def chat(host, port, task=None): task.set_daemon() sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock = pycos.AsyncSocket(sock) sock.bind((host, port)) sock.listen(128) print('server at %s' % str(sock.getsockname())) clients = set() try: while True: conn, addr = yield sock.accept() clients.add(conn) pycos.Task(client_send, clients, conn) except: for client in clients: client.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) client.close() raise
def __init__(self, addr="", port=4444): """Initialize the socket and initialize pdb.""" # Backup stdin and stdout before replacing them by the socket handle self.old_stdout = sys.stdout self.old_stdin = sys.stdin # Open a 'reusable' socket to let the webapp reload on the same port self.skt = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.skt.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, True) self.skt.bind((addr, port)) self.skt.listen(1) (clientsocket, address) = self.skt.accept() handle = clientsocket.makefile('rw') pdb.Pdb.__init__(self, completekey='tab', stdin=handle, stdout=handle) sys.stdout = sys.stdin = handle
def get_iphostname(): '''??linux?????????IP??''' def get_ip(ifname): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) ipaddr = socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl( sock.fileno(), 0x8915, # SIOCGIFADDR struct.pack('256s', ifname[:15]) )[20:24] ) sock.close() return ipaddr try: ip = get_ip('eth0') except IOError: ip = get_ip('eno1') hostname = socket.gethostname() return {'hostname': hostname, 'ip':ip}
def client_proc(host, port, input, task=None): # client reads input file and sends data in chunks sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock = pycos.AsyncSocket(sock) yield sock.connect((host, port)) # data can be written to this asynchronous socket; however, for # illustration, convert its file descriptor to asynchronous file # and write to that instead afd = pycos.asyncfile.AsyncFile(sock) input = open(input) csum = hashlib.sha1() while True: data = os.read(input.fileno(), 16*1024) if not data: break csum.update(data) n = yield afd.write(data, full=True) afd.close() print('client sha1 csum: %s' % csum.hexdigest())
def server_proc(conn, task=None): # conn is a synchronous socket (as it is obtained from synchronous # 'accept'); it's file-descriptor is converted to asynchronous # file to read data from that afd = pycos.asyncfile.AsyncFile(conn) csum = hashlib.sha1() nlines = 0 while True: # read lines from data line = yield afd.readline() if not line: break csum.update(line) nlines += 1 afd.close() print('server sha1 csum: %s' % (csum.hexdigest())) print('lines: %s' % (nlines))
def client(host, port, n, task=None): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock = pycos.AsyncSocket(sock) yield sock.connect((host, port)) print('%s connected' % n) # send arbitrary length of data msg = '%d: ' % n + '-' * random.randint(100,300) + '/' msg = msg.encode() yield sock.sendall(msg) sock.close() # pycos.logger.setLevel(pycos.Logger.DEBUG) # run 10 client tasks
def _async_send(self, *args): """Internal use only; use 'send' with 'yield' instead. Asynchronous version of socket send method. """ def _send(): try: sent = self._rsock.send(*args) except: self._write_fn = None self._notifier.clear(self, _AsyncPoller._Write) self._write_task.throw(*sys.exc_info()) else: self._write_fn = None self._notifier.clear(self, _AsyncPoller._Write) self._write_task._proceed_(sent) if not self._scheduler: self._scheduler = Pycos.scheduler() self._notifier = self._scheduler._notifier self._register() self._write_task = Pycos.cur_task(self._scheduler) self._write_task._await_() self._write_fn = _send self._notifier.add(self, _AsyncPoller._Write)
