def negativeLogLikelihoodWeighted(self, y, weightPerClass): #Weighting the cost of the different classes in the cost-function, in order to counter class imbalance. e1 = np.finfo(np.float32).tiny addTinyProbMatrix = T.lt(self.p_y_given_x_train, 4*e1) * e1 weights = weightPerClass.dimshuffle('x', 0, 'x', 'x', 'x') log_p_y_given_x_train = T.log(self.p_y_given_x_train + addTinyProbMatrix) weighted_log_probs = log_p_y_given_x_train * weights wShape = weighted_log_probs.shape # Re-arrange idx0 = T.arange( wShape[0] ).dimshuffle( 0, 'x','x','x') idx2 = T.arange( wShape[2] ).dimshuffle('x', 0, 'x','x') idx3 = T.arange( wShape[3] ).dimshuffle('x','x', 0, 'x') idx4 = T.arange( wShape[4] ).dimshuffle('x','x','x', 0) return -T.mean( weighted_log_probs[ idx0, y, idx2, idx3, idx4] )
def _encode(self, application_call, text, mask, def_embs=None, def_map=None, text_name=None): if not self._random_unk: text = ( tensor.lt(text, self._num_input_words) * text + tensor.ge(text, self._num_input_words) * self._vocab.unk) if text_name: application_call.add_auxiliary_variable( unk_ratio(text, mask, self._vocab.unk), name='{}_unk_ratio'.format(text_name)) embs = self._lookup.apply(text) if self._random_unk: embs = ( tensor.lt(text, self._num_input_words)[:, :, None] * embs + tensor.ge(text, self._num_input_words)[:, :, None] * disconnected_grad(embs)) if def_embs: embs, _, _ = self._combiner.apply(embs, mask, def_embs, def_map) add_role(embs, EMBEDDINGS) encoded = flip01( self._encoder_rnn.apply( self._encoder_fork.apply( flip01(embs)), mask=mask.T)[0]) return encoded
def apply(self, application_call, defs, def_mask): """ Returns vector per each word in sequence using the dictionary based lookup """ # Short listing defs_sl_main = (T.lt(defs, self._num_input_words) * defs + T.ge(defs, self._num_input_words) * self._vocab.unk) defs_sl_cache = (T.ge(defs, self._num_input_words) * defs + T.lt(defs, self._num_input_words) * self._vocab.unk) application_call.add_auxiliary_variable( unk_ratio(defs_sl_main, def_mask, self._vocab.unk), name='def_unk_ratio') embedded_def_words = self._def_lookup.apply(defs_sl_main) cached_embeddings = self._cache.apply(defs_sl_cache) final_embeddings = (T.lt(defs, self._num_input_words).dimshuffle(0,1,'x') * embedded_def_words + T.ge(defs, self._num_input_words).dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x') * cached_embeddings) def_embeddings = self._def_rnn.apply( T.transpose(self._def_fork.apply(final_embeddings), (1, 0, 2)), mask=def_mask.T)[0][-1] return def_embeddings
def log_cross_entropy_extended(x, x_theta, log_distribution, k_max, eps = 0.0): p_k = x_theta["p_k"] F = x.shape[1] p_k = T.clip(p_k, eps, 1.0) x_k = T.clip(x, 0, k_max) p_k = T.reshape(p_k, (-1, k_max + 1)) x_k = T.reshape(x_k, (-1, 1)) y_cross_entropy = objectives.categorical_crossentropy(p_k, x_k) y_cross_entropy = T.reshape(y_cross_entropy, (-1, F)) y_log_distribution = T.ge(x, k_max) * log_distribution(x - k_max, x_theta, eps) # y = - T.lt(x, 0) * y_cross_entropy + y_log_distribution y = - y_cross_entropy + T.lt(x, 0) * y_log_distribution # y = - y_cross_entropy + y_log_distribution return y
