Python theano.tensor 模块,matrix() 实例源码


项目:fxnn    作者:khaotik    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lyr_linear(
        self, name_,
        idim_, odim_,
        init_=None, bias_=0., params_di_='params'):
        dense matrix multiplication, optionally adding a bias vector
        name_W = name_+'_w'
        name_B = name_+'_b'
        if init_ is None:
            init_ = dict(init_=[1.4/sqrt(idim_+odim_)])
        v_W = self.get_variable(name_W, (idim_,odim_), **init_)
        if bias_ is None:
            s_ret =, v_W)
            v_B = self.get_variable(name_B, (odim_,), bias_)
            s_ret =, v_W) + v_B
        return s_ret
项目:TAC-GAN    作者:dashayushman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_encoder_bi(tparams, options):
    build bidirectional encoder, given pre-computed word embeddings
    # word embedding (source)
    embedding = tensor.tensor3('embedding', dtype='float32')
    embeddingr = embedding[::-1]
    x_mask = tensor.matrix('x_mask', dtype='float32')
    xr_mask = x_mask[::-1]

    # encoder
    proj = get_layer(options['encoder'])[1](tparams, embedding, options,
    projr = get_layer(options['encoder'])[1](tparams, embeddingr, options,

    ctx = tensor.concatenate([proj[0][-1], projr[0][-1]], axis=1)

    return embedding, x_mask, ctx

# some utilities
项目:how_to_convert_text_to_images    作者:llSourcell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_encoder_bi(tparams, options):
    build bidirectional encoder, given pre-computed word embeddings
    # word embedding (source)
    embedding = tensor.tensor3('embedding', dtype='float32')
    embeddingr = embedding[::-1]
    x_mask = tensor.matrix('x_mask', dtype='float32')
    xr_mask = x_mask[::-1]

    # encoder
    proj = get_layer(options['encoder'])[1](tparams, embedding, options,
    projr = get_layer(options['encoder'])[1](tparams, embeddingr, options,

    ctx = tensor.concatenate([proj[0][-1], projr[0][-1]], axis=1)

    return embedding, x_mask, ctx

# some utilities
项目:CopyNet    作者:MultiPath    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dot(inp, matrix, bias=None):
    Decide the right type of dot product depending on the input
    if 'int' in inp.dtype and inp.ndim == 2:
        return matrix[inp.flatten()]
    elif 'int' in inp.dtype:
        return matrix[inp]
    elif 'float' in inp.dtype and inp.ndim == 3:
        shape0 = inp.shape[0]
        shape1 = inp.shape[1]
        shape2 = inp.shape[2]
        if bias:
            return ( * shape1, shape2)), matrix) + bias).reshape((shape0, shape1, matrix.shape[1]))
            return * shape1, shape2)), matrix).reshape((shape0, shape1, matrix.shape[1]))
        if bias:
            return, matrix) + bias
            return, matrix)

# Numerically stable log(sum(exp(A))). Can also be used in softmax function.
项目:dnc-theano    作者:khaotik    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lyr_linear(
        self, name_,
        idim_, odim_,
        init_=None, bias_=0.,
        dense matrix multiplication, optionally adding a bias vector
        name_W = name_+'_w'
        name_B = name_+'_b'
        if init_ is None:
            init_ = [1.4/sqrt(idim_+odim_)]
        with self.get_group(params_group_):
            v_W = self.get_variable(name_W, (idim_,odim_), init_=init_)
        if bias_ is None:
            s_ret =, v_W)
            with self.get_group(params_group_):
                v_B = self.get_variable(name_B, (odim_,), bias_)
            s_ret =, v_W) + v_B
        return s_ret
项目:untwist    作者:IoSR-Surrey    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, input_size, output_size, hidden_sizes, activation = T.nnet.sigmoid):

        self.hidden_layers = []
        self.params = []
        self.input = T.matrix('x') = T.matrix('y')

        for i, layer_size in enumerate(hidden_sizes):
            if i == 0:
               layer_input_size = input_size
               layer_input = self.input
                layer_input_size = hidden_sizes[i - 1]
                layer_input = self.hidden_layers[-1].output
            layer = Layer(layer_input, layer_input_size, layer_size, activation = activation)

