def ctc_update_log_p(skip_idxs, zeros, active, log_p_curr, log_p_prev): active_skip_idxs = skip_idxs[(skip_idxs < active).nonzero()] active_next = T.cast(T.minimum( T.maximum( active + 1, T.max(T.concatenate([active_skip_idxs, [-1]])) + 2 + 1 ), log_p_curr.shape[0]), 'int32') common_factor = T.max(log_p_prev[:active]) p_prev = T.exp(log_p_prev[:active] - common_factor) _p_prev = zeros[:active_next] # copy over _p_prev = T.set_subtensor(_p_prev[:active], p_prev) # previous transitions _p_prev = T.inc_subtensor(_p_prev[1:], _p_prev[:-1]) # skip transitions _p_prev = T.inc_subtensor(_p_prev[active_skip_idxs + 2], p_prev[active_skip_idxs]) updated_log_p_prev = T.log(_p_prev) + common_factor log_p_next = T.set_subtensor( zeros[:active_next], log_p_curr[:active_next] + updated_log_p_prev ) return active_next, log_p_next
def create_adadelta_updates(updates, params, gparams, gsums, xsums,\ lr, eps, rho): for p, g, gacc, xacc in zip(params, gparams, gsums, xsums): if is_subtensor_op(p): origin, indexes = get_subtensor_op_inputs(p) gacc_slices = gacc[indexes] xacc_slices = xacc[indexes] new_gacc = rho * gacc_slices + (1.0-rho) * g**2 d = -T.sqrt((xacc_slices + eps)/(new_gacc + eps)) * g new_xacc = rho * xacc_slices + (1.0-rho) * d**2 updates[gacc] = T.set_subtensor(gacc_slices, new_gacc) updates[xacc] = T.set_subtensor(xacc_slices, new_xacc) updates[origin] = T.inc_subtensor(p, d) else: new_gacc = rho * gacc + (1.0-rho) * g**2 d = -T.sqrt((xacc + eps)/(new_gacc + eps)) * g new_xacc = rho * xacc + (1.0-rho) * d**2 updates[gacc] = new_gacc updates[xacc] = new_xacc updates[p] = p + d
def create_sgd_updates(updates, params, gparams, gsums, lr, momentum): has_momentum = momentum.get_value() > 0.0 for p, g, acc in zip(params, gparams, gsums): if is_subtensor_op(p): origin, indexes = get_subtensor_op_inputs(p) if has_momentum: acc_slices = get_similar_subtensor(acc, indexes, p) new_acc = acc_slices*momentum + g updates[acc] = T.set_subtensor(acc_slices, new_acc) else: new_acc = g updates[origin] = T.inc_subtensor(p, - lr * new_acc) else: if has_momentum: new_acc = acc*momentum + g updates[acc] = new_acc else: new_acc = g updates[p] = p - lr * new_acc
def create_adagrad_updates(updates, params, gparams, gsums, lr, eps): for p, g, acc in zip(params, gparams, gsums): if is_subtensor_op(p): origin, indexes = get_subtensor_op_inputs(p) #acc_slices = acc[indexes] acc_slices = get_similar_subtensor(acc, indexes, p) new_acc = acc_slices + g**2 updates[acc] = T.set_subtensor(acc_slices, new_acc) updates[origin] = T.inc_subtensor(p, \ - lr * (g / T.sqrt(new_acc + eps))) else: new_acc = acc + g**2 updates[acc] = new_acc updates[p] = p - lr * (g / T.sqrt(new_acc + eps)) #updates[p] = p - lr * (g / (T.sqrt(new_acc) + eps)) # which one to use?
def _labeling_batch_to_class_batch(y, y_labeling, num_classes, y_hat_mask=None): # FIXME: y_hat_mask is currently not used batch_size = y.shape[1] N = y_labeling.shape[0] n_labels = y.shape[0] # sum over all repeated labels # from (T, B, L) to (T, C, B) out = T.zeros((num_classes, batch_size, N)) y_labeling = y_labeling.dimshuffle((2, 1, 0)) # L, B, T y_ = y def scan_step(index, prev_res, y_labeling, y_): res_t = T.inc_subtensor(prev_res[y_[index, T.arange(batch_size)], T.arange(batch_size)], y_labeling[index, T.arange(batch_size)]) return res_t result, updates = theano.scan(scan_step, sequences=[T.arange(n_labels)], non_sequences=[y_labeling, y_], outputs_info=[out]) # result will be (C, B, T) so we make it (T, B, C) return result[-1].dimshuffle(2, 1, 0)
def sgd(cost, params, emb=None, sub_emb=None, lr=0.1): updates = OrderedDict() """update sub-tensor of embeddings""" if emb: g = T.grad(cost, sub_emb) updates[emb] = T.inc_subtensor(sub_emb, -lr * g) """update parameters""" grads0 = T.grad(cost, params[0]) for p, g in zip(params[0], grads0): updates[p] = p - lr * g """update parameters""" grads1 = T.grad(cost, params[1]) for p, g in zip(params[1], grads1): updates[p] = p - lr * g return updates
def times_reflection(input, n_hidden, reflection): input_re = input[:, :n_hidden] input_im = input[:, n_hidden:] reflect_re = reflection[:n_hidden] reflect_im = reflection[n_hidden:] vstarv = (reflection**2).sum() input_re_reflect_re = T.dot(input_re, reflect_re) input_re_reflect_im = T.dot(input_re, reflect_im) input_im_reflect_re = T.dot(input_im, reflect_re) input_im_reflect_im = T.dot(input_im, reflect_im) a = T.outer(input_re_reflect_re - input_im_reflect_im, reflect_re) b = T.outer(input_re_reflect_im + input_im_reflect_re, reflect_im) c = T.outer(input_re_reflect_re - input_im_reflect_im, reflect_im) d = T.outer(input_re_reflect_im + input_im_reflect_re, reflect_re) output = input output = T.inc_subtensor(output[:, :n_hidden], - 2. / vstarv * (a + b)) output = T.inc_subtensor(output[:, n_hidden:], - 2. / vstarv * (d - c)) return output
def times_reflection(input, n_hidden, reflection): input_re = input[:, :n_hidden] input_im = input[:, n_hidden:] reflect_re = reflection[:n_hidden] reflect_im = reflection[n_hidden:] vstarv = (reflection**2).sum() input_re_reflect_re = K.dot(input_re, reflect_re) input_re_reflect_im = K.dot(input_re, reflect_im) input_im_reflect_re = K.dot(input_im, reflect_re) input_im_reflect_im = K.dot(input_im, reflect_im) a = Kouter(input_re_reflect_re - input_im_reflect_im, reflect_re) b = Kouter(input_re_reflect_im + input_im_reflect_re, reflect_im) c = Kouter(input_re_reflect_re - input_im_reflect_im, reflect_im) d = Kouter(input_re_reflect_im + input_im_reflect_re, reflect_re) output = input output = T.inc_subtensor(output[:, :n_hidden], - 2. / vstarv * (a + b)) output = T.inc_subtensor(output[:, n_hidden:], - 2. / vstarv * (d - c)) return output
def apply(self, input_v, input_h): # Vertical stack v_nxn_out = self.vertical_conv_nxn.apply(input_v) # Different cropping are used depending on the row we wish to condition on v_nxn_out_to_h = v_nxn_out[:,:,:-(self.filter_size//2)-2,:] v_nxn_out_to_v = v_nxn_out[:,:,1:-(self.filter_size//2)-1,:] v_1x1_out = self.vertical_conv_1x1.apply(v_nxn_out_to_h) output_v = T.tanh(v_nxn_out_to_v[:,:self.num_filters,:,:]) * \ T.nnet.sigmoid(v_nxn_out_to_v[:,self.num_filters:,:,:]) # Horizontal stack h_1xn_out = self.horizontal_conv_1xn.apply(input_h) h_1xn_out = h_1xn_out[:,:,:,:-(self.filter_size//2)] h_sum = h_1xn_out + v_1x1_out h_activation = T.tanh(h_sum[:,:self.num_filters,:,:]) * \ T.nnet.sigmoid(h_sum[:,self.num_filters:,:,:]) h_1x1_out = self.horizontal_conv_1x1.apply(h_activation) if self.res: # input_h_padded = T.zeros(input_h.shape, dtype=theano.config.floatX) # input_h_padded = T.inc_subtensor(input_h_padded[:,:,3:,3:], input_h[:,:,:-3,:-3]) # input_h = input_h_padded output_h = h_1x1_out #+ input_h else: output_h = h_1x1_out #h_activation return output_v, output_h