def _async_sendto(self, *args): """Internal use only; use 'sendto' with 'yield' instead. Asynchronous version of socket sendto method. """ def _sendto(): try: sent = self._rsock.sendto(*args) except: self._write_fn = None self._notifier.clear(self, _AsyncPoller._Write) self._write_task.throw(*sys.exc_info()) else: self._write_fn = None self._notifier.clear(self, _AsyncPoller._Write) self._write_task._proceed_(sent) if not self._scheduler: self._scheduler = Pycos.scheduler() self._notifier = self._scheduler._notifier self._register() self._write_task = Pycos.cur_task(self._scheduler) self._write_task._await_() self._write_fn = _sendto self._notifier.add(self, _AsyncPoller._Write)
def _socketpair(): if hasattr(socket, 'socketpair'): return socket.socketpair() srv_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) srv_sock.bind(('', 0)) srv_sock.listen(1) write_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: write_sock.setblocking(False) try: write_sock.connect(srv_sock.getsockname()[:2]) except socket.error as e: if e.args[0] in (EINPROGRESS, EWOULDBLOCK): pass else: raise write_sock.setblocking(True) read_sock = srv_sock.accept()[0] except: write_sock.close() raise finally: srv_sock.close() return (read_sock, write_sock)
def _timed_out(self): if self._rsock and self._rsock.type & socket.SOCK_STREAM: if self._read_overlap or self._write_overlap: win32file.CancelIo(self._fileno) if self._read_task: if self._rsock and self._rsock.type & socket.SOCK_DGRAM: self._notifier.clear(self, _AsyncPoller._Read) self._read_fn = None self._read_task.throw(socket.timeout('timed out')) self._read_result = self._read_task = None if self._write_task: if self._rsock and self._rsock.type & socket.SOCK_DGRAM: self._notifier.clear(self, _AsyncPoller._Write) self._write_fn = None self._write_task.throw(socket.timeout('timed out')) self._write_result = self._write_task = None
def _async_recvfrom(self, *args): """Internal use only; use 'recvfrom' with 'yield' instead. Asynchronous version of socket recvfrom method. """ def _recvfrom(): try: buf = self._rsock.recvfrom(*args) except: self._read_fn = None self._notifier.clear(self, _AsyncPoller._Read) self._read_task.throw(*sys.exc_info()) else: self._read_fn = None self._notifier.clear(self, _AsyncPoller._Read) self._read_task._proceed_(buf) if not self._scheduler: self._scheduler = Pycos.scheduler() self._notifier = self._scheduler._notifier self._register() self._read_task = Pycos.cur_task(self._scheduler) self._read_task._await_() self._read_fn = _recvfrom self._notifier.add(self, _AsyncPoller._Read)
def is_port_enabled(hostname, port): """ To check if a port is enabled or not. For example To check ssh port is enabled or not, is_port_enabled(HOSTNAME, 22) To see glusterd port is enabled, is_port_enabled(HOSTNAME, 24007) """ s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: s.connect((hostname, port)) enabled = True except socket.error: enabled = False s.close() return enabled
def port_knock_units(self, sentry_units, port=22, timeout=15, expect_success=True): """Open a TCP socket to check for a listening sevice on each listed juju unit. :param sentry_units: list of sentry unit pointers :param port: TCP port number, default to 22 :param timeout: Connect timeout, default to 15 seconds :expect_success: True by default, set False to invert logic :returns: None if successful, Failure message otherwise """ for unit in sentry_units: host = unit.info['public-address'] connected = self.port_knock_tcp(host, port, timeout) if not connected and expect_success: return 'Socket connect failed.' elif connected and not expect_success: return 'Socket connected unexpectedly.'
