Python sqlalchemy.orm 模块,aliased() 实例源码


项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def correlate(self, *args):
        """Return a :class:`.Query` construct which will correlate the given
        FROM clauses to that of an enclosing :class:`.Query` or

        The method here accepts mapped classes, :func:`.aliased` constructs,
        and :func:`.mapper` constructs as arguments, which are resolved into
        expression constructs, in addition to appropriate expression

        The correlation arguments are ultimately passed to
        :meth:`.Select.correlate` after coercion to expression constructs.

        The correlation arguments take effect in such cases
        as when :meth:`.Query.from_self` is used, or when
        a subquery as returned by :meth:`.Query.subquery` is
        embedded in another :func:`` construct.


        self._correlate = self._correlate.union(
            if s is not None else None
            for s in args)
项目:QXSConsolas    作者:qxsch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def correlate(self, *args):
        """Return a :class:`.Query` construct which will correlate the given
        FROM clauses to that of an enclosing :class:`.Query` or

        The method here accepts mapped classes, :func:`.aliased` constructs,
        and :func:`.mapper` constructs as arguments, which are resolved into
        expression constructs, in addition to appropriate expression

        The correlation arguments are ultimately passed to
        :meth:`.Select.correlate` after coercion to expression constructs.

        The correlation arguments take effect in such cases
        as when :meth:`.Query.from_self` is used, or when
        a subquery as returned by :meth:`.Query.subquery` is
        embedded in another :func:`` construct.


        self._correlate = self._correlate.union(
            if s is not None else None
            for s in args)
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def correlate(self, *args):
        """Return a :class:`.Query` construct which will correlate the given
        FROM clauses to that of an enclosing :class:`.Query` or

        The method here accepts mapped classes, :func:`.aliased` constructs,
        and :func:`.mapper` constructs as arguments, which are resolved into
        expression constructs, in addition to appropriate expression

        The correlation arguments are ultimately passed to
        :meth:`.Select.correlate` after coercion to expression constructs.

        The correlation arguments take effect in such cases
        as when :meth:`.Query.from_self` is used, or when
        a subquery as returned by :meth:`.Query.subquery` is
        embedded in another :func:`` construct.


        self._correlate = self._correlate.union(
            if s is not None else None
            for s in args)
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def correlate(self, *args):
        """Return a :class:`.Query` construct which will correlate the given
        FROM clauses to that of an enclosing :class:`.Query` or

        The method here accepts mapped classes, :func:`.aliased` constructs,
        and :func:`.mapper` constructs as arguments, which are resolved into
        expression constructs, in addition to appropriate expression

        The correlation arguments are ultimately passed to
        :meth:`.Select.correlate` after coercion to expression constructs.

        The correlation arguments take effect in such cases
        as when :meth:`.Query.from_self` is used, or when
        a subquery as returned by :meth:`.Query.subquery` is
        embedded in another :func:`` construct.


        self._correlate = self._correlate.union(
            if s is not None else None
            for s in args)
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def correlate(self, *args):
        """Return a :class:`.Query` construct which will correlate the given
        FROM clauses to that of an enclosing :class:`.Query` or

        The method here accepts mapped classes, :func:`.aliased` constructs,
        and :func:`.mapper` constructs as arguments, which are resolved into
        expression constructs, in addition to appropriate expression

        The correlation arguments are ultimately passed to
        :meth:`.Select.correlate` after coercion to expression constructs.

        The correlation arguments take effect in such cases
        as when :meth:`.Query.from_self` is used, or when
        a subquery as returned by :meth:`.Query.subquery` is
        embedded in another :func:`` construct.


        self._correlate = self._correlate.union(
            if s is not None else None
            for s in args)
项目:ShelbySearch    作者:Agentscreech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def outerjoin(self, *props, **kwargs):
        """Create a left outer join against this ``Query`` object's criterion
        and apply generatively, returning the newly resulting ``Query``.

        Usage is the same as the ``join()`` method.

        aliased, from_joinpoint, full = kwargs.pop('aliased', False), \
            kwargs.pop('from_joinpoint', False), \
            kwargs.pop('full', False)
        if kwargs:
            raise TypeError("unknown arguments: %s" %
                            ', '.join(sorted(kwargs)))
        return self._join(props,
                          outerjoin=True, full=full, create_aliases=aliased,
项目:pyetje    作者:rorlika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def correlate(self, *args):
        """Return a :class:`.Query` construct which will correlate the given
        FROM clauses to that of an enclosing :class:`.Query` or

        The method here accepts mapped classes, :func:`.aliased` constructs,
        and :func:`.mapper` constructs as arguments, which are resolved into
        expression constructs, in addition to appropriate expression

        The correlation arguments are ultimately passed to
        :meth:`.Select.correlate` after coercion to expression constructs.

