Python theano.tensor 模块,dot() 实例源码


项目:SteinGAN    作者:DartML    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rbf_kernel(X0):
    XY =, X0.transpose())
    x2 = T.reshape(T.sum(T.square(X0), axis=1), (X0.shape[0], 1))
    X2e = T.repeat(x2, X0.shape[0], axis=1)
    H = T.sub(T.add(X2e, X2e.transpose()), 2 * XY)

    V = H.flatten()

    # median distance
    h = T.switch(T.eq((V.shape[0] % 2), 0),
        # if even vector
        T.mean(T.sort(V)[ ((V.shape[0] // 2) - 1) : ((V.shape[0] // 2) + 1) ]),
        # if odd vector
        T.sort(V)[V.shape[0] // 2])

    h = T.sqrt(0.5 * h / T.log(X0.shape[0].astype('float32') + 1.0)) / 2.

    Kxy = T.exp(-H / h ** 2 / 2.0)
    neighbors = T.argsort(H, axis=1)[:, 1]

    return Kxy, neighbors, h
项目:fxnn    作者:khaotik    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lyr_linear(
        self, name_,
        idim_, odim_,
        init_=None, bias_=0., params_di_='params'):
        dense matrix multiplication, optionally adding a bias vector
        name_W = name_+'_w'
        name_B = name_+'_b'
        if init_ is None:
            init_ = dict(init_=[1.4/sqrt(idim_+odim_)])
        v_W = self.get_variable(name_W, (idim_,odim_), **init_)
        if bias_ is None:
            s_ret =, v_W)
            v_B = self.get_variable(name_B, (odim_,), bias_)
            s_ret =, v_W) + v_B
        return s_ret
项目:deligan    作者:val-iisc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_output_for(self, input, init=False, deterministic=False, **kwargs):
        if input.ndim > 2:
            # if the input has more than two dimensions, flatten it into a
            # batch of feature vectors.
            input = input.flatten(2)

        activation =, self.W)

        if init:
            ma = T.mean(activation, axis=0)
            activation -= ma.dimshuffle('x',0)
            stdv = T.sqrt(T.mean(T.square(activation),axis=0))
            activation /= stdv.dimshuffle('x',0)
            self.init_updates = [(self.weight_scale, self.weight_scale/stdv), (self.b, -ma/stdv)]
            activation += self.b.dimshuffle('x', 0)

        return self.nonlinearity(activation)
项目:deligan    作者:val-iisc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_output_for(self, input, init=False, deterministic=False, **kwargs):
        if input.ndim > 2:
            # if the input has more than two dimensions, flatten it into a
            # batch of feature vectors.
            input = input.flatten(2)

        activation =, self.W)

        if init:
            ma = T.mean(activation, axis=0)
            activation -= ma.dimshuffle('x',0)
            stdv = T.sqrt(T.mean(T.square(activation),axis=0))
            activation /= stdv.dimshuffle('x',0)
            self.init_updates = [(self.weight_scale, self.weight_scale/stdv), (self.b, -ma/stdv)]
            activation += self.b.dimshuffle('x', 0)

        return self.nonlinearity(activation)
项目:TAC-GAN    作者:dashayushman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nn(model, text, vectors, query, k=5):
    Return the nearest neighbour sentences to query
    text: list of sentences
    vectors: the corresponding representations for text
    query: a string to search
    qf = encode(model, [query])
    qf /= norm(qf)
    scores =, vectors.T).flatten()
    sorted_args = numpy.argsort(scores)[::-1]
    sentences = [text[a] for a in sorted_args[:k]]
    print('QUERY: ' + query)
    print('NEAREST: ')
    for i, s in enumerate(sentences):
        print(s, sorted_args[i])
项目:deep_srl    作者:luheng    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _step(self, x_, m_, h_, c_):
    preact =, self.U) + x_

    i = tensor.nnet.sigmoid(_slice(preact, 0, self.hidden_dim))
    f = tensor.nnet.sigmoid(_slice(preact, 1, self.hidden_dim) + self.forget_bias)
    o = tensor.nnet.sigmoid(_slice(preact, 2, self.hidden_dim))
    j = tensor.tanh(_slice(preact, 3, self.hidden_dim))

    c = f * c_ + i * j
    c = m_[:, None] * c + (1. - m_)[:, None] * c_

    h = o * tensor.tanh(c)
    if self.recurrent_dropout_layer != None:
      h = self.recurrent_dropout_layer.connect(h, self.is_train)
    h = m_[:, None] * h + (1. - m_)[:, None] * h_

    return h, c
项目:deep_srl    作者:luheng    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(self, inputs, mask, is_train):
    """ is_train: A boolean tensor.
    max_length = inputs.shape[0]
    batch_size = inputs.shape[1]
    outputs_info = [tensor.alloc(numpy_floatX(0.), batch_size, self.hidden_dim),
            tensor.alloc(numpy_floatX(0.), batch_size, self.hidden_dim)]
    # Dropout mask sharing for variational dropout.
    self.is_train = is_train
    if self.recurrent_dropout_layer != None:
      self.recurrent_dropout_layer.generate_mask([batch_size, self.hidden_dim], is_train)

