def _build_logical_expression(self, grammar, terminal_component_names): terminal_component_symbols = eval("symbols('%s')"%(' '.join(terminal_component_names))) if isinstance(terminal_component_symbols, Symbol): terminal_component_symbols = [terminal_component_symbols] name_to_symbol = {terminal_component_names[i]:symbol for i, symbol in enumerate(terminal_component_symbols)} terminal_component_names = set(terminal_component_names) op_to_symbolic_operation = {'not':operator.invert, 'concat':operator.and_, 'gap':operator.and_, 'union':operator.or_, 'intersect':operator.and_} def logical_expression_builder(component): if component['id'] in terminal_component_names: return name_to_symbol[component['id']] else: children = component['components'] return reduce(op_to_symbolic_operation[component['operation']],[logical_expression_builder(child) for child in children]) return simplify(logical_expression_builder(grammar))
def variance(X, condition=None, **kwargs): """ Variance of a random expression Expectation of (X-E(X))**2 Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import Die, E, Bernoulli, variance >>> from sympy import simplify, Symbol >>> X = Die('X', 6) >>> p = Symbol('p') >>> B = Bernoulli('B', p, 1, 0) >>> variance(2*X) 35/3 >>> simplify(variance(B)) p*(-p + 1) """ return cmoment(X, 2, condition, **kwargs)
def standard_deviation(X, condition=None, **kwargs): """ Standard Deviation of a random expression Square root of the Expectation of (X-E(X))**2 Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import Bernoulli, std >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify >>> p = Symbol('p') >>> B = Bernoulli('B', p, 1, 0) >>> simplify(std(B)) sqrt(p*(-p + 1)) """ return sqrt(variance(X, condition, **kwargs))
def test_karr_proposition_2a(): # Test Karr, page 309, proposition 2, part a i = Symbol("i", integer=True) u = Symbol("u", integer=True) v = Symbol("v", integer=True) def test_the_product(m, n): # g g = i**3 + 2*i**2 - 3*i # f = Delta g f = simplify(g.subs(i, i+1) / g) # The product a = m b = n - 1 P = Product(f, (i, a, b)).doit() # Test if Product_{m <= i < n} f(i) = g(n) / g(m) assert simplify(P / (g.subs(i, n) / g.subs(i, m))) == 1 # m < n test_the_product(u, u+v) # m = n test_the_product(u, u ) # m > n test_the_product(u+v, u )
def test_simplify(): y, t, b, c = symbols('y, t, b, c', integer = True) assert simplify(Product(x*y, (x, n, m), (y, a, k)) * \ Product(y, (x, n, m), (y, a, k))) == \ Product(x*y**2, (x, n, m), (y, a, k)) assert simplify(3 * y* Product(x, (x, n, m)) * Product(x, (x, m + 1, a))) \ == 3 * y * Product(x, (x, n, a)) assert simplify(Product(x, (x, k + 1, a)) * Product(x, (x, n, k))) == \ Product(x, (x, n, a)) assert simplify(Product(x, (x, k + 1, a)) * Product(x + 1, (x, n, k))) == \ Product(x, (x, k + 1, a)) * Product(x + 1, (x, n, k)) assert simplify(Product(x, (t, a, b)) * Product(y, (t, a, b)) * \ Product(x, (t, b+1, c))) == Product(x*y, (t, a, b)) * \ Product(x, (t, b+1, c)) assert simplify(Product(x, (t, a, b)) * Product(x, (t, b+1, c)) * \ Product(y, (t, a, b))) == Product(x*y, (t, a, b)) * \ Product(x, (t, b+1, c))
def test_karr_proposition_2a(): # Test Karr, page 309, proposition 2, part a i = Symbol("i", integer=True) u = Symbol("u", integer=True) v = Symbol("v", integer=True) def test_the_sum(m, n): # g g = i**3 + 2*i**2 - 3*i # f = Delta g f = simplify(g.subs(i, i+1) - g) # The sum a = m b = n - 1 S = Sum(f, (i, a, b)).doit() # Test if Sum_{m <= i < n} f(i) = g(n) - g(m) assert simplify(S - (g.subs(i, n) - g.subs(i, m))) == 0 # m < n test_the_sum(u, u+v) # m = n test_the_sum(u, u ) # m > n test_the_sum(u+v, u )
