def name(self): try: base_name = CONF.instance_name_template % self.id except TypeError: # Support templates like "uuid-%(uuid)s", etc. info = {} # NOTE(russellb): Don't use self.iteritems() here, as it will # result in infinite recursion on the name property. for column in iter(orm.object_mapper(self).columns): key = column.name # prevent recursion if someone specifies %(name)s # %(name)s will not be valid. if key == 'name': continue info[key] = self[key] try: base_name = CONF.instance_name_template % info except KeyError: base_name = self.uuid return base_name
def __repr__(self): mapper = object_mapper(self) cols = getattr(self, '_repr_columns', mapper.primary_key) items = [(p.key, getattr(self, p.key)) for p in [ mapper.get_property_by_column(c) for c in cols]] return "{0}({1})".format( self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(['{0}={1!r}'.format(*item) for item in items]))
def __iter__(self): columns = dict(object_mapper(self).columns).keys() # NOTE(russellb): Allow models to specify other keys that can be looked # up, beyond the actual db columns. An example would be the 'name' # property for an Instance. if hasattr(self, '_extra_keys'): columns.extend(self._extra_keys()) self._i = iter(columns) return self
def __iter__(self): self._i = iter(object_mapper(self).columns) return self
def __iter__(self): self._i = iter(orm.object_mapper(self).columns) return self
def to_dict(self): return {col.name: getattr(self, col.name) for col in object_mapper(self).mapped_table.c}
def diff(self, from_model, to=None, include_hidden=False): """Enumerate the changes from a prior history model to a later history model or the current model's state (if ``to`` is ``None``). :param from_model: A history model to diff from. :param to: A history model or ``None``. :return: A dict of column names and ``(from, to)`` value tuples """ to_model = to or self untracked_cols = set(getattr(self, '__chrononaut_untracked__', [])) for k in self.__history_mapper__.primary_key: if k.key == 'version': continue if getattr(from_model, k.key) != getattr(to_model, k.key): raise ChrononautException('You can only diff models with the same primary keys.') if not isinstance(from_model, self.__history_mapper__.class_): raise ChrononautException('Cannot diff from a non-history model.') if to_model is not self and from_model.changed > to_model.changed: raise ChrononautException('Diffs must be chronological. Your from_model ' 'post-dates your to.') # TODO: Refactor this and `create_version` so some of the object mapper # iteration is not duplicated twice diff = {} obj_mapper = object_mapper(from_model) for om in obj_mapper.iterate_to_root(): for obj_col in om.local_table.c: if 'version_meta' in obj_col.info or obj_col.key in untracked_cols: continue try: prop = obj_mapper.get_property_by_column(obj_col) except UnmappedColumnError: continue # First check the history model's columns from_val = getattr(from_model, prop.key) to_val = getattr(to_model, prop.key) if from_val != to_val: diff[prop.key] = (from_val, to_val) # If `include_hidden` we need to enumerate through every # model *since* the from_model and see if `change_info` includes # hidden columns. We only need to do this for non-history instances. if include_hidden and isinstance(to_model, self.__class__): from_versions = self.versions(after=from_model.changed) for from_version in from_versions: if 'hidden_cols_changed' in from_version.change_info: for hidden_col in from_version.change_info['hidden_cols_changed']: diff[hidden_col] = (None, getattr(to_model, hidden_col)) break return diff