def get_output_shape_for(self, input_shape, **kwargs): # self.crop is a tensor --> we cannot know in advance how much # we will crop if isinstance(self.crop, T.TensorVariable): if self.data_format == 'bc01': input_shape = list(input_shape) input_shape[2] = None input_shape[3] = None else: input_shape = list(input_shape) input_shape[1] = None input_shape[2] = None # self.crop is a list of ints else: if self.data_format == 'bc01': input_shape = list(input_shape) input_shape[2] -= self.crop[0] input_shape[3] -= self.crop[1] else: input_shape = list(input_shape) input_shape[1] -= self.crop[0] input_shape[2] -= self.crop[1] return input_shape
def get_inputs_of_variables(variables): """ This function returns required inputs for the (tensor variable) variable. The order of the inputs are toposorted. Parameters ---------- variable: list a list of (tensor variable) to see. usally this is a theano function output list. (loss, accuracy, etc.) Returns ------- list a list of required inputs to compute the variable. """ # assert assert isinstance(variables, list), 'Variables should be a list of tensor variable(s).' assert all(isinstance(var, T.TensorVariable) for var in variables), 'All input should be a tensor variable.' # do variable_inputs = [var for var in graph.inputs(variables) if isinstance(var, T.TensorVariable)] variable_inputs = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(variable_inputs)) # preserve order and make to list print('Required inputs are:', variable_inputs) return variable_inputs
def shared_like(variable, name=None): """Construct a shared variable to hold the value of a tensor variable. Parameters ---------- variable : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` The variable whose dtype and ndim will be used to construct the new shared variable. name : :obj:`str` or :obj:`None` The name of the shared variable. If None, the name is determined based on variable's name. """ variable = tensor.as_tensor_variable(variable) if name is None: name = "shared_{}".format(variable.name) return theano.shared(numpy.zeros((0,) * variable.ndim, dtype=variable.dtype), name=name)
def is_graph_input(variable): """Check if variable is a user-provided graph input. To be considered an input the variable must have no owner, and not be a constant or shared variable. Parameters ---------- variable : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` Returns ------- bool ``True`` If the variable is a user-provided input to the graph. """ return (not variable.owner and not isinstance(variable, SharedVariable) and not isinstance(variable, Constant))
def put_hook(variable, hook_fn, *args): r"""Put a hook on a Theano variables. Ensures that the hook function is executed every time when the value of the Theano variable is available. Parameters ---------- variable : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` The variable to put a hook on. hook_fn : function The hook function. Should take a single argument: the variable's value. \*args : list Positional arguments to pass to the hook function. """ return printing.Print(global_fn=lambda _, x: hook_fn(x, *args))(variable)
def test_sanity_check_slice(self): mySymbolicMatricesList = TypedListType(T.TensorType( theano.config.floatX, (False, False)))() mySymbolicSlice = SliceType()() z = GetItem()(mySymbolicMatricesList, mySymbolicSlice) self.assertFalse(isinstance(z, T.TensorVariable)) f = theano.function([mySymbolicMatricesList, mySymbolicSlice], z) x = rand_ranged_matrix(-1000, 1000, [100, 101]) self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(f([x], slice(0, 1, 1)), [x]))
def make_node(self, x, index): assert isinstance(x.type, TypedListType) if not isinstance(index, Variable): if isinstance(index, slice): index = Constant(SliceType(), index) return Apply(self, [x, index], [x.type()]) else: index = T.constant(index, ndim=0, dtype='int64') return Apply(self, [x, index], [x.ttype()]) if isinstance(index.type, SliceType): return Apply(self, [x, index], [x.type()]) elif isinstance(index, T.TensorVariable) and index.ndim == 0: assert index.dtype == 'int64' return Apply(self, [x, index], [x.ttype()]) else: raise TypeError('Expected scalar or slice as index.')