def test_wavefunction(): a = 1/Z R = { (1, 0): 2*sqrt(1/a**3) * exp(-r/a), (2, 0): sqrt(1/(2*a**3)) * exp(-r/(2*a)) * (1 - r/(2*a)), (2, 1): S(1)/2 * sqrt(1/(6*a**3)) * exp(-r/(2*a)) * r/a, (3, 0): S(2)/3 * sqrt(1/(3*a**3)) * exp(-r/(3*a)) * (1 - 2*r/(3*a) + S(2)/27 * (r/a)**2), (3, 1): S(4)/27 * sqrt(2/(3*a**3)) * exp(-r/(3*a)) * (1 - r/(6*a)) * r/a, (3, 2): S(2)/81 * sqrt(2/(15*a**3)) * exp(-r/(3*a)) * (r/a)**2, (4, 0): S(1)/4 * sqrt(1/a**3) * exp(-r/(4*a)) * (1 - 3*r/(4*a) + S(1)/8 * (r/a)**2 - S(1)/192 * (r/a)**3), (4, 1): S(1)/16 * sqrt(5/(3*a**3)) * exp(-r/(4*a)) * (1 - r/(4*a) + S(1)/80 * (r/a)**2) * (r/a), (4, 2): S(1)/64 * sqrt(1/(5*a**3)) * exp(-r/(4*a)) * (1 - r/(12*a)) * (r/a)**2, (4, 3): S(1)/768 * sqrt(1/(35*a**3)) * exp(-r/(4*a)) * (r/a)**3, } for n, l in R: assert simplify(R_nl(n, l, r, Z) - R[(n, l)]) == 0
def test_simplify(): f, n = symbols('f, n') m = Matrix([[1, x], [x + 1/x, x - 1]]) m = m.row_join(eye(m.cols)) raw = m.rref(simplify=lambda x: x)[0] assert raw != m.rref(simplify=True)[0] M = Matrix([[ 1/x + 1/y, (x + x*y) / x ], [ (f(x) + y*f(x))/f(x), 2 * (1/n - cos(n * pi)/n) / pi ]]) M.simplify() assert M == Matrix([[ (x + y)/(x * y), 1 + y ], [ 1 + y, 2*((1 - 1*cos(pi*n))/(pi*n)) ]]) eq = (1 + x)**2 M = Matrix([[eq]]) M.simplify() assert M == Matrix([[eq]]) M.simplify(ratio=oo) == M assert M == Matrix([[eq.simplify(ratio=oo)]])
def test_invertible_check(): # sometimes a singular matrix will have a pivot vector shorter than # the number of rows in a matrix... assert Matrix([[1, 2], [1, 2]]).rref() == (Matrix([[1, 2], [0, 0]]), [0]) raises(ValueError, lambda: Matrix([[1, 2], [1, 2]]).inv()) # ... but sometimes it won't, so that is an insufficient test of # whether something is invertible. m = Matrix([ [-1, -1, 0], [ x, 1, 1], [ 1, x, -1], ]) assert len(m.rref()[1]) == m.rows # in addition, unless simplify=True in the call to rref, the identity # matrix will be returned even though m is not invertible assert m.rref()[0] == eye(3) assert m.rref(simplify=signsimp)[0] != eye(3) raises(ValueError, lambda: m.inv(method="ADJ")) raises(ValueError, lambda: m.inv(method="GE")) raises(ValueError, lambda: m.inv(method="LU"))
def test_anti_symmetric(): assert Matrix([1, 2]).is_anti_symmetric() is False m = Matrix(3, 3, [0, x**2 + 2*x + 1, y, -(x + 1)**2, 0, x*y, -y, -x*y, 0]) assert m.is_anti_symmetric() is True assert m.is_anti_symmetric(simplify=False) is False assert m.is_anti_symmetric(simplify=lambda x: x) is False # tweak to fail m[2, 1] = -m[2, 1] assert m.is_anti_symmetric() is False # untweak m[2, 1] = -m[2, 1] m = m.expand() assert m.is_anti_symmetric(simplify=False) is True m[0, 0] = 1 assert m.is_anti_symmetric() is False
def test_pinv(): from sympy.abc import a, b, c, d, e, f # Pseudoinverse of an invertible matrix is the inverse. A1 = Matrix([[a, b], [c, d]]) assert simplify(A1.pinv()) == simplify(A1.inv()) # Test the four properties of the pseudoinverse for various matrices. As = [Matrix([[13, 104], [2212, 3], [-3, 5]]), Matrix([[1, 7, 9], [11, 17, 19]]), Matrix([a, b])] for A in As: A_pinv = A.pinv() AAp = A * A_pinv ApA = A_pinv * A assert simplify(AAp * A) == A assert simplify(ApA * A_pinv) == A_pinv assert AAp.H == AAp assert ApA.H == ApA