def apply(self, x): # first fill zeros between each pixels # assumes the last 3 are c01 shape = tuple(x.shape[i] for i in range(x.ndim-2)) out = T.zeros(shape + (x.shape[-2] * 2, x.shape[-1] * 2), dtype=x.dtype) out = T.inc_subtensor(out[...,::2,::2], x) # blurr in with gauss kernel conv if x.ndim == 5 : out = out.reshape((x.shape[0]*x.shape[1],x.shape[2],out.shape[-2],out.shape[-1])) # this is necessary to avoid cross channels shenanigans preconv = out.reshape((out.shape[0]*out.shape[1],1,out.shape[2],out.shape[3])) conved = T.nnet.conv2d(preconv, self.kernel, subsample=(1,1), border_mode='half') out = conved.reshape(out.shape) if x.ndim == 5 : out = out.reshape((x.shape[0],x.shape[1],x.shape[2],out.shape[-2],out.shape[-1])) return out # not sharp enough
def Encoder(inputs): output = inputs output = T.nnet.relu(lib.ops.conv2d.Conv2D('Enc.1', input_dim=N_CHANNELS, output_dim=DIM_1, filter_size=3, inputs=output)) output = T.nnet.relu(lib.ops.conv2d.Conv2D('Enc.2', input_dim=DIM_1, output_dim=DIM_2, filter_size=3, inputs=output, stride=2)) output = T.nnet.relu(lib.ops.conv2d.Conv2D('Enc.3', input_dim=DIM_2, output_dim=DIM_2, filter_size=3, inputs=output)) output = T.nnet.relu(lib.ops.conv2d.Conv2D('Enc.4', input_dim=DIM_2, output_dim=DIM_3, filter_size=3, inputs=output, stride=2)) # Pad from 7x7 to 8x8 padded = T.zeros((output.shape[0], output.shape[1], 8, 8), dtype='float32') output = T.inc_subtensor(padded[:,:,:7,:7], output) output = T.nnet.relu(lib.ops.conv2d.Conv2D('Enc.5', input_dim=DIM_3, output_dim=DIM_3, filter_size=3, inputs=output)) output = T.nnet.relu(lib.ops.conv2d.Conv2D('Enc.6', input_dim=DIM_3, output_dim=DIM_4, filter_size=3, inputs=output, stride=2)) output = T.nnet.relu(lib.ops.conv2d.Conv2D('Enc.7', input_dim=DIM_4, output_dim=DIM_4, filter_size=3, inputs=output)) output = T.nnet.relu(lib.ops.conv2d.Conv2D('Enc.8', input_dim=DIM_4, output_dim=DIM_4, filter_size=3, inputs=output)) output = output.reshape((output.shape[0], -1)) output = lib.ops.linear.Linear('Enc.Out', input_dim=4*4*DIM_4, output_dim=2*LATENT_DIM, inputs=output) return output[:, ::2], output[:, 1::2]
def call(self, inputs): # x = feature map # y = superpixel map, index from [0, n-1] x = inputs[0] # batch_size x k x m x n y = inputs[1] # batch_size x m x n ht = self.input_shapes[0][0] wd = self.input_shapes[0][1] z = K.zeros(shape=(self.batch_size, self.n_superpixels, self.n_features), dtype=float) # count = K.zeros(shape=(self.batch_size, self.n_superpixels, self.n_features), dtype=int) # for i in range(self.batch_size * ht * wd): # these are the number of rows in positions z = T.inc_subtensor(z[self.superpixel_positions[:, 0], self.superpixel_positions[:, 1], :], x[self.positions[:, 0], :, self.positions[:, 1], self.positions[:, 2]]) z /= self.superpixel_hist return z # def get_config(self): # config = {'n_superpixels': self.n_superpixels, 'n_features': self.n_features} # base_config = super(SuperpixelPooling, self).get_config() # return dict(list(base_config.items()) + list(config.items())) # Aliases
