def create_learning_rate_func(solver_params): base = tt.fscalar('base') gamma = tt.fscalar('gamma') power = tt.fscalar('power') itrvl = tt.fscalar('itrvl') iter = tt.scalar('iter') if solver_params['lr_type']=='inv': lr_ = base * tt.pow(1 + gamma * iter, -power) lr = t.function( inputs=[iter, t.Param(base, default=solver_params['base']), t.Param(gamma, default=solver_params['gamma']), t.Param(power, default=solver_params['power'])], outputs=lr_) elif solver_params['lr_type']=='fixed': lr_ = base lr = t.function( inputs=[iter, t.Param(base, default=solver_params['base'])], outputs=lr_, on_unused_input='ignore') elif solver_params['lr_type']=='episodic': lr_ = base / (tt.floor(iter/itrvl) + 1) lr = t.function( inputs=[iter, t.Param(base, default=solver_params['base']), t.Param(itrvl, default=solver_params['interval'])], outputs=lr_, on_unused_input='ignore') return lr
def inv(self, output): output = output.dimshuffle(0,1,2,'x').repeat(self.pool_shape[0], axis=3) if self.depooler == 'random': mask = self.theano_rng.uniform(size=output.shape, dtype=theano.config.floatX) mask = T.floor(mask / mask.max(axis=3).dimshuffle(0,1,2,'x')) output = mask * output elif self.depooler == 'first': mask_np = np.zeros(self.pool_shape, dtype=theano.config.floatX) mask_np[0] = 1.0 mask = theano.shared(mask_np, borrow=True).dimshuffle('x','x','x',0) output = mask * output else: output = self.depooler(output, axis=3) return output.reshape(self.input_shape)
def discretized_laplace(mean, logscale, binsize, sample=None): scale = .5*T.exp(logscale) if sample is None: u = G.rng_curand.uniform(size=mean.shape) - .5 sample = mean - scale * T.sgn(u) * T.log(1-2*abs(u)) sample = T.floor(sample/binsize)*binsize #discretize the sample d = .5*binsize def cdf(x): z = x-mean return .5 + .5 * T.sgn(z) * (1.-T.exp(-abs(z)/scale)) def logmass1(x): # General method for probability mass, but numerically unstable for large |x-mean|/scale return T.log(cdf(x+d) - cdf(x-d) + 1e-7) def logmass2(x): # Only valid for |x-mean| >= d return -abs(x-mean)/scale + T.log(T.exp(d/scale)-T.exp(-d/scale)) - np.log(2.).astype(G.floatX) def logmass_stable(x): switch = (abs(x-mean) < d) return switch * logmass1(x) + (1-switch) * logmass2(x) logp = logmass_stable(sample).flatten(2).sum(axis=1) entr = None #(1 + logscale).flatten(2).sum(axis=1) return RandomVariable(sample, logp, entr, mean=mean, scale=scale)
def forward(self, inputtensor): X = inputtensor[0] ret = abs((X/2 - T.floor(X/2))*2-1)*2-1 return (ret,)
def depth_to_scale(x, scale, output_shape, dim_ordering=K.image_dim_ordering(), name=None): ''' Uses phase shift algorithm [1] to convert channels/depth for spacial resolution ''' import theano.tensor as T scale = int(scale) if dim_ordering == "tf": x = x.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)) out_row, out_col, out_channels = output_shape else: out_channels, out_row, out_col = output_shape b, k, r, c = x.shape out_b, out_k, out_r, out_c = b, k // (scale * scale), r * scale, c * scale out = K.reshape(x, (out_b, out_k, out_r, out_c)) for channel in range(out_channels): channel += 1 for i in range(out_row): for j in range(out_col): a = i // scale #T.floor(i / scale).astype('int32') b = j // scale #T.floor(j / scale).astype('int32') d = channel * scale * (j % scale) + channel * (i % scale) T.set_subtensor(out[:, channel - 1, i, j], x[:, d, a, b], inplace=True) if dim_ordering == 'tf': out = out.transpose((0, 2, 3, 1)) return out
def quantize_weights(W,srng=None,bitlimit=None,deterministic=False): """ Exponential quantization :param W: Weights :param srng: random number generator :param bitlimit: limit values to be in power of 2 range, e.g. for values in 2^-22 to 2^9 set it to [-22, 9] :param deterministic: deterministic rounding :return: quantized weights """ bitlimit=[-22, 9] #hardcoded for experiments if srng is None: rng = np.random.RandomState(666) srng = theano.sandbox.rng_mrg.MRG_RandomStreams(rng.randint(999999)) if bitlimit: index_low = T.clip( T.switch(W > 0., T.floor(T.log2(W)), T.floor(T.log2(-W))), bitlimit[0], bitlimit[1]) else: index_low = T.switch( W > 0., T.floor(T.log2(W)), T.floor(T.log2(-W))) sign = T.switch(W > 0., 1., -1.) p_up = sign * W / 2 ** (index_low) - 1 # percentage of upper index. if deterministic: index_deterministic = index_low + T.switch(p_up > 0.5, 1, 0) quantized_W = sign * 2 ** index_deterministic else: index_random = index_low + srng.binomial( n=1, p=p_up, size=T.shape(W), dtype=theano.config.floatX) quantized_W = sign * 2 ** index_random return quantized_W