        self.output_layer = Layer(self.hidden_layers[-1].output, hidden_sizes[-1], output_size)
        self.output = self.output_layer.output
        self.cost = T.sum((self.output -**2)
项目:snn4hrl    作者:florensacc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dist_info(self, obs, state_infos=None):
        if state_infos is None or len(state_infos) == 0:
            return self._f_dist_info(obs)
        if self._f_dist_info_givens is None:
            # compile function
            obs_var = self._mean_network.input_var
            latent_keys = ["latent_%d" % idx for idx in range(self._n_latent_layers)]
            latent_vars = [TT.matrix("latent_%d" % idx) for idx in range(self._n_latent_layers)]
            latent_dict = dict(list(zip(latent_keys, latent_vars)))
            self._f_dist_info_givens = ext.compile_function(
                inputs=[obs_var] + latent_vars,
                outputs=self.dist_info_sym(obs_var, latent_dict),
        latent_vals = []
        for idx in range(self._n_latent_layers):
            latent_vals.append(state_infos["latent_%d" % idx])
        return self._f_dist_info_givens(*[obs] + latent_vals)
项目:cortex    作者:rdevon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_infer():
    data_iter = Euclidean(batch_size=27, dim_in=17)
    gbn = test_vae.test_build_GBN(dim_in=data_iter.dims[])

    inference_args = dict(

    gdir = test_build_gdir(gbn, **inference_args)

    X = T.matrix('x', dtype=floatX)

    rval, constants, updates = gdir.inference(X, X)

    f = theano.function([X], rval.values(), updates=updates)
    x =[]

    results, samples, full_results, updates = gdir(X, X)
    f = theano.function([X], results.values(), updates=updates)

    print f(x)
项目:cortex    作者:rdevon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_sample(n_steps=3, dim_v=13, batch_size=7):
    data_iter = euclidean.Euclidean(dims=dim_v, batch_size=batch_size)
    x =[]

    model = test_build(dim_v=dim_v)

    X = T.matrix('X', dtype=floatX)
    ph0 = model.ph_v(X)
    r = model.trng.uniform(size=(X.shape[0], model.dim_h))
    h_p = (r <= ph0).astype(floatX)

    outs, updates = model.sample(h_p, n_steps=n_steps)
    keys = outs.keys()

    f = theano.function([X], outs.values(), updates=updates)
    values = f(x)

    outs = model(X, n_chains=batch_size, n_steps=n_steps)
    results, samples, updates, constants = outs
    f = theano.function([X], results.values(), updates=updates)
项目:reinforcement_learning    作者:andreweskeclarke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compile(self):
        x_train = T.tensor4('x_train')
        actions_train = T.matrix('actions_train')
        y_train = T.matrix('y_train')
        cost_function = self.squared_error(x_train, actions_train, y_train)
        self.train_function = theano.function([x_train, actions_train, y_train],
                                updates=self.sgd(cost_function, self.params),
        x_pred = T.tensor3('x_pred')
        actions_pred = T.vector('actions_pred')
        output_function = self.output(x_pred, actions_pred)
        self.predict_function = theano.function([x_pred, actions_pred],
        return self
项目:seq2seq-keyphrase    作者:memray    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dot(inp, matrix, bias=None):
    Decide the right type of dot product depending on the input
    if 'int' in inp.dtype and inp.ndim == 2:
        return matrix[inp.flatten()]
    elif 'int' in inp.dtype:
        return matrix[inp]
    elif 'float' in inp.dtype and inp.ndim == 3:
        shape0 = inp.shape[0]
        shape1 = inp.shape[1]
        shape2 = inp.shape[2]
        if bias:
            return ( * shape1, shape2)), matrix) + bias).reshape((shape0, shape1, matrix.shape[1]))
            return * shape1, shape2)), matrix).reshape((shape0, shape1, matrix.shape[1]))
        if bias:
            return, matrix) + bias
            return, matrix)

# Numerically stable log(sum(exp(A))). Can also be used in softmax function.
项目:merlin    作者:CSTR-Edinburgh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_theano_function_wdu(self):

        W_static = T.matrix('W_static')
        W_delta  = T.matrix('W_delta')
        W_acc    = T.matrix('W_acc')
        D_static = T.matrix('D_static')
        D_delta  = T.matrix('D_delta')
        D_acc    = T.matrix('D_acc')
        U_static = T.matrix('U_static')
        U_delta  = T.matrix('U_delta')
        U_acc    = T.matrix('U_acc')