def test_wrong_broadcast(self): a = tt.col() increment = tt.vector() # These symbolic graphs legitimate, as long as increment has exactly # one element. So it should fail at runtime, not at compile time. rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed()) def rng_randX(*shape): return rng.rand(*shape).astype(theano.config.floatX) for op in (tt.set_subtensor, tt.inc_subtensor): for base in (a[:], a[0]): out = op(base, increment) f = theano.function([a, increment], out) # This one should work f(rng_randX(3, 1), rng_randX(1)) # These ones should not self.assertRaises(ValueError, f, rng_randX(3, 1), rng_randX(2)) self.assertRaises(ValueError, f, rng_randX(3, 1), rng_randX(3)) self.assertRaises(ValueError, f, rng_randX(3, 1), rng_randX(0))
def test_incsubtensor_mixed(): # This catches a bug that occurred when incrementing # a float32 tensor by a float64 tensor. # The result is defined to be float32, so it is OK # to downcast the float64 increment in order to # transfer it to the GPU. # The bug was that the optimization called GpuFromHost # without casting first, causing the optimization to # fail. X = tensor.fmatrix() Y = tensor.dmatrix() Z = tensor.inc_subtensor(X[0:1, 0:1], Y) f = theano.function([X, Y], Z, mode=mode_with_gpu) packed, = f.maker.fgraph.inputs[1].clients client, idx = packed print(client) assert isinstance(client.op, tensor.Elemwise) assert isinstance(client.op.scalar_op, theano.scalar.Cast) packed, = client.outputs[0].clients client, idx = packed assert isinstance(client.op, cuda.GpuFromHost)
def test_inc_subtensor(): cuda.shared_constructor # shared = tensor.shared x, y = T.fmatrices('x', 'y') xval = numpy.asarray( [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]], dtype='float32') yval = numpy.asarray( [[10, 10, 10], [10, 10, 10], [10, 10, 10]], dtype='float32') expr = T.inc_subtensor(x[:, 1:3], y[:, 1:3]) f = theano.function([x, y], expr, mode=mode_with_gpu) assert sum([isinstance(node.op, cuda.GpuIncSubtensor) and node.op.set_instead_of_inc is False for node in f.maker.fgraph.toposort()]) == 1 utt.assert_allclose(f(xval, yval), [[1., 12., 13.], [4., 15., 16.], [7., 18., 19.]])
def accuracy_instance(predictions, targets, n=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10], \ nb_classes=5, nb_samples_per_class=10, batch_size=1): accuracy_0 = theano.shared(np.zeros((batch_size, nb_samples_per_class), \ dtype=theano.config.floatX)) indices_0 = theano.shared(np.zeros((batch_size, nb_classes), \ dtype=np.int32)) batch_range = T.arange(batch_size) def step_(p, t, acc, idx): acc = T.inc_subtensor(acc[batch_range, idx[batch_range, t]], T.eq(p, t)) idx = T.inc_subtensor(idx[batch_range, t], 1) return (acc, idx) (raw_accuracy, _), _ = theano.foldl(step_, sequences=[predictions.dimshuffle(1, 0), \ targets.dimshuffle(1, 0)], outputs_info=[accuracy_0, indices_0]) accuracy = T.mean(raw_accuracy / nb_classes, axis=0) return accuracy
def depth_to_space_th(input, scale, data_format=None): ''' Uses phase shift algorithm to convert channels/depth for spatial resolution ''' import theano.tensor as T if data_format is None: data_format = K.image_dim_ordering() data_format = data_format.lower() input = K._preprocess_conv2d_input(input, data_format) b, k, row, col = input.shape output_shape = (b, k // (scale ** 2), row * scale, col * scale) out = T.zeros(output_shape) r = scale for y, x in itertools.product(range(scale), repeat=2): out = T.inc_subtensor(out[:, :, y::r, x::r], input[:, r * y + x:: r * r, :, :]) out = K._postprocess_conv2d_output(out, input, None, None, None, data_format) return out
def _get_p(self, start_choice): start_choice_idx = (start_choice-1).astype('int32') p_vals = T.concatenate([T.zeros((start_choice_idx,)), (self._l * T.arange(start_choice, self._input_size, dtype=theano.config.floatX))]) p_vals = T.inc_subtensor(p_vals[start_choice_idx], 1.) # Stupid hack because de multinomial does not contain a safety for numerical imprecision. return p_vals