    inputs =, self.W) + self.b
    rval, _ = theano.scan(self._step, # Scan function
                sequences=[inputs, mask], # Input sequence
                name=_p(self.prefix, '_layers'),
                n_steps=max_length) # scan steps
    return rval[0]
项目:deep_srl    作者:luheng    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _step(self, x_, m_, h_, c_):
    preact=, self.U) + _slice(x_, 0, self.hidden_dim * 5)
    # i: input. f: forget. o: output. t: transform.
    # j: input w\ non-linearity. k: input w\o non-linearity.
    i = tensor.nnet.sigmoid(_slice(preact, 0, self.hidden_dim))
    f = tensor.nnet.sigmoid(_slice(preact, 1, self.hidden_dim) + self.forget_bias)
    o = tensor.nnet.sigmoid(_slice(preact, 2, self.hidden_dim))
    t = tensor.nnet.sigmoid(_slice(preact, 3, self.hidden_dim))
    j = tensor.tanh(_slice(preact, 4, self.hidden_dim))
    k = _slice(x_, 5, self.hidden_dim)

    c = f * c_ + i * j
    c = m_[:, None] * c + (1. - m_)[:, None] * c_

    h = t * o * tensor.tanh(c) + (1. - t) * k
    if self.recurrent_dropout_layer != None:
      h = self.recurrent_dropout_layer.connect(h, self.is_train)
    h = m_[:, None] * h + (1. - m_)[:, None] * h_

    return h, c
项目:deep_srl    作者:luheng    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(self, inputs, mask, is_train):
    max_length = inputs.shape[0]
    batch_size = inputs.shape[1]
    outputs_info = [tensor.alloc(numpy_floatX(0.), batch_size, self.hidden_dim),
            tensor.alloc(numpy_floatX(0.), batch_size, self.hidden_dim)]

    # Dropout layers
    self.is_train = is_train
    if self.recurrent_dropout_layer != None:
      self.recurrent_dropout_layer.generate_mask([batch_size, self.hidden_dim], is_train)

    proj_inputs =, self.W) + self.b
    rval, _ = theano.scan(self._step, # Scan function
                sequences=[inputs, proj_inputs, mask], # Input sequence
                name=_p(self.prefix, '_layers'),
                n_steps=max_length) # scan steps
    return rval[0]
项目:deep_srl    作者:luheng    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _step(self, x_, px_, m_, h_, c_):  
    preact =, self.U) + px_
    i = tensor.nnet.sigmoid(_slice(preact, 0, self.hidden_dim))
    f = tensor.nnet.sigmoid(_slice(preact, 1, self.hidden_dim) + self.forget_bias)
    o = tensor.nnet.sigmoid(_slice(preact, 2, self.hidden_dim))
    j = tensor.tanh(_slice(preact, 3, self.hidden_dim))

    c = f * c_ + i * j
    c = m_[:, None] * c + (1. - m_)[:, None] * c_

    # Residual connection.
    h = o * tensor.tanh(c) + x_
    if self.recurrent_dropout_layer != None:
      h = self.recurrent_dropout_layer.connect(h, self.is_train)
    h = m_[:, None] * h + (1. - m_)[:, None] * h_
    return h, c
项目:how_to_convert_text_to_images    作者:llSourcell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nn(model, text, vectors, query, k=5):
    Return the nearest neighbour sentences to query
    text: list of sentences
    vectors: the corresponding representations for text
    query: a string to search
    qf = encode(model, [query])
    qf /= norm(qf)
    scores =, vectors.T).flatten()
    sorted_args = numpy.argsort(scores)[::-1]
    sentences = [text[a] for a in sorted_args[:k]]
    print 'QUERY: ' + query
    print 'NEAREST: '
    for i, s in enumerate(sentences):
        print s, sorted_args[i]
项目:CopyNet    作者:MultiPath    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dot(inp, matrix, bias=None):
    Decide the right type of dot product depending on the input
    if 'int' in inp.dtype and inp.ndim == 2:
        return matrix[inp.flatten()]
    elif 'int' in inp.dtype:
        return matrix[inp]
    elif 'float' in inp.dtype and inp.ndim == 3:
        shape0 = inp.shape[0]
        shape1 = inp.shape[1]
        shape2 = inp.shape[2]
        if bias:
            return ( * shape1, shape2)), matrix) + bias).reshape((shape0, shape1, matrix.shape[1]))
            return * shape1, shape2)), matrix).reshape((shape0, shape1, matrix.shape[1]))
        if bias:
            return, matrix) + bias
            return, matrix)

# Numerically stable log(sum(exp(A))). Can also be used in softmax function.
项目:dnc-theano    作者:khaotik    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def op_ortho_loss(s_x_, axes_=(-2, -1), ndim_=None):
    orthogoal matrix loss
    used to regularize parameter to unitary

        s_x_: (batch of) matrices
        axes_: tuple of two integers, specify which axes to be for matrix,
            defaults to last two axes
        ndim_: specify args to be (ndim_ x ndim_) matrices

    if ndim_ is None:
        ax = axes_[0]
        ndim = T.shape(s_x_)[ax]
        ndim = ndim_

    tpat = list(range(ndim))
    bpat = ['x'] * s_x_.ndim
    tpat[axes_[0]], tpat[axes_[1]] = tpat[axes_[1]], tpat[axes_[0]]
    bpat[axes_[0]] = 0
    bpat[axes_[1]] = 1
    s_y =*tpat), s_x_)
    return T.sqr(s_y - T.eye(ndim).dimshuffle(*bpat))
项目:dnc-theano    作者:khaotik    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def op_covmat(s_x_, l1_normize_=True, eps_=1e-7):
    Return covariance matrix given a batch of data points