        The correlation arguments take effect in such cases
        as when :meth:`.Query.from_self` is used, or when
        a subquery as returned by :meth:`.Query.subquery` is
        embedded in another :func:`` construct.


        self._correlate = self._correlate.union(
                                        if s is not None else None
                                        for s in args)
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def outerjoin(self, *props, **kwargs):
        """Create a left outer join against this ``Query`` object's criterion
        and apply generatively, returning the newly resulting ``Query``.

        Usage is the same as the ``join()`` method.

        aliased, from_joinpoint, full = kwargs.pop('aliased', False), \
            kwargs.pop('from_joinpoint', False), \
            kwargs.pop('full', False)
        if kwargs:
            raise TypeError("unknown arguments: %s" %
                            ', '.join(sorted(kwargs)))
        return self._join(props,
                          outerjoin=True, full=full, create_aliases=aliased,
项目:chalktalk_docs    作者:loremIpsum1771    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_vote(self, comment_id, username, value):
        session = Session()

        subquery = session.query(CommentVote).filter(
            CommentVote.username == username).subquery()
        vote_alias = aliased(CommentVote, subquery)
        q = session.query(Comment, vote_alias).outerjoin(vote_alias).filter(
   == comment_id)
        comment, vote =

        if vote is None:
            vote = CommentVote(comment_id, username, value)
            comment.rating += value
            comment.rating += value - vote.value
            vote.value = value

项目:marvin    作者:sdss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _addPipeline(self):
        ''' Adds the DRP and DAP Pipeline Info into the Query '''

        self._drp_alias = aliased(marvindb.datadb.PipelineInfo, name='drpalias')
        self._dap_alias = aliased(marvindb.datadb.PipelineInfo, name='dapalias')

        drppipe = self._getPipeInfo('drp')
        dappipe = self._getPipeInfo('dap')

        # Add DRP pipeline version
        if drppipe:
            self.query = self.query.join(self._drp_alias, marvindb.datadb.Cube.pipelineInfo).\
                filter( ==

        # Add DAP pipeline version
        if dappipe:
            self.query = self.query.join(self._dap_alias, marvindb.dapdb.File.pipelineinfo).\
                filter( ==
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def correlate(self, *args):
        """Return a :class:`.Query` construct which will correlate the given
        FROM clauses to that of an enclosing :class:`.Query` or

        The method here accepts mapped classes, :func:`.aliased` constructs,
        and :func:`.mapper` constructs as arguments, which are resolved into
        expression constructs, in addition to appropriate expression

        The correlation arguments are ultimately passed to
        :meth:`.Select.correlate` after coercion to expression constructs.

        The correlation arguments take effect in such cases
        as when :meth:`.Query.from_self` is used, or when
        a subquery as returned by :meth:`.Query.subquery` is
        embedded in another :func:`` construct.


        self._correlate = self._correlate.union(
            if s is not None else None
            for s in args)
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def correlate(self, *args):
        """Return a :class:`.Query` construct which will correlate the given
        FROM clauses to that of an enclosing :class:`.Query` or

        The method here accepts mapped classes, :func:`.aliased` constructs,
        and :func:`.mapper` constructs as arguments, which are resolved into
        expression constructs, in addition to appropriate expression

        The correlation arguments are ultimately passed to
        :meth:`.Select.correlate` after coercion to expression constructs.

        The correlation arguments take effect in such cases
        as when :meth:`.Query.from_self` is used, or when
        a subquery as returned by :meth:`.Query.subquery` is
        embedded in another :func:`` construct.


        self._correlate = self._correlate.union(
            if s is not None else None
            for s in args)
项目:Callandtext    作者:iaora    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def correlate(self, *args):
        """Return a :class:`.Query` construct which will correlate the given
        FROM clauses to that of an enclosing :class:`.Query` or

        The method here accepts mapped classes, :func:`.aliased` constructs,
        and :func:`.mapper` constructs as arguments, which are resolved into
        expression constructs, in addition to appropriate expression

        The correlation arguments are ultimately passed to
        :meth:`.Select.correlate` after coercion to expression constructs.