def power_rule(integral): integrand, symbol = integral base, exp = integrand.as_base_exp() if symbol not in exp.free_symbols and isinstance(base, sympy.Symbol): if sympy.simplify(exp + 1) == 0: return ReciprocalRule(base, integrand, symbol) return PowerRule(base, exp, integrand, symbol) elif symbol not in base.free_symbols and isinstance(exp, sympy.Symbol): rule = ExpRule(base, exp, integrand, symbol) if sympy.ask(~sympy.Q.zero(sympy.log(base))): return rule elif sympy.ask(sympy.Q.zero(sympy.log(base))): return ConstantRule(1, 1, symbol) return PiecewiseRule([ (ConstantRule(1, 1, symbol), sympy.Eq(sympy.log(base), 0)), (rule, True) ], integrand, symbol)
def derivatives_in_spherical_coordinates(): Print_Function() X = (r, th, phi) = symbols('r theta phi') curv = [[r*cos(phi)*sin(th), r*sin(phi)*sin(th), r*cos(th)], [1, r, r*sin(th)]] (er, eth, ephi, grad) = MV.setup('e_r e_theta e_phi', metric='[1,1,1]', coords=X, curv=curv) f = MV('f', 'scalar', fct=True) A = MV('A', 'vector', fct=True) B = MV('B', 'grade2', fct=True) print('f =', f) print('A =', A) print('B =', B) print('grad*f =', grad*f) print('grad|A =', grad | A) print('-I*(grad^A) =', (-MV.I*(grad ^ A)).simplify()) print('grad^B =', grad ^ B)
def main(): enhance_print() (ex, ey, ez) = MV.setup('e*x|y|z', metric='[1,1,1]') u = MV('u', 'vector') v = MV('v', 'vector') w = MV('w', 'vector') print(u) print(v) print(w) uv = u ^ v print(uv) print(uv.is_blade()) uvw = u ^ v ^ w print(uvw) print(uvw.is_blade()) print(simplify((uv*uv).scalar())) return
def compose_u3(theta1, phi1, lambda1, theta2, phi2, lambda2): """Return a triple theta, phi, lambda for the product. u3(theta, phi, lambda) = u3(theta1, phi1, lambda1).u3(theta2, phi2, lambda2) = Rz(phi1).Ry(theta1).Rz(lambda1+phi2).Ry(theta2).Rz(lambda2) = Rz(phi1).Rz(phi').Ry(theta').Rz(lambda').Rz(lambda2) = u3(theta', phi1 + phi', lambda2 + lambda') Return theta, phi, lambda. """ # Careful with the factor of two in yzy_to_zyz thetap, phip, lambdap = yzy_to_zyz((lambda1 + phi2) / 2, theta1 / 2, theta2 / 2) (theta, phi, lamb) = (2 * thetap, phi1 + 2 * phip, lambda2 + 2 * lambdap) return (theta.simplify(), phi.simplify(), lamb.simplify())
def linearity_index_inverse_depth(): """Linearity index of Inverse Depth Parameterization""" D, rho, rho_0, d_1, sigma_rho = sympy.symbols("D,rho,rho_0,d_1,sigma_rho") alpha = sympy.symbols("alpha") u = (rho * sympy.sin(alpha)) / (rho_0 * d_1 * (rho_0 - rho) + rho * sympy.cos(alpha)) # NOQA # first order derivative of u u_p = sympy.diff(u, rho) u_p = sympy.simplify(u_p) # second order derivative of u u_pp = sympy.diff(u_p, rho) u_pp = sympy.simplify(u_pp) # Linearity index L = (u_pp * 2 * sigma_rho) / (u_p) L = sympy.simplify(L) print() print("u: ", u) print("u': ", u_p) print("u'': ", u_pp) # print("L = ", L) print("L = ", L.subs(rho, 0)) print()
def compute_stencil(order, n, x_value, h_value, x0=0.): """ computes a stencil of Order order """ h,x = symbols('h x') xs = [x+h*cos(i*pi/n) for i in range(n,-1,-1)] cs = finite_diff_weights(order, xs, x0)[order][n] cs = [simplify(c) for c in cs] cs = [simplify(expr.subs(h, h_value)) for expr in cs] xs = [simplify(expr.subs(h, h_value)) for expr in xs] cs = [simplify(expr.subs(x, x_value)) for expr in cs] xs = [simplify(expr.subs(x, x_value)) for expr in xs] return xs, cs ##############################################