def get_my_ip(): """ Returns the actual ip of the local machine. This code figures out what source address would be used if some traffic were to be sent out to some well known address on the Internet. In this case, a Google DNS server is used, but the specific address does not matter much. No traffic is actually sent. """ try: csock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) csock.connect(('', 80)) (addr, port) = csock.getsockname() csock.close() return addr except socket.error: return ""
def run(self): while True: try: text = irc.recv(2040) if text.find('PING') != -1: irc.send('PONG ' + text.split() [1] + '\r\n') connected = True elif text.find('PRIVMSG') != -1: end = text.find('!') username = text[1:end] start = text.find(channel + ' :') message = text[start + len(channel) + 2:] log('recv', '<' + username + '> ' + message) elif text.find('PART') != -1: end = text.find('!') username = text[1:end] log('recv', '[' + username + '] left \n') elif text.find('JOIN') != -1: end = text.find('!') username = text[1:end] log('recv', '[' + username + ']' + ' joined \n') else: print(text) except socket.error: break
def __init__(self): self.state = 'accept' # ???????? self.need_read = 10 self.need_write = 0 # ???????? self.have_read = 0 self.have_write = 0 # ???? self.buff_read = "" self.buff_write = "" # socket ?? self.sock_obj = "" # ?????IP self.sock_addr = "" # ????check_fd???? # ?????? self.read_stime= None # ??read???????? self.read_itime= 30
def state_log(self): if debug: msg = ( '\n current_fd:{fd} \n state:{state}' '\n need_read:{need_read} \n need_write:{need_write}' '\n have_read:{have_read}\n have_write:{have_write}' '\n buff_read:{buff_read} \n buff_write:{buff_write}' ) .format( fd = self.sock_obj.fileno(), state = self.state, need_read = self.need_read, need_write = self.need_write, have_read = self.need_read, have_write = self.need_write, buff_read = self.need_read, buff_write = self.need_write, ) logger.debug(msg) #}}} # ????????socket #{{{bind_socket
def accept(self, fd): '''??????fd???fd?? ''' try: # ??fd??????????fd? sock_state = self.conn_state[fd] # ??sock??????soket? sock = sock_state.sock_obj # ??accept???????????????????conn?????socket???addr????????? conn, addr = sock.accept() # ??socket???? conn.setblocking(0) # ?epoll??????socket??fd self.epoll_sock.register(conn.fileno(), select.EPOLLIN) # ???????conn???????sock self.setFd(conn) # ????fd????read epoll???????????????? self.conn_state[conn.fileno()].state = "read" except socket.error as msg: # ECONNABORTED??TCP???????????RST # EAGIIN ??????????????????? # ????accept if msg.args[0] in (errno.ECONNABORTED, errno.EAGAIN): return raise
def process(self, fd): '''read????? process ???? ''' # ??socket sock_state = self.conn_state[fd] # ???? response = self.logic(sock_state.buff_read) # ????????????????????buff_write sock_state.buff_write = "%010d%s" % (len(response), response) # ??????? sock_state.need_write = len(sock_state.buff_write) # ??????? sock_state.state = "write" # ??epoll?????? self.epoll_sock.modify(fd, select.EPOLLOUT) # ??write?? self.state_machine(fd)
def accept(self, fd): '''accpet??epoll????????? ??????socket????? ''' logs.dblog("accept: accept client") try: # ??fd??????????fd? sock_state = self.conn_state[fd] # ??sock??????soket? sock = sock_state.sock_obj # ??accept???????????????????conn?????socket???addr????????? conn, addr = sock.accept() # ??socket???? conn.setblocking(0) # ????????socket??,???IP?? logs.dblog("accept: find new socket client fd(%s)" % conn.fileno()) return conn,addr[0] except socket.error as msg: # EAGIIN ???????????????????(erron???11) # ECONNABORTED??TCP???????????RST(erron???103) # ????accept ?????? retry if msg.errno in (11, 103): return "retry"
def process(self, fd): '''??????????logic??????''' logs.dblog("proces: proces start") # ??socket sock_state = self.conn_state[fd] # ???? response = self.logic(sock_state.buff_read) # ????????????????????buff_write sock_state.buff_write = "%010d%s" % (len(response), response) # ??????? sock_state.need_write = len(sock_state.buff_write) # ??????? sock_state.state = "write" # ??epoll??????????epoll??????epoll??????????? # ???????? self.epoll_sock.modify(fd, select.EPOLLOUT) # ??????????? logs.dblog("***process: process end fd state change to write***") sock_state.state_log()