def apply(self, x): s = x.shape if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return np.dot(x.reshape((s[0],np.prod(s[1:]))) - self.mean.get_value(), self.ZCA_mat.get_value()).reshape(s) elif isinstance(x, T.TensorVariable): return T.dot(x.flatten(2) - self.mean.dimshuffle('x',0), self.ZCA_mat).reshape(s) else: raise NotImplementedError("Whitening only implemented for numpy arrays or Theano TensorVariables")
def invert(self, x): s = x.shape if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return (np.dot(x.reshape((s[0],np.prod(s[1:]))), self.inv_ZCA_mat.get_value()) + self.mean.get_value()).reshape(s) elif isinstance(x, T.TensorVariable): return (T.dot(x.flatten(2), self.inv_ZCA_mat) + self.mean.dimshuffle('x',0)).reshape(s) else: raise NotImplementedError("Whitening only implemented for numpy arrays or Theano TensorVariables") # T.nnet.relu has some issues with very large inputs, this is more stable
def dbg_hook(hook, x): if not isinstance(x, TT.TensorVariable): x.out = theano.printing.Print(global_fn=hook)(x.out) return x else: return theano.printing.Print(global_fn=hook)(x)
def __init__(self, l_in, crop, data_format='bc01', centered=True, **kwargs): super(CropLayer, self).__init__(l_in, crop, **kwargs) assert data_format in ['bc01', 'b01c'] if not isinstance(crop, T.TensorVariable): crop = lasagne.utils.as_tuple(crop, 2) self.crop = crop self.data_format = data_format self.centered = centered
def __init__(self, dataset, batch_size, use_mask_as_input=False, keep_mask=False, seed=1234): """ Parameters ---------- dataset : `SequenceDataset` object Dataset of datasets (one for each bundle). batch_size : int Number of examples per batch. *Must be greater than the number of bundles in `bundles_dataset`.* seed : int (optional) Seed of the random numbers generator used to sample a different regressive mask for each example. """ super().__init__(dataset, batch_size) self.use_mask_as_input = use_mask_as_input self.seed = seed self.rng = np.random.RandomState(self.seed) self.keep_mask = keep_mask # Allocate memory for the autoregressive mask. self.mask_shape = (len(dataset),) + self.dataset.input_shape self._shared_mask_o_lt_d = sharedX(np.zeros(self.mask_shape), name='autoregressive_mask', keep_on_cpu=True) # Add a new attribute: a symbolic variable representing the auto regressive mask. self._shared_mask_o_lt_d.set_value(self.generate_autoregressive_mask()) self.dataset.mask_o_lt_d = T.TensorVariable(type=T.TensorType("floatX", [False]*dataset.inputs.ndim), name=dataset.name+'_symb_mask') # Keep only `batch_size` masks as test values. self.dataset.mask_o_lt_d.tag.test_value = self._shared_mask_o_lt_d.get_value()[:batch_size] # For debugging Theano graphs. if self.use_mask_as_input: self.dataset.symb_inputs.tag.test_value = np.concatenate([self.dataset.symb_inputs.tag.test_value * self.dataset.mask_o_lt_d.tag.test_value, self.dataset.mask_o_lt_d.tag.test_value], axis=1)
def check_theano_variable(variable, n_dim, dtype_prefix): """Check number of dimensions and dtype of a Theano variable. If the input is not a Theano variable, it is converted to one. `None` input is handled as a special case: no checks are done. Parameters ---------- variable : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` or convertible to one A variable to check. n_dim : int Expected number of dimensions or None. If None, no check is performed. dtype : str Expected dtype prefix or None. If None, no check is performed. """ if variable is None: return if not isinstance(variable, tensor.Variable): variable = tensor.as_tensor_variable(variable) if n_dim and variable.ndim != n_dim: raise ValueError("Wrong number of dimensions:" "\n\texpected {}, got {}".format( n_dim, variable.ndim)) if dtype_prefix and not variable.dtype.startswith(dtype_prefix): raise ValueError("Wrong dtype prefix:" "\n\texpected starting with {}, got {}".format( dtype_prefix, variable.dtype))
def apply(self, input_, mask=None): """ Parameters ---------- inputs_ : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` sequence to feed into GRU. Axes are mb, sequence, features mask : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` A 1D binary array with 1 or 0 to represent data given available. Returns ------- output: :class:`theano.tensor.TensorVariable` sequence to feed out. Axes are batch, sequence, features """ states_from_in = self.input_to_state_transform.apply(input_) update_from_in = self.input_to_update_transform.apply(input_) reset_from_in = self.input_to_reset_transform.apply(input_) gate_inputs = tensor.concatenate([update_from_in, reset_from_in], axis=2) if self.use_mine: output = self.rnn.apply(inputs=states_from_in, update_inputs=update_from_in, reset_inputs=reset_from_in, mask=mask) else: output = self.rnn.apply(inputs=states_from_in, gate_inputs=gate_inputs) return output
