Python socket 模块,AI_NUMERICSERV 实例源码


项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_resolveNumericService(self):
        L{_resolveIPv6} raises a L{socket.gaierror} (L{socket.EAI_NONAME}) when
        invoked with a non-numeric port.  (In other words, it is passing
        L{socket.AI_NUMERICSERV} to L{socket.getaddrinfo} and will not
        accidentally block if it receives bad input.)
        err = self.assertRaises(socket.gaierror, _resolveIPv6, "::1", "http")
        self.assertEqual(err.args[0], socket.EAI_NONAME)
项目:deb-python-eventlet    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_numericserv(self):
        greendns.resolve = _make_mock_resolve()
        greendns.resolve.add('', '')
        with tests.assert_raises(socket.gaierror):
            greendns.getaddrinfo('', 'www', 0, 0, 0, socket.AI_NUMERICSERV)
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testGetaddrinfo(self):
            socket.getaddrinfo('localhost', 80)
        except socket.gaierror as err:
            if err.errno == socket.EAI_SERVICE:
                # see
                self.skipTest("buggy libc version")
        # len of every sequence is supposed to be == 5
        for info in socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, None):
            self.assertEqual(len(info), 5)
        # host can be a domain name, a string representation of an
        # IPv4/v6 address or None
        socket.getaddrinfo('localhost', 80)
        socket.getaddrinfo('', 80)
        socket.getaddrinfo(None, 80)
        if SUPPORTS_IPV6:
            socket.getaddrinfo('::1', 80)
        # port can be a string service name such as "http", a numeric
        # port number (int or long), or None
        socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, "http")
        socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, 80)
        socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, 80L)
        socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, None)
        # test family and socktype filters
        infos = socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, None, socket.AF_INET)
        for family, _, _, _, _ in infos:
            self.assertEqual(family, socket.AF_INET)
        infos = socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, None, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        for _, socktype, _, _, _ in infos:
            self.assertEqual(socktype, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        # test proto and flags arguments
        socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, None, 0, 0, socket.SOL_TCP)
        socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, None, 0, 0, 0, socket.AI_PASSIVE)
        # a server willing to support both IPv4 and IPv6 will
        # usually do this
        socket.getaddrinfo(None, 0, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0,

        # Issue 17269: test workaround for OS X platform bug segfault
        if hasattr(socket, 'AI_NUMERICSERV'):
                # The arguments here are undefined and the call may succeed
                # or fail.  All we care here is that it doesn't segfault.
                socket.getaddrinfo("localhost", None, 0, 0, 0,
            except socket.gaierror:
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testGetaddrinfo(self):
            socket.getaddrinfo('localhost', 80)
        except socket.gaierror as err:
            if err.errno == socket.EAI_SERVICE:
                # see
                self.skipTest("buggy libc version")
        # len of every sequence is supposed to be == 5
        for info in socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, None):
            self.assertEqual(len(info), 5)
        # host can be a domain name, a string representation of an
        # IPv4/v6 address or None
        socket.getaddrinfo('localhost', 80)
        socket.getaddrinfo('', 80)
        socket.getaddrinfo(None, 80)
        if SUPPORTS_IPV6:
            socket.getaddrinfo('::1', 80)
        # port can be a string service name such as "http", a numeric
        # port number (int or long), or None
        socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, "http")
        socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, 80)
        socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, 80L)
        socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, None)
        # test family and socktype filters
        infos = socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, None, socket.AF_INET)
        for family, _, _, _, _ in infos:
            self.assertEqual(family, socket.AF_INET)
        infos = socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, None, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        for _, socktype, _, _, _ in infos:
            self.assertEqual(socktype, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        # test proto and flags arguments
        socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, None, 0, 0, socket.SOL_TCP)
        socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, None, 0, 0, 0, socket.AI_PASSIVE)
        # a server willing to support both IPv4 and IPv6 will
        # usually do this
        socket.getaddrinfo(None, 0, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0,

        # Issue 17269: test workaround for OS X platform bug segfault
        if hasattr(socket, 'AI_NUMERICSERV'):
                # The arguments here are undefined and the call may succeed
                # or fail.  All we care here is that it doesn't segfault.
                socket.getaddrinfo("localhost", None, 0, 0, 0,
            except socket.gaierror:
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testGetaddrinfo(self):
            socket.getaddrinfo('localhost', 80)
        except socket.gaierror as err:
            if err.errno == socket.EAI_SERVICE:
                # see
                self.skipTest("buggy libc version")
        # len of every sequence is supposed to be == 5
        for info in socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, None):
            self.assertEqual(len(info), 5)
        # host can be a domain name, a string representation of an
        # IPv4/v6 address or None
        socket.getaddrinfo('localhost', 80)
        socket.getaddrinfo('', 80)
        socket.getaddrinfo(None, 80)
        if SUPPORTS_IPV6:
            socket.getaddrinfo('::1', 80)
        # port can be a string service name such as "http", a numeric
        # port number (int or long), or None
        socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, "http")
        socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, 80)
        socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, 80L)
        socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, None)
        # test family and socktype filters
        infos = socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, None, socket.AF_INET)
        for family, _, _, _, _ in infos:
            self.assertEqual(family, socket.AF_INET)
        infos = socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, None, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        for _, socktype, _, _, _ in infos:
            self.assertEqual(socktype, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        # test proto and flags arguments
        socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, None, 0, 0, socket.SOL_TCP)
        socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, None, 0, 0, 0, socket.AI_PASSIVE)
        # a server willing to support both IPv4 and IPv6 will
        # usually do this
        socket.getaddrinfo(None, 0, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0,

        # Issue 17269: test workaround for OS X platform bug segfault
        if hasattr(socket, 'AI_NUMERICSERV'):
                # The arguments here are undefined and the call may succeed
                # or fail.  All we care here is that it doesn't segfault.
                socket.getaddrinfo("localhost", None, 0, 0, 0,
            except socket.gaierror: