def discretized_laplace(mean, logscale, binsize, sample=None): scale = .5*T.exp(logscale) if sample is None: u = G.rng_curand.uniform(size=mean.shape) - .5 sample = mean - scale * T.sgn(u) * T.log(1-2*abs(u)) sample = T.floor(sample/binsize)*binsize #discretize the sample d = .5*binsize def cdf(x): z = x-mean return .5 + .5 * T.sgn(z) * (1.-T.exp(-abs(z)/scale)) def logmass1(x): # General method for probability mass, but numerically unstable for large |x-mean|/scale return T.log(cdf(x+d) - cdf(x-d) + 1e-7) def logmass2(x): # Only valid for |x-mean| >= d return -abs(x-mean)/scale + T.log(T.exp(d/scale)-T.exp(-d/scale)) - np.log(2.).astype(G.floatX) def logmass_stable(x): switch = (abs(x-mean) < d) return switch * logmass1(x) + (1-switch) * logmass2(x) logp = logmass_stable(sample).flatten(2).sum(axis=1) entr = None #(1 + logscale).flatten(2).sum(axis=1) return RandomVariable(sample, logp, entr, mean=mean, scale=scale)
def applyActivationFunction_ReLU_v4(inputData): return (T.sgn(inputData) + 1) * inputData * 0.5 # *** LeakyReLU ***
def step_sample(self, epsilon, p): dim = p.shape[p.ndim-1] // self.scale mu = _slice(p, 0, dim) log_b = _slice(p, 1, dim) return mu + T.exp(log_b) * T.sgn(epsilon) * T.log(1.0 - 2 * abs(epsilon))
def _laplace(trng, p, size=None): dim = p.shape[p.ndim-1] // 2 mu = _slice(p, 0, dim) log_b = _slice(p, 1, dim) if size is None: size = mu.shape epsilon = trng.uniform(size=size, dtype=floatX) - 0.5 return mu + T.exp(log_b) * T.sgn(epsilon) * T.log(1.0 - 2 * abs(epsilon))
def sign(x): return T.sgn(x)
def gradient_regularize(self, p, g): g += p * self.l2 g += T.sgn(p) * self.l1 return g
def __abs__(self, other): assert hasattr(self, 'out'), 'all layers need a default output' new_obj = utils.copy(self) new_obj.out = abs(new_obj.out) if hasattr(new_obj, 'grads'): new_obj.grads = [TT.sgn(new_obj.out) * x for x in new_obj.grads] return new_obj
def sign(self, x): return T.sgn(x)
def fd3(mlp, fdm, params, globalLR1, globalLR2, momentParam1, momentParam2): cost1 = mlp.classError1 + mlp.penalty gradT1reg = T.grad(cost1, mlp.paramsT2) updateT1 = []; updateT2 = []; onlyT2param = [] # take opt from Adam? if params.opt2 in ['adam']: opt2 = adam() else: opt2 = None # update W - (1) + (3) for param, uC1, uC2 in zip(mlp.paramsT1, fdm.updateC1T1, fdm.updateC2T1): updateT1 += [(param, param + uC1 - uC2)] # compute grad T2 of C1, update T2 - [(4) - (2) ] / lr1 for param, grad, gT2 in zip(mlp.paramsT2, gradT1reg, fdm.gradC1T2): if params.T2onlySGN: grad_proxi = T.sgn((grad - gT2)/step*globalLR1) else: grad_proxi = (grad - gT2)/step*globalLR1 tempUp, tempPair, _ = update_fun(param, T.reshape(grad_proxi, param.shape), None, 'T2', {}, opt2, params, globalLR1, globalLR2, momentParam1, momentParam2) updateT2 += tempUp onlyT2param += tempPair debugs = [check for (_, check) in onlyT2param] return updateT1 + updateT2, debugs