        WDU =, D_static), U_static) +, D_delta), U_delta) +, D_acc), U_acc)

        fn = theano.function(inputs=[W_static, W_delta, W_acc, D_static, D_delta, D_acc, U_static, U_delta, U_acc], outputs=WDU)

        return  fn
项目:StackGAN    作者:hanzhanggit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_encoder_bi(tparams, options):
    build bidirectional encoder, given pre-computed word embeddings
    # word embedding (source)
    embedding = tensor.tensor3('embedding', dtype='float32')
    embeddingr = embedding[::-1]
    x_mask = tensor.matrix('x_mask', dtype='float32')
    xr_mask = x_mask[::-1]

    # encoder
    proj = get_layer(options['encoder'])[1](tparams, embedding, options,
    projr = get_layer(options['encoder'])[1](tparams, embeddingr, options,

    ctx = tensor.concatenate([proj[0][-1], projr[0][-1]], axis=1)

    return embedding, x_mask, ctx

# some utilities
项目:cbof    作者:passalis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def symbolic_distance_matrix(A, B):
    Defines the symbolic matrix that contains the distances between the vectors of A and B
    :param A:
    :param B:
    aa = T.sum(A * A, axis=1)
    bb = T.sum(B * B, axis=1)
    AB =, T.transpose(B))

    AA = T.transpose(T.tile(aa, (bb.shape[0], 1)))
    BB = T.tile(bb, (aa.shape[0], 1))

    D = AA + BB - 2 * AB
    D = T.maximum(D, 0)
    D = T.sqrt(D)
    return D
项目:Theano-MPI    作者:uoguelph-mlrg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_model(self):


        # Prepare Theano variables for inputs and targets
        self.noise_var = T.matrix('noise')
        self.input_var = T.tensor4('inputs')

        # Create neural network model
        generator = build_generator(self.noise_var)
        critic = build_critic(self.input_var)

        # Create expression for passing real data through the critic
        self.real_out = lasagne.layers.get_output(critic)
        # Create expression for passing fake data through the critic
        self.fake_out = lasagne.layers.get_output(critic,

        # Create update expressions for training
        self.generator_params = lasagne.layers.get_all_params(generator, trainable=True)
        self.critic_params = lasagne.layers.get_all_params(critic, trainable=True)
        self.generator = generator
        self.critic = critic
项目:Theano-MPI    作者:uoguelph-mlrg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_model(self):


        # Prepare Theano variables for inputs and targets
        self.noise_var = T.matrix('noise')
        self.input_var = T.tensor4('inputs')

        # Create neural network model
        generator = build_generator(self.noise_var,self.verbose)
        critic = build_critic(self.input_var,self.verbose)

        # Create expression for passing real data through the critic
        self.real_out = lasagne.layers.get_output(critic)
        # Create expression for passing fake data through the critic
        self.fake_out = lasagne.layers.get_output(critic,

        # Create update expressions for training
        self.generator_params = lasagne.layers.get_all_params(generator, trainable=True)
        self.critic_params = lasagne.layers.get_all_params(critic, trainable=True)
        self.generator = generator
        self.critic = critic
项目:Theano-MPI    作者:uoguelph-mlrg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_model(self):


        # Prepare Theano variables for inputs and targets
        self.noise_var = T.matrix('noise')
        self.input_var = T.tensor4('inputs')

        # Create neural network model
        generator = build_generator(self.noise_var)
        critic = build_critic(self.input_var)

        # Create expression for passing real data through the critic
        self.real_out = lasagne.layers.get_output(critic)
        # Create expression for passing fake data through the critic
        self.fake_out = lasagne.layers.get_output(critic,

        # Create update expressions for training
        self.generator_params = lasagne.layers.get_all_params(generator, trainable=True)
        self.critic_params = lasagne.layers.get_all_params(critic, trainable=True)
        self.generator = generator
        self.critic = critic
项目:Vulcan    作者:rfratila    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward_pass(self, input_data, convert_to_class=False):
        Allow the implementer to quickly get outputs from the network.

            input_data: Numpy matrix to make the predictions on
            convert_to_class: If true, output the class
                             with highest probability

        Returns: Numpy matrix with the output probabilities
                 with each class unless otherwise specified.
        if convert_to_class:
            return get_class(self.output(input_data))
            return self.output(input_data)
项目:machine-deep_learning    作者:Charleswyt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, layers, mini_batch_size):
        """Takes a list of `layers`, describing the network architecture, and
        a value for the `mini_batch_size` to be used during training
        by stochastic gradient descent.