def invert(self, x): s = x.shape if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return (np.dot(x.reshape((s[0],np.prod(s[1:]))), self.inv_ZCA_mat.get_value()) + self.mean.get_value()).reshape(s) elif isinstance(x, T.TensorVariable): return (T.dot(x.flatten(2), self.inv_ZCA_mat) + self.mean.dimshuffle('x',0)).reshape(s) else: raise NotImplementedError("Whitening only implemented for numpy arrays or Theano TensorVariables")
def make_node(self, x, index, toInsert): assert isinstance(x.type, TypedListType) assert x.ttype == toInsert.type if not isinstance(index, Variable): index = T.constant(index, ndim=0, dtype='int64') else: assert index.dtype == 'int64' assert isinstance(index, T.TensorVariable) and index.ndim == 0 return Apply(self, [x, index, toInsert], [x.type()])
def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__.update(d) if "allow_gc" not in self.__dict__: self.allow_gc = True self.info['allow_gc'] = True if not hasattr(self, 'gpua'): self.gpua = False self.info['gpua'] = False if not hasattr(self, 'var_mappings'): # Generate the mappings between inner and outer inputs and outputs # if they haven't already been generated. self.var_mappings = self.get_oinp_iinp_iout_oout_mappings() if hasattr(self, 'fn'): if not hasattr(self, 'thunk_mit_mot_out_slices'): # The thunk has been compiled before mit_mot preallocation # feature was implemented. Mark every mit_mot output tap as # not having been preallocated self.mitmots_preallocated = [False] * self.n_mit_mot_outs if not hasattr(self, 'outs_is_tensor'): # The thunk has been compiled before the analysis, at # compilation time, of the location of the inputs and outputs. # Perform this analysis here. self.inps_is_tensor = [isinstance(out, theano.tensor.TensorVariable) for out in self.fn.maker.fgraph.inputs] self.outs_is_tensor = [isinstance(out, theano.tensor.TensorVariable) for out in self.fn.maker.fgraph.outputs] # Ensure that the graph associated with the inner function is valid. self.validate_inner_graph()
def preprocess(self, attended): """Preprocess the sequence for computing attention weights. Args: attended (TensorVariable): The attended sequence, time is the 1-st dimension. """ return self.attended_transformer.apply(attended)
def take_glimpses(self, attended, preprocessed_attended=None, attended_mask=None, **states): r"""Compute attention weights and produce glimpses. Parameters ---------- attended : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` The sequence, time is the 1-st dimension. preprocessed_attended : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` The preprocessed sequence. If ``None``, is computed by calling :meth:`preprocess`. attended_mask : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` A 0/1 mask specifying available data. 0 means that the corresponding sequence element is fake. \*\*states The states of the network. Returns ------- weighted_averages : :class:`~theano.Variable` Linear combinations of sequence elements with the attention weights. weights : :class:`~theano.Variable` The attention weights. The first dimension is batch, the second is time. """ energies = self.compute_energies(attended, preprocessed_attended, states) weights = self.compute_weights(energies, attended_mask) weighted_averages = self.compute_weighted_averages(weights, attended) return weighted_averages, weights.T
def preprocess(self, attended): """Preprocess the sequence for computing attention weights. Parameters ---------- attended : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` The attended sequence, time is the 1-st dimension. """ return self.attended_transformer.apply(attended)
def categorical_cross_entropy_with_masking(self, application_call, y, x, mask, **kwargs): """Computationally stable cross-entropy for pre-softmax values. Parameters ---------- y : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` In the case of a matrix argument, each row represents a probabilility distribution. In the vector case, each element represents a distribution by specifying the position of 1 in a 1-hot vector. x : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` A matrix, each row contains unnormalized probabilities of a distribution. mask: a mask of the elements to filter in the same shape as x Returns ------- cost : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` A vector of cross-entropies between respective distributions from y and x. """ x = self.log_probabilities(x, mask) # DEBUG #x = theano.tensor.printing.Print("log probabilities: ")(x) #y = theano.tensor.printing.Print("target factoids: ")(y) #mask = theano.tensor.printing.Print("mask: ")(mask) application_call.add_auxiliary_variable( x.copy(name='log_probabilities')) if y.ndim == x.ndim - 1: indices = tensor.arange(y.shape[0]) * x.shape[1] + y cost = -x.flatten()[indices] elif y.ndim == x.ndim: cost = -(x * y).sum(axis=1) else: raise TypeError('rank mismatch between x and y') return cost