def test_meijerg_formulae(): from sympy.simplify.hyperexpand import MeijerFormulaCollection formulae = MeijerFormulaCollection().formulae for sig in formulae: for formula in formulae[sig]: g = meijerg(formula.func.an, formula.func.ap, formula.func.bm, formula.func.bq, formula.z) rep = {} for sym in formula.symbols: rep[sym] = randcplx() # first test if the closed-form is actually correct g = g.subs(rep) closed_form = formula.closed_form.subs(rep) z = formula.z assert tn(g, closed_form, z) # now test the computed matrix cl = (formula.C * formula.B)[0].subs(rep) assert tn(closed_form, cl, z) deriv1 = z*formula.B.diff(z) deriv2 = formula.M * formula.B for d1, d2 in zip(deriv1, deriv2): assert tn(d1.subs(rep), d2.subs(rep), z)
def test_gosper_sum_AeqB_part2(): f2a = n**2*a**n f2b = (n - r/2)*binomial(r, n) f2c = factorial(n - 1)**2/(factorial(n - x)*factorial(n + x)) g2a = -a*(a + 1)/(a - 1)**3 + a**( m + 1)*(a**2*m**2 - 2*a*m**2 + m**2 - 2*a*m + 2*m + a + 1)/(a - 1)**3 g2b = (m - r)*binomial(r, m)/2 ff = factorial(1 - x)*factorial(1 + x) g2c = 1/ff*( 1 - 1/x**2) + factorial(m)**2/(x**2*factorial(m - x)*factorial(m + x)) g = gosper_sum(f2a, (n, 0, m)) assert g is not None and simplify(g - g2a) == 0 g = gosper_sum(f2b, (n, 0, m)) assert g is not None and simplify(g - g2b) == 0 g = gosper_sum(f2c, (n, 1, m)) assert g is not None and simplify(g - g2c) == 0
def test_hypersum(): from sympy import sin assert simplify(summation(x**n/fac(n), (n, 1, oo))) == -1 + exp(x) assert summation((-1)**n * x**(2*n) / fac(2*n), (n, 0, oo)) == cos(x) assert simplify(summation((-1)**n*x**(2*n + 1) / factorial(2*n + 1), (n, 3, oo))) == -x + sin(x) + x**3/6 - x**5/120 assert summation(1/(n + 2)**3, (n, 1, oo)) == -S(9)/8 + zeta(3) assert summation(1/n**4, (n, 1, oo)) == pi**4/90 s = summation(x**n*n, (n, -oo, 0)) assert s.is_Piecewise assert s.args[0].args[0] == -1/(x*(1 - 1/x)**2) assert s.args[0].args[1] == (abs(1/x) < 1) m = Symbol('n', integer=True, positive=True) assert summation(binomial(m, k), (k, 0, m)) == 2**m
def test_n_link_pendulum_on_cart_higher_order(): l0, m0 = symbols("l0 m0") l1, m1 = symbols("l1 m1") m2 = symbols("m2") g = symbols("g") q0, q1, q2 = dynamicsymbols("q0 q1 q2") u0, u1, u2 = dynamicsymbols("u0 u1 u2") F, T1 = dynamicsymbols("F T1") kane1 = models.n_link_pendulum_on_cart(2) massmatrix1 = Matrix([[m0 + m1 + m2, -l0*m1*cos(q1) - l0*m2*cos(q1), -l1*m2*cos(q2)], [-l0*m1*cos(q1) - l0*m2*cos(q1), l0**2*m1 + l0**2*m2, l0*l1*m2*(sin(q1)*sin(q2) + cos(q1)*cos(q2))], [-l1*m2*cos(q2), l0*l1*m2*(sin(q1)*sin(q2) + cos(q1)*cos(q2)), l1**2*m2]]) forcing1 = Matrix([[-l0*m1*u1**2*sin(q1) - l0*m2*u1**2*sin(q1) - l1*m2*u2**2*sin(q2) + F], [g*l0*m1*sin(q1) + g*l0*m2*sin(q1) - l0*l1*m2*(sin(q1)*cos(q2) - sin(q2)*cos(q1))*u2**2], [g*l1*m2*sin(q2) - l0*l1*m2*(-sin(q1)*cos(q2) + sin(q2)*cos(q1))*u1**2]]) assert simplify(massmatrix1 - kane1.mass_matrix) == zeros(3) assert simplify(forcing1 - kane1.forcing) == Matrix([0, 0, 0])
def test_pend(): q, u = dynamicsymbols('q u') qd, ud = dynamicsymbols('q u', 1) m, l, g = symbols('m l g') N = ReferenceFrame('N') P = Point('P') P.set_vel(N, -l * u * sin(q) * N.x + l * u * cos(q) * N.y) kd = [qd - u] FL = [(P, m * g * N.x)] pa = Particle('pa', P, m) BL = [pa] KM = KanesMethod(N, [q], [u], kd) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=SymPyDeprecationWarning) KM.kanes_equations(FL, BL) MM = KM.mass_matrix forcing = KM.forcing rhs = MM.inv() * forcing rhs.simplify() assert expand(rhs[0]) == expand(-g / l * sin(q)) assert simplify(KM.rhs() - KM.mass_matrix_full.LUsolve(KM.forcing_full)) == zeros(2, 1)