        self.layers = layers
        self.mini_batch_size = mini_batch_size
        self.params = [param for layer in self.layers for param in layer.params]
        self.x = T.matrix("x")
        self.y = T.ivector("y")
        init_layer = self.layers[0]
        init_layer.set_inpt(self.x, self.x, self.mini_batch_size)
        for j in range(1, len(self.layers)): # xrange() was renamed to range() in Python 3.
            prev_layer, layer  = self.layers[j-1], self.layers[j]
                prev_layer.output, prev_layer.output_dropout, self.mini_batch_size)
        self.output = self.layers[-1].output
        self.output_dropout = self.layers[-1].output_dropout
项目:Recurrent-Convolutional-Neural-Network    作者:monisjaved    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def normalize_data(X):
        This function adds padding to the X. Padding is added to
        convert data to matrix data type.

        :type X: list of list
        :param X: Values to be added padding
        :rtype : list containing actual sizes of X
        X_sizes = []
        size = max([len(case) for case in X])
        for case in X:
            l = len(case)
            case.extend([9999] * (size - l))
            # 9999 is used to make index error of anything doesn't work as planned
        return X_sizes
项目:LasagneNLP    作者:XuezheMax    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test():
    energies_var = T.tensor4('energies', dtype=theano.config.floatX)
    targets_var = T.imatrix('targets')
    masks_var = T.matrix('masks', dtype=theano.config.floatX)
    layer_input = lasagne.layers.InputLayer([2, 2, 3, 3], input_var=energies_var)
    out = lasagne.layers.get_output(layer_input)
    loss = crf_loss(out, targets_var, masks_var)
    prediction, acc = crf_accuracy(energies_var, targets_var)

    fn = theano.function([energies_var, targets_var, masks_var], [loss, prediction, acc])

    energies = np.array([[[[10, 15, 20], [5, 10, 15], [3, 2, 0]], [[5, 10, 1], [5, 10, 1], [5, 10, 1]]],
                         [[[5, 6, 7], [2, 3, 4], [2, 1, 0]], [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]]], dtype=np.float32)

    targets = np.array([[0, 1], [0, 2]], dtype=np.int32)

    masks = np.array([[1, 1], [1, 0]], dtype=np.float32)

    l, p, a = fn(energies, targets, masks)
    print l
    print p
    print a
项目:NADE    作者:MarcCote    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_output(self, X):
        convnet_output = 0
        if self.has_convnet:
            # Hack: input_masked is a 2D matrix instead of a 4D tensor, but we have all the information to fix that.
            input_4D = X.reshape((-1, self.nb_channels) + self.image_shape)
            convnet_output = self.convnet.get_output(input_4D)  # Returns the convnet's output preactivation.

            # This will generate a matrix of shape (batch_size, nb_kernels * kernel_height * kernel_width).
            convnet_output = convnet_output.flatten(2)

        fullnet_output = 0
        if self.has_fullnet:
            fullnet_output = self.fullnet.get_output(X)  # Returns the fullnet's output preactivation.

        output = convnet_output + fullnet_output
        # TODO: sigmoid should be applied here instead of within loss function.
        return output
项目:deep-learning-models    作者:kuleshov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, n_dim, n_out, n_chan=1, n_batch=128, n_superbatch=12800, model='bernoulli',
                opt_alg='adam', opt_params={'lr' : 1e-3, 'b1': 0.9, 'b2': 0.99}):
    # save model that wil be created
    self.model = model
    self.n_batch = n_batch
    self.n_lat = 100
    self.n_dim = n_dim
    self.n_chan = n_chan

    # invoke parent constructor
    Model.__init__(self, n_dim, n_chan, n_out, n_superbatch, opt_alg, opt_params)

    # sample generation
    Z = T.matrix(dtype=theano.config.floatX) # noise matrix
    _, _, _, _, l_sample, l_p_z =
    sample = lasagne.layers.get_output(l_sample,  {l_p_z : Z}, deterministic=True)
    self.sample = theano.function([Z], sample, on_unused_input='warn')
项目:deep-learning-models    作者:kuleshov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, n_dim, n_out, n_chan=1, n_batch=128, n_superbatch=12800, model='bernoulli',
                opt_alg='adam', opt_params={'lr' : 1e-3, 'b1': 0.9, 'b2': 0.99}):
    # save model that wil be created
    self.model = model
    self.n_sample = 1 # adjustable parameter, though 1 works best in practice

    self.n_batch = n_batch
    self.n_lat = 200
    self.n_dim = n_dim
    self.n_chan = n_chan
    self.n_batch = n_batch

