def Start(self): self.enable = True page = self.page print u'????????......' # ???????????????? thread.start_new_thread(self.LoadPage, ()) time.sleep(2) #wait the sub thread to be done. # ----------- ???????? ----------- while self.enable: # ??self?page??????? if len(self.pages) > 0: now_page_items = self.pages[0] # del now page items del self.pages[0] print '---main thred --', page self.ShowOnePage(now_page_items, page) page += 1 print self.enable # ----------- ?????? -----------
def _run_in_multiple_threads(test1): test1() import sys try: import thread except ImportError: import _thread as thread errors = [] def wrapper(lock): try: test1() except: errors.append(sys.exc_info()) lock.release() locks = [] for i in range(10): _lock = thread.allocate_lock() _lock.acquire() thread.start_new_thread(wrapper, (_lock,)) locks.append(_lock) for _lock in locks: _lock.acquire() if errors: raise errors[0][1]
def Start(self): self.enable = True page = self.page print u'????????......' # ???????????????? thread.start_new_thread(self.LoadPage, ()) time.sleep(2) #wait the sub thread to be done. # ----------- ???????? ----------- while self.enable: # ??self?page??????? if len(self.pages) > 0: now_page_items = self.pages[0] # del now page items del self.pages[0] self.ShowOnePage(now_page_items, page) page += 1 print self.enable # ----------- ?????? -----------
def __proxy(self): 'Private class method.' proxy = _socket.socket(self.FAMILY, self.TYPE) proxy.bind(self.__bind) proxy.listen(5) while True: client = proxy.accept()[0] self.__lock.acquire() if not self.__status: proxy.close() self.__thread = False self.__lock.release() break self.__lock.release() server = _socket.socket(self.FAMILY, self.TYPE) server.connect(self.__connect) _thread.start_new_thread(self.__serve, (client, server))
def exec_timed(code, context, timeout_secs): """ Dynamically execute 'code' using 'context' as the global enviroment. SafeEvalTimeoutException is raised if execution does not finish within the given timelimit. """ assert(timeout_secs > 0) signal_finished = False def alarm(secs): def wait(secs): for n in xrange(timeout_secs): time.sleep(1) if signal_finished: break else: thread.interrupt_main() thread.start_new_thread(wait, (secs,)) try: alarm(timeout_secs) exec code in context signal_finished = True except KeyboardInterrupt: raise SafeEvalTimeoutException(timeout_secs)
def intercept_threads(for_attach = False): thread.start_new_thread = thread_creator thread.start_new = thread_creator # If threading has already been imported (i.e. we're attaching), we must hot-patch threading._start_new_thread # so that new threads started using it will be intercepted by our code. # # On the other hand, if threading has not been imported, we must not import it ourselves, because it will then # treat the current thread as the main thread, which is incorrect when attaching because this code is executing # on an ephemeral debugger attach thread that will go away shortly. We don't need to hot-patch it in that case # anyway, because it will pick up the new thread.start_new_thread that we have set above when it's imported. global _threading if _threading is None and 'threading' in sys.modules: import threading _threading = threading _threading._start_new_thread = thread_creator global _INTERCEPTING_FOR_ATTACH _INTERCEPTING_FOR_ATTACH = for_attach ## Modified parameters by Don Jayamanne # Accept current Process id to pass back to debugger
def collectdatawhile(self, period=1): ''' Threaded collection of performance data: This method sets up a simple semaphor system for signalling when you would like to start and stop a threaded data collection method. The collection runs every period seconds until the semaphor attribute is set to a non-true value (which normally should be done by calling query.collectdatawhile_stop() .) e.g.: query.collectdatawhile(2) # starts the query running, returns control to the caller immediately # is collecting data every two seconds. # do whatever you want to do while the thread runs, then call: query.collectdatawhile_stop() # when you want to deal with the data. It is generally a good idea # to sleep for period seconds yourself, since the query will not copy # the required data until the next iteration: time.sleep(2) # now you can access the data from the attributes of the query query.curresults query.curpaths ''' self.collectdatawhile_active = 1 thread.start_new_thread(self.collectdatawhile_slave,(period,))
def test_init_once_multithread(): if sys.version_info < (3,): import thread else: import _thread as thread import time # def do_init(): print('init!') seen.append('init!') time.sleep(1) seen.append('init done') print('init done') return 7 ffi = _cffi1_backend.FFI() seen = [] for i in range(6): def f(): res = ffi.init_once(do_init, "tag") seen.append(res) thread.start_new_thread(f, ()) time.sleep(1.5) assert seen == ['init!', 'init done'] + 6 * [7]
