Python sympy 模块,latex() 实例源码


项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_latex_printing():
    assert latex(v[0]) == '\\mathbf{\\hat{0}}'
    assert latex(v[1]) == '\\mathbf{\\hat{i}_{N}}'
    assert latex(v[2]) == '- \\mathbf{\\hat{i}_{N}}'
    assert latex(v[5]) == ('(a)\\mathbf{\\hat{i}_{N}} + ' +
                           '(- b)\\mathbf{\\hat{j}_{N}}')
    assert latex(v[6]) == ('(a^{2} + \\mathbf{{x}_{N}})\\mathbf{\\' +
                           'hat{i}_{N}} + \\mathbf{\\hat{k}_{N}}')
    assert latex(v[8]) == ('\\mathbf{\\hat{j}_{N}} + (\\mathbf{{x}_' +
                           '{C}}^{2} - \\int f{\\left (b \\right )}\\,' +
                           ' db)\\mathbf{\\hat{k}_{N}}')
    assert latex(s) == '3 \\mathbf{{y}_{C}} \\mathbf{{x}_{N}}^{2}'
    assert latex(d[0]) == '(\\mathbf{\\hat{0}}|\\mathbf{\\hat{0}})'
    assert latex(d[4]) == ('(a)(\\mathbf{\\hat{i}_{N}}{|}\\mathbf' +
    assert latex(d[9]) == ('(\\mathbf{\\hat{k}_{C}}{|}\\mathbf{\\' +
                           'hat{k}_{N}}) + (\\mathbf{\\hat{i}_{N}}{|' +
    assert latex(d[11]) == ('(a^{2} + b)(\\mathbf{\\hat{i}_{N}}{|}\\' +
                            'mathbf{\\hat{k}_{N}}) + (\\int f{\\left (' +
                            'b \\right )}\\, db)(\\mathbf{\\hat{k}_{N}' +
项目:crnpy    作者:etonello    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def latex(self, rate = False):
        """Return the latex code for the reaction.
        By default the kinetic parameter of the reaction is included.
        To use the rate instead, use rate = True.


        >>> from crnpy.reaction import Reaction
        >>> from crnpy.crncomplex import Complex
        >>> r = Reaction("r1", Complex(A = 1, B = 2), Complex(C = 1), "k1*A*B**2")
        >>> print(r.latex())
        r_{1}: A + 2 B \\xrightarrow{k_{1}} C
        >>> print(r.latex(True))
        r_{1}: A + 2 B \\xrightarrow{A B^{2} k_{1}} C

        :rtype: string.
        return "{}: {} {} {}".format(sp.latex(self.reactionid),
                                     str("\\xrightarrow{" + sp.latex(self.rate if rate else self.kinetic_param) + "}") if self.rate else str("\\rightarrow"),
项目:LearningPyQt    作者:manashmndl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parseToMathTex(self, expression):
        self.expression = str(expression)
        self.latexExpression = sp.latex(sp.sympify(self.expression))
        print (sp.latex(sp.sympify(self.expression)))
项目:pymoskito    作者:cklb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preview(expr, **kwargs):
    support function to display nice formula
    :param expr:
    :param kwargs:
    latex_str = sp.latex(expr, **kwargs)
    latex_str = latex_str.replace("operator_name", "mathrm")
    plt.text(0.1, 0.1, latex_str, fontsize=20)
项目:pymoskito    作者:cklb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preview(expr, **kwargs):
    support function to display nice formula
    :param expr:
    :param kwargs:
    latex_str = sp.latex(expr, **kwargs)
    latex_str = latex_str.replace("operator_name", "mathrm")
    plt.text(0.1, 0.1, latex_str, fontsize=20)
项目:qiskit-sdk-py    作者:QISKit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def latex(self, prec=15, nested_scope=None):
        """Return the corresponding math mode latex string."""
        return latex(self.value)
项目:qiskit-sdk-py    作者:QISKit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def latex(self, prec=15, nested_scope=None):
        """Return the corresponding math mode latex string."""
        # TODO prec ignored
        return sympy.latex(self.sym(nested_scope))
项目:qiskit-sdk-py    作者:QISKit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def latex(self, prec=15, nested_scope=None):
        """Return the corresponding math mode latex string."""
        # TODO prec ignored
        return sympy.latex(self.sym(nested_scope))
项目:qiskit-sdk-py    作者:QISKit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def latex(self, prec=15, nested_scope=None):
        """Return the corresponding math mode latex string."""
        # TODO prec ignored
        return sympy.latex(self.sym(nested_scope))
项目:yt    作者:yt-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_latex_representation(expr, registry):
    symbol_table = {}
    for ex in expr.free_symbols:
            symbol_table[ex] = registry.lut[str(ex)][3]
            symbol_table[ex] = r"\rm{" + str(ex).replace('_', '\ ') + "}"

    # invert the symbol table dict to look for keys with identical values
    invert_symbols = {}
    for key, value in symbol_table.items():
        if value not in invert_symbols:
            invert_symbols[value] = [key]