def test_form_1(): symsystem1 = SymbolicSystem(states, comb_explicit_rhs, alg_con=alg_con_full, output_eqns=out_eqns, coord_idxs=coord_idxs, speed_idxs=speed_idxs, bodies=bodies, loads=loads) assert symsystem1.coordinates == Matrix([x, y]) assert symsystem1.speeds == Matrix([u, v]) assert symsystem1.states == Matrix([x, y, u, v, lam]) assert symsystem1.alg_con == [4] inter = comb_explicit_rhs assert simplify(symsystem1.comb_explicit_rhs - inter) == zeros(5, 1) assert set(symsystem1.dynamic_symbols()) == set([y, v, lam, u, x]) assert type(symsystem1.dynamic_symbols()) == tuple assert set(symsystem1.constant_symbols()) == set([l, g, m]) assert type(symsystem1.constant_symbols()) == tuple assert symsystem1.output_eqns == out_eqns assert symsystem1.bodies == (Pa,) assert symsystem1.loads == ((P, g * m * N.x),)
def test_jordan_form_complex_issue_9274(): A = Matrix([[ 2, 4, 1, 0], [-4, 2, 0, 1], [ 0, 0, 2, 4], [ 0, 0, -4, 2]]) p = 2 - 4*I; q = 2 + 4*I; Jmust1 = Matrix([[p, 1, 0, 0], [0, p, 0, 0], [0, 0, q, 1], [0, 0, 0, q]]) Jmust2 = Matrix([[q, 1, 0, 0], [0, q, 0, 0], [0, 0, p, 1], [0, 0, 0, p]]) P, J = A.jordan_form() assert J == Jmust1 or J == Jmust2 assert simplify(P*J*P.inv()) == A
def test_rank_regression_from_so(): # see: # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19072700/why-does-sympy-give-me-the-wrong-answer-when-i-row-reduce-a-symbolic-matrix nu, lamb = symbols('nu, lambda') A = Matrix([[-3*nu, 1, 0, 0], [ 3*nu, -2*nu - 1, 2, 0], [ 0, 2*nu, (-1*nu) - lamb - 2, 3], [ 0, 0, nu + lamb, -3]]) expected_reduced = Matrix([[1, 0, 0, 1/(nu**2*(-lamb - nu))], [0, 1, 0, 3/(nu*(-lamb - nu))], [0, 0, 1, 3/(-lamb - nu)], [0, 0, 0, 0]]) expected_pivots = [0, 1, 2] reduced, pivots = A.rref() assert simplify(expected_reduced - reduced) == zeros(*A.shape) assert pivots == expected_pivots
def test_pinv(): # Pseudoinverse of an invertible matrix is the inverse. A1 = Matrix([[a, b], [c, d]]) assert simplify(A1.pinv()) == simplify(A1.inv()) # Test the four properties of the pseudoinverse for various matrices. As = [Matrix([[13, 104], [2212, 3], [-3, 5]]), Matrix([[1, 7, 9], [11, 17, 19]]), Matrix([a, b])] for A in As: A_pinv = A.pinv() AAp = A * A_pinv ApA = A_pinv * A assert simplify(AAp * A) == A assert simplify(ApA * A_pinv) == A_pinv assert AAp.H == AAp assert ApA.H == ApA
def power_rule(integral): integrand, symbol = integral base, exp = integrand.as_base_exp() if symbol not in exp.free_symbols and isinstance(base, sympy.Symbol): if sympy.simplify(exp + 1) == 0: return ReciprocalRule(base, integrand, symbol) return PowerRule(base, exp, integrand, symbol) elif symbol not in base.free_symbols and isinstance(exp, sympy.Symbol): rule = ExpRule(base, exp, integrand, symbol) if fuzzy_not(sympy.log(base).is_zero): return rule elif sympy.log(base).is_zero: return ConstantRule(1, 1, symbol) return PiecewiseRule([ (ConstantRule(1, 1, symbol), sympy.Eq(sympy.log(base), 0)), (rule, True) ], integrand, symbol)
def equals(self, o): """ Returns True if self and o are the same mathematical entities. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import Plane, Point3D >>> a = Plane(Point3D(1, 2, 3), normal_vector=(1, 1, 1)) >>> b = Plane(Point3D(1, 2, 3), normal_vector=(2, 2, 2)) >>> c = Plane(Point3D(1, 2, 3), normal_vector=(-1, 4, 6)) >>> a.equals(a) True >>> a.equals(b) True >>> a.equals(c) False """ if isinstance(o, Plane): a = self.equation() b = o.equation() return simplify(a / b).is_constant() else: return False
