Python tempfile 模块,_candidate_tempdir_list() 实例源码


项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_nonempty_list(self):
        # _candidate_tempdir_list returns a nonempty list of strings

        cand = tempfile._candidate_tempdir_list()

        self.assertFalse(len(cand) == 0)
        for c in cand:
            self.assertIsInstance(c, str)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_wanted_dirs(self):
        # _candidate_tempdir_list contains the expected directories

        # Make sure the interesting environment variables are all set.
        with support.EnvironmentVarGuard() as env:
            for envname in 'TMPDIR', 'TEMP', 'TMP':
                dirname = os.getenv(envname)
                if not dirname:
                    env[envname] = os.path.abspath(envname)

            cand = tempfile._candidate_tempdir_list()

            for envname in 'TMPDIR', 'TEMP', 'TMP':
                dirname = os.getenv(envname)
                if not dirname: raise ValueError
                self.assertIn(dirname, cand)

                dirname = os.getcwd()
            except (AttributeError, os.error):
                dirname = os.curdir

            self.assertIn(dirname, cand)

            # Not practical to try to verify the presence of OS-specific
            # paths in this list.
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_nonempty_list(self):
        # _candidate_tempdir_list returns a nonempty list of strings

        cand = tempfile._candidate_tempdir_list()

        self.assertFalse(len(cand) == 0)
        for c in cand:
            self.assertIsInstance(c, basestring)
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_wanted_dirs(self):
        # _candidate_tempdir_list contains the expected directories

        # Make sure the interesting environment variables are all set.
        with support.EnvironmentVarGuard() as env:
            for envname in 'TMPDIR', 'TEMP', 'TMP':
                dirname = os.getenv(envname)
                if not dirname:
                    env[envname] = os.path.abspath(envname)

            cand = tempfile._candidate_tempdir_list()

            for envname in 'TMPDIR', 'TEMP', 'TMP':
                dirname = os.getenv(envname)
                if not dirname: raise ValueError
                self.assertIn(dirname, cand)

                dirname = os.getcwd()
            except (AttributeError, os.error):
                dirname = os.curdir

            self.assertIn(dirname, cand)

            # Not practical to try to verify the presence of OS-specific
            # paths in this list.
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_no_files_left_behind(self):
        # use a private empty directory
        our_temp_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            # force _get_default_tempdir() to consider our empty directory
            def our_candidate_list():
                return [our_temp_directory]

            with support.swap_attr(tempfile, "_candidate_tempdir_list",
                # verify our directory is empty after _get_default_tempdir()
                self.assertEqual(os.listdir(our_temp_directory), [])

                def raise_OSError(*args, **kwargs):
                    raise OSError(-1)

                with support.swap_attr(io, "open", raise_OSError):
                    # test again with failing
                    with self.assertRaises(IOError) as cm:
                    self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errno, errno.ENOENT)
                    self.assertEqual(os.listdir(our_temp_directory), [])

                open =
                def bad_writer(*args, **kwargs):
                    fp = open(*args, **kwargs)
                    fp.write = raise_OSError
                    return fp

                with support.swap_attr(io, "open", bad_writer):
                    # test again with failing write()
                    with self.assertRaises(IOError) as cm:
                    self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errno, errno.ENOENT)
                    self.assertEqual(os.listdir(our_temp_directory), [])
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_nonempty_list(self):
        # _candidate_tempdir_list returns a nonempty list of strings

        cand = tempfile._candidate_tempdir_list()

        self.assertFalse(len(cand) == 0)
        for c in cand:
            self.assertIsInstance(c, basestring)
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_wanted_dirs(self):
        # _candidate_tempdir_list contains the expected directories

        # Make sure the interesting environment variables are all set.
        with support.EnvironmentVarGuard() as env:
            for envname in 'TMPDIR', 'TEMP', 'TMP':
                dirname = os.getenv(envname)
                if not dirname:
                    env[envname] = os.path.abspath(envname)

            cand = tempfile._candidate_tempdir_list()

            for envname in 'TMPDIR', 'TEMP', 'TMP':
                dirname = os.getenv(envname)
                if not dirname: raise ValueError
                self.assertIn(dirname, cand)

                dirname = os.getcwd()
            except (AttributeError, os.error):
                dirname = os.curdir

            self.assertIn(dirname, cand)

