def _symmetric_matrix_square_root(mat, eps=1e-10): """Compute square root of a symmetric matrix. Note that this is different from an elementwise square root. We want to compute M' where M' = sqrt(mat) such that M' * M' = mat. Also note that this method **only** works for symmetric matrices. Args: mat: Matrix to take the square root of. eps: Small epsilon such that any element less than eps will not be square rooted to guard against numerical instability. Returns: Matrix square root of mat. """ # Unlike numpy, tensorflow's return order is (s, u, v) s, u, v = tf.svd(mat) # sqrt is unstable around 0, just use 0 in such case si = tf.where(tf.less(s, eps), s, tf.sqrt(s)) # Note that the v returned by Tensorflow is v = V # (when referencing the equation A = U S V^T) # This is unlike Numpy which returns v = V^T return tf.matmul( tf.matmul(u, tf.diag(si)), v, transpose_b=True)
def _embed_sentences(self): """Tensorflow implementation of Simple but Tough-to-Beat Baseline""" # Get word features word_embeddings = self._get_embedding() word_feats = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(word_embeddings, self.input) # Get marginal estimates and scaling term batch_size = tf.shape(word_feats)[0] a = tf.pow(10.0, self._get_a_exp()) p = tf.constant(self.marginals, dtype=tf.float32, name='marginals') q = tf.reshape( a / (a + tf.nn.embedding_lookup(p, self.input)), (batch_size, self.mx_len, 1) ) # Compute initial sentence embedding z = tf.reshape(1.0 / tf.to_float(self.input_lengths), (batch_size, 1)) S = z * tf.reduce_sum(q * word_feats, axis=1) # Compute common component S_centered = S - tf.reduce_mean(S, axis=0) _, _, V = tf.svd(S_centered, full_matrices=False, compute_uv=True) self.tf_ccx = tf.stop_gradient(tf.gather(tf.transpose(V), 0)) # Common component removal ccx = tf.reshape(self._get_common_component(), (1, self.d)) sv = {'embeddings': word_embeddings, 'a': a, 'p': p, 'ccx': ccx} return S - tf.matmul(S, ccx * tf.transpose(ccx)), sv
def update_scipy_svd(self): sess = u.get_default_session() target0 = sess.run(self.target) # A=u.diag(s).v', singular vectors are columns # TODO: catch "ValueError: array must not contain infs or NaNs" try: u0, s0, vt0 = linalg.svd(target0) v0 = vt0.T except Exception as e: print("Got error %s"%(repr(e),)) if DUMP_BAD_SVD: dump32(target0, "badsvd") print("gesdd failed, trying gesvd") u0, s0, vt0 = linalg.svd(target0, lapack_driver="gesvd") v0 = vt0.T feed_dict = {self.holder.u: u0, self.holder.v: v0, self.holder.s: s0} sess.run(self.update_external_op, feed_dict=feed_dict)
def get_value_updater(self, data, new_mean, gamma_weighted, gamma_sum): tf_new_differences = tf.subtract(data, tf.expand_dims(new_mean, 0)) tf_sq_dist_matrix = tf.matmul(tf.expand_dims(tf_new_differences, 2), tf.expand_dims(tf_new_differences, 1)) tf_new_covariance = tf.reduce_sum(tf_sq_dist_matrix * tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(gamma_weighted, 1), 2), 0) if self.has_prior: tf_new_covariance = self.get_prior_adjustment(tf_new_covariance, gamma_sum) tf_s, tf_u, _ = tf.svd(tf_new_covariance) tf_required_eigvals = tf_s[:self.rank] tf_required_eigvecs = tf_u[:, :self.rank] tf_new_baseline = (tf.trace(tf_new_covariance) - tf.reduce_sum(tf_required_eigvals)) / self.tf_rest tf_new_eigvals = tf_required_eigvals - tf_new_baseline tf_new_eigvecs = tf.transpose(tf_required_eigvecs) return tf.group( self.tf_baseline.assign(tf_new_baseline), self.tf_eigvals.assign(tf_new_eigvals), self.tf_eigvecs.assign(tf_new_eigvecs) )
def pca_fit(X, n_components): mean = tf.reduce_mean(X, axis=0) centered_X = X - mean S, U, V = tf.svd(centered_X) return V[:n_components], mean
def orthogonal(gain=1.0, dtype=np.float32): def _initializer(shape, dtype=dtype): if len(shape) < 2: raise RuntimeError("Only shapes of length 2 or more are " "supported.") flat_shape = (shape[0], np.prod(shape[1:])) a = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, flat_shape) u, _, v = np.linalg.svd(a, full_matrices=False) # pick the one with the correct shape q = u if u.shape == flat_shape else v q = q.reshape(shape) return np.array(gain * q, dtype=np.float32) return _initializer
def random_orthonormal_initializer(shape, dtype=tf.float32, partition_info=None): """Variable initializer that produces a random orthonormal matrix Args: shape: shape of the variable Returns: random_orthogonal_matrix for initialization. """ if len(shape) != 2 or shape[0] != shape[1]: raise ValueError("Expecting square shape, got %s" % shape) _, u, _ = tf.svd(tf.random_normal(shape, dtype=dtype), full_matrices=True) return u
def random_orthonormal_initializer(shape, dtype=tf.float32, partition_info=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Variable initializer that produces a random orthonormal matrix.""" if len(shape) != 2 or shape[0] != shape[1]: raise ValueError("Expecting square shape, got %s" % shape) _, u, _ = tf.svd(tf.random_normal(shape, dtype=dtype), full_matrices=True) return u