    # if there are any units with identical latex representations, substitute
    # units to avoid  uncanceled terms in the final latex expression.
    for val in invert_symbols:
        symbols = invert_symbols[val]
        for i in range(1, len(symbols)):
            expr = expr.subs(symbols[i], symbols[0])
    prefix = None
    if isinstance(expr, Mul):
        coeffs = expr.as_coeff_Mul()
        if coeffs[0] == 1 or not isinstance(coeffs[0], Float):
            expr = coeffs[1]
            prefix = Float(coeffs[0], 2)
    latex_repr = latex(expr, symbol_names=symbol_table, mul_symbol="dot",
                       fold_frac_powers=True, fold_short_frac=True)

    if prefix is not None:
        latex_repr = latex(prefix, mul_symbol="times") + '\\ ' + latex_repr

    if latex_repr == '1':
        return ''
        return latex_repr
项目:chemcoord    作者:mcocdawc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _sympy_formatter(self):
        def formatter(x):
            if (isinstance(x, sympy.Basic)):
                return '${}$'.format(sympy.latex(x))
                return x
        new = self.copy()
        for col in self.columns.drop('atom'):
            if self[col].dtype == np.dtype('O'):
                new._frame.loc[:, col] = self[col].apply(formatter)
        return new
项目:LineBot    作者:RaenonX    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _polynomial_factorization(self, init_time, text, debug, queue):
        result_data = calc_result_data(text, True)
        result_data.calc_type = calc_type.POLYNOMIAL_FACTORIZATION

        text = text_calculator.formula_to_py(result_data.formula_str)

            start_time = init_time
            exec('result = sympy.factor(text)') in globals(), locals()

            result_data.success = True

            start_time = time.time()
            str_calc_result = str(result)
            result_data.latex = sympy.latex(result)

            result_data.calc_result = str_calc_result
        except Exception as ex:
            result_data.success = False
            result_data.calc_result = '{} - {}'.format(type(ex), ex.message)


项目:LineBot    作者:RaenonX    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def latex(self):
        return self._latex
项目:LineBot    作者:RaenonX    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def latex(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, str):
            self._latex = value
            raise Exception('LaTeX should be string.')
项目:glvis    作者:wakita    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def md(*args):
    s = ''
    for x in args:
        if (isinstance(x, sp.Basic) or isinstance(x, sp.MutableDenseMatrix) or isinstance(x, tuple)):
            s = s + sp.latex(x)
        elif (isinstance(x, str)): s = s + x
        elif (isinstance(x, int) or isinstance(x, float)): s = s + str(x)
        else: print(type(x))
    Display.display_markdown(s, raw=True)
项目:glvis    作者:wakita    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def line(name, *args):
  def conv(x):
    if (isinstance(x, sp.Basic) or
        isinstance(x, sp.MutableDenseMatrix) or
        isinstance(x, tuple)): return sp.latex(x)
    elif isinstance(x, str): return x
    else: print(type(x))

  line = [ conv(x) for x in args ]
    _Document_[name] = [line]
项目:glvis    作者:wakita    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def md(*args):
    s = ''
    for x in args:
        if (isinstance(x, sp.Basic) or isinstance(x, sp.MutableDenseMatrix) or isinstance(x, tuple)):
            s = s + sp.latex(x)
        elif (isinstance(x, str)): s = s + x
        elif (isinstance(x, int) or isinstance(x, float)): s = s + str(x)
        else: print(type(x))
    Display.display_markdown(s, raw=True)
项目:glvis    作者:wakita    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def line(name, *args):
  def conv(x):
    if (isinstance(x, sp.Basic) or
        isinstance(x, sp.MutableDenseMatrix) or
        isinstance(x, tuple)): return sp.latex(x)
    elif isinstance(x, str): return x
    else: print(type(x))

  line = [ conv(x) for x in args ]
    _Document_[name] = [line]
项目:LineBot    作者:RaenonX    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _algebraic_equations(self, init_time, text, debug, queue):
        result_data = calc_result_data(text, True)
        result_data.calc_type = calc_type.ALGEBRAIC_EQUATIONS

        text = text_calculator.formula_to_py(result_data.formula_str)

            start_time = init_time
            text_line = text.split(text_calculator.EQUATION_VAR_FORMULA_SEPARATOR)

            if len(text_line) < 2:
                result_data.success = False
                result_data.calc_result = error.string_calculator.wrong_format_to_calc_equations()
                var_org = text_line[0]

                var_init_field = var_org.replace(u' ', u',')
                var_init_symbol = var_org
                formula_list = text_line[1:]

                if any((not formula.endswith(text_calculator.EQUATION_KEYWORD)) for formula in formula_list):
                    result_data.success = False
                    result_data.calc_result = error.string_calculator.wrong_format_to_calc_equations()
                    formula_list_replaced = [eq.replace(text_calculator.EQUATION_KEYWORD, u'') for eq in formula_list]

                    exec_py = '{} = sympy.symbols(\'{}\', real=True)'.format(var_init_field, var_init_symbol)
                    exec_py += '\nresult = sympy.solve([{}], {})'.format(','.join(formula_list_replaced), var_init_field)

                    start_time = init_time
                    exec(exec_py) in globals(), locals()


                    result_data.success = True

                    start_time = time.time()
                    str_calc_result = str(result)
                    result_data.latex = sympy.latex(result)

                    result_data.formula_str = '\n'.join(formula_list)
                    result_data.calc_result = str_calc_result
        except Exception as ex:
            result_data.success = False
            result_data.calc_result = '{} - {}'.format(type(ex), ex.message)

