def get_output_for(self, inputs, **kwargs): vals, ref = inputs def filt(V, R): if self.norm_type is not None: o = tt.ones((1, V.shape[1], V.shape[2]), np.float32) norm = gaussian_filter(R, o, self.kern_std, self.ref_dim) norm = tt.sqrt(norm) if self.norm_type == "sym" else norm norm += 1e-8 V = V / norm if self.norm_type in ["pre", "sym"] else V F = gaussian_filter(R, V, self.kern_std) return F / norm if self.norm_type in ["post", "sym"] else F filtered = theano.scan(fn=filt, sequences=[vals, ref], outputs_info=None)[0] return filtered
def create_probs_computer(self, return_alignment=False): if not hasattr(self, 'probs_fn'): logger.debug("Compile probs computer") self.probs_fn = theano.function( inputs=self.inputs, outputs=[self.predictions.word_probs, self.alignment], name="probs_fn") def probs_computer(x, y): x_mask = numpy.ones(x.shape[0], dtype="float32") y_mask = numpy.ones(y.shape[0], dtype="float32") probs, alignment = self.probs_fn(x[:, None], y[:, None], x_mask[:, None], y_mask[:, None]) if return_alignment: return probs, alignment else: return probs return probs_computer
def project3Dto2D(self, Li, idxs): """ Project 3D point to 2D :param Li: joints in normalized 3D :param idxs: frames specified by subset :return: 2D points, in normalized 2D coordinates """ if not isinstance(idxs, numpy.ndarray): idxs = numpy.asarray([idxs]) # 3D -> 2D projection also shift by M to cropped window Li_glob3D = (numpy.reshape(Li, (len(idxs), self.numJoints, 3))*self.Di_scale[idxs][:, None, None]+self.Di_off3D[idxs][:, None, :]).reshape((len(idxs)*self.numJoints, 3)) Li_glob3D_hom = numpy.concatenate([Li_glob3D, numpy.ones((len(idxs)*self.numJoints, 1), dtype='float32')], axis=1) Li_glob2D_hom = numpy.dot(Li_glob3D_hom, self.cam_proj.T) Li_glob2D = (Li_glob2D_hom[:, 0:3] / Li_glob2D_hom[:, 3][:, None]).reshape((len(idxs), self.numJoints, 3)) Li_img2D_hom = numpy.einsum('ijk,ikl->ijl', Li_glob2D, self.Di_trans2D[idxs]) Li_img2D = (Li_img2D_hom[:, :, 0:2] / Li_img2D_hom[:, :, 2][:, :, None]).reshape((len(idxs), self.numJoints*2)) Li_img2Dcrop = (Li_img2D - (self.Di.shape[3]/2.)) / (self.Di.shape[3]/2.) return Li_img2Dcrop
def _add_blanks(y, blank_symbol, y_mask=None): """Add blanks to a matrix and updates mask Input shape: output_seq_len x num_batch Output shape: 2*output_seq_len+1 x num_batch """ # for y y_extended = y.T.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x') blanks = tensor.zeros_like(y_extended) + blank_symbol concat = tensor.concatenate([y_extended, blanks], axis=2) res = concat.reshape((concat.shape[0], concat.shape[1] * concat.shape[2])).T begining_blanks = tensor.zeros((1, res.shape[1])) + blank_symbol blanked_y = tensor.concatenate([begining_blanks, res], axis=0) # for y_mask if y_mask is not None: y_mask_extended = y_mask.T.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x') concat = tensor.concatenate([y_mask_extended, y_mask_extended], axis=2) res = concat.reshape((concat.shape[0], concat.shape[1] * concat.shape[2])).T begining_blanks = tensor.ones((1, res.shape[1]), dtype=floatX) blanked_y_mask = tensor.concatenate([begining_blanks, res], axis=0) else: blanked_y_mask = None return blanked_y.astype('int32'), blanked_y_mask
def forward_all(self, x, masks = None, h0=None, return_c=False, direction = None): if h0 is None: if x.ndim > 1: h0 = T.zeros((x.shape[1], self.n_out*(self.order+1)), dtype=theano.config.floatX) else: h0 = T.zeros((self.n_out*(self.order+1),), dtype=theano.config.floatX) if masks == None: masks = T.ones((x.shape[0], x.shape[1]), dtype = theano.config.floatX) h, _ = theano.scan( fn = self.forward, sequences = [x, masks], outputs_info = [ h0 ] ) if return_c: return h elif x.ndim > 1: return h[:,:,self.n_out*self.order:] else: return h[:,self.n_out*self.order:]