            batch of row vectors
            Defatuls to True.
            Make covariance matrix is L1 normalized wrt number of data points.
            Adds a small identity matrix I*eps_ to result, this is applied after
            L1 - normalization

    assert s_x_.ndim == 2
    s_mean = s_x_ - T.mean(s_x_, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    s_shp = T.shape(s_x_)
    s_covmat =, s_mean)
    if l1_normize_:
        s_covmat /= s_shp[0]
    return s_covmat + T.eye(s_shp[1]) * eps_
项目:dnc-theano    作者:khaotik    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lyr_linear(
        self, name_,
        idim_, odim_,
        init_=None, bias_=0.,
        dense matrix multiplication, optionally adding a bias vector
        name_W = name_+'_w'
        name_B = name_+'_b'
        if init_ is None:
            init_ = [1.4/sqrt(idim_+odim_)]
        with self.get_group(params_group_):
            v_W = self.get_variable(name_W, (idim_,odim_), init_=init_)
        if bias_ is None:
            s_ret =, v_W)
            with self.get_group(params_group_):
                v_B = self.get_variable(name_B, (odim_,), bias_)
            s_ret =, v_W) + v_B
        return s_ret
项目:structured-output-ae    作者:sbelharbi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sample(self, x, K):
        if x.ndim == 1:
            x = x.reshape(1, x.shape[0])
        hn = self.encode(x)
        W = self.params[0]
        ww =, W)
        samples = []
        for _ in range(K):
            s = hn * (1. - hn)
            jj = ww * s.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1) * s.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x')
            alpha = self.srng.normal(size=hn.shape,

            delta = (alpha.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x')*jj).sum(1)

            zn = self.decode(hn + delta)
            hn = self.encode(zn)
            # zn2 = self.decode(hn)
        return samples
项目:gram    作者:mp2893    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gru_layer(tparams, emb, options):
    hiddenDimSize = options['hiddenDimSize']
    timesteps = emb.shape[0]
    if emb.ndim == 3: n_samples = emb.shape[1]
    else: n_samples = 1

    def stepFn(wx, h, U_gru):
        uh =, U_gru)
        r = T.nnet.sigmoid(_slice(wx, 0, hiddenDimSize) + _slice(uh, 0, hiddenDimSize))
        z = T.nnet.sigmoid(_slice(wx, 1, hiddenDimSize) + _slice(uh, 1, hiddenDimSize))
        h_tilde = T.tanh(_slice(wx, 2, hiddenDimSize) + r * _slice(uh, 2, hiddenDimSize))
        h_new = z * h + ((1. - z) * h_tilde)
        return h_new

    Wx =, tparams['W_gru']) + tparams['b_gru']
    results, updates = theano.scan(fn=stepFn, sequences=[Wx], outputs_info=T.alloc(numpy_floatX(0.0), n_samples, hiddenDimSize), non_sequences=[tparams['U_gru']], name='gru_layer', n_steps=timesteps)

    return results
项目:lightML    作者:jfzhang95    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def one_step(self, x, h_tm1, s_tm1):
        Run the forward pass for a single timestep of a LSTM
        h_tm1: initial h
        s_tm1: initial s  (cell state)

        g = T.tanh(, self.W_gx) +, self.W_gh) + self.b_g)
        i = T.nnet.sigmoid(, self.W_ix) +, self.W_ih) + self.b_i)
        f = T.nnet.sigmoid(, self.W_fx) +, self.W_fh) + self.b_f)
        o = T.nnet.sigmoid(, self.W_ox) +, self.W_oh) + self.b_o)

        s = i * g + s_tm1 * f
        h = T.tanh(s) * o

        return h, s
项目:lowrank-highwaynetwork    作者:Avmb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_output(self, x):
        d_0 = 1.0 - self.d_p_0
        d_1 = 1.0 - self.d_p_1

        tl_raw = * d_0, self.W_tl)
        hl_raw = * d_0, self.W_hl)
        tl = (tl_raw - self.Mean_tl) / (self.Std_tl + self.epsilon)
        hl = (hl_raw - self.Mean_hl) / (self.Std_hl + self.epsilon)

        tr_raw = (tl * d_1).dot(self.W_tr) + (x * d_0 * self.D_h)
        hr_raw = (hl * d_1).dot(self.W_hr) + (x * d_0 * self.D_t)
        tr = (tr_raw - self.Mean_tr) / (self.Std_tr + self.epsilon)
        hr = (hr_raw - self.Mean_hr) / (self.Std_hr + self.epsilon)

        t  = T.nnet.sigmoid(tr * self.S_t + self.B_t)
        h  = self._act(hr * self.S_h + self.B_h)
        rv = h * t + x * (1 - t)

        return rv
项目:lowrank-highwaynetwork    作者:Avmb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_output(self, x):
        d_0 = 1.0 - self.d_p_0
        d_1 = 1.0 - self.d_p_1

        tl_raw = * d_0, self.W_tl)
        hl_raw = * d_0, self.W_hl)
        tl = (tl_raw - self.Mean_tl) / (self.Std_tl + self.epsilon)
        hl = (hl_raw - self.Mean_hl) / (self.Std_hl + self.epsilon)