        The correlation arguments take effect in such cases
        as when :meth:`.Query.from_self` is used, or when
        a subquery as returned by :meth:`.Query.subquery` is
        embedded in another :func:`` construct.


        self._correlate = self._correlate.union(
            if s is not None else None
            for s in args)
项目:python_ddd_flask    作者:igorvinnicius    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def correlate(self, *args):
        """Return a :class:`.Query` construct which will correlate the given
        FROM clauses to that of an enclosing :class:`.Query` or

        The method here accepts mapped classes, :func:`.aliased` constructs,
        and :func:`.mapper` constructs as arguments, which are resolved into
        expression constructs, in addition to appropriate expression

        The correlation arguments are ultimately passed to
        :meth:`.Select.correlate` after coercion to expression constructs.

        The correlation arguments take effect in such cases
        as when :meth:`.Query.from_self` is used, or when
        a subquery as returned by :meth:`.Query.subquery` is
        embedded in another :func:`` construct.


        self._correlate = self._correlate.union(
            if s is not None else None
            for s in args)
项目:zou    作者:cgwire    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_shots(criterions={}):
    shot_type = get_shot_type()
    criterions["entity_type_id"] = shot_type["id"]
    Sequence = aliased(Entity, name='sequence')
    query = Entity.query.filter_by(**criterions)
    query = query.join(Project)
    query = query.join(Sequence, == Entity.parent_id)
    query = query.add_columns(
    query = query.add_columns(
    data = query.all()

    shots = []
    for (shot_model, project_name, sequence_name) in data:
        shot = shot_model.serialize(obj_type="Shot")
        shot["project_name"] = project_name
        shot["sequence_name"] = sequence_name

    return shots
项目:zou    作者:cgwire    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_scenes(criterions={}):
    scene_type = get_scene_type()
    criterions["entity_type_id"] = scene_type["id"]
    Sequence = aliased(Entity, name='sequence')
    query = Entity.query.filter_by(**criterions)
    query = query.join(Project)
    query = query.join(Sequence, == Entity.parent_id)
    query = query.add_columns(
    query = query.add_columns(
    data = query.all()

    scenes = []
    for (scene_model, project_name, sequence_name) in data:
        scene = scene_model.serialize(obj_type="Scene")
        scene["project_name"] = project_name
        scene["sequence_name"] = sequence_name

    return scenes
项目:zou    作者:cgwire    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_project_episodes(project_id):
    shot_type = shots_service.get_shot_type()
    sequence_type = shots_service.get_sequence_type()
    episode_type = shots_service.get_episode_type()

    Shot = aliased(Entity, name='shot')
    Sequence = aliased(Entity, name='sequence')
    query = Entity.query \
        .join(Sequence, Sequence.parent_id == \
        .join(Shot, Shot.parent_id == \
        .join(Task, Task.entity_id == \
        .join(Project, == Entity.project_id) \
        .join(ProjectStatus) \
        .filter(Shot.entity_type_id == shot_type["id"]) \
        .filter(Sequence.entity_type_id == sequence_type["id"]) \
        .filter(Entity.entity_type_id == episode_type["id"]) \
        .filter( == project_id) \
        .filter(assignee_filter()) \

    return Entity.serialize_list(query.all(), obj_type="Episode")
项目:neutron-dynamic-routing    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _tenant_networks_by_network_query(self, context,
                                          network_id, bgp_speaker_id):
        """Return subquery for tenant networks by binding network ID"""
        address_scope = aliased(address_scope_db.AddressScope,
        router_attrs = aliased(l3_attrs_db.RouterExtraAttributes,
        tenant_networks_query = context.session.query(
        tenant_networks_query = tenant_networks_query.filter(
             l3_db.RouterPort.port_type != lib_consts.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_GW,
             l3_db.RouterPort.port_type != lib_consts.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_SNAT,
             l3_db.RouterPort.router_id == router_attrs.router_id,
             models_v2.IPAllocation.port_id == l3_db.RouterPort.port_id,
             models_v2.IPAllocation.subnet_id ==,
             models_v2.Subnet.network_id != network_id,
             models_v2.Subnet.subnetpool_id ==,
             models_v2.SubnetPool.address_scope_id ==,
    == bgp_speaker_id,
             BgpSpeaker.ip_version == address_scope.ip_version,
             models_v2.Subnet.ip_version == address_scope.ip_version)
        return tenant_networks_query
项目:neutron-dynamic-routing    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _next_hop_ip_addresses_by_binding_filters(self,
        """Return the filters for querying nexthops by binding network"""
        address_scope = aliased(address_scope_db.AddressScope,
        return [models_v2.IPAllocation.port_id == l3_db.RouterPort.port_id,
            models_v2.IPAllocation.subnet_id ==,
   == bgp_speaker_id,
            BgpSpeakerNetworkBinding.bgp_speaker_id ==,
            BgpSpeakerNetworkBinding.network_id == network_id,
            models_v2.Subnet.network_id == BgpSpeakerNetworkBinding.network_id,
            models_v2.Subnet.subnetpool_id ==,
            models_v2.SubnetPool.address_scope_id ==,
            models_v2.Subnet.ip_version == address_scope.ip_version,
            l3_db.RouterPort.port_type == DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_GW]
项目:neutron-dynamic-routing    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _tenant_prefixes_by_router_filters(self, router_id, bgp_speaker_id):
        binding = aliased(BgpSpeakerNetworkBinding, name='network_binding')
        subnetpool = aliased(models_v2.SubnetPool,
        router_attrs = aliased(l3_attrs_db.RouterExtraAttributes,
        return [ == models_v2.IPAllocation.subnet_id,
                models_v2.Subnet.subnetpool_id ==,
                l3_db.RouterPort.router_id == router_id,
       == l3_db.RouterPort.router_id,
       == router_attrs.router_id,
                l3_db.Router.gw_port_id ==,
                models_v2.Port.network_id == binding.network_id,
                binding.bgp_speaker_id ==,
                l3_db.RouterPort.port_type == DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF,
                models_v2.IPAllocation.port_id == l3_db.RouterPort.port_id]
项目:sphinxcontrib-websupport    作者:sphinx-doc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_vote(self, comment_id, username, value):
        session = Session()

        subquery = session.query(CommentVote).filter(
            CommentVote.username == username).subquery()
        vote_alias = aliased(CommentVote, subquery)
        q = session.query(Comment, vote_alias).outerjoin(vote_alias).filter(
   == comment_id)
        comment, vote =

        if vote is None:
            vote = CommentVote(comment_id, username, value)
            comment.rating += value
            comment.rating += value - vote.value
            vote.value = value

项目:rucio    作者:rucio01    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def list_subscription_rule_states(name=None, account=None, session=None):
    """Returns a list of with the number of rules per state for a subscription.

    :param name: Name of the subscription
    :param account: Account identifier
    :param session: The database session in use.
    :returns: List with tuple (account, name, state, count)
    subscription = aliased(models.Subscription)
    rule = aliased(models.ReplicationRule)
    query = session.query(subscription.account,, rule.state, func.count()).join(rule, == rule.subscription_id)

        if name:
            query = query.filter( == name)
        if account:
            query = query.filter(subscription.account == account)
    except IntegrityError as error:

    query = query.group_by(subscription.account,, rule.state)

    for row in query:
        yield row
项目:webapp    作者:superchilli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def outerjoin(self, *props, **kwargs):
        """Create a left outer join against this ``Query`` object's criterion
        and apply generatively, returning the newly resulting ``Query``.

        Usage is the same as the ``join()`` method.

        aliased, from_joinpoint, full = kwargs.pop('aliased', False), \
            kwargs.pop('from_joinpoint', False), \
            kwargs.pop('full', False)
        if kwargs:
            raise TypeError("unknown arguments: %s" %
                            ', '.join(sorted(kwargs)))
        return self._join(props,
                          outerjoin=True, full=full, create_aliases=aliased,
项目:QualquerMerdaAPI    作者:tiagovizoto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def outerjoin(self, *props, **kwargs):
        """Create a left outer join against this ``Query`` object's criterion
        and apply generatively, returning the newly resulting ``Query``.

        Usage is the same as the ``join()`` method.

        aliased, from_joinpoint, full = kwargs.pop('aliased', False), \
            kwargs.pop('from_joinpoint', False), \
            kwargs.pop('full', False)
        if kwargs:
            raise TypeError("unknown arguments: %s" %
                            ', '.join(sorted(kwargs)))
        return self._join(props,
                          outerjoin=True, full=full, create_aliases=aliased,
项目:gardenbot    作者:GoestaO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def outerjoin(self, *props, **kwargs):
        """Create a left outer join against this ``Query`` object's criterion
        and apply generatively, returning the newly resulting ``Query``.