def initialize_params(self, n_in, n_out, activation): if USE_XAVIER_INIT: if activation == ReLU: scale = np.sqrt(4.0/(n_in+n_out), dtype=theano.config.floatX) b_vals = np.ones(n_out, dtype=theano.config.floatX) * 0.01 elif activation == softmax: scale = np.float64(0.001 * scale).astype(theano.config.floatX) b_vals = np.zeros(n_out, dtype=theano.config.floatX) else: scale = np.sqrt(2.0/(n_in+n_out), dtype=theano.config.floatX) b_vals = np.zeros(n_out, dtype=theano.config.floatX) W_vals = random_init((n_in,n_out), rng_type="normal") * scale else: W_vals = random_init((n_in,n_out)) if activation == softmax: W_vals *= (0.001 * self.scale) if activation == ReLU: b_vals = np.ones(n_out, dtype=theano.config.floatX) * 0.01 else: b_vals = random_init((n_out,)) self.W = create_shared(W_vals, name="W") if self.has_bias: self.b = create_shared(b_vals, name="b")
def gen_hull(p, p_mask, f_encode, f_probi, options): # p: n_sizes * n_samples * data_dim n_sizes = p.shape[0] n_samples = p.shape[1] if p.ndim == 3 else 1 hprev = f_encode(p_mask, p) # n_sizes * n_samples * data_dim points = numpy.zeros((n_samples, n_sizes), dtype='int64') h = hprev[-1] c = numpy.zeros((n_samples, options['dim_proj']), dtype=config.floatX) xi = numpy.zeros((n_samples,), dtype='int64') xi_mask = numpy.ones((n_samples,), dtype=config.floatX) for i in range(n_sizes): h, c, probi = f_probi(p_mask[i], xi, h, c, hprev, p_mask, p) xi = probi.argmax(axis=0) xi *= xi_mask.astype(numpy.int64) # Avoid compatibility problem in numpy 1.10 xi_mask = (numpy.not_equal(xi, 0)).astype(config.floatX) if numpy.equal(xi_mask, 0).all(): break points[:, i] = xi return points
def log_prob_bernoulli(p_true, p_approx, mask=None): """ Compute log probability of some binary variables with probabilities given by p_true, for probability estimates given by p_approx. We'll compute joint log probabilities over row-wise groups. Note ---- origin implementation from: https://github.com/Philip-Bachman/ICML-2015/blob/master/LogPDFs.py Copyright (c) Philip Bachman """ if mask is None: mask = T.ones((1, p_approx.shape[1])) log_prob_1 = p_true * T.log(p_approx) log_prob_0 = (1.0 - p_true) * T.log(1.0 - p_approx) log_prob_01 = log_prob_1 + log_prob_0 row_log_probs = T.sum((log_prob_01 * mask), axis=1, keepdims=True) return row_log_probs #logpxz = -0.5*np.log(2 * np.pi) - log_sigma_decoder - (0.5 * ((x - mu_decoder) / T.exp(log_sigma_decoder))**2)
def log_prob_gaussian(mu_true, mu_approx, les_sigmas=1.0, mask=None): """ Compute log probability of some continuous variables with values given by mu_true, w.r.t. gaussian distributions with means given by mu_approx and standard deviations given by les_sigmas. Note ---- origin implementation from: https://github.com/Philip-Bachman/ICML-2015/blob/master/LogPDFs.py Copyright (c) Philip Bachman """ if mask is None: mask = T.ones((1, mu_approx.shape[1])) ind_log_probs = C - T.log(T.abs_(les_sigmas)) - \ ((mu_true - mu_approx)**2.0 / (2.0 * les_sigmas**2.0)) row_log_probs = T.sum((ind_log_probs * mask), axis=1, keepdims=True) return row_log_probs
def log_prob_gaussian2(mu_true, mu_approx, log_vars=1.0, mask=None): """ Compute log probability of some continuous variables with values given by mu_true, w.r.t. gaussian distributions with means given by mu_approx and log variances given by les_logvars. Note ---- origin implementation from: https://github.com/Philip-Bachman/ICML-2015/blob/master/LogPDFs.py Copyright (c) Philip Bachman """ if mask is None: mask = T.ones((1, mu_approx.shape[1])) ind_log_probs = C - (0.5 * log_vars) - \ ((mu_true - mu_approx)**2.0 / (2.0 * T.exp(log_vars))) row_log_probs = T.sum((ind_log_probs * mask), axis=1, keepdims=True) return row_log_probs
def build_predict(self): n_steps=self.x.shape[0] batch_size=self.x.shape[1] fires=T.ones(shape=(n_steps,batch_size),dtype=np.int32)*self.tree[-1][0].index def predict_step(current_node,input_vector): # left nodes node_res_l=T.nnet.sigmoid(T.sum(self.wp_matrix[current_node]*input_vector,axis=-1)) node_res_r=T.nnet.sigmoid(-1.0*T.sum(self.wp_matrix[current_node]*input_vector,axis=-1)) choice=node_res_l>node_res_r next_node=self.tree_matrix[current_node,choice] labelings=self.tree_matrix[current_node,choice+2] return next_node,labelings,choice xresult,_=theano.scan(fn=predict_step, outputs_info=[fires,None,None], non_sequences=self.x, n_steps=self.max_route_len) self.labels=xresult[1][-1]*self.maskY self.predict_labels=theano.function(inputs=[self.x,self.maskY], outputs=self.labels) #self.label_tool=theano.function([self.x],xresult)
def param_init_fflayer(options, params, prefix='ff', nin=None, nout=None, ortho=True, weight_matrix=True, bias=True, followed_by_softmax=False): if nin is None: nin = options['dim_proj'] if nout is None: nout = options['dim_proj'] if weight_matrix: params[pp(prefix, 'W')] = norm_weight(nin, nout, scale=0.01, ortho=ortho) if bias: params[pp(prefix, 'b')] = numpy.zeros((nout,)).astype(floatX) if options['layer_normalisation'] and not followed_by_softmax: scale_add = 0.0 scale_mul = 1.0 params[pp(prefix,'ln_b')] = scale_add * numpy.ones((1*nout)).astype(floatX) params[pp(prefix,'ln_s')] = scale_mul * numpy.ones((1*nout)).astype(floatX) if options['weight_normalisation'] and not followed_by_softmax: scale_mul = 1.0 params[pp(prefix,'W_wns')] = scale_mul * numpy.ones((1*nout)).astype(floatX) return params
def skip_connect(self, input, layer_index): if ([] == self.noisy_z): raise ValueError('Error: noisy_z is an empty list, noisy_fprop must be run before skip_connect') MU = self.compute_mu(input, self.As[layer_index]) V = self.compute_v(input, self.As[layer_index]) reconstruction = (self.noisy_z[-1] - MU) * V + MU # # Non trainable Batchnormalisation # mean = reconstruction.mean(0) # std = reconstruction.std(0) + 1e-10 # # # Only batchnormalise for a batchsize > 1 # mean = ifelse(T.gt(input.shape[0], 1), mean, T.zeros(mean.shape, dtype=mean.dtype)) # std = ifelse(T.gt(input.shape[0], 1), std, T.ones(std.shape, dtype=std.dtype)) # reconstruction = (reconstruction - mean) / std self.tmp = reconstruction # To caluclate the reconstruction error later self.reconstructions.append(reconstruction) self.noisy_z = self.noisy_z[0:-1] return reconstruction
def temporal_padding_mask(mask, kernel_size, padding_size): """Pad the middle dimension of a 2D matrix with "padding" zeros left and right. Apologies for the inane API, but Theano makes this really hard. Code from https://github.com/fchollet/keras/blob/master/keras/backend/theano_backend.py x: (batch, length) """ mask_shape = mask.shape mask_sum = T.sum(mask, axis=1) output_length = mask_sum - kernel_size + 2 * padding_size + 1 max_output_length = mask_shape[1] - kernel_size + 2 * padding_size + 1 real_output_length = T.maximum(output_length, 1) range_base = T.arange(max_output_length) range_matrix = T.outer(T.ones((mask_shape[0],)), range_base) mask = (range_matrix < real_output_length[:, None]) * T.constant(1.0) return mask