def dynamic_k_max_pooling(input, sent_sizes, k_max_factor, k_max_final): """ k_max_factor -- multiplied by sentence_sizes gives the value of kmax for each sentence """ # Unroll input into (batch_size x nchannels x nwords) x ndim nbatches, nchannels, nwords, ndim = input.shape[0], input.shape[1], input.shape[2], input.shape[3] x = input.dimshuffle(0,1,3,2) sent_sizes = T.cast(T.ceil(sent_sizes * k_max_factor), dtype='int32') sent_sizes = T.maximum(sent_sizes, k_max_final) # sent_sizes_matrix = T.repeat(sent_sizes, nwords, axis=1) sent_sizes_matrix = T.repeat(sent_sizes.dimshuffle(0, 'x'), nwords, axis=1) idx = T.arange(nwords).dimshuffle('x', 0) idx_matrix = T.repeat(idx, nbatches, axis=0) sent_sizes_mask = T.lt(idx_matrix, sent_sizes_matrix)[:,::-1] neighborsArgSorted = T.argsort(x, axis=3) neighborsArgSorted_masked = ((neighborsArgSorted + 1) * sent_sizes_mask.dimshuffle(0,'x','x',1)) - 1 neighborsArgSorted_masked_sorted = neighborsArgSorted_masked.sort(axis=3) nwords_max = T.cast(T.ceil(nwords * k_max_factor), 'int32') # print nwords_max.eval() neighborsArgSorted_masked_sorted_clipped = neighborsArgSorted_masked_sorted[:,:,:,-nwords_max:] ax0 = T.repeat(T.arange(nbatches), nchannels*ndim*nwords_max) ax1 = T.repeat(T.arange(nchannels), ndim * nwords_max).dimshuffle('x', 0) ax1 = T.repeat(ax1, nbatches, axis=0).flatten() ax2 = T.repeat(T.arange(ndim), nwords_max, axis=0).dimshuffle('x', 'x', 0) ax2 = T.repeat(ax2, nchannels, axis=1) ax2 = T.repeat(ax2, nbatches, axis=0).flatten() ax3 = neighborsArgSorted_masked_sorted_clipped.flatten() pooled_out = x[ax0, ax1, ax2, ax3] pooled_out = pooled_out.reshape((nbatches, nchannels, ndim, nwords_max)).dimshuffle(0,1,3,2) return pooled_out
def test_inequality_with_self(self): x = T.scalar('x', dtype=config.floatX) mode = theano.compile.get_default_mode().including('local_useless_elemwise_comparison') f = theano.function([x], T.lt(x, x), mode=mode) self.assert_eqs_const(f, 0) f = theano.function([x], T.le(x, x), mode=mode) self.assert_eqs_const(f, 1) f = theano.function([x], T.gt(x, x), mode=mode) self.assert_eqs_const(f, 0) f = theano.function([x], T.ge(x, x), mode=mode) self.assert_eqs_const(f, 1) f = theano.function([x], T.minimum(x, x), mode=mode) self.assert_identity(f) f = theano.function([x], T.maximum(x, x), mode=mode) self.assert_identity(f)
def _editdist(s, t): """ Levenshtein's edit distance function :param s: vector, source string :param t: vector, target string :return: edit distance, scalar """ def update(x, previous_row): current_row = previous_row + 1 current_row = tensor.set_subtensor(current_row[1:], tensor.minimum(current_row[1:], tensor.add(previous_row[:-1], tensor.neq(target,x)))) current_row = tensor.set_subtensor(current_row[1:], tensor.minimum(current_row[1:], current_row[0:-1] + 1)) return current_row source, target = ifelse(tensor.lt(s.shape[0], t.shape[0]), (t, s), (s, t)) previous_row = tensor.arange(target.size + 1, dtype=theano.config.floatX) result, updates = theano.scan(fn=update, sequences=source, outputs_info=previous_row, name='editdist') return result[-1,-1]
def scale(X, max_norm): curr_norm = T.sum(T.abs_(X)) return ifelse(T.lt(curr_norm, max_norm), X, max_norm * (X / curr_norm))
def lesser(x, y): return T.lt(x, y)