def create_adagrad_updates(updates, params, gparams, gsums, lr, eps): for p, g, acc in zip(params, gparams, gsums): if is_subtensor_op(p): origin, indexes = get_subtensor_op_inputs(p) #acc_slices = acc[indexes] acc_slices = get_similar_subtensor(acc, indexes, p) new_acc = acc_slices + g**2 updates[acc] = T.set_subtensor(acc_slices, new_acc) updates[origin] = T.inc_subtensor(p, \ - lr * (g / T.sqrt(new_acc + eps))) else: new_acc = acc + g**2 updates[acc] = new_acc updates[p] = p - lr * (g / T.sqrt(new_acc + eps))
def create_adam_updates(updates, params, gparams, gsums, xsums, \ lr, eps, beta1, beta2): i = theano.shared(np.float64(0.0).astype(theano.config.floatX)) i_t = i + 1.0 omb1_t = 1.0 - beta1**i_t omb2_t = 1.0 - beta2**i_t lr_t = lr * (T.sqrt(omb2_t) / omb1_t) for p, g, m, v in zip(params, gparams, gsums, xsums): if is_subtensor_op(p): origin, indexes = get_subtensor_op_inputs(p) m_sub = m[indexes] v_sub = v[indexes] m_t = beta1*m_sub + (1.0-beta1)*g v_t = beta2*v_sub + (1.0-beta2)*T.sqr(g) g_t = m_t / (T.sqrt(v_t) + eps) updates[m] = T.set_subtensor(m_sub, m_t) updates[v] = T.set_subtensor(v_sub, v_t) updates[origin] = T.inc_subtensor(p, -lr_t*g_t) else: m_t = beta1*m + (1.0-beta1)*g v_t = beta2*v + (1.0-beta2)*T.sqr(g) g_t = m_t / (T.sqrt(v_t) + eps) updates[m] = m_t updates[v] = v_t updates[p] = p - lr_t*g_t updates[i] = i_t
def depth_to_scale_th(input, scale, channels): ''' Uses phase shift algorithm [1] to convert channels/depth for spacial resolution ''' import theano.tensor as T b, k, row, col = input.shape output_shape = (b, channels, row * scale, col * scale) out = T.zeros(output_shape) r = scale for y, x in itertools.product(range(scale), repeat=2): out = T.inc_subtensor(out[:, :, y::r, x::r], input[:, r * y + x :: r * r, :, :]) return out
def get_output_for(self, input, deterministic=False, **kwargs): out, r = T.zeros(self.get_output_shape_for(input.shape)), self.upscale for y, x in itertools.product(range(r), repeat=2): out=T.inc_subtensor(out[:,:,y::r,x::r], input[:,r*y+x::r*r,:,:]) return out
def ada_grad(cost, params, emb=None, sub_emb=None, w=None, lr=0.1, eps=1.): updates = OrderedDict() """update sub-tensor of embeddings""" if emb: p = emb g = T.grad(cost, sub_emb) r = build_shared_zeros(p.get_value(True).shape) r_sub = r[w] r_sub_t = r_sub + T.sqr(g) r_t = T.set_subtensor(r_sub, r_sub_t) p_t = T.inc_subtensor(sub_emb, - (lr / (T.sqrt(r_sub_t) + eps)) * g) updates[r] = r_t updates[p] = p_t """update parameters""" grads0 = T.grad(cost, params[0]) for p, g in zip(params[0], grads0): r = build_shared_zeros(p.get_value(True).shape) r_t = r + T.sqr(g) p_t = p - (lr / (T.sqrt(r_t) + eps)) * g updates[r] = r_t updates[p] = p_t """update parameters""" grads1 = T.grad(cost, params[1]) for p, g in zip(params[1], grads1): r = build_shared_zeros(p.get_value(True).shape) r_t = r + T.sqr(g) p_t = p - (lr / (T.sqrt(r_t) + eps)) * g updates[r] = r_t updates[p] = p_t return updates
def ada_delta(cost, params, emb, x, w, b=0.999, eps=1e-8): updates = OrderedDict() grads = T.grad(cost, params) """update sub-tensor of embeddings""" p = emb g = T.grad(cost, x) r = build_shared_zeros(p.get_value(True).shape) v = build_shared_zeros(p.get_value(True).shape) s = build_shared_zeros(p.get_value(True).shape) r_sub = r[w] v_sub = v[w] s_sub = s[w] r_sub_t = b * r_sub + (1 - b) * T.sqr(g) v_sub_t = (T.sqrt(s_sub) + eps) / (T.sqrt(r_sub) + eps) * g s_sub_t = b * s_sub + (1 - b) * T.sqr(v_sub_t) updates[r] = T.set_subtensor(r_sub, r_sub_t) updates[v] = T.set_subtensor(v_sub, v_sub_t) updates[s] = T.set_subtensor(s_sub, s_sub_t) updates[p] = T.inc_subtensor(x, -v_sub_t) """update parameters""" for p, g in zip(params, grads): r = build_shared_zeros(p.get_value(True).shape) v = build_shared_zeros(p.get_value(True).shape) s = build_shared_zeros(p.get_value(True).shape) r_t = b * r + (1 - b) * T.sqr(g) v_t = (T.sqrt(s) + eps) / (T.sqrt(r) + eps) * g s_t = b * s + (1 - b) * T.sqr(v_t) p_t = p - v_t updates[r] = r_t updates[v] = v_t updates[s] = s_t updates[p] = p_t return updates