def maximum_mean_discripancy(sample, data, sigma=[2. , 5., 10., 20., 40., 80.]): sample = sample.flatten(2) data = data.flatten(2) x = T.concatenate([sample, data], axis=0) xx = T.dot(x, x.T) x2 = T.sum(x*x, axis=1, keepdims=True) exponent = xx - .5*x2 - .5*x2.T s_samples = T.ones([sample.shape[0], 1])*1./sample.shape[0] s_data = -T.ones([data.shape[0], 1])*1./data.shape[0] s_all = T.concatenate([s_samples, s_data], axis=0) s_mat = T.dot(s_all, s_all.T) mmd_loss = 0. for s in sigma: kernel_val = T.exp((1./s) * exponent) mmd_loss += T.sum(s_mat*kernel_val) return T.sqrt(mmd_loss)
def get_sampling_model_and_input(exp_config): # Create Theano variables encoder = BidirectionalEncoder( exp_config['src_vocab_size'], exp_config['enc_embed'], exp_config['enc_nhids']) decoder = Decoder( exp_config['trg_vocab_size'], exp_config['dec_embed'], exp_config['dec_nhids'], exp_config['enc_nhids'] * 2, loss_function='min_risk') # Create Theano variables logger.info('Creating theano variables') sampling_input = tensor.lmatrix('source') # Get beam search logger.info("Building sampling model") sampling_representation = encoder.apply( sampling_input, tensor.ones(sampling_input.shape)) generated = decoder.generate(sampling_input, sampling_representation) # build the model that will let us get a theano function from the sampling graph logger.info("Creating Sampling Model...") sampling_model = Model(generated) return sampling_model, sampling_input, encoder, decoder
def test_ones(self): for shp in [[], 1, [1], [1, 2], [1, 2, 3]]: ones = theano.function([], [tensor.ones(shp)], mode=self.mode) assert numpy.allclose(ones(), numpy.ones(shp)) # scalar doesn't have to be provided as input x = scalar() shp = [] ones_scalar = theano.function([], [tensor.ones(x.shape)], mode=self.mode) assert numpy.allclose(ones_scalar(), numpy.ones(shp)) for (typ, shp) in [(vector, [3]), (matrix, [3, 4])]: x = typ() ones_tensor = theano.function([x], [tensor.ones(x.shape)], mode=self.mode) inp = numpy.zeros(shp, dtype=config.floatX) assert numpy.allclose(ones_tensor(inp), numpy.ones(shp))
def test_reciprocal(self): """Matrix reciprocal by gradient descent""" ssd0, ssd = self.mat_reciprocal(3) utt.seed_rng() # hand-coded numpy implementation for verification x = rand(3, 3) + 0.1 w = rand(3, 3) x = numpy.asarray(x, dtype=config.floatX) w = numpy.asarray(w, dtype=config.floatX) ones = numpy.ones((3, 3), dtype=config.floatX) myssd0 = numpy.sum((x * w - ones) ** 2.0) # we want at least a test that is not too fast. So we make one here. for i in xrange(100): gw = 2 * (x * w - ones) * x # derivative of dMSE/dw myssd = numpy.sum((x * w - ones) ** 2) w -= 0.4 * gw self.assertAlmostEqual(ssd0, myssd0) self.assertAlmostEqual(ssd, myssd)
def test_only_nonseq_inputs(self): # Compile the Theano function n_steps = 2 inp = tensor.matrix() broadcasted_inp, _ = theano.scan(lambda x: x, non_sequences=[inp], n_steps=n_steps) out = broadcasted_inp.sum() gr = tensor.grad(out, inp) fun = theano.function([inp], [broadcasted_inp, gr]) # Execute the Theano function and compare outputs to the expected outputs inputs = numpy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=theano.config.floatX) expected_out1 = numpy.repeat(inputs[None], n_steps, axis=0) expected_out2 = numpy.ones(inputs.shape, dtype="int8") * n_steps out1, out2 = fun(inputs) utt.assert_allclose(out1, expected_out1) utt.assert_allclose(out2, expected_out2) # simple rnn, one input, one state, weights for each; input/state # are vectors, weights are scalars