    Model.__init__(self, n_dim, n_chan, n_out, n_superbatch, opt_alg, opt_params)

    # sample generation
    Z = T.matrix(dtype=theano.config.floatX) # noise matrix
    l_px_mu, l_px_logsigma, l_pa_mu, l_pa_logsigma, \
        l_qz_mu, l_qz_logsigma, l_qa_mu, l_qa_logsigma, \
        l_qa, l_qz, l_d  =
    sample = lasagne.layers.get_output(l_px_mu,  {l_qz : Z}, deterministic=True)
    self.sample = theano.function([Z], sample, on_unused_input='warn')
项目:deep-learning-models    作者:kuleshov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, n_dim, n_out, n_chan=1, n_batch=128, n_superbatch=12800, model='bernoulli',
                opt_alg='adam', opt_params={'lr' : 1e-3, 'b1': 0.9, 'b2': 0.99}):
    # save model that wil be created
    self.model = model
    self.n_batch = n_batch
    self.n_lat = 100
    self.n_dim = n_dim
    self.n_chan = n_chan
    self.n_batch = n_batch

    # invoke parent constructor
    Model.__init__(self, n_dim, n_chan, n_out, n_superbatch, opt_alg, opt_params)

    # sample generation
    Z = T.matrix(dtype=theano.config.floatX) # noise matrix
    _, _, _, _, l_sample, l_p_z =
    sample = lasagne.layers.get_output(l_sample,  {l_p_z : Z}, deterministic=True)
    self.sample = theano.function([Z], sample, on_unused_input='warn')
项目:deep-learning-models    作者:kuleshov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, n_dim, n_out, n_chan=1, n_batch=128, n_superbatch=12800, model='bernoulli',
                opt_alg='adam', opt_params={'lr' : 1e-3, 'b1': 0.9, 'b2': 0.99}):
    # save model that wil be created
    self.model = model
    self.n_sample = 1 # adjustable parameter, though 1 works best in practice

    self.n_batch = n_batch
    self.n_lat = 200
    self.n_dim = n_dim
    self.n_chan = n_chan
    self.n_batch = n_batch

    Model.__init__(self, n_dim, n_chan, n_out, n_superbatch, opt_alg, opt_params)

    # sample generation
    Z = T.matrix(dtype=theano.config.floatX) # noise matrix
    l_px_mu, l_px_logsigma, l_pa_mu, l_pa_logsigma, \
        l_qz_mu, l_qz_logsigma, l_qa_mu, l_qa_logsigma, \
        l_qa, l_qz  =
    sample = lasagne.layers.get_output(l_px_mu,  {l_qz : Z}, deterministic=True)
    self.sample = theano.function([Z], sample, on_unused_input='warn')
项目:deep-learning-models    作者:kuleshov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, n_dim, n_out, n_chan=1, n_batch=128, n_superbatch=12800, model='bernoulli',
                opt_alg='adam', opt_params={'lr' : 1e-3, 'b1': 0.9, 'b2': 0.99}):
    # save model that wil be created
    self.model = model
    self.n_sample = 1 # adjustable parameter, though 1 works best in practice

    self.n_batch = n_batch
    self.n_lat = 200
    self.n_dim = n_dim
    self.n_chan = n_chan
    self.n_batch = n_batch

    Model.__init__(self, n_dim, n_chan, n_out, n_superbatch, opt_alg, opt_params)