        tr_raw = (tl * d_1).dot(self.W_tr)
        hr_raw = (hl * d_1).dot(self.W_hr)
        tr = (tr_raw - self.Mean_tr) / (self.Std_tr + self.epsilon)
        hr = (hr_raw - self.Mean_hr) / (self.Std_hr + self.epsilon)

        t  = T.nnet.sigmoid(tr * self.S_t + self.B_t)
        h  = self._act(hr * self.S_h + self.B_h)
        rv = h * t + x * (1 - t)

        return rv
项目:cortex    作者:rdevon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def step_call(self, x, *params):
        # Used within scan with `get_params`
        params = list(params)

        for l in xrange(self.n_layers):
            W = params.pop(0)
            b = params.pop(0)

            if l == self.n_layers - 1:
                x =, W) + b
                activ = self.h_act
                x = eval(activ)(, W) + b)

        assert len(params) == 2, params
        return x
项目:cortex    作者:rdevon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def step_free_energy(self, x, beta, *params):
        '''Step free energy function.

            x (T.tensor): data sample.
            beta (float): beta value for annealing.
            *params: theano shared variables.

            T.tensor: free energy.

        W, v_params, h_params = self.split_params(*params)

        vis_term = beta * self.v_dist.get_energy_bias(x, *v_params)
        x = self.v_dist.scale_for_energy_model(x, *v_params)
        hid_act = beta * (, W) + self.h_dist.get_center(*h_params))
        fe = -vis_term - T.log(1. + T.exp(hid_act)).sum(axis=1)
        return fe
项目:cortex    作者:rdevon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def step_free_energy_h(self, h, beta, *params):
        '''Step free energy function for hidden states.

            h (T.tensor): hidden sample.
            beta (float): beta value for annealing.
            *params: theano shared variables.

            T.tensor: free energy.

        W, v_params, h_params = self.split_params(*params)

        hid_term = beta * self.h_dist.get_energy_bias(h, *h_params)
        h = self.h_dist.scale_for_energy_model(h, *h_params)
        vis_act = beta * (, W.T) + self.v_dist.get_center(*v_params))
        fe = -hid_term - T.log(1. + T.exp(vis_act)).sum(axis=1)
        return fe
项目:cortex    作者:rdevon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _step(self, m, y, h_, Ur):
        '''Step function for RNN call.

            m (T.tensor): masks.
            y (T.tensor): inputs.
            h_ (T.tensor): recurrent state.
            Ur (theano.shared): recurrent connection.

            T.tensor: next recurrent state.

        preact =, Ur) + y
        h      = T.tanh(preact)
        h      = m * h + (1 - m) * h_
        return h
项目:top-k-rec    作者:domainxz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _generate_train_model_function(self, scores):
       u = T.lvector('u')
       i = T.lvector('i')
       j = T.lvector('j')
       self.W = theano.shared(numpy.zeros((self._dim)).astype('float32'), name='W');
       self.S = theano.shared(scores, name='S');
       x_ui  =, self.S[u,i,:].T);
       x_uj  =, self.S[u,j,:].T);
       x_uij = x_ui - x_uj;
       obj = T.sum(
               T.log(T.nnet.sigmoid(x_uij)).sum() - \
               self._lambda_w * 0.5 * (self.W ** 2).sum()
       cost = -obj
       g_cost_W = T.grad(cost=cost, wrt=self.W)
       updates = [
               (self.W, self.W - self._learning_rate * g_cost_W)
       self.train_model = theano.function(inputs=[u,i,j], outputs=cost, updates=updates);
项目:SteinGAN    作者:DartML    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rbf_kernel(X0):
    XY =, X0.transpose())
    x2 = T.reshape(T.sum(T.square(X0), axis=1), (X0.shape[0], 1))
    X2e = T.repeat(x2, X0.shape[0], axis=1)
    H = T.sub(T.add(X2e, X2e.transpose()), 2 * XY)

    V = H.flatten()

    # median distance
    h = T.switch(T.eq((V.shape[0] % 2), 0),
        # if even vector
        T.mean(T.sort(V)[ ((V.shape[0] // 2) - 1) : ((V.shape[0] // 2) + 1) ]),
        # if odd vector
        T.sort(V)[V.shape[0] // 2])

    h = T.sqrt(0.5 * h / T.log(X0.shape[0].astype('float32') + 1.0)) / 2.

    Kxy = T.exp(-H / h ** 2 / 2.0)
    neighbors = T.argsort(H, axis=1)[:, 1]

    return Kxy, neighbors, h
项目:SteinGAN    作者:DartML    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def svgd_gradient(X0):

    hidden, _, mse = discrim(X0)
    grad = -1.0 * T.grad( mse.sum(), X0)

    kxy, neighbors, h = rbf_kernel(hidden)  #TODO

    coff = T.exp( - T.sum((hidden[neighbors] - hidden)**2, axis=1) / h**2 / 2.0 )
    v = coff.dimshuffle(0, 'x') * (-hidden[neighbors] + hidden) / h**2

    X1 = X0[neighbors]
    hidden1, _, _ = discrim(X1)
    dxkxy = T.Lop(hidden1, X1, v)