def test_infershape_nsteps_smaller_seq_length(self): x = tensor.vector('x') [o1, o2], _ = theano.scan(lambda x, y: (x + 1, y + x), sequences=x, outputs_info=[None, x[0]], n_steps=20) f = theano.function([x], [o1.shape[0], o2.shape[0]], mode=mode_with_opt) vx = numpy.ones((30,), dtype=theano.config.floatX) o1, o2 = f(vx) assert o1 == 20 assert o2 == 20 lssc = [x for x in f.maker.fgraph.toposort() if isinstance(x.op, theano.scan_module.scan_op.Scan)] assert len(lssc) == 0
def test_disconnected_gradient3(self): # This tests for a crash that would occur sometimes when taking the # gradient through a scan with a non-recurrent output which would # receive a disconnected gradient v = tensor.dvector('v') def step(seq): out1 = seq + 1 out2 = out1 + 1 return out1, out2 [out1, out2], _ = theano.scan(step, sequences=v) gv = tensor.grad(out2.sum(), [v]) f = theano.function([v], gv) # Ensure the output of the function is valid output = f(numpy.random.random(5)) utt.assert_allclose(output, numpy.ones(5))
def test_compute_test_value(): # Verify that test values can be used with scan. backup = theano.config.compute_test_value theano.config.compute_test_value = 'raise' try: x = tensor.vector('x') xv = numpy.ones(3, dtype=theano.config.floatX) x.tag.test_value = xv y = theano.shared(numpy.arange(3, dtype=theano.config.floatX), name='y') z, updates = theano.scan( fn=lambda u, v: u + v, sequences=[x, y]) assert not updates z.name = 'z' # The gradient computation used to crash before 6af465e. g = tensor.grad(z.sum(), x) #f = theano.function([x], g) # print f(xv) finally: theano.config.compute_test_value = backup
def test_compute_test_value_nonseq(): # Verify that test values can be used for non_sequences with scan. backup = theano.config.compute_test_value theano.config.compute_test_value = 'raise' try: x = tensor.vector('x') xv = numpy.ones(3, dtype=theano.config.floatX) x.tag.test_value = xv y = theano.shared( numpy.arange(9, dtype=theano.config.floatX).reshape(3, 3), name='y') z, updates = theano.scan( fn=lambda u, v: u + v, sequences=[x], non_sequences=[y]) assert not updates z.name = 'z' # The gradient computation used to crash before 6af465e. g = tensor.grad(z.sum(), x) #f = theano.function([x], g) # print f(xv) finally: theano.config.compute_test_value = backup
def generate_data(T, nb, length_max, voca_size): # generate preds(nb, T, voca_size), tokens(no 0, -1 for null), lengths(length for preds) # preds = softmax_np(np.random.random((T, nb, voca_size+1))) # (T, nb, voca_size + 1) # e_preds = softmax_np(np.random.random((T, nb, voca_size+1))) # (T, nb, voca_size + 1) # # length = np.random.randint(2, length_max+1, size=(nb)) # (nb) # tokens = np.array([np.concatenate([np.random.randint(voca_size, size=l), -np.ones(length_max-l)]) for l in length]) # # return e_preds.astype(floatX), preds.astype(floatX), tokens.astype(intX), length.astype(intX) e_preds = np.array([[0.1,0.1,0.8],[0.2,0.1,0.7],[0.3,0.4,0.3],[0.5,0.2,0.3]], dtype=floatX) preds = np.array([[0.2,0.5,0.3],[0.7,0.2,0.1],[0.1,0.3,0.6],[0.2,0.3,0.5]], dtype=floatX) tokens = np.array([1,2], dtype=intX) length = np.array(4, dtype=intX) return e_preds[:, None, :], preds[:, None, :], tokens[None, :], length[None]
def _meshgrid(height, width): # This should be equivalent to: # x_t, y_t = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1, 1, width), # np.linspace(-1, 1, height)) # ones = np.ones(np.prod(x_t.shape)) # grid = np.vstack([x_t.flatten(), y_t.flatten(), ones]) x_t = T.dot(T.ones((height, 1)), _linspace(-1.0, 1.0, width).dimshuffle('x', 0)) y_t = T.dot(_linspace(-1.0, 1.0, height).dimshuffle(0, 'x'), T.ones((1, width))) x_t_flat = x_t.reshape((1, -1)) y_t_flat = y_t.reshape((1, -1)) ones = T.ones_like(x_t_flat) grid = T.concatenate([x_t_flat, y_t_flat, ones], axis=0) return grid