def apply(self, inputs, gate_inputs, states, mask=None): """Apply the gated recurrent transition. Parameters ---------- states : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` The 2 dimensional matrix of current states in the shape (batch_size, dim). Required for `one_step` usage. inputs : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` The 2 dimensional matrix of inputs in the shape (batch_size, dim) gate_inputs : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` The 2 dimensional matrix of inputs to the gates in the shape (batch_size, 2 * dim). mask : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` A 1D binary array in the shape (batch,) which is 1 if there is the charater available, 0 if there is the delimiter. Returns ------- output : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` Next states of the network. """ gate_values = self.gate_activation.apply( states.dot(self.state_to_gates) + gate_inputs) update_values = gate_values[:, :self.dim] reset_values = gate_values[:, self.dim:] states_reset = states * reset_values next_states = self.activation.apply( states_reset.dot(self.state_to_state) + inputs) next_states = (next_states * update_values + states * (1 - update_values)) if mask: next_states = (mask[:, None] * next_states + (1 - mask[:, None]) * self.initial_states(mask.shape[0])) return next_states
def apply(self, inputs, gate_inputs, states, input_states, mask=None): """Apply the gated recurrent transition. Parameters ---------- states : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` The 2 dimensional matrix of current states in the shape (batch_size, dim). Required for `one_step` usage. inputs : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` The 2 dimensional matrix of inputs in the shape (batch_size, dim) gate_inputs : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` The 2 dimensional matrix of inputs to the gates in the shape (batch_size, 2 * dim). input_states : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` The 2 dimensional matrix of outputs of decoder in the shape (batch_size, dim), which generated by decoder. mask : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` A 1D binary array in the shape (batch,) which is 1 if there is the charater available, 0 if there is the delimiter. Returns ------- output : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` Next states of the network. """ # put masked states at last may be possible if mask: states = (mask[:, None] * states + (1 - mask[:, None]) * input_states) gate_values = self.gate_activation.apply( states.dot(self.state_to_gates) + gate_inputs) update_values = gate_values[:, :self.dim] reset_values = gate_values[:, self.dim:] states_reset = states * reset_values next_states = self.activation.apply( states_reset.dot(self.state_to_state) + inputs) next_states = (next_states * update_values + states * (1 - update_values)) return next_states # using constant initial_states
def apply(self, inputs, gate_inputs, states, mask=None): """Apply the gated recurrent transition. Parameters ---------- states : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` The 2 dimensional matrix of current states in the shape (batch_size, dim). Required for `one_step` usage. inputs : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` The 2 dimensional matrix of inputs in the shape (batch_size, dim) gate_inputs : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` The 2 dimensional matrix of inputs to the gates in the shape (batch_size, 2 * dim). input_states : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` The 2 dimensional matrix of outputs of decoder in the shape (batch_size, dim), which generated by decoder. mask : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` A 1D binary array in the shape (batch,) which is 1 if there is the charater available, 0 if there is the delimiter. Returns ------- output : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` Next states of the network. """ if mask: states = (mask[:, None] * states + (1 - mask[:, None]) * self.initial_states(mask.shape[0])) gate_values = self.gate_activation.apply( states.dot(self.state_to_gates) + gate_inputs) update_values = gate_values[:, :self.dim] reset_values = gate_values[:, self.dim:] states_reset = states * reset_values next_states = self.activation.apply( states_reset.dot(self.state_to_state) + inputs) next_states = (next_states * update_values + states * (1 - update_values)) return next_states
