def on_hover(self, view, point, hover_zone): """Call this when mouse pointer hovers over text. Triggers showing popup with additional information about element under cursor. """ if not Tools.is_valid_view(view): return settings = EasyClangComplete.settings_manager.settings_for_view(view) if not settings.show_type_info: return if hover_zone != sublime.HOVER_TEXT: return tooltip_request = tools.ActionRequest(view, point) self.current_job_id = tooltip_request.get_identifier() job = ThreadJob( name=ThreadJob.INFO_TAG, callback=self.info_finished, function=EasyClangComplete.view_config_manager.trigger_info, args=[view, tooltip_request, settings]) EasyClangComplete.thread_pool.new_job(job)
def on_hover(self, view, point, hover_zone): # Popup only on text if hover_zone != sublime.HOVER_TEXT: return # Check file size to optionnaly disable the feature (finding the information can be quite long) threshold = view.settings().get('vhdl.hover_max_size',-1) if view.size() > threshold and threshold!=-1 : return # Only show a popup for vhdl, when not in a string of a comment scope = view.scope_name(point) if 'source.vhdl' not in scope: return if any(w in scope for w in ['comment', 'string', 'keyword']): return popup = VhdlTypePopup(view) sublime.set_timeout_async(lambda r=view.word(point), p=point: popup.show(r,p))
def on_hover(self, view, point, hover_zone): self.view = view file = view.file_name() if not _is_swift(file): return if hover_zone != sublime.HOVER_TEXT: return project_directory = _project_directory(view) text = _view_text(view) text = subl_source_kitten.popup(point, file, project_directory, text) view.show_popup(text, sublime.HIDE_ON_MOUSE_MOVE_AWAY, point, 600, 600, self.on_navigate, self.on_hide)
def on_hover(self, view, point, hover_zone): if "PHP" not in view.settings().get('syntax'): return self.settings = sublime.load_settings('CompletePHP.sublime-settings') if self.settings.get('showInlineDocsOnHover') == False: return if hover_zone != sublime.HOVER_TEXT: return wordregion = view.word(point) word = view.substr(wordregion).lower() print(word) self.show_doc_popup(view, point, word)
def handle_hover(view, point, hover_zone): if util.is_apex_file(view): if hover_zone != sublime.HOVER_TEXT or view.is_popup_visible(): return util.debug('handling hover') line_diagnostics = get_line_diagnostics(view, point) if line_diagnostics: show_diagnostics_hover(view, point, line_diagnostics)
def on_hover(self, point, hover_zone): if hover_zone != sublime.HOVER_TEXT or self.view.is_popup_visible(): return self.request_symbol_hover(point) point_diagnostics = get_point_diagnostics(self.view, point) if point_diagnostics: self.show_hover(point, self.diagnostics_content(point_diagnostics))
def run(self, edit): point = self.view.sel()[0].begin() SublCompletions().on_hover(self.view, point, sublime.HOVER_TEXT)
def on_hover(self, view, point, hover_zone): # run hover only if its text if hover_zone == sublime.HOVER_TEXT: a = ToolTipHelperCommand(view, point); a.run('');