def sqlite_regex_match(element, compiler, **kw): """Compile the SQL expression representing a regular expression match for the SQLite engine. """ # determine the name of a custom SQLite function to use for the operator operator = element.operator.opstring try: func_name, _ = SQLITE_REGEX_FUNCTIONS[operator] except (KeyError, ValueError), e: would_be_sql_string = ' '.join((compiler.process(element.left), operator, compiler.process(element.right))) raise exc.StatementError( "unknown regular expression match operator: %s" % operator, would_be_sql_string, None, e) # compile the expression as an invocation of the custom function regex_func = getattr(func, func_name) regex_func_call = regex_func(element.left, element.right) return compiler.process(regex_func_call)
def list_rule_history(rule_id, session=None): """ List the rule history of a rule. :param rule_id: The id of the rule. :param session: The database session in use. :raises: RucioException """ query = session.query(models.ReplicationRuleHistoryRecent.updated_at, models.ReplicationRuleHistoryRecent.state, models.ReplicationRuleHistoryRecent.locks_ok_cnt, models.ReplicationRuleHistoryRecent.locks_stuck_cnt, models.ReplicationRuleHistoryRecent.locks_replicating_cnt).filter_by(id=rule_id).order_by(models.ReplicationRuleHistoryRecent.updated_at) try: for rule in query.yield_per(5): yield {'updated_at': rule[0], 'state': rule[1], 'locks_ok_cnt': rule[2], 'locks_stuck_cnt': rule[3], 'locks_replicating_cnt': rule[4]} except StatementError: raise RucioException('Badly formatted input (IDs?)')
def list_associated_rules_for_file(scope, name, session=None): """ List replication rules a file is affected from. :param scope: Scope of the file. :param name: Name of the file. :param session: The database session in use. :raises: RucioException """ query = session.query(models.ReplicationRule).\ with_hint(models.ReplicaLock, "INDEX(LOCKS LOCKS_PK)", 'oracle').\ join(models.ReplicaLock, models.ReplicationRule.id == models.ReplicaLock.rule_id).\ filter(models.ReplicaLock.scope == scope, models.ReplicaLock.name == name).distinct() try: for rule in query.yield_per(5): d = {} for column in rule.__table__.columns: d[column.name] = getattr(rule, column.name) yield d except StatementError: raise RucioException('Badly formatted input (IDs?)')
def get_rule(rule_id, session=None): """ Get a specific replication rule. :param rule_id: The rule_id to select. :param session: The database session in use. :raises: RuleNotFound if no Rule can be found. """ try: rule = session.query(models.ReplicationRule).filter_by(id=rule_id).one() d = {} for column in rule.__table__.columns: d[column.name] = getattr(rule, column.name) return d except NoResultFound: raise RuleNotFound('No rule with the id %s found' % (rule_id)) except StatementError: raise RucioException('Badly formatted rule id (%s)' % (rule_id))
def get_subscription_by_id(subscription_id, session=None): """ Get a specific subscription by id. :param subscription_id: The subscription_id to select. :param session: The database session in use. :raises: SubscriptionNotFound if no Subscription can be found. """ try: subscription = session.query(models.Subscription).filter_by(id=subscription_id).one() result = {} for column in subscription.__table__.columns: result[column.name] = getattr(subscription, column.name) return result except NoResultFound: raise SubscriptionNotFound('No subscription with the id %s found' % (subscription_id)) except StatementError: raise RucioException('Badly formatted subscription id (%s)' % (subscription_id))
def test_close(engine): conn = await engine.connect() assert not conn.closed result = await conn.execute(select([1])) assert await result.scalar() == 1 await conn.close() assert conn.closed with pytest.raises(StatementError) as exc: await conn.execute(select([1])) assert "This Connection is closed" in str(exc)
def post(self): """ Create a model with data given in the request body. JSON format is expected. The model performs the validation automatically when instantiated. """ try: data = request.json self.check_create_permissions(data) instance = self.model(**data) instance.save() return instance.serialize(), 201 except TypeError as exception: current_app.logger.error(str(exception)) return {"error": str(exception)}, 400 except IntegrityError as exception: current_app.logger.error(str(exception)) return {"error": str(exception)}, 400 except StatementError as exception: current_app.logger.error(str(exception)) return {"error": str(exception)}, 400 except permissions.PermissionDenied: abort(403)
def get(self, instance_id): """ Retrieve a model corresponding at given ID and return it as a JSON object. """ try: instance = self.get_model_or_404(instance_id) self.check_read_permissions(instance.serialize()) except StatementError: return {"error": "Wrong id format"}, 400 return instance.serialize(), 200
def put(self, instance_id): """ Update a model with data given in the request body. JSON format is expected. Model performs the validation automatically when fields are modified. """ try: data = self.get_arguments() instance = self.get_model_or_404(instance_id) self.check_update_permissions(instance.serialize(), data) instance.update(data) return instance.serialize(), 200 except StatementError: return {"error": "Wrong id format"}, 400 except TypeError as exception: current_app.logger.error(str(exception)) return {"error": str(exception)}, 400 except IntegrityError as exception: current_app.logger.error(str(exception)) return {"error": str(exception)}, 400 except StatementError as exception: current_app.logger.error(str(exception)) return {"error": str(exception)}, 400 except permissions.PermissionDenied: abort(403)