def __init__(self, sock, logic): # ??????,??????socket?????????????????? self.conn_state = {} # ??setFD?????socket????????? self.setFd(sock) # ??epoll?????????????????? self.epoll_sock = select.epoll() # ??????epoll???????socket????????fd????? # ?????????epoll????? EPOLLIN ????? # ??????https://docs.python.org/2.7/library/select.html?highlight=epoll#select.poll.register self.epoll_sock.register(sock.fileno(), select.EPOLLIN) # ?????? self.logic = logic # ????????????? self.sm = { "accept": self.accept, "read": self.read, "write": self.write, "process": self.process, "closing": self.close, }
def write(self, s): return """ Write wrapper. Parameters ---------- s : bytes Bytes to write """ try: self._write_lock.acquire() self.handle.sendall(s) except socket.error, msg: raise IOError finally: self._write_lock.release() # # # Classes for reading/writing observations to serial/udp #
def setServer(self, server): """Associate this Client with given server. The Client will send from the Server's socket. The Server will use this Client instance to send replies. """ if server == None: if hasattr(self,'server') and self.server: if self.server.client != self: raise OSCClientError("Internal inconsistency") self.server.client.close() self.server.client = None self.server = None return if not isinstance(server, OSCServer): raise ValueError("'server' argument is not a valid OSCServer object") self._setSocket(server.socket.dup()) self.server = server if self.server.client != None: self.server.client.close() self.server.client = self
def __eq__(self, other): """Compare function. """ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False if self.socket and other.socket: sockEqual = cmp(self.socket._sock, other.socket._sock) else: sockEqual = (self.socket == None and other.socket == None) if not sockEqual: return False if self.server and other.server: return cmp(self.server, other.server) else: return self.server == None and other.server == None
def setOSCTarget(self, address, prefix=None, filters=None): """Add (i.e. subscribe) a new OSCTarget, or change the prefix for an existing OSCTarget. the 'address' argument can be a ((host, port) tuple) : The target server address & UDP-port or a 'host' (string) : The host will be looked-up - prefix (string): The OSC-address prefix prepended to the address of each OSCMessage sent to this OSCTarget (optional) """ if type(address) in str: address = self._searchHostAddr(address) elif (type(address) == tuple): (host, port) = address[:2] try: host = socket.gethostbyname(host) except: pass address = (host, port) else: raise TypeError("'address' argument must be a (host, port) tuple or a 'host' string") self._setTarget(address, prefix, filters)
def delOSCTarget(self, address, prefix=None): """Delete the specified OSCTarget from the Client's dict. the 'address' argument can be a ((host, port) tuple), or a hostname. If the 'prefix' argument is given, the Target is only deleted if the address and prefix match. """ if type(address) in str: address = self._searchHostAddr(address) if type(address) == tuple: (host, port) = address[:2] try: host = socket.gethostbyname(host) except socket.error: pass address = (host, port) self._delTarget(address, prefix)
def hasOSCTarget(self, address, prefix=None): """Return True if the given OSCTarget exists in the Client's dict. the 'address' argument can be a ((host, port) tuple), or a hostname. If the 'prefix' argument is given, the return-value is only True if the address and prefix match. """ if type(address) in str: address = self._searchHostAddr(address) if type(address) == tuple: (host, port) = address[:2] try: host = socket.gethostbyname(host) except socket.error: pass address = (host, port) if address in list(self.targets.keys()): if prefix == None: return True elif prefix == self.targets[address][0]: return True return False
def __init__(self, server_address, client=None, return_port=0): """Instantiate an OSCServer. - server_address ((host, port) tuple): the local host & UDP-port the server listens on - client (OSCClient instance): The OSCClient used to send replies from this server. If none is supplied (default) an OSCClient will be created. - return_port (int): if supplied, sets the default UDP destination-port for replies coming from this server. """ UDPServer.__init__(self, server_address, self.RequestHandlerClass) OSCAddressSpace.__init__(self) self.setReturnPort(return_port) self.error_prefix = "" self.info_prefix = "/info" self.socket.settimeout(self.socket_timeout) self.running = False self.client = None if client == None: self.client = OSCClient(server=self) else: self.setClient(client)