    #svgd_grad = (, T.flatten(grad, 2)).reshape(dxkxy.shape) + dxkxy) / T.sum(kxy, axis=1).dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x', 'x')
    svgd_grad = grad + dxkxy / 2.
    return grad, svgd_grad, dxkxy
项目:SteinGAN    作者:DartML    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def svgd_gradient(X0):

    hidden, _, mse = discrim(X0)
    grad = -1.0 * T.grad( mse.sum(), X0)

    kxy, neighbors, h = rbf_kernel(hidden)  #TODO

    coff = T.exp( - T.sum((hidden[neighbors] - hidden)**2, axis=1) / h**2 / 2.0 )
    v = coff.dimshuffle(0, 'x') * (-hidden[neighbors] + hidden) / h**2

    X1 = X0[neighbors]
    hidden1, _, _ = discrim(X1)
    dxkxy = T.Lop(hidden1, X1, v)

    #svgd_grad = (, T.flatten(grad, 2)).reshape(dxkxy.shape) + dxkxy) / T.sum(kxy, axis=1).dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x', 'x')
    svgd_grad = grad + dxkxy / 2.
    return grad, svgd_grad, dxkxy
项目:iGAN    作者:junyanz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gen_test(_z, _params, _batchnorm, n_layers=3, n_f=128, init_sz=4, nc=3, use_tanh=False):
    if use_tanh:
        _z= tanh(_z)
    [gw0, gg0, gb0] = _params[0:3]
    hs = []
    u = _batchnorm[0]
    s = _batchnorm[n_layers + 1]
    h0 = relu(batchnorm(, -1.0, 1.0), gw0), u=u, s=s, g=gg0, b=gb0))
    h1 = h0.reshape((h0.shape[0], n_f * 2 ** n_layers, init_sz, init_sz))
    hs.extend([h0, h1])
    for n in range(n_layers):
        [w, g, b] = _params[3 * (n + 1):3 * (n + 2)]
        hin = hs[-1]
        u = _batchnorm[n + 1]
        s = _batchnorm[n + n_layers + 2]
        hout = relu(batchnorm(deconv(hin, w, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), u=u, s=s, g=g, b=b))
    x = deconv(hs[-1], _params[-1], subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))
    if nc == 3:
        x_f = tanh(x)
    if nc == 1:
        x_f = sigmoid(x)
    return x_f
项目:iGAN    作者:junyanz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gen_batchnorm(_z, _params, n_layers=3, n_f=128, init_sz=4, nc=3):
    [gw0, gg0, gb0] = _params[0:3]
    hs = []
    h0_o =, gw0)
    output = [h0_o]
    h0 = relu(batchnorm(h0_o, g=gg0, b=gb0))
    h1 = h0.reshape((h0.shape[0], n_f * 2 ** n_layers, init_sz, init_sz))
    hs.extend([h0, h1])
    for n in range(n_layers):
        [w, g, b] = _params[3 * (n + 1):3 * (n + 2)]
        hin = hs[-1]
        h_o = deconv(hin, w, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))
        hout = relu(batchnorm(h_o, g=g, b=b))

    if nc == 3:
        x = tanh(deconv(hs[-1], _params[-1], subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)))
    if nc == 1:
        x = sigmoid(deconv(hs[-1], _params[-1], subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)))

    return x, output
项目:iGAN    作者:junyanz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict_batchnorm(_x, _params, n_layers=3):
    w = _params[0]
    h0 = lrelu(dnn_conv(_x, w, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)))
    hs = [h0]
    output = []
    for n in range(n_layers):
        hin = hs[-1]
        w, g, b = _params[1 + 3 * n:1 + 3 * (n + 1)]
        h_o = dnn_conv(hin, w, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))
        hout = lrelu(batchnorm(h_o, g=g, b=b))
    h = T.flatten(hs[-1], 2)
    y = tanh(, _params[-1]))
    return y, output

    return y, output
项目:gated_word_char_rlm    作者:nyu-dl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fullyconnected_layer(tparams, state_below, options, prefix, activ='lambda x: x', **kwargs):
    compute the forward pass for a fully connected layer

    tparams      : OrderedDict of theano shared variables, {parameter name: value}
    state_below  : theano 3d tensor, input data, dimensions: (num of time steps, batch size, dim of vector)
    options      : dictionary, {hyperparameter: value}
    prefix       : string, layer name
    activ        : string, activation function: 'liner', 'tanh', or 'rectifier'

                 : theano 3d tensor, output data, dimensions: (num of time steps, batch size, dim of vector)

    return eval(activ)(, tparams[p_name(prefix, 'W')]) + tparams[p_name(prefix, 'b')])
项目:gated_word_char_rlm    作者:nyu-dl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gate_layer(tparams, X_word, X_char, options, prefix, pretrain_mode, activ='lambda x: x', **kwargs):
    compute the forward pass for a gate layer

    tparams        : OrderedDict of theano shared variables, {parameter name: value}
    X_word         : theano 3d tensor, word input, dimensions: (num of time steps, batch size, dim of vector)
    X_char         : theano 3d tensor, char input, dimensions: (num of time steps, batch size, dim of vector)
    options        : dictionary, {hyperparameter: value}
    prefix         : string, layer name
    pretrain_mode  : theano shared scalar, 0. = word only, 1. = char only, 2. = word & char
    activ          : string, activation function: 'liner', 'tanh', or 'rectifier'

    X              : theano 3d tensor, final vector, dimensions: (num of time steps, batch size, dim of vector)