def sample_binomial(coeff, n_bins, theano_rng, debug=False): # ? Normal approximation? if coeff.ndim > 2: raise ValueError("Unsupported dim") if debug: idx = coeff * n_bins else: shp = coeff.shape inc = tensor.ones((shp[0], shp[1], n_bins)) expanded_coeff = coeff.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x') expanded_coeff = expanded_coeff * inc # n > 1 not supported? # idx = theano_rng.binomial(n=n_bins, p=coeff, dtype=coeff.dtype) idx = theano_rng.binomial(n=1, p=expanded_coeff, dtype=coeff.dtype, size=expanded_coeff.shape) idx = idx.sum(axis=-1) return tensor.cast(idx, theano.config.floatX)
def _pad_blanks(queryseq, blank_symbol, queryseq_mask=None): """ Pad queryseq and corresponding queryseq_mask with blank symbol :param queryseq (L, B) :param queryseq_mask (L, B) :param blank_symbol scalar :return queryseq_padded, queryseq_mask_padded, both with shape (2L+1, B) """ # for queryseq queryseq_extended = queryseq.dimshuffle(1, 0, 'x') # (L, B) -> (B, L, 1) blanks = tensor.zeros_like(queryseq_extended) + blank_symbol # (B, L, 1) concat = tensor.concatenate([queryseq_extended, blanks], axis=2) # concat.shape = (B, L, 2) res = concat.reshape((concat.shape[0], concat.shape[1] * concat.shape[2])).T # res.shape = (2L, B), the reshape will cause the last 2 dimensions interlace begining_blanks = tensor.zeros((1, res.shape[1])) + blank_symbol # (1, B) queryseq_padded = tensor.concatenate([begining_blanks, res], axis=0) # (1+2L, B) # for queryseq_mask if queryseq_mask is not None: queryseq_mask_extended = queryseq_mask.dimshuffle(1, 0, 'x') # (L, B) -> (B, L, 1) concat = tensor.concatenate([queryseq_mask_extended, queryseq_mask_extended], axis=2) # concat.shape = (B, L, 2) res = concat.reshape((concat.shape[0], concat.shape[1] * concat.shape[2])).T begining_blanks = tensor.ones((1, res.shape[1]), dtype=floatX) queryseq_mask_padded = tensor.concatenate([begining_blanks, res], axis=0) else: queryseq_mask_padded = None return queryseq_padded, queryseq_mask_padded
def get_output_for(self, input, **kwargs): shape_ones = [1] * input.ndim shape_ones.insert(self.axis, self.repeats) ones = T.ones(tuple(shape_ones), dtype=input.dtype) pattern = range(input.ndim) pattern.insert(self.axis, "x") # print shape_ones, pattern return ones * input.dimshuffle(*pattern)
def get_output_for(self, inputs, **kwargs): unary, ref = inputs N, _, H, W = ref.shape yx = tt.cast(tt.stack(tt.mgrid[0:H, 0:W]), "float32") grid = tt.alloc(yx[np.newaxis, :, :, :], N, 2, H, W) stacked = tt.concatenate([grid, ref], axis=1) def _bilateral(V, R): o = tt.ones((1, V.shape[1], V.shape[2]), "float32") norm = tt.sqrt(gaussian_filter(R, o, self.kstd_bf, self.ref_dim)) + 1e-8 return gaussian_filter(R, V/norm, self.kstd_bf, self.ref_dim, self.val_dim) / norm def _step(prev_q, U, ref, normalize=True): qbf = _bilateral(prev_q, ref,) qsf = tt.nnet.conv2d(prev_q[np.newaxis, :, :, :], self.W_spatial, border_mode="half")[0] q_hat = -self.compat_bf * qbf + -self.compat_spatial * qsf q_hat = U - q_hat return softmax(q_hat, axis=0) if normalize else q_hat def _inference(unary_i, ref_i): U = tt.log(tt.clip(unary_i, 1e-5, 1)) prev_q = softmax(U, axis=0) # This is faster than using scan. for i in range(self.num_iter): normalize = self.normalize_final_iter or i < self.num_iter-1 prev_q = _step(prev_q, U, ref_i, normalize) return prev_q return theano.scan(fn=_inference, sequences=[unary, stacked], outputs_info=None)[0]