def get_function(self, func_name): if func_name == 'tanh': return T.tanh elif func_name == 'hardtanh': L.warning('Current hardTanh implementation is slow!') return lambda x: ((abs(x) <= 1) * x) + ((1 < abs(x)) * T.sgn(x)) elif func_name == 'xtanh': return lambda x: T.tanh(x) + 0.1 * x elif func_name == 'sigmoid': return T.nnet.sigmoid elif func_name == 'fastsigmoid': L.error('T.nnet.ultra_fast_sigmoid function has some problems') elif func_name == 'hardsigmoid': return T.nnet.hard_sigmoid elif func_name == 'xsigmoid': return lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(x) + 0.1 * x elif func_name == 'softplus': return T.nnet.softplus elif func_name == 'relu': #return lambda x: T.maximum(x, 0) return lambda x: x * (x > 0) #return T.nnet.relu # Update theano and then use this one instead elif func_name == 'leakyrelu': return lambda x: T.maximum(x, 0.01 * x) elif func_name == 'cappedrelu': return lambda x: T.minimum(x * (x > 0), 6) elif func_name == 'softmax': return T.nnet.softmax elif func_name == 'norm1': return lambda x: x / T.nlinalg.norm(x, 1) elif func_name == 'norm2': #return lambda x: x / T.nlinalg.norm(x, 2) return lambda x: x / T.dot(x, x)**0.5 else: L.error('Invalid function name given: ' + func_name)
def gradient_regularize(self, p, g): if self.ignored(p): return g if self.l2 != 0: g += p * self.l2 if self.l1 != 0: g += T.sgn(p) * self.l1 return g
def _get_updates_for(self, param, grad): grad_tm1 = shared_like(param, 'grad') step_tm1 = shared_like(param, 'step', self.learning_rate.eval()) test = grad * grad_tm1 diff = TT.lt(test, 0) steps = step_tm1 * (TT.eq(test, 0) + TT.gt(test, 0) * self.step_increase + diff * self.step_decrease) step = TT.minimum(self.max_step, TT.maximum(self.min_step, steps)) grad = grad - diff * grad yield param, param - TT.sgn(grad) * step yield grad_tm1, grad yield step_tm1, step
def __init__(self, model, e, a=0.5, verbose=2, iterator='linear'): self.verbose = verbose self.model = init(model) try: self.iterator = instantiate(iterators, iterator) except: self.iterator = instantiate(async_iterators, iterator) y_tr = self.model[-1].op({'dropout':True, 'bn_active':True, 'infer':False}) y_te = self.model[-1].op({'dropout':False, 'bn_active':False, 'infer':False}) y_inf = self.model[-1].op({'dropout':False, 'bn_active':True, 'infer':True}) self.X = self.model[0].X self.Y = T.TensorType(theano.config.floatX, (False,)*(len(model[-1].out_shape)))() cost = T.nnet.categorical_crossentropy(y_tr, self.Y).mean() X_adv = self.X + e*T.sgn(T.grad(cost, self.X)) self.model[0].X = X_adv y_tr_adv = self.model[-1].op({'dropout':True, 'bn_active':True, 'infer':False}) cost_adv = a*cost + (1.-a)*T.nnet.categorical_crossentropy(y_tr_adv, self.Y).mean() te_cost = T.nnet.categorical_crossentropy(y_te, self.Y).mean() X_te_adv = self.X + e*T.sgn(T.grad(te_cost, self.X)) self.updates = collect_updates(self.model, cost_adv) self.infer_updates = collect_infer_updates(self.model) self.reset_updates = collect_reset_updates(self.model) self._train = theano.function([self.X, self.Y], cost_adv, updates=self.updates) self._predict = theano.function([self.X], y_te) self._fast_sign = theano.function([self.X, self.Y], X_te_adv) self._infer = theano.function([self.X], y_inf, updates=self.infer_updates) self._reset = theano.function([], updates=self.reset_updates)