        Usage is the same as the ``join()`` method.

        aliased, from_joinpoint, full = kwargs.pop('aliased', False), \
            kwargs.pop('from_joinpoint', False), \
            kwargs.pop('full', False)
        if kwargs:
            raise TypeError("unknown arguments: %s" %
                            ', '.join(sorted(kwargs)))
        return self._join(props,
                          outerjoin=True, full=full, create_aliases=aliased,
项目:flask-zhenai-mongo-echarts    作者:Fretice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def outerjoin(self, *props, **kwargs):
        """Create a left outer join against this ``Query`` object's criterion
        and apply generatively, returning the newly resulting ``Query``.

        Usage is the same as the ``join()`` method.

        aliased, from_joinpoint, full = kwargs.pop('aliased', False), \
            kwargs.pop('from_joinpoint', False), \
            kwargs.pop('full', False)
        if kwargs:
            raise TypeError("unknown arguments: %s" %
                            ', '.join(sorted(kwargs)))
        return self._join(props,
                          outerjoin=True, full=full, create_aliases=aliased,
项目:Data-visualization    作者:insta-code1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def correlate(self, *args):
        """Return a :class:`.Query` construct which will correlate the given
        FROM clauses to that of an enclosing :class:`.Query` or

        The method here accepts mapped classes, :func:`.aliased` constructs,
        and :func:`.mapper` constructs as arguments, which are resolved into
        expression constructs, in addition to appropriate expression

        The correlation arguments are ultimately passed to
        :meth:`.Select.correlate` after coercion to expression constructs.

        The correlation arguments take effect in such cases
        as when :meth:`.Query.from_self` is used, or when
        a subquery as returned by :meth:`.Query.subquery` is
        embedded in another :func:`` construct.


        self._correlate = self._correlate.union(
            if s is not None else None
            for s in args)
项目:micro-blog    作者:nickChenyx    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def correlate(self, *args):
        """Return a :class:`.Query` construct which will correlate the given
        FROM clauses to that of an enclosing :class:`.Query` or

        The method here accepts mapped classes, :func:`.aliased` constructs,
        and :func:`.mapper` constructs as arguments, which are resolved into
        expression constructs, in addition to appropriate expression

        The correlation arguments are ultimately passed to
        :meth:`.Select.correlate` after coercion to expression constructs.

        The correlation arguments take effect in such cases
        as when :meth:`.Query.from_self` is used, or when
        a subquery as returned by :meth:`.Query.subquery` is
        embedded in another :func:`` construct.


        self._correlate = self._correlate.union(
            if s is not None else None
            for s in args)
项目:python-flask-security    作者:weinbergdavid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def correlate(self, *args):
        """Return a :class:`.Query` construct which will correlate the given
        FROM clauses to that of an enclosing :class:`.Query` or

        The method here accepts mapped classes, :func:`.aliased` constructs,
        and :func:`.mapper` constructs as arguments, which are resolved into
        expression constructs, in addition to appropriate expression

        The correlation arguments are ultimately passed to
        :meth:`.Select.correlate` after coercion to expression constructs.

        The correlation arguments take effect in such cases
        as when :meth:`.Query.from_self` is used, or when
        a subquery as returned by :meth:`.Query.subquery` is
        embedded in another :func:`` construct.


        self._correlate = self._correlate.union(
            if s is not None else None
            for s in args)
项目:watcher    作者:nosmokingbandit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def outerjoin(self, *props, **kwargs):
        """Create a left outer join against this ``Query`` object's criterion
        and apply generatively, returning the newly resulting ``Query``.

        Usage is the same as the ``join()`` method.

        aliased, from_joinpoint, full = kwargs.pop('aliased', False), \
            kwargs.pop('from_joinpoint', False), \
            kwargs.pop('full', False)
        if kwargs:
            raise TypeError("unknown arguments: %s" %
                            ', '.join(sorted(kwargs)))
        return self._join(props,
                          outerjoin=True, full=full, create_aliases=aliased,
项目:Lixiang_zhaoxin    作者:hejaxian    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def correlate(self, *args):
        """Return a :class:`.Query` construct which will correlate the given
        FROM clauses to that of an enclosing :class:`.Query` or

        The method here accepts mapped classes, :func:`.aliased` constructs,
        and :func:`.mapper` constructs as arguments, which are resolved into
        expression constructs, in addition to appropriate expression

        The correlation arguments are ultimately passed to
        :meth:`.Select.correlate` after coercion to expression constructs.

