def __init__(self, file=None, stringio=False, encoding=None): if file is None: if stringio: self.stringio = file = py.io.TextIO() else: from sys import stdout as file elif py.builtin.callable(file) and not ( hasattr(file, "write") and hasattr(file, "flush")): file = WriteFile(file, encoding=encoding) if hasattr(file, "isatty") and file.isatty() and colorama: file = colorama.AnsiToWin32(file).stream self.encoding = encoding or getattr(file, 'encoding', "utf-8") self._file = file self.hasmarkup = should_do_markup(file) self._lastlen = 0 self._chars_on_current_line = 0
def _flush_stdout(): # This is needed before using stderr, since it is never buffered if not stdout.isatty(): stdout.flush()
def process_response(self, request, response): from sys import stdout if stdout.isatty(): for query in connection.queries: print "\033[1;31m[%s]\033[0m \033[1m%s\033[0m" % ( query['time'], " ".join(query['sql'].split())) return response
def check_prompt_root_pw(): if not cfg.opts.root_password: if stdout.isatty(): # If have tty, prompt for pass while True: passwd = raw_input(c.CYAN("Enter root password for new VM or enter '") + c.BOLD("random") + c.CYAN("' or '") + c.BOLD("disabled") + c.CYAN("' or file path : ")) if passwd: break cfg.opts.root_password = '' if passwd == 'random': c.verbose("Password for root will be randomly generated") elif passwd == 'disabled': c.verbose("Password auth for root will be disabled") elif os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser(passwd)): passwd = os.path.expanduser(passwd) c.verbose("Password for root will be set by reading first line of file '{}'".format(passwd)) cfg.opts.root_password = 'file:' else: c.verbose("Password for root will be set to string '{}'".format(passwd)) cfg.opts.root_password = 'password:' cfg.opts.root_password += passwd save_passwd = raw_input(c.CYAN("Save password choice as default to '{}'? ".format(cfg.cfgfileUser)) + c.BOLD("[y]/n") + c.CYAN(" : ")) if save_passwd != 'n': subprocess.call(['mkdir', '-p', os.path.dirname(os.path.expanduser(cfg.cfgfileUser))]) with open(os.path.expanduser(cfg.cfgfileUser), 'a+') as f: f.write('# Added by {}:\nroot-password = {}\n'.format(cfg.prog, cfg.opts.root_password)) c.verbose("Wrote 'root-password = {}' to {}".format(cfg.opts.root_password, cfg.cfgfileUser)) else: print(c.RED("No root password specified; aborting")) print("Either run with stdin/stdout connected to tty to interactively enter password or\n" " Use '--root-password password:PASSWORDSTRING' or\n" " Use '--root-password file:PASSWORDFILE' or\n" " Use '--root-password random'\n" " Note that any of these can be specified in config file as well") exit(1)
def check_prompt_vm_name(): if cfg.opts.vmname: # If specified on cmdline, use it pass else: # Otherwise generate a guess _default_name = re.sub('[.]', '', cfg.opts.templateName) if stdout.isatty(): # If have tty, prompt with default guess cfg.opts.vmname = raw_input(c.CYAN("Enter VMNAME ") + c.BOLD("[{}]".format(_default_name)) + c.CYAN(" : ")) if not cfg.opts.vmname: cfg.opts.vmname = _default_name else: # If no tty, use default guess print(c.yellow("VMNAME not specified; using '{}'".format(_default_name))) cfg.opts.vmname = _default_name # Validate selected guest name while True: match = re.search(r'^{}$'.format(cfg.opts.vmname), cfg.guestList, re.M) if match: print(c.YELLOW("Already have a VM with the name '{}'".format(cfg.opts.vmname))) print(c.BOLD("\nExisting VMs:")) print(c.cyan(cfg.guestList.strip())) if not stdout.isatty(): exit(1) cfg.opts.vmname = raw_input(c.CYAN("Enter a unique VM name : ")) else: break