def generate_algebra_simplify_sample(vlist, ops, min_depth, max_depth): """Randomly generate an algebra simplify dataset sample. Given an input expression, produce the simplified expression. See go/symbolic-math-dataset. Args: vlist: Variable list. List of chars that can be used in the expression. ops: List of ExprOp instances. The allowed operators for the expression. min_depth: Expression trees will not have a smaller depth than this. 0 means there is just a variable. 1 means there is one operation. max_depth: Expression trees will not have a larger depth than this. To make all trees have the same depth, set this equal to `min_depth`. Returns: sample: String representation of the input. target: String representation of the solution. """ depth = random.randrange(min_depth, max_depth + 1) expr = random_expr(depth, vlist, ops) sample = str(expr) target = format_sympy_expr(sympy.simplify(sample)) return sample, target
def testAlgebraInverse(self): dataset_objects = algorithmic_math.math_dataset_init(26) counter = 0 for d in algorithmic_math.algebra_inverse(26, 0, 3, 10): counter += 1 decoded_input = dataset_objects.int_decoder(d["inputs"]) solve_var, expression = decoded_input.split(":") lhs, rhs = expression.split("=") # Solve for the solve-var. result = sympy.solve("%s-(%s)" % (lhs, rhs), solve_var) target_expression = dataset_objects.int_decoder(d["targets"]) # Check that the target and sympy's solutions are equivalent. self.assertEqual( 0, sympy.simplify(str(result[0]) + "-(%s)" % target_expression)) self.assertEqual(counter, 10)
def testCalculusIntegrate(self): dataset_objects = algorithmic_math.math_dataset_init( 8, digits=5, functions={"log": "L"}) counter = 0 for d in algorithmic_math.calculus_integrate(8, 0, 3, 10): counter += 1 decoded_input = dataset_objects.int_decoder(d["inputs"]) var, expression = decoded_input.split(":") target = dataset_objects.int_decoder(d["targets"]) for fn_name, fn_char in six.iteritems(dataset_objects.functions): target = target.replace(fn_char, fn_name) # Take the derivative of the target. derivative = str(sympy.diff(target, var)) # Check that the derivative of the integral equals the input. self.assertEqual(0, sympy.simplify("%s-(%s)" % (expression, derivative))) self.assertEqual(counter, 10)
def _gauss_from_coefficients_sympy(alpha, beta): assert isinstance(alpha[0], sympy.Rational) # Construct the triadiagonal matrix [sqrt(beta), alpha, sqrt(beta)] A = _sympy_tridiag(alpha, [sympy.sqrt(bta) for bta in beta]) # Extract points and weights from eigenproblem x = [] w = [] for item in A.eigenvects(): val, multiplicity, vec = item assert multiplicity == 1 assert len(vec) == 1 vec = vec[0] x.append(val) norm2 = sum([v**2 for v in vec]) # simplifiction takes really long # w.append(sympy.simplify(beta[0] * vec[0]**2 / norm2)) w.append(beta[0] * vec[0]**2 / norm2) # sort by x order = sorted(range(len(x)), key=lambda i: x[i]) x = [x[i] for i in order] w = [w[i] for i in order] return x, w
def test_normality(n=3): '''Make sure that the polynomials are normal. ''' polar = sympy.Symbol('theta', real=True) azimuthal = sympy.Symbol('phi', real=True) tree = numpy.concatenate( orthopy.sphere.sph_tree( n, polar, azimuthal, normalization='quantum mechanic', symbolic=True )) for val in tree: integrand = sympy.simplify( val * sympy.conjugate(val) * sympy.sin(polar) ) assert sympy.integrate( integrand, (azimuthal, 0, 2*pi), (polar, 0, pi) ) == 1 return
def test_orthogonality(normalization, n=4): polar = sympy.Symbol('theta', real=True) azimuthal = sympy.Symbol('phi', real=True) tree = numpy.concatenate( orthopy.sphere.sph_tree( n, polar, azimuthal, normalization=normalization, symbolic=True )) vals = tree * sympy.conjugate(numpy.roll(tree, 1, axis=0)) for val in vals: integrand = sympy.simplify(val * sympy.sin(polar)) assert sympy.integrate( integrand, (azimuthal, 0, 2*pi), (polar, 0, pi) ) == 0 return