def sgn(x): """ Elemwise signe of `x`. """ # see decorator for function body
def test_abs_mul_div(self): """ test that if we have 4 * x / abs(2*x) it get simplifier during canonicalisation. """ x = T.dscalar() a = T.abs_(x) if theano.config.mode == 'FAST_COMPILE': mode = theano.compile.mode.get_mode('FAST_RUN').excluding( "local_elemwise_fusion") else: mode = theano.compile.mode.get_default_mode().excluding( "local_elemwise_fusion") f = theano.function([x], [(4 * x) / abs(2 * x)], mode=mode) print(f.maker.fgraph.toposort()) print() f(.1) f(-1) # some stabilization optimization make the output be finite instead of nan # debug_mode will raise an error when he see nan if not isinstance(mode, theano.compile.debugmode.DebugMode): assert numpy.isfinite(f(0)) assert len(f.maker.fgraph.toposort()) == 2 assert f.maker.fgraph.toposort()[0].op == T.sgn f = theano.function([x], [(4 * x) / abs(x / 2)], mode=mode) print(f.maker.fgraph.toposort()) print() f(.1) f(-1) # some stabilization optimization make the output be finite instead of nan # debug_mode will raise an error when he see nan if not isinstance(mode, theano.compile.debugmode.DebugMode): assert numpy.isfinite(f(0)) assert len(f.maker.fgraph.toposort()) == 2 assert f.maker.fgraph.toposort()[0].op == T.sgn
def laplace_diag(mean, logscale, sample=None): scale = .5*T.exp(logscale) if sample is None: u = G.rng_curand.uniform(size=mean.shape) - .5 sample = mean - scale * T.sgn(u) * T.log(1-2*abs(u)) logp = (- logscale - abs(sample-mean) / scale).flatten(2).sum(axis=1) entr = (1 + logscale).flatten(2).sum(axis=1) return RandomVariable(sample, logp, entr, mean=mean, scale=scale)
def _indvdl_gg( hparams, std_x, n_samples, L_cov, Normal, Gamma, Deterministic, sgn, gamma, floatX, cholesky, tt, verbose): # Uniform distribution on sphere gs = Normal('gs', np.float32(0.0), np.float32(1.0), shape=(n_samples, 2), dtype=floatX) ss = Deterministic('ss', gs + sgn(sgn(gs) + np.float32(1e-10)) * np.float32(1e-10)) ns = Deterministic('ns', ss.norm(L=2, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]) us = Deterministic('us', ss / ns) # Scaling s.t. variance to 1 n = 2 # dimension beta = np.float32(hparams['beta_coeff']) m = n * gamma(0.5 * n / beta) \ / (2 ** (1 / beta) * gamma((n + 2) / (2 * beta))) L_cov_ = (np.sqrt(m) * cholesky(L_cov)).astype(floatX) # Scaling to v_indvdls scale1 = np.float32(std_x[0] * hparams['v_indvdl_1']) scale2 = np.float32(std_x[1] * hparams['v_indvdl_2']) tt.set_subtensor(L_cov_[0, :], L_cov_[0, :] * scale1, inplace=True) tt.set_subtensor(L_cov_[1, :], L_cov_[1, :] * scale2, inplace=True) # Draw samples ts = Gamma( 'ts', alpha=np.float32(n / (2 * beta)), beta=np.float32(.5), shape=n_samples, dtype=floatX )[:, np.newaxis] mus_ = Deterministic( 'mus_', ts**(np.float32(0.5 / beta)) * us.dot(L_cov_) ) mu1s_ = mus_[:, 0] mu2s_ = mus_[:, 1] if 10 <= verbose: print('GG for individual effect') print('gs.dtype = {}'.format(gs.dtype)) print('ss.dtype = {}'.format(ss.dtype)) print('ns.dtype = {}'.format(ns.dtype)) print('us.dtype = {}'.format(us.dtype)) print('ts.dtype = {}'.format(ts.dtype)) return mu1s_, mu2s_