def inv(self, output): output = (output.dimshuffle(0,1,2,'x',3,'x') .repeat(self.pool_shape[1], axis=5) .repeat(self.pool_shape[0], axis=3)) if self.depooler == 'random': unpooled = ( self.input_shape[0], self.input_shape[1], self.input_shape[2]//self.pool_shape[0], self.pool_shape[0], self.input_shape[3]//self.pool_shape[1], self.pool_shape[1]) pooled = ( self.input_shape[0], self.input_shape[1], self.input_shape[2]//self.pool_shape[0], 1, self.input_shape[3]//self.pool_shape[1], 1) output_mask = self.theano_rng.uniform(size=unpooled, dtype=theano.config.floatX) output_mask = output_mask / output_mask.max(axis=5).max(axis=3).dimshuffle(0,1,2,'x',3,'x') output_mask = T.floor(output_mask) return (output_mask * output).reshape(self.input_shape) else: output = self.depooler(output, axis=5) output = self.depooler(output, axis=3) return output
def inv(self, output): output = (output.dimshuffle(0,1,2,'x',3,'x',4,'x') .repeat(self.pool_shape[0], axis=7), .repeat(self.pool_shape[1], axis=5), .repeat(self.pool_shape[2], axis=3)) if self.depooler == 'random': unpooled = ( self.input_shape[0], self.input_shape[1], self.input_shape[2]//self.pool_shape[0], self.pool_shape[0], self.input_shape[3]//self.pool_shape[1], self.pool_shape[1], self.input_shape[4]//self.pool_shape[2], self.pool_shape[2]) pooled = ( self.input_shape[0], self.input_shape[1], self.input_shape[2]//self.pool_shape[0], 1, self.input_shape[3]//self.pool_shape[1], 1, self.input_shape[4]//self.pool_shape[2], 1) output_mask = self.theano_rng.uniform(size=unpooled, dtype=theano.config.floatX) output_mask = output_mask / output_mask.max(axis=7).max(axis=5).max(axis=3).dimshuffle(0,1,2,'x',3,'x',4,'x') output_mask = T.floor(output_mask) return (output_mask * output).reshape(self.input_shape) else: output = self.depooler(output, axis=3)
def floor(x): """ Elemwise floor of `x`. """ # see decorator for function body
def discretized_logistic(mean, logscale, binsize, sample=None): scale = T.exp(logscale) if sample is None: u = G.rng_curand.uniform(size=mean.shape) _y = T.log(-u/(u-1)) #inverse CDF of the logistic sample = mean + scale * _y #sample from the actual logistic sample = T.floor(sample/binsize)*binsize #discretize the sample _sample = (T.floor(sample/binsize)*binsize - mean)/scale logps = T.log( T.nnet.sigmoid(_sample + binsize/scale) - T.nnet.sigmoid(_sample) + 1e-7) logp = logps.flatten(2).sum(axis=1) #raise Exception() entr = logscale.flatten(2) entr = entr.sum(axis=1) + 2. * entr.shape[1].astype(G.floatX) return RandomVariable(sample, logp, entr, mean=mean, logscale=logscale, logps=logps)
def discretized_gaussian(mean, logvar, binsize, sample=None): scale = T.exp(.5*logvar) if sample is None: _y = G.rng_curand.normal(size=mean.shape) sample = mean + scale * _y #sample from the actual logistic sample = T.floor(sample/binsize)*binsize #discretize the sample _sample = (T.floor(sample/binsize)*binsize - mean)/scale def _erf(x): return T.erf(x/T.sqrt(2.)) logp = T.log( _erf(_sample + binsize/scale) - _erf(_sample) + 1e-7) + T.log(.5) logp = logp.flatten(2).sum(axis=1) #raise Exception() entr = (.5 * (T.log(2 * math.pi) + 1 + logvar)).flatten(2).sum(axis=1) return RandomVariable(sample, logp, entr, mean=mean, logvar=logvar)