def _transmitMsg(self, msg): """Send an OSC message over a streaming socket. Raises exception if it should fail. If everything is transmitted properly, True is returned. If socket has been closed, False. """ if not isinstance(msg, OSCMessage): raise TypeError("'msg' argument is not an OSCMessage or OSCBundle object") try: binary = msg.getBinary() length = len(binary) # prepend length of packet before the actual message (big endian) len_big_endian = array.array('c', '\0' * 4) struct.pack_into(">L", len_big_endian, 0, length) len_big_endian = len_big_endian.tostring() if self._transmit(len_big_endian) and self._transmit(binary): return True return False except socket.error as e: if e[0] == errno.EPIPE: # broken pipe return False raise e
def _receiveWithTimeout(self, count): chunk = str() while len(chunk) < count: try: tmp = self.socket.recv(count - len(chunk)) except socket.timeout: if not self._running: print("CLIENT: Socket timed out and termination requested.") return None else: continue except socket.error as e: if e[0] == errno.ECONNRESET: print("CLIENT: Connection reset by peer.") return None else: raise e if not tmp or len(tmp) == 0: print("CLIENT: Socket has been closed.") return None chunk = chunk + tmp return chunk
def _transmitWithTimeout(self, data): sent = 0 while sent < len(data): try: tmp = self.socket.send(data[sent:]) except socket.timeout: if not self._running: print("CLIENT: Socket timed out and termination requested.") return False else: continue except socket.error as e: if e[0] == errno.ECONNRESET: print("CLIENT: Connection reset by peer.") return False else: raise e if tmp == 0: return False sent += tmp return True
def setOSCTarget(self, address, prefix=None, filters=None): """Add (i.e. subscribe) a new OSCTarget, or change the prefix for an existing OSCTarget. the 'address' argument can be a ((host, port) tuple) : The target server address & UDP-port or a 'host' (string) : The host will be looked-up - prefix (string): The OSC-address prefix prepended to the address of each OSCMessage sent to this OSCTarget (optional) """ if type(address) in types.StringTypes: address = self._searchHostAddr(address) elif (type(address) == types.TupleType): (host, port) = address[:2] try: host = socket.gethostbyname(host) except: pass address = (host, port) else: raise TypeError("'address' argument must be a (host, port) tuple or a 'host' string") self._setTarget(address, prefix, filters)
def delOSCTarget(self, address, prefix=None): """Delete the specified OSCTarget from the Client's dict. the 'address' argument can be a ((host, port) tuple), or a hostname. If the 'prefix' argument is given, the Target is only deleted if the address and prefix match. """ if type(address) in types.StringTypes: address = self._searchHostAddr(address) if type(address) == types.TupleType: (host, port) = address[:2] try: host = socket.gethostbyname(host) except socket.error: pass address = (host, port) self._delTarget(address, prefix)
def hasOSCTarget(self, address, prefix=None): """Return True if the given OSCTarget exists in the Client's dict. the 'address' argument can be a ((host, port) tuple), or a hostname. If the 'prefix' argument is given, the return-value is only True if the address and prefix match. """ if type(address) in types.StringTypes: address = self._searchHostAddr(address) if type(address) == types.TupleType: (host, port) = address[:2] try: host = socket.gethostbyname(host) except socket.error: pass address = (host, port) if address in self.targets.keys(): if prefix == None: return True elif prefix == self.targets[address][0]: return True return False
def _transmitMsg(self, msg): """Send an OSC message over a streaming socket. Raises exception if it should fail. If everything is transmitted properly, True is returned. If socket has been closed, False. """ if not isinstance(msg, OSCMessage): raise TypeError("'msg' argument is not an OSCMessage or OSCBundle object") try: binary = msg.getBinary() length = len(binary) # prepend length of packet before the actual message (big endian) len_big_endian = array.array('c', '\0' * 4) struct.pack_into(">L", len_big_endian, 0, length) len_big_endian = len_big_endian.tostring() if self._transmit(len_big_endian) and self._transmit(binary): return True return False except socket.error, e: if e[0] == errno.EPIPE: # broken pipe return False raise e
def _receiveWithTimeout(self, count): chunk = str() while len(chunk) < count: try: tmp = self.socket.recv(count - len(chunk)) except socket.timeout: if not self._running: print "CLIENT: Socket timed out and termination requested." return None else: continue except socket.error, e: if e[0] == errno.ECONNRESET: print "CLIENT: Connection reset by peer." return None else: raise e if not tmp or len(tmp) == 0: print "CLIENT: Socket has been closed." return None chunk = chunk + tmp return chunk