            # Not practical to try to verify the presence of OS-specific
            # paths in this list.
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_no_files_left_behind(self):
        # use a private empty directory
        our_temp_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            # force _get_default_tempdir() to consider our empty directory
            def our_candidate_list():
                return [our_temp_directory]

            with support.swap_attr(tempfile, "_candidate_tempdir_list",
                # verify our directory is empty after _get_default_tempdir()
                self.assertEqual(os.listdir(our_temp_directory), [])

                def raise_OSError(*args, **kwargs):
                    raise OSError(-1)

                with support.swap_attr(io, "open", raise_OSError):
                    # test again with failing
                    with self.assertRaises(IOError) as cm:
                    self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errno, errno.ENOENT)
                    self.assertEqual(os.listdir(our_temp_directory), [])

                open =
                def bad_writer(*args, **kwargs):
                    fp = open(*args, **kwargs)
                    fp.write = raise_OSError
                    return fp

                with support.swap_attr(io, "open", bad_writer):
                    # test again with failing write()
                    with self.assertRaises(IOError) as cm:
                    self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errno, errno.ENOENT)
                    self.assertEqual(os.listdir(our_temp_directory), [])
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_nonempty_list(self):
        # _candidate_tempdir_list returns a nonempty list of strings

        cand = tempfile._candidate_tempdir_list()

        self.assertFalse(len(cand) == 0)
        for c in cand:
            self.assertIsInstance(c, str)
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_wanted_dirs(self):
        # _candidate_tempdir_list contains the expected directories

        # Make sure the interesting environment variables are all set.
        with support.EnvironmentVarGuard() as env:
            for envname in 'TMPDIR', 'TEMP', 'TMP':
                dirname = os.getenv(envname)
                if not dirname:
                    env[envname] = os.path.abspath(envname)

            cand = tempfile._candidate_tempdir_list()

            for envname in 'TMPDIR', 'TEMP', 'TMP':
                dirname = os.getenv(envname)
                if not dirname: raise ValueError
                self.assertIn(dirname, cand)

                dirname = os.getcwd()
            except (AttributeError, os.error):
                dirname = os.curdir

            self.assertIn(dirname, cand)

            # Not practical to try to verify the presence of OS-specific
            # paths in this list.

# We test _get_default_tempdir some more by testing gettempdir.
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_no_files_left_behind(self):
        # use a private empty directory
        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as our_temp_directory:
            # force _get_default_tempdir() to consider our empty directory
            def our_candidate_list():
                return [our_temp_directory]

            with support.swap_attr(tempfile, "_candidate_tempdir_list",
                # verify our directory is empty after _get_default_tempdir()
                self.assertEqual(os.listdir(our_temp_directory), [])

                def raise_OSError(*args, **kwargs):
                    raise OSError()

                with support.swap_attr(io, "open", raise_OSError):
                    # test again with failing
                    with self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError):
                    self.assertEqual(os.listdir(our_temp_directory), [])

                open =
                def bad_writer(*args, **kwargs):
                    fp = open(*args, **kwargs)
                    fp.write = raise_OSError
                    return fp

                with support.swap_attr(io, "open", bad_writer):
                    # test again with failing write()
                    with self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError):
                    self.assertEqual(os.listdir(our_temp_directory), [])
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_nonempty_list(self):
        # _candidate_tempdir_list returns a nonempty list of strings

        cand = tempfile._candidate_tempdir_list()

        self.assertFalse(len(cand) == 0)
        for c in cand:
            self.assertIsInstance(c, basestring)
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_wanted_dirs(self):
        # _candidate_tempdir_list contains the expected directories