def inferoutshape(self, inpshape=None, checkinput=False): # Parse if inpshape is None: inpshape = self.inpshape # Return input shape if encoder not active if not self.encoderactive: return inpshape # Process if self.inpdim == 4: if self.ignoreborder: y, x = [int(np.floor((inpshape[sid] + 2 * self.padding[kid] - self.ds[kid] + self.stride[kid]) / self.stride[kid])) if inpshape[sid] is not None else None for sid, kid in zip([2, 3], [0, 1])] else: plen = [None, None] for sid, kid in zip([2, 3], [0, 1]): if self.stride[kid] >= self.ds[kid]: plen[kid] = int(np.floor((inpshape[sid] + self.stride[kid] - 1) / self.stride[kid])) \ if inpshape[sid] is not None else None else: plen[kid] = np.maximum(0, np.floor((inpshape[sid] - self.ds[kid] + self.stride[kid] - 1) / self.stride[kid])) if inpshape[sid] is not None else None y, x = plen fmapsout = inpshape[1] batchsize = inpshape[0] return [batchsize, fmapsout, y, x] elif self.inpdim == 5: if self.ignoreborder: y, x, z = [int(np.floor((inpshape[sid] + 2 * self.padding[kid] - self.ds[kid] + self.stride[kid]) / self.stride[kid])) if inpshape[sid] is not None else None for sid, kid in zip([3, 4, 1], [0, 1, 2])] else: plen = [None, None, None] for sid, kid in zip([3, 4, 1], [0, 1, 2]): if self.stride[kid] >= self.ds[kid]: plen[kid] = int(np.floor((inpshape[sid] + self.stride[kid] - 1) / self.stride[kid])) \ if inpshape[sid] is not None else None else: plen[kid] = np.maximum(0, np.floor((inpshape[sid] - self.ds[kid] + self.stride[kid] - 1) / self.stride[kid])) if inpshape[sid] is not None else None y, x, z = plen fmapsout = inpshape[2] batchsize = inpshape[0] return [batchsize, z, fmapsout, y, x]
def get_updates_sgd_momentum(self, cost, params, decay_mode=None, decay=0., momentum=0.9, nesterov=False, grad_clip=None, constant_clip=True): print(' - SGD: lr = %.2e' % (self.lr.get_value(borrow=True)), end='') print(', decay = %.2f' % (decay), end='') print(', momentum = %.2f' % (momentum), end='') print(', nesterov =', nesterov, end='') print(', grad_clip =', grad_clip) self.grad_clip = grad_clip self.constant_clip = constant_clip self.iterations = theano.shared( np.asarray(0., dtype=theano.config.floatX), borrow=True) # lr = self.lr_float lr = self.lr * (1.0 / (1.0 + decay * self.iterations)) # lr = self.lr * (decay ** T.floor(self.iterations / decay_step)) updates = [(self.iterations, self.iterations + 1.)] # Get gradients and apply clipping if self.grad_clip is None: grads = T.grad(cost, params) else: assert self.grad_clip > 0 if self.constant_clip: # Constant clipping using theano.gradient.grad_clip clip = self.grad_clip grads = T.grad( theano.gradient.grad_clip(cost, -clip, clip), params) else: # Adaptive clipping clip = self.grad_clip / lr grads_ = T.grad(cost, params) grads = [T.clip(g, -clip, clip) for g in grads_] for p, g in zip(params, grads): # v_prev = theano.shared(p.get_value(borrow=True) * 0.) p_val = p.get_value(borrow=True) v_prev = theano.shared(np.zeros(p_val.shape, dtype=p_val.dtype), broadcastable=p.broadcastable) v = momentum * v_prev - lr * g updates.append((v_prev, v)) if nesterov: new_p = p + momentum * v - lr * g else: new_p = p + v updates.append((p, new_p)) return updates
def get_all_signals(self, input_, corruption_type = 'round', rng = None): scale = self.get_scale() scaled_input = input_*scale if corruption_type == 'round': epsilon = tt.round(scaled_input) - scaled_input elif corruption_type == 'randround': rng = get_theano_rng(rng) epsilon = tt.where(rng.uniform(scaled_input.shape)>(scaled_input % 1), tt.floor(scaled_input), tt.ceil(scaled_input))-scaled_input print 'STOCH ROUNDING' elif corruption_type == 'rand': rng = get_theano_rng(1234) epsilon = rng.uniform(scaled_input.shape)-.5 else: raise Exception('fdsfsd') spikes = scaled_input + epsilon output = spikes / scale signals = dict( input=input_, scaled_input=scaled_input, spikes=spikes, epsilon=epsilon, output=output, ) return signals # def get_all_signals(self, input_): # scale = self.get_scale() # # # # scaled_input = input_*scale # # # # # epsilon = tt.round(scaled_input) - scaled_input # # rng = get_theano_rng(1234) # epsilon = rng.uniform(scaled_input.shape)-.5 # # spikes = scaled_input + epsilon # output = spikes / scale # signals = dict( # input=input_, # scaled_input=scaled_input, # spikes=spikes, # epsilon=epsilon, # output=output, # ) # return signals