def apply(self, application_call, defs, def_mask): """ Returns vector per each word in sequence using the dictionary based lookup """ # Short listing defs = (T.lt(defs, self._num_input_words) * defs + T.ge(defs, self._num_input_words) * self._vocab.unk) # Memory bottleneck: # For instance (16101,52,300) ~= 32GB. # [(16786, 52, 1), (16786, 52, 100)] # TODO: Measure memory consumption here and check if it is in sensible range # or maybe introduce some control in Retrieval? defs_emb = self._def_lookup.apply(defs) application_call.add_auxiliary_variable( unk_ratio(defs, def_mask, self._vocab.unk), name='def_unk_ratio') if self._translate: logger.info("Translating in MeanPoolReadDefinitions") # Translate. Crucial for recovering useful information from embeddings defs_emb = self._def_translate.apply(defs_emb) def_emb_mask = def_mask[:, :, None] defs_emb = (def_emb_mask * defs_emb).sum(axis=1) if self._normalize: defs_emb = defs_emb / def_emb_mask.sum(axis=1) return defs_emb
def lt(self, l, r): return T.lt(l, r)
def inner_fn_sample(stm1): prior_stmu = T.tanh( T.dot(Wl_stmu_stm1, stm1) + bl_stmu ) prior_stsig = T.nnet.softplus( T.dot(Wl_stsig_stm1, stm1) + bl_stsig ) + sig_min_states # Set explicit prior on score during last time step #prior_stmu = ifelse(T.lt(t,n_run_steps - 5),prior_stmu, T.set_subtensor(prior_stmu[0,:],0.1)) #prior_stsig = ifelse(T.lt(t,n_run_steps - 5),prior_stsig, T.set_subtensor(prior_stsig[0,:],0.001)) st = prior_stmu + theano_rng.normal((n_s,n_samples))*prior_stsig ost = T.nnet.relu( T.dot(Wl_ost_st,st) + bl_ost ) ost2 = T.nnet.relu( T.dot(Wl_ost2_ost,ost) + bl_ost2 ) ost3 = T.nnet.relu( T.dot(Wl_ost3_ost2,ost2) + bl_ost3 ) otmu = T.dot(Wl_otmu_st, ost3) + bl_otmu otsig = T.nnet.softplus(T.dot(Wl_otsig_st, ost3) + bl_otsig) + sig_min_obs ohtmu = T.dot(Wl_ohtmu_st, ost3) + bl_ohtmu ohtsig = T.nnet.softplus( T.dot(Wl_ohtsig_st, ost3) + bl_ohtsig ) + sig_min_obs oatmu = T.dot(Wl_oatmu_st, ost3) + bl_oatmu oatsig = T.nnet.softplus( T.dot(Wl_oatsig_st, ost3) + bl_oatsig ) + sig_min_obs ot = otmu + theano_rng.normal((n_o,n_samples))*otsig oht = ohtmu + theano_rng.normal((n_oh,n_samples))*ohtsig oat = oatmu + theano_rng.normal((n_oa,n_samples))*oatsig return st, ohtmu, ohtsig, ot, oht, oat, prior_stmu, prior_stsig # Define initial state and action
def _get_updates_for(self, param, grad): grad_tm1 = shared_like(param, 'grad') step_tm1 = shared_like(param, 'step', self.learning_rate.eval()) test = grad * grad_tm1 diff = TT.lt(test, 0) steps = step_tm1 * (TT.eq(test, 0) + TT.gt(test, 0) * self.step_increase + diff * self.step_decrease) step = TT.minimum(self.max_step, TT.maximum(self.min_step, steps)) grad = grad - diff * grad yield param, param - TT.sgn(grad) * step yield grad_tm1, grad yield step_tm1, step
def less(x, y): return T.lt(x, y)
def gradient_clipping(grads, tparams, clip_c=10): g2 = 0. for g in grads: g2 += (g**2).sum() g2 = tensor.sqrt(g2) not_finite = tensor.or_(tensor.isnan(g2), tensor.isinf(g2)) new_grads = [] for p, g in zip(tparams.values(), grads): new_grads.append(tensor.switch(g2 > clip_c, g * (clip_c / g2), g)) return new_grads, not_finite, tensor.lt(clip_c, g2)