def orthogonal_initializer(): """Return an orthogonal initializer. Random orthogonal matrix is byproduct of singular value decomposition applied on a matrix initialized with normal distribution. The initializer works with 2D square matrices and matrices that can be splitted along axis 1 to several 2D matrices. In the latter case, each submatrix is initialized independently and the resulting orthogonal matrices are concatenated along axis 1. Note this is a higher order function in order to mimic the tensorflow initializer API. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument def func(shape, dtype, partition_info=None): if len(shape) != 2: raise ValueError( "Orthogonal initializer only works with 2D matrices.") if shape[1] % shape[0] != 0: raise ValueError("Shape {} is not compatible with orthogonal " "initializer.".format(str(shape))) mult = int(shape[1] / shape[0]) dim = shape[0] orthogonals = [] for _ in range(mult): matrix = tf.random_normal([dim, dim], dtype=dtype) orthogonals.append(tf.svd(matrix)[1]) return tf.concat(orthogonals, 1) # pylint: enable=unused-argument return func # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
def pseudo_inverse(mat, eps=1e-10): """Computes pseudo-inverse of mat, treating eigenvalues below eps as 0.""" s, u, v = tf.svd(mat) eps = 1e-10 # zero threshold for eigenvalues si = tf.where(tf.less(s, eps), s, 1./s) return u @ tf.diag(si) @ tf.transpose(v)
def symsqrt(mat, eps=1e-7): """Symmetric square root.""" s, u, v = tf.svd(mat) # sqrt is unstable around 0, just use 0 in such case print("Warning, cutting off at eps") si = tf.where(tf.less(s, eps), s, tf.sqrt(s)) return u @ tf.diag(si) @ tf.transpose(v)
def pseudo_inverse_sqrt(mat, eps=1e-7): """half pseduo-inverse""" s, u, v = tf.svd(mat) # zero threshold for eigenvalues si = tf.where(tf.less(s, eps), s, 1./tf.sqrt(s)) return u @ tf.diag(si) @ tf.transpose(v)
def pseudo_inverse_sqrt2(svd, eps=1e-7): """half pseduo-inverse, accepting existing values""" # zero threshold for eigenvalues if svd.__class__.__name__=='SvdTuple': (s, u, v) = (svd.s, svd.u, svd.v) elif svd.__class__.__name__=='SvdWrapper': (s, u, v) = (svd.s, svd.u, svd.v) else: assert False, "Unknown type" si = tf.where(tf.less(s, eps), s, 1./tf.sqrt(s)) return u @ tf.diag(si) @ tf.transpose(v)
def pseudo_inverse2(svd, eps=1e-7): """pseudo-inverse, accepting existing values""" # use float32 machine precision as cut-off (works for MKL) # https://www.wolframcloud.com/objects/927b2aa5-de9c-46f5-89fe-c4a58aa4c04b if svd.__class__.__name__=='SvdTuple': (s, u, v) = (svd.s, svd.u, svd.v) elif svd.__class__.__name__=='SvdWrapper': (s, u, v) = (svd.s, svd.u, svd.v) else: assert False, "Unknown type" max_eigen = tf.reduce_max(s) si = tf.where(s/max_eigen<eps, 0.*s, 1./s) return u @ tf.diag(si) @ tf.transpose(v)
def regularized_inverse2(svd, L=1e-3): """Regularized inverse, working from SVD""" if svd.__class__.__name__=='SvdTuple' or svd.__class__.__name__=='SvdWrapper': (s, u, v) = (svd.s, svd.u, svd.v) else: assert False, "Unknown type" max_eigen = tf.reduce_max(s) # max_eigen = tf.Print(max_eigen, [max_eigen], "max_eigen") #si = 1/(s + L*tf.ones_like(s)/max_eigen) si = 1/(s+L*tf.ones_like(s)) return u @ tf.diag(si) @ tf.transpose(v)
def regularized_inverse3(svd, L=1e-3): """Unbiased version of regularized_inverse2""" if svd.__class__.__name__=='SvdTuple' or svd.__class__.__name__=='SvdWrapper': (s, u, v) = (svd.s, svd.u, svd.v) else: assert False, "Unknown type" if L.__class__.__name__=='Var': L = L.var max_eigen = tf.reduce_max(s) # max_eigen = tf.Print(max_eigen, [max_eigen], "max_eigen") #si = 1/(s + L*tf.ones_like(s)/max_eigen) si = (1+L*tf.ones_like(s))/(s+L*tf.ones_like(s)) return u @ tf.diag(si) @ tf.transpose(v)
def regularized_inverse4(svd, L=1e-3): """Uses relative norm""" if svd.__class__.__name__=='SvdTuple' or svd.__class__.__name__=='SvdWrapper': (s, u, v) = (svd.s, svd.u, svd.v) else: assert False, "Unknown type" if L.__class__.__name__=='Var': L = L.var max_eigen = tf.reduce_max(s) L = L/max_eigen si = (1+L*tf.ones_like(s))/(s+L*tf.ones_like(s)) # si = tf.ones_like(s) return u @ tf.diag(si) @ tf.transpose(v)
def pseudo_inverse_stable(svd, eps=1e-7): """pseudo-inverse, accepting existing values""" # use float32 machine precision as cut-off (works for MKL) # https://www.wolframcloud.com/objects/927b2aa5-de9c-46f5-89fe-c4a58aa4c04b if svd.__class__.__name__=='SvdTuple': (s, u, v) = (svd.s, svd.u, svd.v) elif svd.__class__.__name__=='SvdWrapper': (s, u, v) = (svd.s, svd.u, svd.v) else: assert False, "Unknown type" max_eigen = tf.reduce_max(s) si = tf.where(s/max_eigen<eps, 0.*s, tf.pow(s, -0.9)) return u @ tf.diag(si) @ tf.transpose(v) # todo: rename l to L