def times_reflection_sub(input, n_hidden, n_sub, reflection): #print "n_hidden=%d, n_sub=%d" % (n_hidden,n_sub) input_re = input[:, :n_hidden] input_im = input[:, n_hidden:] n_start=n_hidden-n_sub #print "n_start=%d" % n_start reflect_re = reflection[n_start:n_hidden] reflect_im = reflection[(n_hidden+n_start):] vstarv = (reflect_re**2).sum() + (reflect_im**2).sum() input_re_reflect_re = T.dot(input_re[:,n_start:], reflect_re) input_re_reflect_im = T.dot(input_re[:,n_start:], reflect_im) input_im_reflect_re = T.dot(input_im[:,n_start:], reflect_re) input_im_reflect_im = T.dot(input_im[:,n_start:], reflect_im) a = T.outer(input_re_reflect_re - input_im_reflect_im, reflect_re) b = T.outer(input_re_reflect_im + input_im_reflect_re, reflect_im) c = T.outer(input_re_reflect_re - input_im_reflect_im, reflect_im) d = T.outer(input_re_reflect_im + input_im_reflect_re, reflect_re) output = input output = T.inc_subtensor(output[:, n_start:n_hidden], - 2. / vstarv * (a + b)) output = T.inc_subtensor(output[:, (n_hidden+n_start):], - 2. / vstarv * (d - c)) return output
def set_subtensor(subtensor, amnt): return T.inc_subtensor(subtensor, amnt, set_instead_of_inc=True)
def get_output_for(self, input, **kwargs): def norm_fn(f, mask, label, previous, W_sim): # f: batch * class, mask: batch, label: batch, previous: batch * class, W_sim: class * class # previous: batch * class next = previous.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x') + f.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1) + W_sim.dimshuffle('x', 0, 1) # batch * class * class next = theano_logsumexp(next, axis = 1) # batch * class mask = mask.dimshuffle(0, 'x') next = previous * (1.0 - mask) + next * mask return next f = input # batch * time * class if self.end_points: for i in range(self.num_classes): f = T.inc_subtensor(f[:, 0, i], self.W_end_points[0, i]) f = T.inc_subtensor(f[:, -1, i], self.W_end_points[1, i]) initial = f[:, 0, :] outputs, _ = theano.scan(fn = norm_fn, \ sequences = [f.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2)[1: ], self.mask_input.dimshuffle(1, 0)[1: ], self.label_input.dimshuffle(1, 0)[1:]], \ outputs_info = initial, non_sequences = [self.W_sim], strict = True) norm = T.sum(theano_logsumexp(outputs[-1], axis = 1)) f_pot = (f.reshape((-1, f.shape[-1]))[T.arange(f.shape[0] * f.shape[1]), self.label_input.flatten()] * self.mask_input.flatten()).sum() labels = self.label_input # batch * time shift_labels = T.roll(labels, -1, axis = 1) mask = self.mask_input # batch * time shift_mask = T.roll(mask, -1, axis = 1) g_pot = (self.W_sim[labels.flatten(), shift_labels.flatten()] * mask.flatten() * shift_mask.flatten()).sum() return - (f_pot + g_pot - norm) / f.shape[0] if self.normalize else - (f_pot + g_pot - norm)