        The correlation arguments take effect in such cases
        as when :meth:`.Query.from_self` is used, or when
        a subquery as returned by :meth:`.Query.subquery` is
        embedded in another :func:`` construct.


        self._correlate = self._correlate.union(
            if s is not None else None
            for s in args)
项目:radar    作者:renalreg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter_by_roles(current_user, roles):
    # Alias as we are joining against the GroupUser table twice
    group_user_alias = aliased(GroupUser)

    # Users in the same group as the parent user (correlated query)
    query = db.session.query(GroupUser)\
        .join(group_user_alias, Group.group_users)\
        .filter(GroupUser.user_id ==

    # Filter on the current user's group membership and roles
    query = query.filter(
        group_user_alias.user_id ==,

    return query.exists()
项目:radar    作者:renalreg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter_consultants_by_patient_id(query, patient_id):
    # Only return consultants that belong to one of the groups the patient also belongs to
    consultant_alias = aliased(Consultant)
    consultants_for_patient_query = db.session.query(consultant_alias)
    consultants_for_patient_query = consultants_for_patient_query.join(consultant_alias.group_consultants)
    consultants_for_patient_query = consultants_for_patient_query.join(
    consultants_for_patient_query = consultants_for_patient_query.join(Group.group_patients)
    consultants_for_patient_query = consultants_for_patient_query.filter(
        GroupPatient.patient_id == patient_id, ==,
    query = query.filter(consultants_for_patient_query.exists())

    # Check the user has permission to view this patient
    patient_query = PatientQueryBuilder(current_user).build()
    patient_query = patient_query.filter( == patient_id)
    query = query.filter(patient_query.exists())

    return query
项目:radar    作者:renalreg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter_by_group_roles(current_user, roles, current=None):
    patient_alias = aliased(Patient)
    sub_query = db.session.query(patient_alias)
    sub_query = sub_query.join(patient_alias.group_patients)
    sub_query = sub_query.join(
    sub_query = sub_query.join(Group.group_users)
    sub_query = sub_query.filter( ==,
        GroupUser.user_id ==,

    if current:
        sub_query = sub_query.filter(GroupPatient.current == True)  # noqa

    return sub_query.exists()
项目:flask    作者:bobohope    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def outerjoin(self, *props, **kwargs):
        """Create a left outer join against this ``Query`` object's criterion
        and apply generatively, returning the newly resulting ``Query``.

        Usage is the same as the ``join()`` method.

        aliased, from_joinpoint, full = kwargs.pop('aliased', False), \
            kwargs.pop('from_joinpoint', False), \
            kwargs.pop('full', False)
        if kwargs:
            raise TypeError("unknown arguments: %s" %
                            ', '.join(sorted(kwargs)))
        return self._join(props,
                          outerjoin=True, full=full, create_aliases=aliased,
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _set_select_from(self, obj, set_base_alias):
        fa = []
        select_from_alias = None

        for from_obj in obj:
            info = inspect(from_obj)
            if hasattr(info, 'mapper') and \
                    (info.is_mapper or info.is_aliased_class):
                self._select_from_entity = from_obj
                if set_base_alias:
                    raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                        "A selectable (FromClause) instance is "
                        "expected when the base alias is being set.")
            elif not info.is_selectable:
                raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                    "argument is not a mapped class, mapper, "
                    "aliased(), or FromClause instance.")
                if isinstance(from_obj, expression.SelectBase):
                    from_obj = from_obj.alias()
                if set_base_alias:
                    select_from_alias = from_obj

        self._from_obj = tuple(fa)

        if set_base_alias and \
                len(self._from_obj) == 1 and \
                isinstance(select_from_alias, expression.Alias):
            equivs = self.__all_equivs()
            self._from_obj_alias = sql_util.ColumnAdapter(
                self._from_obj[0], equivs)
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_entity(self, entity, alias=None):
        """add a mapped entity to the list of result columns
        to be returned."""

        if alias is not None:
            entity = aliased(entity, alias)

        self._entities = list(self._entities)
        m = _MapperEntity(self, entity)
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def outerjoin(self, *props, **kwargs):
        """Create a left outer join against this ``Query`` object's criterion
        and apply generatively, returning the newly resulting ``Query``.

        Usage is the same as the ``join()`` method.

        aliased, from_joinpoint = kwargs.pop('aliased', False), \
            kwargs.pop('from_joinpoint', False)
        if kwargs:
            raise TypeError("unknown arguments: %s" %
                            ', '.join(sorted(kwargs)))
        return self._join(props,
                          outerjoin=True, create_aliases=aliased,
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, alias):
        """Return a :class:`.MapperOption` that will indicate to the :class:`.Query`
        that the main table has been aliased.

