mono_image, return_distance=False) elif method == 'thin': skeleton = morphology.thin(mono_image) elif method == 'combined': skeleton = (morphology.skeletonize_3d(mono_image) | morphology.medial_axis(mono_image, return_distance=False) | morphology.skeletonize(mono_image)) else: skeleton = morphology.skeletonize(mono_image) return convert(skeleton)