def test_shape_inequality_with_self(self): x = T.vector('x', dtype=config.floatX) mode = theano.compile.get_default_mode().including('local_useless_elemwise_comparison', 'local_shape_to_shape_i', 'local_track_shape_i', 'local_subtensor_make_vector') f = theano.function([x], T.lt(x.shape[0], 0), mode=mode) self.assert_eqs_const(f, 0) f = theano.function([x], T.ge(x.shape[0], 0), mode=mode) self.assert_eqs_const(f, 1) f = theano.function([x], T.maximum(x.shape[0], 0), mode=mode) topo = f.maker.fgraph.toposort() assert len(topo) == 1 assert isinstance(topo[0].op, Shape_i), topo[0].op x_val = numpy.ones(100, dtype=config.floatX) assert f(x_val) == x_val.shape[0] f = theano.function([x], T.maximum(0, x.shape[0]), mode=mode) topo = f.maker.fgraph.toposort() assert len(topo) == 1 assert isinstance(topo[0].op, Shape_i), topo[0].op x_val = numpy.ones(100, dtype=config.floatX) assert f(x_val) == x_val.shape[0] f = theano.function([x], T.minimum(x.shape[0], 0), mode=mode) self.assert_eqs_const(f, 0) assert f(x_val) == 0 f = theano.function([x], T.minimum(0, x.shape[0]), mode=mode) self.assert_eqs_const(f, 0) assert f(x_val) == 0 f = theano.function([x], T.minimum([0, 0], x.shape[0]), mode=mode) # This case isn't optimized. # self.assert_eqs_const(f, 0) utt.assert_allclose(f(x_val), [0, 0])
def test_shape_add_inequality(self): x = T.vector('x', dtype=config.floatX) mode = theano.compile.get_default_mode().including('local_useless_elemwise_comparison', 'local_shape_to_shape_i', 'local_track_shape_i', 'local_subtensor_make_vector') y = T.vector('y', dtype=config.floatX) f = theano.function([x, y], T.lt(x.shape[0]+y.shape[0], 0), mode=mode) self.assert_eqs_const(f, 0) f = theano.function([x, y], T.ge(x.shape[0]+y.shape[0], 0), mode=mode) self.assert_eqs_const(f, 1)
def test_elemwise(self): # float Ops mats = theano.tensor.matrices('cabxy') c, a, b, x, y = mats s1 = T.switch(c, a, b) s2 = T.switch(c, x, y) for op in (T.add, T.sub, T.mul, T.true_div, T.int_div, T.floor_div, T.minimum, T.maximum, T.gt, T.lt, T.ge, T.le, T.eq, T.neq, T.pow): g = optimize(FunctionGraph(mats, [op(s1, s2)])) assert str(g).count('Switch') == 1 # integer Ops mats = theano.tensor.imatrices('cabxy') c, a, b, x, y = mats s1 = T.switch(c, a, b) s2 = T.switch(c, x, y) for op in (T.and_, T.or_, T.xor, T.bitwise_and, T.bitwise_or, T.bitwise_xor): g = optimize(FunctionGraph(mats, [op(s1, s2)])) assert str(g).count('Switch') == 1 # add/mul with more than two inputs u, v = theano.tensor.matrices('uv') s3 = T.switch(c, u, v) for op in (T.add, T.mul): g = optimize(FunctionGraph(mats + [u, v], [op(s1, s2, s3)])) assert str(g).count('Switch') == 1
def test_ifelse(self): config1 = theano.config.profile config2 = theano.config.profile_memory try: theano.config.profile = True theano.config.profile_memory = True a, b = T.scalars('a', 'b') x, y = T.scalars('x', 'y') z = ifelse(T.lt(a, b), x * 2, y * 2) p = theano.ProfileStats(False) if theano.config.mode in ["DebugMode", "DEBUG_MODE", "FAST_COMPILE"]: m = "FAST_RUN" else: m = None f_ifelse = theano.function([a, b, x, y], z, profile=p, name="test_ifelse", mode=m) val1 = 0. val2 = 1. big_mat1 = 10 big_mat2 = 11 f_ifelse(val1, val2, big_mat1, big_mat2) finally: theano.config.profile = config1 theano.config.profile_memory = config2