        This is a seldom-used option to suit the
        very rare case that :func:`.contains_eager`
        is being used in conjunction with a user-defined SELECT
        statement that aliases the parent table.  E.g.::

            # define an aliased UNION called 'ulist'
            ulist =\\

            # add on an eager load of "addresses"
            statement = ulist.outerjoin(addresses).\\

            # create query, indicating "ulist" will be an
            # alias for the main table, "addresses"
            # property should be eager loaded
            query = session.query(User).options(

            # then get results via the statement
            results = query.from_statement(statement).all()

        :param alias: is the string name of an alias, or a
         :class:`~.sql.expression.Alias` object representing
         the alias.

        self.alias = alias
项目:falcon-api    作者:Opentopic    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def next_alias(aliases, name, obj_class, use_existing=True, prefix=''):
        is_new = True
        if name in aliases:
            if use_existing:
                is_new = False
                aliases[name]['number'] += 1
                    aliased(obj_class, name=prefix + name + '_' + str(aliases[name]['number'])))
            aliases[name] = {'number': 1,
                             'aliased': [aliased(obj_class, name=prefix + name + '_1')]}
        return aliases[name]['aliased'][-1], is_new
项目:panko    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_model_and_conditions(trait_type, key, value, op='eq'):
    trait_model = aliased(trait_models_dict[trait_type])
    op_dict = {'eq': (trait_model.value == value),
               'lt': (trait_model.value < value),
               'le': (trait_model.value <= value),
               'gt': (trait_model.value > value),
               'ge': (trait_model.value >= value),
               'ne': (trait_model.value != value)}
    conditions = [trait_model.key == key, op_dict[op]]
    return (trait_model, conditions)
项目:QXSConsolas    作者:qxsch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _set_select_from(self, obj, set_base_alias):
        fa = []
        select_from_alias = None

        for from_obj in obj:
            info = inspect(from_obj)
            if hasattr(info, 'mapper') and \
                    (info.is_mapper or info.is_aliased_class):
                self._select_from_entity = from_obj
                if set_base_alias:
                    raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                        "A selectable (FromClause) instance is "
                        "expected when the base alias is being set.")
            elif not info.is_selectable:
                raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                    "argument is not a mapped class, mapper, "
                    "aliased(), or FromClause instance.")
                if isinstance(from_obj, expression.SelectBase):
                    from_obj = from_obj.alias()
                if set_base_alias:
                    select_from_alias = from_obj

        self._from_obj = tuple(fa)

        if set_base_alias and \
                len(self._from_obj) == 1 and \
                isinstance(select_from_alias, expression.Alias):
            equivs = self.__all_equivs()
            self._from_obj_alias = sql_util.ColumnAdapter(
                self._from_obj[0], equivs)
项目:QXSConsolas    作者:qxsch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_entity(self, entity, alias=None):
        """add a mapped entity to the list of result columns
        to be returned."""

        if alias is not None:
            entity = aliased(entity, alias)

        self._entities = list(self._entities)
        m = _MapperEntity(self, entity)
项目:QXSConsolas    作者:qxsch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def outerjoin(self, *props, **kwargs):
        """Create a left outer join against this ``Query`` object's criterion
        and apply generatively, returning the newly resulting ``Query``.

        Usage is the same as the ``join()`` method.

        aliased, from_joinpoint = kwargs.pop('aliased', False), \
            kwargs.pop('from_joinpoint', False)
        if kwargs:
            raise TypeError("unknown arguments: %s" %
                            ', '.join(sorted(kwargs)))
        return self._join(props,
                          outerjoin=True, create_aliases=aliased,
项目:QXSConsolas    作者:qxsch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, alias):
        """Return a :class:`.MapperOption` that will indicate to the :class:`.Query`
        that the main table has been aliased.