def eqs_match(origeqs, origspecies, removed, neweqs, newspecies, debug = False): """Check that the original equations match the new equations after replacing the species with the expression in removed.""" origeqsdict = dict((origspecies[s], origeqs[s]) for s in range(len(origspecies))) replaceeqs = {} for s in origeqsdict: e = origeqsdict[s] for i in range(len(removed)): e = e.subs(removed[i][0], removed[i][1]) e.simplify() replaceeqs[s] = e neweqsdict = dict((newspecies[s], neweqs[s]) for s in range(len(newspecies))) if debug: for s in newspecies: print("{}: {}".format(s, replaceeqs[s] - neweqsdict[s]).simplify()) return sum((replaceeqs[s] - neweqsdict[s]).simplify() != 0 for s in newspecies)
def getReversibleRates(self, formula): t_forward = None t_backward = None formula = simplify(formula) # print formula # If we had an addition if formula.func == SympyAdd: # print srepr(formula) # And one of the terms for arg in formula.args: # is *(-1) if arg.func == SympyMul: if (arg.args[0] == SympyInteger(-1) or arg.args[1] == SympyInteger(-1)): t_backward = arg*SympyInteger(-1) else: return (formula,SympyInteger(0)) t_forward = SympyAdd(formula, t_backward) return (t_forward, t_backward)
def setHill(self, parameters): t_reactants = self.getReactantsFormula() t_modifiers = self.getModifiersFormula() t_kcat = parameters[0].symbol.getInternalMathFormula() t_kd = parameters[1].symbol.getInternalMathFormula() t_n = parameters[2].symbol.getInternalMathFormula() t_r_pow = t_reactants**t_n t_formula = t_kcat*t_modifiers*t_r_pow/(t_r_pow + t_kd) if len(self.reaction.listOfReactants) > 0: first_reactant = self.reaction.listOfReactants[0].getSpecies() if not first_reactant.hasOnlySubstanceUnits: t_formula *= first_reactant.getCompartment().symbol.getInternalMathFormula() elif len(self.reaction.listOfModifiers) > 0: first_modifier = self.reaction.listOfModifiers[0].getSpecies() if not first_modifier.hasOnlySubstanceUnits: t_formula *= first_modifier.getCompartment().symbol.getInternalMathFormula() self.__definition.setInternalMathFormula(simplify(t_formula))
def filterVerify(n, r, AT, G, BT): alpha = n+r-1 di = IndexedBase('d') gi = IndexedBase('g') d = Matrix(alpha, 1, lambda i,j: di[i]) g = Matrix(r, 1, lambda i,j: gi[i]) V = BT*d U = G*g M = U.multiply_elementwise(V) Y = simplify(AT*M) return Y
def convolutionVerify(n, r, B, G, A): di = IndexedBase('d') gi = IndexedBase('g') d = Matrix(n, 1, lambda i,j: di[i]) g = Matrix(r, 1, lambda i,j: gi[i]) V = A*d U = G*g M = U.multiply_elementwise(V) Y = simplify(B*M) return Y
def test_shifted_sum(): from sympy import simplify assert simplify(hyperexpand(z**4*hyper([2], [3, S('3/2')], -z**2))) \ == z*sin(2*z) + (-z**2 + S.Half)*cos(2*z) - S.Half
def test_formulae(): from sympy.simplify.hyperexpand import FormulaCollection formulae = FormulaCollection().formulae for formula in formulae: h = formula.func(formula.z) rep = {} for n, sym in enumerate(formula.symbols): rep[sym] = randcplx(n) # NOTE hyperexpand returns truly branched functions. We know we are # on the main sheet, but numerical evaluation can still go wrong # (e.g. if exp_polar cannot be evalf'd). # Just replace all exp_polar by exp, this usually works. # first test if the closed-form is actually correct h = h.subs(rep) closed_form = formula.closed_form.subs(rep).rewrite('nonrepsmall') z = formula.z assert tn(h, closed_form.replace(exp_polar, exp), z) # now test the computed matrix cl = (formula.C * formula.B)[0].subs(rep).rewrite('nonrepsmall') assert tn(closed_form.replace( exp_polar, exp), cl.replace(exp_polar, exp), z) deriv1 = z*formula.B.applyfunc(lambda t: t.rewrite( 'nonrepsmall')).diff(z) deriv2 = formula.M * formula.B for d1, d2 in zip(deriv1, deriv2): assert tn(d1.subs(rep).replace(exp_polar, exp), d2.subs(rep).rewrite('nonrepsmall').replace(exp_polar, exp), z)