def test_elemwise_composite_float64(): # test that we don't fuse composite elemwise with float64 somewhere inside # nvcc by default downcast them to float32. We would need to tell him not # to do so, but that possible only on some device. a = tensor.fmatrix() b = tensor.fmatrix() av = theano._asarray(numpy.random.rand(4, 4), dtype='float32') bv = numpy.ones((4, 4), dtype='float32') def get_all_basic_scalar(composite_op): l = [] for i in composite_op.fgraph.toposort(): if isinstance(i, theano.scalar.Composite): l += get_all_basic_scalar(i) else: l.append(i) return l for mode in [mode_with_gpu, mode_with_gpu.excluding('gpu_after_fusion'), mode_with_gpu.excluding('elemwise_fusion')]: f = pfunc( [a, b], tensor.cast( tensor.lt(tensor.cast(a, 'float64') ** 2, b), 'float32'), mode=mode) out = f(av, bv) assert numpy.all(out == ((av ** 2) < bv)) for node in f.maker.fgraph.toposort(): if isinstance(node.op, cuda.GpuElemwise): if isinstance(node.op.scalar_op, theano.scalar.Composite): scals = get_all_basic_scalar(node.op.scalar_op) for s in scals: assert not any([i.type.dtype == 'float64' for i in s.inputs + s.outputs])
def unpool1d(input,upsample,desired_length,pool_indices=None): out = T.extra_ops.repeat(input,upsample,axis=2)[:,:,:desired_length] if pool_indices: mask = T.lt(pool_indices,0) return mask*out return out
def lt(a, b): return T.lt(a, b)
def editdist(s, t): def update(x, previous_row): current_row = previous_row + 1 current_row = tensor.set_subtensor(current_row[1:], tensor.minimum(current_row[1:], tensor.add(previous_row[:-1], tensor.neq(target,x)))) current_row = tensor.set_subtensor(current_row[1:], tensor.minimum(current_row[1:], current_row[0:-1] + 1)) return current_row source, target = ifelse(tensor.lt(s.shape[0], t.shape[0]), (t, s), (s, t)) previous_row = tensor.arange(target.size + 1, dtype=theano.config.floatX) result, updates = theano.scan(fn = update, sequences=source, outputs_info=previous_row, name='editdist') return result[-1,-1] # numpy version # from [https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Algorithm_Implementation/Strings/Levenshtein_distance#Python, the 5th version]
def lt(a, b): """a < b""" return T.lt(a, b)
def encode(self, inputs, inputs_mask, chars, chars_mask): # First run a bidirectional LSTM encoder over the unknown word # character sequences. embedded_chars = self.src_char_embeddings(chars) fwd_char_h_seq, fwd_char_c_seq = self.fwd_char_encoder( embedded_chars, chars_mask) back_char_h_seq, back_char_c_seq = self.back_char_encoder( T.concatenate([embedded_chars, fwd_char_h_seq], axis=-1), chars_mask) # Concatenate the final states of the forward and backward character # encoders. These form a matrix of size: # n_chars x src_embedding_dims # NOTE: the batch size here is n_chars, which is the total number of # unknown words in all the sentences in the inputs matrix. # Create an empty matrix if there are no unknown words # (e.g. pure word-level encoder) char_vectors = theano.ifelse.ifelse(T.gt(chars.shape[0], 0), T.concatenate([fwd_char_h_seq[-1], back_char_h_seq[0]], axis=-1), T.zeros([0, self.config['src_embedding_dims']], dtype=theano.config.floatX)) # Compute separate masks for known words (with input symbol >= 0) # and unknown words (with input symbol < 0). known_mask = inputs_mask * T.ge(inputs, 0) unknown_mask = inputs_mask * T.lt(inputs, 0) # Split the inputs matrix into two, one indexing unknown words (from # the char_vectors matrix) and the other known words (from the source # word embeddings). unknown_indexes = (-inputs-1) * unknown_mask known_indexes = inputs * known_mask # Compute the final embedding sequence by mixing the known word # vectors with the character encoder output