        This is a seldom-used option to suit the
        very rare case that :func:`.contains_eager`
        is being used in conjunction with a user-defined SELECT
        statement that aliases the parent table.  E.g.::

            # define an aliased UNION called 'ulist'
            ulist =\\

            # add on an eager load of "addresses"
            statement = ulist.outerjoin(addresses).\\

            # create query, indicating "ulist" will be an
            # alias for the main table, "addresses"
            # property should be eager loaded
            query = session.query(User).options(

            # then get results via the statement
            results = query.from_statement(statement).all()

        :param alias: is the string name of an alias, or a
         :class:`~.sql.expression.Alias` object representing
         the alias.

        self.alias = alias
项目:LabbookDB    作者:TheChymera    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_all_columns(cols, class_name):
    joinclassobject = ALLOWED_CLASSES[class_name]

    #we need to catch this esception, because for aliased classes a mapper is not directly returned
        col_name_cols = sqlalchemy.inspection.inspect(joinclassobject).columns.items()
    except AttributeError:
        col_name_cols = sqlalchemy.inspection.inspect(joinclassobject).mapper.columns.items()

    for col_name, col in col_name_cols:
        column = getattr(joinclassobject, col.key)
        cols.append(column.label("{}_{}".format(class_name, col_name)))
项目:LabbookDB    作者:TheChymera    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_for_protocolize(db_path, class_name, code):
    """Return a dataframe containing a specific entry from a given class name, joined with its related tables up to three levels down.
    session, engine = load_session(db_path)
    cols = []
    joins = []
    classobject = ALLOWED_CLASSES[class_name]
    insp = sqlalchemy.inspection.inspect(classobject)
    for name, col in insp.columns.items():
    for name, rel in insp.relationships.items():
        alias = aliased(rel.mapper.class_, name=name)
        joins.append((alias, rel.class_attribute))
        for col_name, col in sqlalchemy.inspection.inspect(rel.mapper).columns.items():
            #the id column causes double entries, as it is mapped once on the parent table (related_table_id) and once on the child table (table_id)
            if col.key != "id":
                aliased_col = getattr(alias, col.key)
                cols.append(aliased_col.label("{}_{}".format(name, col_name)))

        sub_insp = sqlalchemy.inspection.inspect(rel.mapper.class_)
        for sub_name, sub_rel in sub_insp.relationships.items():
            if "contains" not in sub_name:
                sub_alias = aliased(sub_rel.mapper.class_, name=name+"_"+sub_name)
                joins.append((sub_alias, sub_rel.class_attribute))
                for sub_col_name, sub_col in sqlalchemy.inspection.inspect(sub_rel.mapper).columns.items():
                    #the id column causes double entries, as it is mapped once on the parent table (related_table_id) and once on the child table (table_id)
                    if sub_col.key != "id":
                        sub_aliased_col = getattr(sub_alias, sub_col.key)
                        cols.append(sub_aliased_col.label("{}_{}_{}".format(name, sub_name, sub_col_name)))

    sql_query = session.query(*cols).select_from(classobject)
    for join in joins:
        sql_query = sql_query.outerjoin(*join)
    sql_query = sql_query.filter(classobject.code == code)

    mystring = sql_query.statement
    mydf = pd.read_sql_query(mystring,engine)

    return mydf
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _set_select_from(self, obj, set_base_alias):
        fa = []
        select_from_alias = None

        for from_obj in obj:
            info = inspect(from_obj)

            if hasattr(info, 'mapper') and \
                    (info.is_mapper or info.is_aliased_class):
                self._select_from_entity = from_obj
                if set_base_alias:
                    raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                        "A selectable (FromClause) instance is "
                        "expected when the base alias is being set.")
            elif not info.is_selectable:
                raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
                    "argument is not a mapped class, mapper, "
                    "aliased(), or FromClause instance.")
                if isinstance(from_obj, expression.SelectBase):
                    from_obj = from_obj.alias()
                if set_base_alias:
                    select_from_alias = from_obj

        self._from_obj = tuple(fa)

        if set_base_alias and \
                len(self._from_obj) == 1 and \
                isinstance(select_from_alias, expression.Alias):
            equivs = self.__all_equivs()
            self._from_obj_alias = sql_util.ColumnAdapter(
                self._from_obj[0], equivs)
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_entity(self, entity, alias=None):
        """add a mapped entity to the list of result columns
        to be returned."""

        if alias is not None:
            entity = aliased(entity, alias)

        self._entities = list(self._entities)
        m = _MapperEntity(self, entity)
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def outerjoin(self, *props, **kwargs):
        """Create a left outer join against this ``Query`` object's criterion
        and apply generatively, returning the newly resulting ``Query``.

        Usage is the same as the ``join()`` method.

        aliased, from_joinpoint = kwargs.pop('aliased', False), \
            kwargs.pop('from_joinpoint', False)
        if kwargs:
            raise TypeError("unknown arguments: %s" %
                            ', '.join(sorted(kwargs)))
        return self._join(props,
                          outerjoin=True, create_aliases=aliased,