        # Make sure the interesting environment variables are all set.
        with support.EnvironmentVarGuard() as env:
            for envname in 'TMPDIR', 'TEMP', 'TMP':
                dirname = os.getenv(envname)
                if not dirname:
                    env[envname] = os.path.abspath(envname)

            cand = tempfile._candidate_tempdir_list()

            for envname in 'TMPDIR', 'TEMP', 'TMP':
                dirname = os.getenv(envname)
                if not dirname: raise ValueError
                self.assertIn(dirname, cand)

                dirname = os.getcwd()
            except (AttributeError, os.error):
                dirname = os.curdir

            self.assertIn(dirname, cand)

            # Not practical to try to verify the presence of OS-specific
            # paths in this list.
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_no_files_left_behind(self):
        # use a private empty directory
        our_temp_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            # force _get_default_tempdir() to consider our empty directory
            def our_candidate_list():
                return [our_temp_directory]

            with support.swap_attr(tempfile, "_candidate_tempdir_list",
                # verify our directory is empty after _get_default_tempdir()
                self.assertEqual(os.listdir(our_temp_directory), [])

                def raise_OSError(*args, **kwargs):
                    raise OSError(-1)

                with support.swap_attr(io, "open", raise_OSError):
                    # test again with failing
                    with self.assertRaises(IOError) as cm:
                    self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errno, errno.ENOENT)
                    self.assertEqual(os.listdir(our_temp_directory), [])

                open =
                def bad_writer(*args, **kwargs):
                    fp = open(*args, **kwargs)
                    fp.write = raise_OSError
                    return fp

                with support.swap_attr(io, "open", bad_writer):
                    # test again with failing write()
                    with self.assertRaises(IOError) as cm:
                    self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errno, errno.ENOENT)
                    self.assertEqual(os.listdir(our_temp_directory), [])
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_nonempty_list(self):
        # _candidate_tempdir_list returns a nonempty list of strings

        cand = tempfile._candidate_tempdir_list()

        self.assertFalse(len(cand) == 0)
        for c in cand:
            self.assertIsInstance(c, str)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_wanted_dirs(self):
        # _candidate_tempdir_list contains the expected directories

        # Make sure the interesting environment variables are all set.
        with support.EnvironmentVarGuard() as env:
            for envname in 'TMPDIR', 'TEMP', 'TMP':
                dirname = os.getenv(envname)
                if not dirname:
                    env[envname] = os.path.abspath(envname)

            cand = tempfile._candidate_tempdir_list()

            for envname in 'TMPDIR', 'TEMP', 'TMP':
                dirname = os.getenv(envname)
                if not dirname: raise ValueError
                self.assertIn(dirname, cand)

                dirname = os.getcwd()
            except (AttributeError, OSError):
                dirname = os.curdir

            self.assertIn(dirname, cand)

            # Not practical to try to verify the presence of OS-specific
            # paths in this list.

# We test _get_default_tempdir some more by testing gettempdir.
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_no_files_left_behind(self):
        # use a private empty directory
        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as our_temp_directory:
            # force _get_default_tempdir() to consider our empty directory
            def our_candidate_list():
                return [our_temp_directory]

            with support.swap_attr(tempfile, "_candidate_tempdir_list",
                # verify our directory is empty after _get_default_tempdir()
                self.assertEqual(os.listdir(our_temp_directory), [])

                def raise_OSError(*args, **kwargs):
                    raise OSError()

                with support.swap_attr(io, "open", raise_OSError):
                    # test again with failing
                    with self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError):
                    self.assertEqual(os.listdir(our_temp_directory), [])

                open =
                def bad_writer(*args, **kwargs):
                    fp = open(*args, **kwargs)
                    fp.write = raise_OSError
                    return fp

                with support.swap_attr(io, "open", bad_writer):
                    # test again with failing write()
                    with self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError):
                    self.assertEqual(os.listdir(our_temp_directory), [])
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_nonempty_list(self):
        # _candidate_tempdir_list returns a nonempty list of strings

        cand = tempfile._candidate_tempdir_list()

        self.assertFalse(len(cand) == 0)
        for c in cand:
            self.assertIsInstance(c, basestring)
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_wanted_dirs(self):
        # _candidate_tempdir_list contains the expected directories