def delete(self, error_id): try: error = DataImportError.get(error_id) except StatementError: abort(404) if error is None: abort(404) error.delete() return {"deletion_success": True}, 204
def get_asset_raw(entity_id): try: entity = Entity.get(entity_id) except StatementError: raise AssetNotFoundException if entity is None or not is_asset(entity): raise AssetNotFoundException return entity
def get_person_raw(person_id): try: person = Person.get(person_id) except StatementError: raise PersonNotFoundException() if person is None: raise PersonNotFoundException() return person
def get_by_email_raw(email): try: person = Person.get_by(email=email) except StatementError: raise PersonNotFoundException() if person is None: raise PersonNotFoundException() return person
def get_by_desktop_login(desktop_login): try: person = Person.get_by(desktop_login=desktop_login) except StatementError: raise PersonNotFoundException() if person is None: raise PersonNotFoundException() return person.serialize()
def get_shot_raw(shot_id): shot_type = get_shot_type() try: shot = Entity.get_by( entity_type_id=shot_type["id"], id=shot_id ) except StatementError: raise SequenceNotFoundException if shot is None: raise ShotNotFoundException return shot
def get_scene_raw(scene_id): scene_type = get_scene_type() try: scene = Entity.get_by( entity_type_id=scene_type["id"], id=scene_id ) except StatementError: raise SequenceNotFoundException if scene is None: raise SceneNotFoundException return scene
def get_episode_raw(episode_id): episode_type = get_episode_type() try: episode = Entity.get_by( entity_type_id=episode_type["id"], id=episode_id ) except StatementError: raise EpisodeNotFoundException if episode is None: raise EpisodeNotFoundException return episode
def get_instance(model, instance_id, exception): try: instance = model.get(instance_id) except StatementError: raise exception() if instance is None: raise exception() return instance
def get_preview_file(preview_file_id): try: preview_file = PreviewFile.get(preview_file_id) except StatementError: raise PreviewFileNotFoundException() if preview_file is None: raise PreviewFileNotFoundException() return preview_file.serialize()
def get_model_raw(model, instance_id, exception): try: instance = model.get(instance_id) except StatementError: raise exception if instance is None: raise exception return instance
def get_project_raw(project_id): try: project = Project.get(project_id) except StatementError: raise ProjectNotFoundException() if project is None: raise ProjectNotFoundException() return project
def get_task_raw(task_id): try: task = Task.get(task_id) except StatementError: raise TaskNotFoundException() if task is None: raise TaskNotFoundException() return task
def get_task_type_raw(task_type_id): try: task_type = TaskType.get(task_type_id) except StatementError: raise TaskTypeNotFoundException() if task_type is None: raise TaskTypeNotFoundException() return task_type
def get_department(department_id): try: department = Department.get(department_id) except StatementError: raise DepartmentNotFoundException() if department is None: raise DepartmentNotFoundException() return department.serialize()
def get_comment(comment_id): try: comment = Comment.get(comment_id) except StatementError: raise CommentNotFoundException() if comment is None: raise CommentNotFoundException() return comment
def test_json_encoded_object_value(self): o = TestClass('bar') m = TestModel(json_list=[o], json_dict={'a': o}) self.session.add(m) try: self.session.flush() except StatementError as e: self.assertTrue(type(e.orig), TypeError) return self.assertTrue(False, 'Test should have raised StatementError')
def test_json_encoded_write_failure(self): m = TestModel(json_list={'a': 'b'}) self.session.add(m) try: self.session.flush() except StatementError as e: self.assertEqual( e.message, "(exceptions.ValueError) value of type <type 'dict'> is not <type 'list'>" ) return self.assertTrue(False, 'Test should have raised StatementError')
def list_rules(filters={}, session=None): """ List replication rules. :param filters: dictionary of attributes by which the results should be filtered. :param session: The database session in use. :raises: RucioException """ query = session.query(models.ReplicationRule) if filters: for (key, value) in filters.items(): if key == 'created_before': query = query.filter(models.ReplicationRule.created_at <= str_to_date(value)) continue elif key == 'created_after': query = query.filter(models.ReplicationRule.created_at >= str_to_date(value)) continue elif key == 'updated_before': query = query.filter(models.ReplicationRule.updated_at <= str_to_date(value)) continue elif key == 'updated_after': query = query.filter(models.ReplicationRule.updated_at >= str_to_date(value)) continue elif key == 'state': if isinstance(value, basestring): value = RuleState.from_string(value) else: try: value = RuleState.from_sym(value) except ValueError: pass elif key == 'did_type' and isinstance(value, basestring): value = DIDType.from_string(value) elif key == 'grouping' and isinstance(value, basestring): value = RuleGrouping.from_string(value) query = query.filter(getattr(models.ReplicationRule, key) == value) try: for rule in query.yield_per(5): d = {} for column in rule.__table__.columns: d[column.name] = getattr(rule, column.name) yield d except StatementError: raise RucioException('Badly formatted input (IDs?)')