def check_prompt_hostname(): if not cfg.opts.hostname: _default_name = '{}.{}'.format(re.sub('[.]', '', cfg.opts.vmname), cfg.opts.dnsdomain) if cfg.opts.hostname_prompt and stdout.isatty(): cfg.opts.hostname = raw_input(c.CYAN("Enter HOSTNAME ") + c.BOLD("[{}]".format(_default_name)) + c.CYAN(" or ") + c.BOLD("!") + c.CYAN(" to skip changing hostname : ")) if not cfg.opts.hostname: cfg.opts.hostname = _default_name else: c.verbose("HOSTNAME not specified; using '{}'".format(_default_name)) cfg.opts.hostname = _default_name
def check_prompt_img_outfilepath(): cfg.opts.outFile = '{}/{}'.format(cfg.opts.img_dir, cfg.opts.vmname) if cfg.opts.img_format in 'qcow2': cfg.opts.outFile += '.qcow2' # Ensure image file doesn't exist while os.path.exists(cfg.opts.outFile): print(c.YELLOW("Already have an image file with the name '{}' (in dir '{}')".format(os.path.basename(cfg.opts.outFile), cfg.opts.img_dir))) if not stdout.isatty(): exit(1) _x = raw_input(c.CYAN("\nEnter a unique image file name (not incl. path) : ")) cfg.opts.outFile = '{}/{}'.format(cfg.opts.img_dir, _x)
def prompt_for_template_and_exit(): if stdout.isatty(): print(c.cyan("Press Ctrl-c to quit or Enter to see available virt-builder templates")) x = raw_input("") print(get_virt_builder_list()) exit() else: exit(1)
def setup_color(color): enable_out = (False if color == 'never' else True if color == 'always' else stdout.isatty()) Out_Style.enable(enable_out) Out_Fore.enable(enable_out) enable_err = (False if color == 'never' else True if color == 'always' else stderr.isatty()) Err_Style.enable(enable_err) Err_Fore.enable(enable_err)
def should_do_markup(file): if os.environ.get('PY_COLORS') == '1': return True if os.environ.get('PY_COLORS') == '0': return False return hasattr(file, 'isatty') and file.isatty() \ and os.environ.get('TERM') != 'dumb' \ and not (sys.platform.startswith('java') and os._name == 'nt')
def ansi_print(text, esc, file=None, newline=True, flush=False): if file is None: file = sys.stderr text = text.rstrip() if esc and not isinstance(esc, tuple): esc = (esc,) if esc and sys.platform != "win32" and file.isatty(): text = (''.join(['\x1b[%sm' % cod for cod in esc]) + text + '\x1b[0m') # ANSI color code "reset" if newline: text += '\n' if esc and win32_and_ctypes and file.isatty(): if 1 in esc: bold = True esc = tuple([x for x in esc if x != 1]) else: bold = False esctable = {() : FOREGROUND_WHITE, # normal (31,): FOREGROUND_RED, # red (32,): FOREGROUND_GREEN, # green (33,): FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_RED, # yellow (34,): FOREGROUND_BLUE, # blue (35,): FOREGROUND_BLUE|FOREGROUND_RED, # purple (36,): FOREGROUND_BLUE|FOREGROUND_GREEN, # cyan (37,): FOREGROUND_WHITE, # white (39,): FOREGROUND_WHITE, # reset } attr = esctable.get(esc, FOREGROUND_WHITE) if bold: attr |= FOREGROUND_INTENSITY STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = -11 STD_ERROR_HANDLE = -12 if file is sys.stderr: handle = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE) else: handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) oldcolors = GetConsoleInfo(handle).wAttributes attr |= (oldcolors & 0x0f0) SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, attr) while len(text) > 32768: file.write(text[:32768]) text = text[32768:] if text: file.write(text) SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, oldcolors) else: file.write(text) if flush: file.flush()