def get_output_for(self, input, **kwargs): def max_fn(f, mask, prev_score, prev_back, W_sim): next_score = prev_score.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x') + f.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1) + W_sim.dimshuffle('x', 0, 1) next_back = T.argmax(next_score, axis = 1) next_score = T.max(next_score, axis = 1) mask = mask.dimshuffle(0, 'x') next_score = next_score * mask + prev_score * (1.0 - mask) next_back = next_back * mask + prev_back * (1.0 - mask) next_back = T.cast(next_back, 'int32') return [next_score, next_back] def produce_fn(back, mask, prev_py): # back: batch * class, prev_py: batch, mask: batch next_py = back[T.arange(prev_py.shape[0]), prev_py] next_py = mask * next_py + (1.0 - mask) * prev_py next_py = T.cast(next_py, 'int32') return next_py f = input if self.end_points: for i in range(self.num_classes): f = T.inc_subtensor(f[:, 0, i], self.W_end_points[0, i]) f = T.inc_subtensor(f[:, -1, i], self.W_end_points[1, i]) init_score, init_back = f[:, 0, :], T.zeros_like(f[:, 0, :], dtype = 'int32') ([scores, backs], _) = theano.scan(fn = max_fn, \ sequences = [f.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2)[1: ], self.mask_input.dimshuffle(1, 0)[1: ]], \ outputs_info = [init_score, init_back], non_sequences = [self.W_sim], strict = True) init_py = T.argmax(scores[-1], axis = 1) init_py = T.cast(init_py, 'int32') # init_py: batch, backs: time * batch * class pys, _ = theano.scan(fn = produce_fn, \ sequences = [backs, self.mask_input.dimshuffle(1, 0)[1:]], outputs_info = [init_py], go_backwards = True) # pys: (rev_time - 1) * batch pys = pys.dimshuffle(1, 0)[:, :: -1] # pys : batch * (time - 1) return T.concatenate([pys, init_py.dimshuffle(0, 'x')], axis = 1)
def get_strengths_and_vects(self, input_activations): if self._pre_std is not None: input_activations = T.inc_subtensor(input_activations[:,:,self._pre_mask], self._srng.normal(input_activations.shape, self._pre_std)) strengths, vects = self._inner_manager.get_strengths_and_vects(input_activations) if self._post_std is not None: vects = vects + self._srng.normal(vects.shape, self._post_std) return strengths, vects
def process(self, input_activations, extra_info=False): if self._pre_std is not None: input_activations = T.inc_subtensor(input_activations[:,:,self._pre_mask], self._srng.normal(input_activations.shape, self._pre_std)) stuff = self._inner_manager.process(input_activations, extra_info) vects = stuff[2] if self._post_std is not None: vects = vects + self._srng.normal(vects.shape, self._post_std) return stuff[:2] + (vects,) + stuff[3:]
def test_incsub_f16(): shp = (3, 3) shared = gpuarray_shared_constructor xval = numpy.arange(numpy.prod(shp), dtype='float16').reshape(shp) + 1 yval = numpy.empty((2,) + shp[1:], dtype='float16') yval[:] = 2 x = shared(xval, name='x') y = tensor.tensor(dtype='float16', broadcastable=(False,) * len(shp), name='y') expr = tensor.advanced_inc_subtensor1(x, y, [0, 2]) f = theano.function([y], expr, mode=mode_with_gpu) assert sum([isinstance(node.op, GpuAdvancedIncSubtensor1) for node in f.maker.fgraph.toposort()]) == 1 rval = f(yval) rep = xval.copy() rep[[0, 2]] += yval assert numpy.allclose(rval, rep) expr = tensor.inc_subtensor(x[1:], y) f = theano.function([y], expr, mode=mode_with_gpu) assert sum([isinstance(node.op, GpuIncSubtensor) for node in f.maker.fgraph.toposort()]) == 1 rval = f(yval) rep = xval.copy() rep[1:] += yval assert numpy.allclose(rval, rep)
def test_incsubtensor1(self): tv = numpy.asarray(self.rng.uniform(size=(3,)), theano.config.floatX) t = theano.shared(tv) out = tensor.inc_subtensor(self.x[:3], t) self.check_rop_lop(out, self.in_shape)
def test_incsubtensor2(self): tv = numpy.asarray(self.rng.uniform(size=(10,)), theano.config.floatX) t = theano.shared(tv) out = tensor.inc_subtensor(t[:4], self.x[:4]) self.check_rop_lop(out, (10,))
def test_incsubtensor_allocs0(self): x = tensor.matrix() y = tensor.matrix() y0 = tensor.zeros_like(y) z = tensor.inc_subtensor(x[:4], y0) f = theano.function([x, y], z, mode=self.mode) assert numpy.all([not isinstance(n.op, tensor.IncSubtensor) for n in f.maker.fgraph.toposort()])