    # compute gating values, Eq.(3)
    G = tensor.nnet.sigmoid(, tparams[p_name(prefix, 'v')]) + tparams[p_name(prefix, 'b')][0])
    X = ifelse(tensor.le(pretrain_mode, numpy.float32(1.)),  
               ifelse(tensor.eq(pretrain_mode, numpy.float32(0.)), X_word, X_char),
               G[:, :, None] * X_char + (1. - G)[:, :, None] * X_word)   
    return eval(activ)(X)
项目:gated_word_char_rlm    作者:nyu-dl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def concat_layer(tparams, X_word, X_char, options, prefix, pretrain_mode, activ='lambda x: x', **kwargs):
    compute the forward pass for a concat layer

    tparams        : OrderedDict of theano shared variables, {parameter name: value}
    X_word         : theano 3d tensor, word input, dimensions: (num of time steps, batch size, dim of vector)
    X_char         : theano 3d tensor, char input, dimensions: (num of time steps, batch size, dim of vector)
    options        : dictionary, {hyperparameter: value}
    prefix         : string,  layer name
    pretrain_mode  : theano shared scalar, 0. = word only, 1. = char only, 2. = word & char
    activ          : string, activation function: 'liner', 'tanh', or 'rectifier'

    X              : theano 3d tensor, final vector, dimensions: (num of time steps, batch size, dim of vector)

    X = ifelse(tensor.le(pretrain_mode, numpy.float32(1.)),
               ifelse(tensor.eq(pretrain_mode, numpy.float32(0.)), X_word, X_char),
     [X_word, X_char], axis=2), tparams[p_name(prefix, 'W')]) + tparams[p_name(prefix, 'b')]) 
    return eval(activ)(X)
项目:NeuroNLP    作者:XuezheMax    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_output_for(self, input, **kwargs):
        # if the input has more than two dimensions, flatten it into a
        # batch of feature vectors.
        input_reshape = input.flatten(2) if input.ndim > 2 else input

        activation =, self.W_h)
        if self.b_h is not None:
            activation = activation + self.b_h.dimshuffle('x', 0)
            activation = self.nonlinearity(activation)

        transform =, self.W_t)
        if self.b_t is not None:
            transform = transform + self.b_t.dimshuffle('x', 0)
            transform = nonlinearities.sigmoid(transform)

        carry = 1.0 - transform

        output = activation * transform + input_reshape * carry
        # reshape output back to orignal input_shape
        if input.ndim > 2:
            output = T.reshape(output, input.shape)

        return output
项目:NMT    作者:tuzhaopeng    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dot(inp, matrix):
    Decide the right type of dot product depending on the input
    if 'int' in inp.dtype and inp.ndim==2:
        return matrix[inp.flatten()]
    elif 'int' in inp.dtype:
        return matrix[inp]
    elif 'float' in inp.dtype and inp.ndim == 3:
        shape0 = inp.shape[0]
        shape1 = inp.shape[1]
        shape2 = inp.shape[2]
        return*shape1, shape2)), matrix)
        return, matrix)
项目:NMT    作者:tuzhaopeng    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dot(inp, matrix):
    Decide the right type of dot product depending on the input
    if 'int' in inp.dtype and inp.ndim==2:
        return matrix[inp.flatten()]
    elif 'int' in inp.dtype:
        return matrix[inp]
    elif 'float' in inp.dtype and inp.ndim == 3:
        shape0 = inp.shape[0]
        shape1 = inp.shape[1]
        shape2 = inp.shape[2]
        return*shape1, shape2)), matrix)
        return, matrix)
项目:doctorai    作者:mp2893    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gru_layer(tparams, emb, layerIndex, hiddenDimSize, mask=None):
    timesteps = emb.shape[0]
    if emb.ndim == 3: n_samples = emb.shape[1]
    else: n_samples = 1

    W_rx =, tparams['W_r_'+layerIndex])
    W_zx =, tparams['W_z_'+layerIndex])
    Wx =, tparams['W_'+layerIndex])

    def stepFn(stepMask, wrx, wzx, wx, h):
        r = T.nnet.sigmoid(wrx +, tparams['U_r_'+layerIndex]) + tparams['b_r_'+layerIndex])
        z = T.nnet.sigmoid(wzx +, tparams['U_z_'+layerIndex]) + tparams['b_z_'+layerIndex])
        h_tilde = T.tanh(wx +*h, tparams['U_'+layerIndex]) + tparams['b_'+layerIndex])
        h_new = z * h + ((1. - z) * h_tilde)
        h_new = stepMask[:, None] * h_new + (1. - stepMask)[:, None] * h
        return h_new#, output, time

    results, updates = theano.scan(fn=stepFn, sequences=[mask,W_rx,W_zx,Wx], outputs_info=T.alloc(numpy_floatX(0.0), n_samples, hiddenDimSize), name='gru_layer'+layerIndex, n_steps=timesteps)

    return results
项目:doctorai    作者:mp2893    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gru_layer(tparams, emb, layerIndex, hiddenDimSize, mask=None):
    timesteps = emb.shape[0]
    if emb.ndim == 3: n_samples = emb.shape[1]
    else: n_samples = 1