def test_meijerg_formulae(): from sympy.simplify.hyperexpand import MeijerFormulaCollection formulae = MeijerFormulaCollection().formulae for sig in formulae: for formula in formulae[sig]: g = meijerg(formula.func.an, formula.func.ap, formula.func.bm, formula.func.bq, formula.z) rep = {} for sym in formula.symbols: rep[sym] = randcplx() # first test if the closed-form is actually correct g = g.subs(rep) closed_form = formula.closed_form.subs(rep) z = formula.z assert tn(g, closed_form, z) #print closed_form # now test the computed matrix cl = (formula.C * formula.B)[0].subs(rep) assert tn(closed_form, cl, z) deriv1 = z*formula.B.diff(z) deriv2 = formula.M * formula.B for d1, d2 in zip(deriv1, deriv2): assert tn(d1.subs(rep), d2.subs(rep), z)
def test_Mod1_behavior(): from sympy import Symbol, simplify, lowergamma n = Symbol('n', integer=True) # Note: this should not hang. assert simplify(hyperexpand(meijerg([1], [], [n + 1], [0], z))) == \ lowergamma(n + 1, z)
def test_gosper_sum_AeqB_part1(): f1a = n**4 f1b = n**3*2**n f1c = 1/(n**2 + sqrt(5)*n - 1) f1d = n**4*4**n/binomial(2*n, n) f1e = factorial(3*n)/(factorial(n)*factorial(n + 1)*factorial(n + 2)*27**n) f1f = binomial(2*n, n)**2/((n + 1)*4**(2*n)) f1g = (4*n - 1)*binomial(2*n, n)**2/((2*n - 1)**2*4**(2*n)) f1h = n*factorial(n - S(1)/2)**2/factorial(n + 1)**2 g1a = m*(m + 1)*(2*m + 1)*(3*m**2 + 3*m - 1)/30 g1b = 26 + 2**(m + 1)*(m**3 - 3*m**2 + 9*m - 13) g1c = (m + 1)*(m*(m**2 - 7*m + 3)*sqrt(5) - ( 3*m**3 - 7*m**2 + 19*m - 6))/(2*m**3*sqrt(5) + m**4 + 5*m**2 - 1)/6 g1d = -S(2)/231 + 2*4**m*(m + 1)*(63*m**4 + 112*m**3 + 18*m**2 - 22*m + 3)/(693*binomial(2*m, m)) g1e = -S(9)/2 + (81*m**2 + 261*m + 200)*factorial( 3*m + 2)/(40*27**m*factorial(m)*factorial(m + 1)*factorial(m + 2)) g1f = (2*m + 1)**2*binomial(2*m, m)**2/(4**(2*m)*(m + 1)) g1g = -binomial(2*m, m)**2/4**(2*m) g1h = 4*pi -(2*m + 1)**2*(3*m + 4)*factorial(m - S(1)/2)**2/factorial(m + 1)**2 g = gosper_sum(f1a, (n, 0, m)) assert g is not None and simplify(g - g1a) == 0 g = gosper_sum(f1b, (n, 0, m)) assert g is not None and simplify(g - g1b) == 0 g = gosper_sum(f1c, (n, 0, m)) assert g is not None and simplify(g - g1c) == 0 g = gosper_sum(f1d, (n, 0, m)) assert g is not None and simplify(g - g1d) == 0 g = gosper_sum(f1e, (n, 0, m)) assert g is not None and simplify(g - g1e) == 0 g = gosper_sum(f1f, (n, 0, m)) assert g is not None and simplify(g - g1f) == 0 g = gosper_sum(f1g, (n, 0, m)) assert g is not None and simplify(g - g1g) == 0 g = gosper_sum(f1h, (n, 0, m)) # need to call rewrite(gamma) here because we have terms involving # factorial(1/2) assert g is not None and simplify(g - g1h).rewrite(gamma) == 0
def test_gosper_nan(): a = Symbol('a', positive=True) b = Symbol('b', positive=True) n = Symbol('n', integer=True) m = Symbol('m', integer=True) f2d = n*(n + a + b)*a**n*b**n/(factorial(n + a)*factorial(n + b)) g2d = 1/(factorial(a - 1)*factorial( b - 1)) - a**(m + 1)*b**(m + 1)/(factorial(a + m)*factorial(b + m)) g = gosper_sum(f2d, (n, 0, m)) assert simplify(g - g2d) == 0