    # sample generation
    Z = T.matrix(dtype=theano.config.floatX) # noise matrix
    l_px_mu, l_px_logsigma, l_pa_mu, l_pa_logsigma, \
        l_qz_mu, l_qz_logsigma, l_qa_mu, l_qa_logsigma, \
        l_qa, l_qz  =
    sample = lasagne.layers.get_output(l_px_mu,  {l_qz : Z}, deterministic=True)
    self.sample = theano.function([Z], sample, on_unused_input='warn')
项目:senti    作者:stevenxxiu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, batch_size, emb_X, lstm_param, output_size, f1_classes):
        self.inputs = [T.imatrix('input'), T.matrix('mask')] = T.ivector('target')
        l = InputLayer((batch_size, None), self.inputs[0])
        l_mask = InputLayer((batch_size, None), self.inputs[1])
        l = EmbeddingLayer(l, emb_X.shape[0], emb_X.shape[1], W=emb_X)
        l = LSTMLayer(
            l, lstm_param, mask_input=l_mask, grad_clipping=100, nonlinearity=tanh,
        l = DenseLayer(l, output_size, nonlinearity=log_softmax)
        self.pred = T.exp(get_output(l, deterministic=True))
        self.loss = T.mean(categorical_crossentropy_exp(, get_output(l)))
        params = get_all_params(l, trainable=True)
        self.updates = rmsprop(self.loss, params, learning_rate=0.01)
        self.metrics = {'train': [acc], 'val': [acc, f1(f1_classes)]} = l
项目:senti    作者:stevenxxiu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, batch_size, emb_X, input_size, conv_param, lstm_param, output_size, f1_classes):
        self.input_size = input_size
        self.conv_param = conv_param
        self.inputs = [T.imatrix('input'), T.matrix('mask')] = T.ivector('target')
        l = InputLayer((batch_size, input_size), self.inputs[0])
        l_mask = InputLayer((batch_size, input_size + conv_param - 1), self.inputs[1])
        l = EmbeddingLayer(l, emb_X.shape[0], emb_X.shape[1], W=emb_X)
        l = DimshuffleLayer(l, (0, 2, 1))
        l = Conv1DLayer(l, 300, conv_param, pad='full', nonlinearity=rectify)
        l = DimshuffleLayer(l, (0, 2, 1))
        l = LSTMLayer(
            l, lstm_param, mask_input=l_mask, grad_clipping=100, nonlinearity=tanh,
        l = DenseLayer(l, output_size, nonlinearity=log_softmax)
        self.pred = T.exp(get_output(l, deterministic=True))
        self.loss = T.mean(categorical_crossentropy_exp(, get_output(l)))
        params = get_all_params(l, trainable=True)
        self.updates = adadelta(self.loss, params)
        self.metrics = {'train': [acc], 'val': [acc, f1(f1_classes)]} = l
项目:senti    作者:stevenxxiu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, batch_size, emb_X, lstm_params, output_size):
        self.inputs = [T.imatrix('input'), T.matrix('mask')] = T.matrix('target')
        l = InputLayer((batch_size, None), self.inputs[0])
        l_mask = InputLayer((batch_size, None), self.inputs[1])
        l = EmbeddingLayer(l, emb_X.shape[0], emb_X.shape[1], W=emb_X)
        for lstm_param in lstm_params:
            l = LSTMLayer(
                l, lstm_param, grad_clipping=100, nonlinearity=tanh, mask_input=l_mask, only_return_final=True
        l = DenseLayer(l, output_size, nonlinearity=identity)
        self.pred = get_output(l, deterministic=True)
        self.loss = T.mean(aggregate(squared_error(get_output(l),
        params = get_all_params(l, trainable=True)
        self.update_params = [T.scalar('learning_rate')]
        self.updates = rmsprop(self.loss, params, learning_rate=self.update_params[0])
        self.metrics = {'train': [rmse], 'val': [rmse]} = l
项目:epsilon_free_inference    作者:gpapamak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, n_inputs):
        """Constructs a net with a given number of inputs and no layers."""

        assert isposint(n_inputs), 'Number of inputs must be a positive integer.'

        self.n_inputs = n_inputs
        self.n_outputs = n_inputs
        self.n_units = [n_inputs]
        self.n_layers = 0
        self.n_params = 0

        self.Ws = [] = []
        self.hs = [tt.matrix('x')]
        self.parms = self.Ws +
        self.input = self.hs[0]
        self.output = self.hs[-1]

        self.eval_f = None
项目:epsilon_free_inference    作者:gpapamak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def squareError(x):
    """Square error loss function."""

    if x.ndim == 1:
        y = tt.vector('y')
        L = tt.mean((x - y) ** 2)

    elif x.ndim == 2:
        y = tt.matrix('y')
        L = tt.mean(tt.sum((x - y) ** 2, axis=1))

        raise ValueError('x must be either a vector or a matrix.') = 'loss'

    return y, L
项目:epsilon_free_inference    作者:gpapamak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def crossEntropy(x):
    """Cross entropy loss function. Only works for networks with one output."""

    if x.ndim == 1:

    elif x.ndim == 2:
        x = x[:, 0]

        raise ValueError('x must be either a vector or a matrix.')

    y = tt.vector('y')
    L = -tt.mean(y * tt.log(x) + (1-y) * tt.log(1-x)) = 'loss'

    return y, L
项目:rngru    作者:rneilson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def savetofile(self, outfile):
        """Save model parameters to file."""