def is_expression(v): '''placeholder also is an expression''' return isinstance(v, theano.tensor.TensorVariable)
def inner_apply(self, inputs, states, cells, mask=None): """Apply the Long Short Term Memory transition. Parameters ---------- states : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` The 2 dimensional matrix of current states in the shape (batch_size, features). Required for `one_step` usage. cells : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` The 2 dimensional matrix of current cells in the shape (batch_size, features). Required for `one_step` usage. inputs : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` The 2 dimensional matrix of inputs in the shape (batch_size, features * 4). The `inputs` needs to be four times the dimension of the LSTM brick to insure each four gates receive different transformations of the input. See [Grav13]_ equations 7 to 10 for more details. The `inputs` are then split in this order: Input gates, forget gates, cells and output gates. mask : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` A 1D binary array in the shape (batch,) which is 1 if there is data available, 0 if not. Assumed to be 1-s only if not given. .. [Grav13] Graves, Alex, *Generating sequences with recurrent* *neural networks*, arXiv preprint arXiv:1308.0850 (2013). Returns ------- states : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` Next states of the network. cells : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` Next cell activations of the network. """ def slice_last(x, no): return x[:, no*self.dim: (no+1)*self.dim] activation = tensor.dot(states, self.W_state) + inputs in_gate = self.gate_activation.apply( slice_last(activation, 0) + cells * self.W_cell_to_in) forget_gate = self.gate_activation.apply( slice_last(activation, 1) + cells * self.W_cell_to_forget) next_cells = ( forget_gate * cells + in_gate * self.activation.apply(slice_last(activation, 2))) out_gate = self.gate_activation.apply( slice_last(activation, 3) + next_cells * self.W_cell_to_out) next_states = out_gate * self.activation.apply(next_cells) if mask: next_states = (mask[:, None] * next_states + (1 - mask[:, None]) * states) next_cells = (mask[:, None] * next_cells + (1 - mask[:, None]) * cells) return next_states, next_cells, in_gate, forget_gate, out_gate
def __init__(self, dataset, batch_size, batch_id, ordering_id, use_mask_as_input=False, seed=1234): """ Parameters ---------- dataset : `SequenceDataset` object Dataset of datasets (one for each bundle). batch_size : int Number of examples per batch. *Must be greater than the number of bundles in `bundles_dataset`.* seed : int (optional) Seed of the random numbers generator used to sample a different regressive mask for each example. """ super().__init__(dataset) self.use_mask_as_input = use_mask_as_input self.seed = seed self.rng = np.random.RandomState(self.seed) self.batch_size = batch_size self.batch_id = batch_id self.ordering_id = ordering_id # Determine the start and the end of the batch that will be used by this batch scheduler. assert batch_id*self.batch_size < len(self.dataset) self.batch_start = batch_id*self.batch_size self.batch_end = min((batch_id+1)*self.batch_size, len(dataset)) # Determine the ordering that will be used by this batch scheduler. self.d = 0 self.D = self.dataset.input_shape[0] self.ordering = np.arange(self.D) for _ in range(ordering_id+1): self.rng.shuffle(self.ordering) # Matrix mask that will be used when concatenating the mask. self._shared_Moltd = sharedX(np.zeros((self.batch_end-self.batch_start, self.D)), name='Moltd') # Vector mask that will be broadcasted across all inputs. # self._shared_mod = sharedX(np.zeros((1, self.D)), name='mod') self._shared_mod = sharedX(np.zeros((self.D,)), name='mod') # Add a new attributes: a symbolic variable representing the auto regressive mask. self.change_masks(self.d) self.Moltd = T.TensorVariable(type=T.TensorType("floatX", [False]*dataset.inputs.ndim), name="symb_Moltd") self.mod = T.TensorVariable(type=T.TensorType("floatX", [True, False]), name="symb_mod") # Keep only `(self.batch_end-self.batch_start)` examples as test values. self.dataset.symb_inputs.tag.test_value = self.dataset.inputs.get_value()[:(self.batch_end-self.batch_start)] if self.dataset.has_targets: self.dataset.symb_targets.tag.test_value = self.dataset.targets.get_value()[:(self.batch_end-self.batch_start)] self.Moltd.tag.test_value = self._shared_Moltd.get_value()[:(self.batch_end-self.batch_start)] self.mod.tag.test_value = self._shared_mod.get_value()[None, :] if self.use_mask_as_input: self.dataset.symb_inputs.tag.test_value = np.concatenate([self.dataset.symb_inputs.tag.test_value * self.Moltd.tag.test_value, self.Moltd.tag.test_value], axis=1)
def apply(self, inputs, states, mask=None): """Apply the Long Short Term Memory transition. Parameters ---------- states : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` The 2 dimensional matrix of current states in the shape (batch_size, features). Required for `one_step` usage. inputs : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` The 2 dimensional matrix of inputs in the shape (batch_size, features * 4). The `inputs` needs to be four times the dimension of the LSTM brick to insure each four gates receive different transformations of the input. See [Grav13]_ equations 7 to 10 for more details. The `inputs` are then split in this order: Input gates, forget gates, cells and output gates. mask : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` A 1D binary array in the shape (batch,) which is 1 if there is data available, 0 if not. Assumed to be 1-s only if not given. .. [Grav13] Graves, Alex, *Generating sequences with recurrent* *neural networks*, arXiv preprint arXiv:1308.0850 (2013). Returns ------- states : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` Next states of the network. cells : :class:`~tensor.TensorVariable` Next cell activations of the network. """ def slice_last(x, no): return x[:, no*self.dim: (no+1)*self.dim] activation = tensor.dot(states, self.W_ss) + tensor.dot(inputs, self.W_is) out_gate = self.gate_activation.apply(slice_last(activation, 0)) forget_gate = self.gate_activation.apply(slice_last(activation, 1)) in_gate = self.gate_activation.apply(slice_last(activation, 2)) next_cells = ( forget_gate * cells + in_gate * self.activation.apply(slice_last(activation, 2))) out_gate = self.gate_activation.apply( slice_last(activation, 3) + next_cells * self.W_cell_to_out) next_states = out_gate * self.activation.apply(next_cells) if mask: next_states = (mask[:, None] * next_states + (1 - mask[:, None]) * states) next_cells = (mask[:, None] * next_cells + (1 - mask[:, None]) * cells) return next_states, next_cells
def connect(self, inputs, noise=0, dropout=0): '''Create Theano variables representing the outputs of this layer. Parameters ---------- inputs : dict of Theano expressions Symbolic inputs to this layer, given as a dictionary mapping string names to Theano expressions. Each string key should be of the form "{layer_name}:{output_name}" and refers to a specific output from a specific layer in the graph. noise : dict of noise values, optional This dictionary should map the names of outputs from this layer to the zero-mean, isotropic noise to add to that output. Defaults to 0, which does not add noise to any outputs. dropout : dict of dropout values, optional This dictionary should map the names of outputs in this layer to dropout values for that output. Defaults to 0, which does not drop out any units in any outputs. Returns ------- outputs : dict A dictionary mapping names to Theano expressions for the outputs from this layer. updates : sequence of (parameter, expression) tuples Updates that should be performed by a Theano function that computes something using this layer. ''' outputs, updates = self.transform(inputs) # transform the outputs to be a list of ordered pairs if needed. if isinstance(outputs, dict): outputs = sorted(outputs.items()) if isinstance(outputs, (TT.TensorVariable, SS.SparseVariable)): outputs = [('out', outputs)] # set up outputs for this layer by adding noise and dropout as needed. rng = self.kwargs.get('trng') or RandomStreams() if not isinstance(noise, dict): noise = {self.output_name(): noise} if not isinstance(dropout, dict): dropout = {self.output_name(): dropout} outs = {} for name, expr in outputs: scoped = self.output_name(name) noisy = add_noise(expr, noise.get(scoped, 0), rng) dropped = add_dropout(noisy, dropout.get(scoped, 0), rng) outs[scoped] = dropped return outs, updates