    W_rx =, tparams['W_r_'+layerIndex])
    W_zx =, tparams['W_z_'+layerIndex])
    Wx =, tparams['W_'+layerIndex])

    def stepFn(stepMask, wrx, wzx, wx, h):
        r = T.nnet.sigmoid(wrx +, tparams['U_r_'+layerIndex]) + tparams['b_r_'+layerIndex])
        z = T.nnet.sigmoid(wzx +, tparams['U_z_'+layerIndex]) + tparams['b_z_'+layerIndex])
        h_tilde = T.tanh(wx +*h, tparams['U_'+layerIndex]) + tparams['b_'+layerIndex])
        h_new = z * h + ((1. - z) * h_tilde)
        h_new = stepMask[:, None] * h_new + (1. - stepMask)[:, None] * h
        return h_new

    results, updates = theano.scan(fn=stepFn, sequences=[mask,W_rx,W_zx,Wx], outputs_info=T.alloc(numpy_floatX(0.0), n_samples, hiddenDimSize), name='gru_layer'+layerIndex, n_steps=timesteps)

    return results
项目:sesame-paste-noodle    作者:aissehust    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, inputtensor):
        inputimage = inputtensor[0]

        if self.dc == 0.0:
            if 0 <self.dc <=1:
                _srng = RandomStreams(np.random.randint(1, 2147462579))
                one = T.constant(1)
                retain_prob = one - self.dc
                mask_shape = self.w.shape
                mask = _srng.binomial(mask_shape, p=retain_prob,
                self.w = self.w * mask
                raise IndexError

        if self.need_bias:
            return ((, self.w)+self.b), )
            return (, self.w),)
项目:seq2seq-keyphrase    作者:memray    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dot(inp, matrix, bias=None):
    Decide the right type of dot product depending on the input
    if 'int' in inp.dtype and inp.ndim == 2:
        return matrix[inp.flatten()]
    elif 'int' in inp.dtype:
        return matrix[inp]
    elif 'float' in inp.dtype and inp.ndim == 3:
        shape0 = inp.shape[0]
        shape1 = inp.shape[1]
        shape2 = inp.shape[2]
        if bias:
            return ( * shape1, shape2)), matrix) + bias).reshape((shape0, shape1, matrix.shape[1]))
            return * shape1, shape2)), matrix).reshape((shape0, shape1, matrix.shape[1]))
        if bias:
            return, matrix) + bias
            return, matrix)

# Numerically stable log(sum(exp(A))). Can also be used in softmax function.
项目:merlin    作者:CSTR-Edinburgh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recurrent_as_activation_function(self, Wix, Uix, h_tm1, c_tm1, y_tm1):
        """ Implement the recurrent unit as an activation function. This function is called by self.__init__().

        :param Wix: it equals to W^{hx}x_{t}, as it does not relate with recurrent, pre-calculate the value for fast computation
        :type Wix: matrix
        :param h_tm1: contains the hidden activation from previous time step
        :type h_tm1: matrix, each row means a hidden activation vector of a time step
        :param c_tm1: this parameter is not used, just to keep the interface consistent with LSTM
        :returns: h_t is the hidden activation of current time step

        h_t = T.tanh(Wix +, self.W_hi) +, self.W_yi) + self.b_i)  #

        # simple recurrent decoder
        #y_t =, self.U_hi) + self.b

        # recurrent output and additional input
        y_t = Uix +, self.U_hi) +, self.U_yi) + self.b

        c_t = h_t

        return h_t, c_t, y_t
项目:merlin    作者:CSTR-Edinburgh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recurrent_as_activation_function(self, Wix, Wiy, h_tm1, c_tm1):
        """ Implement the recurrent unit as an activation function. This function is called by self.__init__().

        :param Wix: it equals to W^{hx}x_{t}, as it does not relate with recurrent, pre-calculate the value for fast computation
        :type Wix: matrix
        :param h_tm1: contains the hidden activation from previous time step
        :type h_tm1: matrix, each row means a hidden activation vector of a time step
        :param c_tm1: this parameter is not used, just to keep the interface consistent with LSTM
        :returns: h_t is the hidden activation of current time step

        h_t = T.tanh(Wix +, self.W_hi) + Wiy + self.b_i)  #

        c_t = h_t

        return h_t, c_t
项目:merlin    作者:CSTR-Edinburgh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lstm_as_activation_function(self, Wix, Wfx, Wcx, Wox, h_tm1, c_tm1, y_tm1):
        """ This function treats the LSTM block as an activation function, and implements the standard LSTM activation function.
            The meaning of each input and output parameters can be found in :func:`layers.gating.LstmBase.recurrent_fn`


        i_t = T.nnet.sigmoid(Wix +, self.W_hi) + self.w_ci * c_tm1 + self.b_i)  #
        f_t = T.nnet.sigmoid(Wfx +, self.W_hf) + self.w_cf * c_tm1 + self.b_f)  #

        c_t = f_t * c_tm1 + i_t * T.tanh(Wcx +, self.W_hc) +, self.W_yi) + self.b_c)

        o_t = T.nnet.sigmoid(Wox +, self.W_ho) + self.w_co * c_t + self.b_o)

        h_t = o_t * T.tanh(c_t)

        y_t =, self.U_ho) + self.b

        return h_t, c_t, y_t     #, i_t, f_t, o_t
项目:merlin    作者:CSTR-Edinburgh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lstm_as_activation_function(self, Wix, Wfx, Wcx, Wox, h_tm1, c_tm1):
        """ This function treats the LSTM block as an activation function, and implements the standard LSTM activation function.
            The meaning of each input and output parameters can be found in :func:`layers.gating.LstmBase.recurrent_fn`