        # Pickle non-matrix params into bytestring, then convert to numpy byte array
        pklbytes = pickle.dumps({'hyper': self.hyper, 'epoch': self.epoch, 'pos': self.pos}, 
        p = np.fromstring(pklbytes, dtype=np.uint8)

        # Gather parameter matrices and names
        pvalues = { n:m.get_value() for n, m in self.params.items() }

        # Now save params and matrices to file
            np.savez_compressed(outfile, p=p, **pvalues)
        except OSError as e:
            raise e
            if isinstance(outfile, str):
                stdout.write("Saved model parameters to {0}\n".format(outfile))
项目:deeplearning    作者:wangzhics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_data(dataset):
    print('... loading data')
    # Load the dataset
    with, 'rb') as f:
            train_set, valid_set, test_set = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1')
            train_set, valid_set, test_set = pickle.load(f)
    # train_set, valid_set, test_set format: tuple(input, target)
    # input is a numpy.ndarray of 2 dimensions (a matrix)
    # where each row corresponds to an example. target is a
    # numpy.ndarray of 1 dimension (vector) that has the same length as
    # the number of rows in the input. It should give the target
    # to the example with the same index in the input.
    test_set_x, test_set_y = shared_dataset(test_set)
    valid_set_x, valid_set_y = shared_dataset(valid_set)
    train_set_x, train_set_y = shared_dataset(train_set)
    rval = [(train_set_x, train_set_y), (valid_set_x, valid_set_y),
            (test_set_x, test_set_y)]
    return rval
项目:EUNN-theano    作者:iguanaus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def times_diag(input, n_hidden, diag, swap_re_im):
    # input is a Ix2n_hidden matrix, where I is number
    # of training examples
    # diag is a n_hidden-dimensional real vector, which creates
    # the 2n_hidden x 2n_hidden complex diagonal matrix using 
    # e.^{j.*diag}=cos(diag)+j.*sin(diag)
    d = T.concatenate([diag, -diag]) #d is 2n_hidden

    Re = T.cos(d).dimshuffle('x',0)
    Im = T.sin(d).dimshuffle('x',0)

    input_times_Re = input * Re
    input_times_Im = input * Im

    output = input_times_Re + input_times_Im[:, swap_re_im]

    return output
项目:EUNN-theano    作者:iguanaus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def times_unitary(x,n,swap_re_im,Wparams,Wimpl):
    # multiply tensor x on the right  by the unitary matrix W parameterized by Wparams
    if (Wimpl == 'adhoc'):
        step1 = times_diag(x, n, theta[0,:], swap_re_im)
        step2 = do_fft(step1, n)
        step3 = times_reflection(step2, n, reflection[0,:])
        step4 = vec_permutation(step3, index_permute_long)
        step5 = times_diag(step4, n, theta[1,:], swap_re_im)
        step6 = do_ifft(step5, n)
        step7 = times_reflection(step6, n, reflection[1,:])
        step8 = times_diag(step7, n, theta[2,:], swap_re_im)     
        y = step8
    elif (Wimpl == 'full'):
        y =,Waug)
    return y
项目:CNN-for-Chinese-spam-SMS    作者:idiomer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_idx_data_cv(revs, word_idx_map, cv, max_l=51, k=100, filter_h=5):
    Transforms sentences into a 2-d matrix.
    train, test = [], []
    for rev in revs:
        sent = get_idx_from_sent(rev["text"], word_idx_map, max_l, k, filter_h)   
        if rev["split"]==cv:            
    train = np.array(train,dtype="int")
    train = np.random.permutation(train)[:10000]
    test = np.array(test,dtype="int")
    test = np.random.permutation(test)[:10000]
    return [train, test]
项目:TAC-GAN    作者:dashayushman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def word_features(table):
    Extract word features into a normalized matrix
    features = numpy.zeros((len(table), 620), dtype='float32')
    keys = table.keys()
    for i in range(len(table)):
        f = table[keys[i]]
        features[i] = f / norm(f)
    return features
项目:TAC-GAN    作者:dashayushman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_encoder(tparams, options):
    build an encoder, given pre-computed word embeddings
    # word embedding (source)
    embedding = tensor.tensor3('embedding', dtype='float32')
    x_mask = tensor.matrix('x_mask', dtype='float32')