def approve_rule(rule_id, approver=None, notify_approvers=True, session=None): """ Approve a specific replication rule. :param rule_id: The rule_id to approve. :param approver: The account which is approving the rule. :param notify_approvers: Notify the other approvers. :param session: The database session in use. :raises: RuleNotFound if no Rule can be found. """ try: rule = session.query(models.ReplicationRule).filter_by(id=rule_id).one() if rule.state == RuleState.WAITING_APPROVAL: rule.ignore_account_limit = True rule.state = RuleState.INJECT if approver: approver_email = get_account(account=approver, session=session).email if approver_email: approver = '%s (%s)' % (approver, approver_email) else: approver = 'AUTOMATIC' with open('%s/rule_approved_user.tmpl' % config_get('common', 'mailtemplatedir'), 'r') as templatefile: template = Template(templatefile.read()) email = get_account(account=rule.account, session=session).email if email: text = template.safe_substitute({'rule_id': str(rule.id), 'expires_at': str(rule.expires_at), 'rse_expression': rule.rse_expression, 'comment': rule.comments, 'scope': rule.scope, 'name': rule.name, 'did_type': rule.did_type, 'approver': approver}) add_message(event_type='email', payload={'body': text, 'to': [email], 'subject': '[RUCIO] Replication rule %s has been approved' % (str(rule.id))}, session=session) # Also notify the other approvers if notify_approvers: with open('%s/rule_approved_admin.tmpl' % config_get('common', 'mailtemplatedir'), 'r') as templatefile: template = Template(templatefile.read()) text = template.safe_substitute({'rule_id': str(rule.id), 'approver': approver}) recipents = __create_recipents_list(rse_expression=rule.rse_expression, session=session) for recipent in recipents: add_message(event_type='email', payload={'body': text, 'to': [recipent[0]], 'subject': 'Re: [RUCIO] Request to approve replication rule %s' % (str(rule.id))}, session=session) except NoResultFound: raise RuleNotFound('No rule with the id %s found' % (rule_id)) except StatementError: raise RucioException('Badly formatted rule id (%s)' % (rule_id))
def examine_rule(rule_id, session=None): """ Examine a replication rule for transfer errors. :param rule_id: Replication rule id :param session: Session of the db. :returns: Dictionary of informations """ result = {'rule_error': None, 'transfers': []} try: rule = session.query(models.ReplicationRule).filter_by(id=rule_id).one() if rule.state == RuleState.OK: result['rule_error'] = 'This replication rule is OK' elif rule.state == RuleState.REPLICATING: result['rule_error'] = 'This replication rule is currently REPLICATING' elif rule.state == RuleState.SUSPENDED: result['rule_error'] = 'This replication rule is SUSPENDED' else: result['rule_error'] = rule.error # Get the stuck locks stuck_locks = session.query(models.ReplicaLock).filter_by(rule_id=rule_id, state=LockState.STUCK).all() for lock in stuck_locks: # Get the count of requests in the request_history for each lock transfers = session.query(models.Request.__history_mapper__.class_).filter_by(scope=lock.scope, name=lock.name, dest_rse_id=lock.rse_id).order_by(models.Request.__history_mapper__.class_.created_at.desc()).all() transfer_cnt = len(transfers) # Get the error of the last request that has been tried and also the SOURCE used for the last request last_error, last_source, last_time, sources = None, None, None, [] if transfers: last_request = transfers[0] last_error = last_request.state last_time = last_request.created_at last_source = None if last_request.source_rse_id is None else get_rse_name(last_request.source_rse_id, session=session) available_replicas = session.query(models.RSEFileAssociation).filter_by(scope=lock.scope, name=lock.name, state=ReplicaState.AVAILABLE).all() for replica in available_replicas: sources.append((get_rse(None, rse_id=replica.rse_id, session=session).rse, True if get_rse(None, rse_id=replica.rse_id, session=session).availability >= 4 else False)) result['transfers'].append({'scope': lock.scope, 'name': lock.name, 'rse': get_rse_name(lock.rse_id, session=session), 'attempts': transfer_cnt, 'last_error': str(last_error), 'last_source': last_source, 'sources': sources, 'last_time': last_time}) return result except NoResultFound: raise RuleNotFound('No rule with the id %s found' % (rule_id)) except StatementError: raise RucioException('Badly formatted rule id (%s)' % (rule_id))