        i_t = T.nnet.sigmoid(Wix +, self.W_hi) + self.w_ci * c_tm1 + self.b_i)  #
        f_t = T.nnet.sigmoid(Wfx +, self.W_hf) + self.w_cf * c_tm1 + self.b_f)  #

        c_t = f_t * c_tm1 + i_t * T.tanh(Wcx +, self.W_hc) + self.b_c)

        o_t = T.nnet.sigmoid(Wox +, self.W_ho) + self.w_co * c_t + self.b_o)

        h_t = o_t * T.tanh(c_t)

        return h_t, c_t#, i_t, f_t, o_t
项目:merlin    作者:CSTR-Edinburgh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lstm_as_activation_function(self, Wix, Wfx, Wcx, Wox, h_tm1, c_tm1):
        """ This function treats the LSTM block as an activation function, and implements the standard LSTM activation function.
            The meaning of each input and output parameters can be found in :func:`layers.gating.LstmBase.recurrent_fn`


        i_t = T.nnet.sigmoid(Wix +, self.W_hi) + self.w_ci * c_tm1 + self.b_i)  #
        f_t = T.nnet.sigmoid(Wfx +, self.W_hf) + self.w_cf * c_tm1 + self.b_f)  # 

        c_t = f_t * c_tm1 + i_t * T.tanh(Wcx +, self.W_hc) + self.b_c)

        o_t = T.nnet.sigmoid(Wox +, self.W_ho) + self.w_co * c_t + self.b_o)

        h_t = o_t * T.tanh(c_t)

        return h_t, c_t#, i_t, f_t, o_t
项目:merlin    作者:CSTR-Edinburgh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recurrent_as_activation_function(self, Wix, h_tm1, c_tm1, y_tm1):
        """ Implement the recurrent unit as an activation function. This function is called by self.__init__().

        :param Wix: it equals to W^{hx}x_{t}, as it does not relate with recurrent, pre-calculate the value for fast computation
        :type Wix: matrix
        :param h_tm1: contains the hidden activation from previous time step
        :type h_tm1: matrix, each row means a hidden activation vector of a time step
        :param c_tm1: this parameter is not used, just to keep the interface consistent with LSTM
        :returns: h_t is the hidden activation of current time step

        h_t = T.tanh(Wix +, self.W_hi) +, self.W_yi) + self.b_i)  #

        y_t =, self.U_hi) + self.b

        c_t = h_t

        return h_t, c_t, y_t
项目:merlin    作者:CSTR-Edinburgh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lstm_as_activation_function(self, Wix, Wfx, Wcx, Wox, h_tm1, c_tm1):
        """ This function treats the LSTM block as an activation function, and implements the standard LSTM activation function.
            The meaning of each input and output parameters can be found in :func:`layers.gating.LstmBase.recurrent_fn`


        i_t = T.nnet.sigmoid(Wix +, self.W_hi) + self.w_ci * c_tm1 + self.b_i)  #
        f_t = T.nnet.sigmoid(Wfx +, self.W_hf) + self.w_cf * c_tm1 + self.b_f)  #

        c_t = f_t * c_tm1 + i_t * T.tanh(Wcx +, self.W_hc) + self.b_c)

        o_t = T.nnet.sigmoid(Wox +, self.W_ho) + self.w_co * c_t + self.b_o)

        h_t = o_t * T.tanh(c_t)

        return h_t, c_t#, i_t, f_t, o_t
项目:merlin    作者:CSTR-Edinburgh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lstm_as_activation_function(self, Wix, Wfx, Wcx, Wox, h_tm1, c_tm1, y_tm1):
        """ This function treats the LSTM block as an activation function, and implements the standard LSTM activation function.
            The meaning of each input and output parameters can be found in :func:`layers.gating.LstmBase.recurrent_fn`


        i_t = T.nnet.sigmoid(Wix +, self.W_hi) + self.w_ci * c_tm1 + self.b_i)  #
        f_t = T.nnet.sigmoid(Wfx +, self.W_hf) + self.w_cf * c_tm1 + self.b_f)  #

        c_t = f_t * c_tm1 + i_t * T.tanh(Wcx +, self.W_hc) +, self.W_yi) + self.b_c)

        o_t = T.nnet.sigmoid(Wox +, self.W_ho) + self.w_co * c_t + self.b_o)

        h_t = o_t * T.tanh(c_t)

        y_t =, self.U_ho) + self.b

        return h_t, c_t, y_t     #, i_t, f_t, o_t
项目:merlin    作者:CSTR-Edinburgh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lstm_as_activation_function(self, Wix, Wfx, Wcx, Wox, h_tm1, c_tm1):
        """ This function treats the LSTM block as an activation function, and implements the LSTM (without the output gate) activation function.
            The meaning of each input and output parameters can be found in :func:`layers.gating.LstmBase.recurrent_fn`


        i_t = T.nnet.sigmoid(Wix +, self.W_hi) + self.b_i)
        f_t = T.nnet.sigmoid(Wfx +, self.W_hf) + self.b_f)

        c_t = f_t * c_tm1 + i_t * T.tanh(Wcx +, self.W_hc) + self.b_c)

        o_t = T.nnet.sigmoid(Wox +, self.W_ho) + self.b_o)

        h_t = o_t * T.tanh(c_t)

        return h_t, c_t