def __call__(self, x, m=None, h0s=None, condition_on=None): '''Call function. For learning RNNs. Args: x (T.tensor): input sequence. window x batch x dim m (T.tensor): mask. window x batch. For masking in recurrent steps. h0s (Optional[list]): initial h0s. condition_on (Optional[T.tensor]): conditional for recurrent step. Returns: OrderedDict: dictionary of results: hiddens, probabilities, and preacts. theano.OrderedUpdates. ''' if h0s is None: h0s = [T.alloc(0., x.shape[1], dim_h).astype(floatX) for dim_h in self.dim_hs] if m is None: m = T.ones((x.shape[0], x.shape[1])).astype(floatX) params = self.get_sample_params() return self.step_call(x, m, h0s, *params)
def conv_cond_concat(x, y): """ concatenate conditioning vector on feature map axis """ return T.concatenate([x, y*T.ones((x.shape[0], y.shape[1], x.shape[2], x.shape[3]))], axis=1)
def build_sampler(self, n_samples, n_steps, T, c): states = [TT.zeros(shape=(n_samples,), dtype='int64'), TT.zeros(shape=(n_samples,), dtype='float32')] init_c = c[0, -self.state['dim']:] states += [ReplicateLayer(n_samples)(init(init_c).out).out for init in self.initializers] # added by Zhaopeng Tu, 2015-10-30 # init_coverage if self.state['maintain_coverage']: # in sampling, init_c is two-dimension (source_length*c_dim), same for init_coverage if self.state['use_accumulated_coverage'] and self.state['coverage_accumulated_operation'] == 'subtractive': init_coverage = TT.unbroadcast(TT.ones((c.shape[0], self.state['coverage_dim']), dtype='float32'), 1) else: init_coverage = TT.unbroadcast(TT.zeros((c.shape[0], self.state['coverage_dim']), dtype='float32'), 1) states.append(init_coverage) if not self.state['search']: c = PadLayer(n_steps)(c).out # Pad with final states non_sequences = [c, T] outputs, updates = theano.scan(self.sampling_step, outputs_info=states, non_sequences=non_sequences, sequences=[TT.arange(n_steps, dtype="int64")], n_steps=n_steps, name="{}_sampler_scan".format(self.prefix)) if self.state['maintain_coverage']: return (outputs[0], outputs[1], outputs[-1]), updates else: return (outputs[0], outputs[1]), updates
def create_scorer(self, batch=False): if not hasattr(self, 'score_fn'): logger.debug("Compile scorer") self.score_fn = theano.function( inputs=self.inputs, outputs=[-self.predictions.cost_per_sample], name="score_fn") if batch: return self.score_fn def scorer(x, y): x_mask = numpy.ones(x.shape[0], dtype="float32") y_mask = numpy.ones(y.shape[0], dtype="float32") return self.score_fn(x[:, None], y[:, None], x_mask[:, None], y_mask[:, None]) return scorer
def build_sampler(self, n_samples, n_steps, T, c): states = [TT.zeros(shape=(n_samples,), dtype='int64'), TT.zeros(shape=(n_samples,), dtype='float32')] init_c = c[0, -self.state['dim']:] states += [ReplicateLayer(n_samples)(init(init_c).out).out for init in self.initializers] # added by Zhaopeng Tu, 2015-10-30 # init_coverage if self.state['maintain_coverage']: # in sampling, init_c is two-dimension (source_length*c_dim), same for init_coverage # modified by Zhaopeng Tu, 2015-12-18, big mistake here!!! # coverage should be always 3D, the first two dimensions are consistent with alignment probs # while the last one is the coverage dim if self.state['use_linguistic_coverage'] and self.state['coverage_accumulated_operation'] == 'subtractive': init_coverage = TT.unbroadcast(TT.ones((c.shape[0], n_samples, self.state['coverage_dim']), dtype='float32'), 2) else: init_coverage = TT.unbroadcast(TT.zeros((c.shape[0], n_samples, self.state['coverage_dim']), dtype='float32'), 2) states.append(init_coverage) if not self.state['search']: c = PadLayer(n_steps)(c).out # Pad with final states non_sequences = [c, T] if self.state['maintain_coverage'] and self.state['use_linguistic_coverage'] and self.state['use_fertility_model']: fertility = self.state['max_fertility'] * self.fertility_inputer(c).out non_sequences.append(fertility) outputs, updates = theano.scan(self.sampling_step, outputs_info=states, non_sequences=non_sequences, sequences=[TT.arange(n_steps, dtype="int64")], n_steps=n_steps, name="{}_sampler_scan".format(self.prefix)) if self.state['maintain_coverage']: if self.state['use_fertility_model'] and self.state['use_linguistic_coverage']: return (outputs[0], outputs[1], outputs[-1], fertility), updates else: return (outputs[0], outputs[1], outputs[-1]), updates else: return (outputs[0], outputs[1]), updates
def forward_all(self, x, hc0=None, return_c=False): assert x.ndim == 3 # size (len, batch, d) if hc0 is None: c0 = h0 = T.zeros((x.shape[1], self.n_out), dtype=theano.config.floatX) else: assert len(hc0) == 2 c0, h0 = hc0 if self.dropout is None: mask_h = T.ones((x.shape[1], self.n_out), dtype=theano.config.floatX) else: mask_h = get_dropout_mask((x.shape[1], self.n_out), self.dropout) mask_x = get_dropout_mask((x.shape[1], x.shape[2]), self.dropout) mask_x = mask_x.dimshuffle(('x',0,1)) x = x*mask_x c, h = theano.scan( fn = self.forward, sequences = x, outputs_info = [ c0, h0 ], non_sequences = mask_h )[0] if return_c: return [c, h] else: return h
def forward_all(self, x, hc0=None, return_c=False): assert x.ndim == 3 # size (len, batch, d) if hc0 is None: ci0 = cii0 = h0 = T.zeros((x.shape[1], self.n_out), dtype=theano.config.floatX) else: assert len(hc0) == 3 ci0, cii0, h0 = hc0 if self.dropout is None: mask_h = T.ones((x.shape[1], self.n_out), dtype=theano.config.floatX) else: mask_h = get_dropout_mask((x.shape[1], self.n_out), self.dropout) mask_x = get_dropout_mask((x.shape[1], x.shape[2]), self.dropout) mask_x = mask_x.dimshuffle(('x',0,1)) x = x*mask_x ci, cii, h = theano.scan( fn = self.forward, sequences = x, outputs_info = [ ci0, cii0, h0 ], non_sequences = mask_h )[0] if return_c: return [ci, cii, h] else: return h
def get_equivalent_input_padding(layer, layers_args=[]): """Compute the equivalent padding in the input layer A function to compute the equivalent padding of a sequence of convolutional and pooling layers. It memorizes the padding of all the Layers up to the first InputLayer. It then computes what would be the equivalent padding in the Layer immediately before the chain of Layers that is being taken into account. """ # Initialize the DynamicPadding layers lasagne.layers.get_output(layer) # Loop through conv and pool to collect data all_layers = get_all_layers(layer) # while(not isinstance(layer, (InputLayer))): for layer in all_layers: # Note: stride is numerical, but pad *could* be symbolic try: pad, stride = (layer.pad, layer.stride) if isinstance(pad, int): pad = pad, pad if isinstance(stride, int): stride = stride, stride layers_args.append((pad, stride)) except(AttributeError): pass # Loop backward to compute the equivalent padding in the input # layer tot_pad = T.zeros(2) pad_factor = T.ones(2) while(layers_args): pad, stride = layers_args.pop() tot_pad += pad * pad_factor pad_factor *= stride return tot_pad
def conv_cond_concat(x, y): return T.concatenate([x, y*T.ones((x.shape[0], y.shape[1], x.shape[2], x.shape[3]))], axis=1)