    # encoder
    proj = get_layer(options['encoder'])[1](tparams, embedding, options,
    ctx = proj[0][-1]

    return embedding, x_mask, ctx
项目:how_to_convert_text_to_images    作者:llSourcell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def word_features(table):
    Extract word features into a normalized matrix
    features = numpy.zeros((len(table), 620), dtype='float32')
    keys = table.keys()
    for i in range(len(table)):
        f = table[keys[i]]
        features[i] = f / norm(f)
    return features
项目:how_to_convert_text_to_images    作者:llSourcell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_encoder(tparams, options):
    build an encoder, given pre-computed word embeddings
    # word embedding (source)
    embedding = tensor.tensor3('embedding', dtype='float32')
    x_mask = tensor.matrix('x_mask', dtype='float32')

    # encoder
    proj = get_layer(options['encoder'])[1](tparams, embedding, options,
    ctx = proj[0][-1]

    return embedding, x_mask, ctx
项目:CopyNet    作者:MultiPath    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ndim_tensor(ndim):
    if ndim == 1:
        return T.vector()
    elif ndim == 2:
        return T.matrix()
    elif ndim == 3:
        return T.tensor3()
    elif ndim == 4:
        return T.tensor4()
    return T.matrix()

# get int32 tensor
项目:monogreedy    作者:jinjunqi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_func(self, img_value, scene_value):
        if self._init_func is None:
            img = T.matrix()
            init_state = self.proj_mlp.compute(img)
            self._init_func = theano.function([img], init_state)
        return self._init_func(img_value)
项目:monogreedy    作者:jinjunqi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def step_func(self, state_value, w_value):
        if self._step_func is None:
            w = T.ivector()
            state = T.matrix()
            new_state, p = self.compute(state, w, self._scene_shared)
            self._step_func = theano.function([state, w], [new_state, T.log(p)])
        return self._step_func(state_value, w_value)
项目:monogreedy    作者:jinjunqi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, name='scene_mlp', layer_sizes=(2048, 1024, 1024, 80), model_file=None): = name
        if model_file is not None:
            with h5py.File(model_file, 'r') as f:
                layer_sizes = f.attrs['layer_sizes']
        self.config = {'layer_sizes': layer_sizes}

        # define inputs
        x = T.matrix('x')
        y = T.matrix('y')
        self.inputs = [x, y]

        # define computation graph
        self.mlp = MLP(layer_sizes=layer_sizes, name='mlp', output_type='softmax')
        self.proba = self.mlp.compute(x)
        self.log_proba = T.log(self.proba)

        # define costs
        def kl_divergence(p, q):
            kl = T.mean(T.sum(p * T.log((p+1e-30)/(q+1e-30)), axis=1))
            kl += T.mean(T.sum(q * T.log((q+1e-30)/(p+1e-30)), axis=1))
            return kl
        kl = kl_divergence(self.proba, y)
        acc = T.mean(T.eq(self.proba.argmax(axis=1), y.argmax(axis=1)))
        self.costs = [kl, acc]

        # layers and parameters
        self.layers = [self.mlp]
        self.params = sum([l.params for l in self.layers], [])

        # load weights from file, if model_file is not None
        if model_file is not None:
项目:monogreedy    作者:jinjunqi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def step_func(self, state_value, w_value):
        if self._step_func is None:
            w = T.ivector()
            state = T.matrix()
            new_state, p = self.compute(state, w)
            self._step_func = theano.function([state, w], [new_state, T.log(p)])
        return self._step_func(state_value, w_value)
项目:monogreedy    作者:jinjunqi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def step_func(self, state_value, w_value):
        if self._step_func is None:
            w = T.ivector()
            state = T.matrix()
            new_state, p, _ = self.compute(state, w, self._feat_shared, self._scene_shared)
            self._step_func = theano.function([state, w], [new_state, T.log(p)])
        return self._step_func(state_value, w_value)
项目:monogreedy    作者:jinjunqi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def step_func(self, state_value, w_value):
        if self._step_func is None:
            w = T.ivector()
            state = T.matrix()
            new_state, p, _ = self.compute(state, w, self._feat_shared)
            self._step_func = theano.function([state, w], [new_state, T.log(p)])
        return self._step_func(state_value, w_value)
项目:structured-output-ae    作者:sbelharbi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sharedX_mtx(mtx, name=None, borrow=None, dtype=None):
    """Share a matrix value with type theano.confgig.floatX.
        value: matrix array
        name: variable name (str)
        borrow: boolean
        dtype: the type of the value when shared. default: theano.config.floatX
    if dtype is None:
        dtype = theano.config.floatX
    return theano.shared(
        np.array(mtx, dtype=dtype), name=name, borrow=borrow)