of the unknown words. # If there is no character encoder, just use the known word vectors. embedded_unknown = char_vectors[unknown_indexes] embedded_known = self.src_embeddings(known_indexes) embedded_inputs = theano.ifelse.ifelse(T.gt(chars.shape[0], 0), (unknown_mask.dimshuffle(0,1,'x').astype( theano.config.floatX) * embedded_unknown) + \ (known_mask.dimshuffle(0,1,'x').astype( theano.config.floatX) * embedded_known), known_mask.dimshuffle(0,1,'x').astype( theano.config.floatX) * embedded_known) # Forward encoding pass fwd_h_seq, fwd_c_seq = self.fwd_encoder(embedded_inputs, inputs_mask) # Backward encoding pass, using hidden states from forward encoder back_h_seq, back_c_seq = self.back_encoder( T.concatenate([embedded_inputs, fwd_h_seq], axis=-1), inputs_mask) # Initial states for decoder h_0 = T.tanh(self.proj_h0(back_h_seq[0])) c_0 = T.tanh(self.proj_c0(back_c_seq[0])) # Attention on concatenated forward/backward sequences attended = T.concatenate([fwd_h_seq, back_h_seq], axis=-1) return h_0, c_0, attended
def inner_fn(t, stm1, oat, ot, oht, pos, vt): hst = T.nnet.relu( T.dot(Wq_hst_stm1,stm1) + T.dot(Wq_hst_ot,ot) + T.dot(Wq_hst_oht,oht) + T.dot(Wq_hst_oat,oat) + bq_hst ) hst2 = T.nnet.relu( T.dot(Wq_hst2_hst,hst) + bq_hst2 ) stmu = T.tanh( T.dot(Wq_stmu_hst2,hst2) + bq_stmu ) stsig = T.nnet.softplus( T.dot(Wq_stsig_hst2,hst2) + bq_stsig ) + sig_min_states # Rescale representation to fit within linear response of the tanh-nonlinearity stmu = T.set_subtensor(stmu[0,:],0.1*ot[0,:]) stsig = T.set_subtensor(stsig[0,:],0.01) st = stmu + theano_rng.normal((n_s,n_proc))*stsig ost = T.nnet.relu( T.dot(Wl_ost_st,st) + bl_ost ) ost2 = T.nnet.relu( T.dot(Wl_ost2_ost,ost) + bl_ost2 ) ost3 = T.nnet.relu( T.dot(Wl_ost3_ost2,ost2) + bl_ost3 ) otmu = T.dot(Wl_otmu_st, ost3) + bl_otmu otsig = T.nnet.softplus(T.dot(Wl_otsig_st, ost3) + bl_otsig) + sig_min_obs ohtmu = T.dot(Wl_ohtmu_st, ost3) + bl_ohtmu ohtsig = T.nnet.softplus( T.dot(Wl_ohtsig_st, ost3) + bl_ohtsig ) + sig_min_obs oatmu = T.dot(Wl_oatmu_st, ost3) + bl_oatmu oatsig = T.nnet.softplus( T.dot(Wl_oatsig_st, ost3) + bl_oatsig ) + sig_min_obs p_ot = GaussianNLL(ot, otmu, otsig) p_oht = GaussianNLL(oht, ohtmu, ohtsig) p_oat = GaussianNLL(oat, oatmu, oatsig) prior_stmu = T.tanh( T.dot(Wl_stmu_stm1, stm1) + bl_stmu ) prior_stsig = T.nnet.softplus( T.dot(Wl_stsig_stm1, stm1) + bl_stsig ) + sig_min_states prior_stmu = ifelse(T.lt(t,20),prior_stmu, T.set_subtensor(prior_stmu[0,:],0.1)) prior_stsig = ifelse(T.lt(t,20),prior_stsig, T.set_subtensor(prior_stsig[0,:],0.01)) KL_st = KLGaussianGaussian(stmu, stsig, prior_stmu, prior_stsig) FEt = KL_st + p_ot + p_oht + p_oat oat_mu = T.dot(Wa_atmu_st, st) + ba_atmu oat_sig = T.nnet.softplus( T.dot(Wa_atsig_st, st) + ba_atsig ) + sig_min_action oat_new = 0.0*oat + oat_mu + theano_rng.normal((n_oa,n_proc))*oat_sig action_force = T.tanh( oat_new ) force = T.switch(T.lt(pos,0.0),-2*pos - 1,-T.pow(1+5*T.sqr(pos),-0.5)-T.sqr(pos)*T.pow(1 + 5*T.sqr(pos),-1.5)-T.pow(pos,4)/16.0) - 0.25*vt vt_new = vt + 0.05*force + 0.03*action_force pos_new = pos + vt_new ot_new = pos_new + theano_rng.normal((n_o,n_samples))*0.01 oht_new = T.exp(-T.sqr(pos_new-1.0)/2.0/0.3/0.3) return st, oat_new, ot_new, oht_new, pos_new, vt_new, FEt, KL_st, stmu, stsig, force, p_ot, p_oht, p_oat