        # Make sure the interesting environment variables are all set.
        with support.EnvironmentVarGuard() as env:
            for envname in 'TMPDIR', 'TEMP', 'TMP':
                dirname = os.getenv(envname)
                if not dirname:
                    env[envname] = os.path.abspath(envname)

            cand = tempfile._candidate_tempdir_list()

            for envname in 'TMPDIR', 'TEMP', 'TMP':
                dirname = os.getenv(envname)
                if not dirname: raise ValueError
                self.assertIn(dirname, cand)

                dirname = os.getcwd()
            except (AttributeError, os.error):
                dirname = os.curdir

            self.assertIn(dirname, cand)

            # Not practical to try to verify the presence of OS-specific
            # paths in this list.
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_no_files_left_behind(self):
        # use a private empty directory
        our_temp_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            # force _get_default_tempdir() to consider our empty directory
            def our_candidate_list():
                return [our_temp_directory]

            with support.swap_attr(tempfile, "_candidate_tempdir_list",
                # verify our directory is empty after _get_default_tempdir()
                self.assertEqual(os.listdir(our_temp_directory), [])

                def raise_OSError(*args, **kwargs):
                    raise OSError(-1)

                with support.swap_attr(io, "open", raise_OSError):
                    # test again with failing
                    with self.assertRaises(IOError) as cm:
                    self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errno, errno.ENOENT)
                    self.assertEqual(os.listdir(our_temp_directory), [])

                open =
                def bad_writer(*args, **kwargs):
                    fp = open(*args, **kwargs)
                    fp.write = raise_OSError
                    return fp

                with support.swap_attr(io, "open", bad_writer):
                    # test again with failing write()
                    with self.assertRaises(IOError) as cm:
                    self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errno, errno.ENOENT)
                    self.assertEqual(os.listdir(our_temp_directory), [])
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_nonempty_list(self):
        # _candidate_tempdir_list returns a nonempty list of strings

        cand = tempfile._candidate_tempdir_list()

        self.assertFalse(len(cand) == 0)
        for c in cand:
            self.assertIsInstance(c, str)
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_wanted_dirs(self):
        # _candidate_tempdir_list contains the expected directories

        # Make sure the interesting environment variables are all set.
        with support.EnvironmentVarGuard() as env:
            for envname in 'TMPDIR', 'TEMP', 'TMP':
                dirname = os.getenv(envname)
                if not dirname:
                    env[envname] = os.path.abspath(envname)

            cand = tempfile._candidate_tempdir_list()

            for envname in 'TMPDIR', 'TEMP', 'TMP':
                dirname = os.getenv(envname)
                if not dirname: raise ValueError
                self.assertIn(dirname, cand)

                dirname = os.getcwd()
            except (AttributeError, OSError):
                dirname = os.curdir

            self.assertIn(dirname, cand)

            # Not practical to try to verify the presence of OS-specific
            # paths in this list.

# We test _get_default_tempdir some more by testing gettempdir.
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_no_files_left_behind(self):
        # use a private empty directory
        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as our_temp_directory:
            # force _get_default_tempdir() to consider our empty directory
            def our_candidate_list():
                return [our_temp_directory]

            with support.swap_attr(tempfile, "_candidate_tempdir_list",
                # verify our directory is empty after _get_default_tempdir()
                self.assertEqual(os.listdir(our_temp_directory), [])

                def raise_OSError(*args, **kwargs):
                    raise OSError()

                with support.swap_attr(io, "open", raise_OSError):
                    # test again with failing
                    with self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError):
                    self.assertEqual(os.listdir(our_temp_directory), [])

                open =
                def bad_writer(*args, **kwargs):
                    fp = open(*args, **kwargs)
                    fp.write = raise_OSError
                    return fp

                with support.swap_attr(io, "open", bad_writer):
                    # test again with failing write()
                    with self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError):
                    self.assertEqual(os.listdir(our_temp_directory), [])