def test_init_once_multithread_failure(): if sys.version_info < (3,): import thread else: import _thread as thread import time def do_init(): seen.append('init!') time.sleep(1) seen.append('oops') raise ValueError ffi = _cffi1_backend.FFI() seen = [] for i in range(3): def f(): py.test.raises(ValueError, ffi.init_once, do_init, "tag") thread.start_new_thread(f, ()) i = 0 while len(seen) < 6: i += 1 assert i < 20 time.sleep(0.51) assert seen == ['init!', 'oops'] * 3
def test_init_once_multithread(self): import sys, time if sys.version_info < (3,): import thread else: import _thread as thread # def do_init(): seen.append('init!') time.sleep(1) seen.append('init done') return 7 ffi = FFI() seen = [] for i in range(6): def f(): res = ffi.init_once(do_init, "tag") seen.append(res) thread.start_new_thread(f, ()) time.sleep(1.5) assert seen == ['init!', 'init done'] + 6 * [7]
def run(self): self.daemon_active = True while not self.__exit: log_msg("Start Spotify Connect Daemon") #spotty_args = ["-v"] spotty_args = ["--onstart", "curl -s -f -m 2 http://localhost:%s/playercmd/start" % PROXY_PORT, "--onstop", "curl -s -f -m 2 http://localhost:%s/playercmd/stop" % PROXY_PORT] self.__spotty_proc = self.__spotty.run_spotty(arguments=spotty_args) thread.start_new_thread(self.fill_fake_buffer, ()) while not self.__exit: line = self.__spotty_proc.stderr.readline().strip() if line: log_msg(line, xbmc.LOGDEBUG) if self.__spotty_proc.returncode and self.__spotty_proc.returncode > 0 and not self.__exit: # daemon crashed ? restart ? break self.daemon_active = False log_msg("Stopped Spotify Connect Daemon")
def handle_event(self, event, sender, level, formatted_msg, data): if self.dbot is None: try: self.bot.logger.info("Discord bot not running, Starting..") self.dbot = DiscordClass(self.bot, self.master, self.pokemons, self.config) self.dbot.connect() thread.start_new_thread(self.dbot.run) except Exception as inst: self.dbot = None self.bot.logger.error("Unable to start Discord bot; master: {}, exception: {}".format(self.master, pprint.pformat(inst))) return # prepare message to send msg = None msg = self.chat_handler.get_event(event, formatted_msg, data) if msg: self.dbot.sendMessage(to=self.master, text=msg)
def main(udpCliSock1): global udpCliSock udpCliSock=udpCliSock1 udpCliSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) root = Tk() root.title('QQ???') frame_left_top = Frame(width=300, height=200, bg='white') frame_left_top.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=2, pady=5) frame_left_top.grid_propagate(0) global text_msglist text_msglist = Text(frame_left_top) text_msglist.grid() Label(root,text='???',width=8).grid(row=1,column=0) global friend_account friend_account=StringVar() Entry(root,textvariable=friend_account).grid(row=2,column=0) Button(root, text='????',command=add_friend).grid(row=3,column=0) #???? thread.start_new_thread(send,()) #????? root.mainloop()
def completion(callback): """ Executes a task on completion of the called action. Example: Use as:: from gluon.tools import completion @completion(lambda d: logging.info(repr(d))) def index(): return dict(message='hello') It logs the output of the function every time input is called. The argument of completion is executed in a new thread. """ def _completion(f): def __completion(*a, **b): d = None try: d = f(*a, **b) return d finally: thread.start_new_thread(callback, (d,)) return __completion return _completion
def test_thread_separation(): def f(): c = PluginManager() lock1.acquire() lock2.acquire() c.x = 7 lock1.release() lock2.release() lock1 = thread.allocate_lock() lock2 = thread.allocate_lock() lock1.acquire() thread.start_new_thread(f, ()) a = PluginManager() a.x = 5 lock1.release() lock2.acquire() return a.x
def tst(self, frame, image): try: name = "/tmp/{}_{}.jpg".format(time.time(), self.camera_name) cv2.imwrite(name, frame) except Exception as e: print "snap:", e return False try: thread.start_new_thread( self.analize_plate.proccess, (image, name, self.camera_name, self.image_location, self.thumbnail_location)) except: return False
def init(): print(lirc_device) wiringpi.wiringPiSetup() wiringpi.pinMode(A_1_PIN,INPUT) wiringpi.pullUpDnControl(A_1_PIN,PUD_UP) wiringpi.pinMode(B_1_PIN,INPUT) wiringpi.pullUpDnControl(B_1_PIN,PUD_UP) wiringpi.pinMode(BTN_1_PIN,INPUT) wiringpi.pullUpDnControl(BTN_1_PIN,PUD_UP) wiringpi.pinMode(A_2_PIN,INPUT) wiringpi.pullUpDnControl(A_2_PIN,PUD_UP) wiringpi.pinMode(B_2_PIN,INPUT) wiringpi.pullUpDnControl(B_2_PIN,PUD_UP) wiringpi.pinMode(BTN_2_PIN,INPUT) wiringpi.pullUpDnControl(BTN_2_PIN,PUD_UP) wiringpi.pinMode(POWER_PIN,INPUT) wiringpi.pullUpDnControl(POWER_PIN,PUD_UP) thread.start_new_thread(encoder_loop, ()) thread.start_new_thread(keypressd, (lirc_device, ))
def start(self): if self.chapterurl: if encode(self.noveldown.text) != '??': dirs=decode(self.noveldir.text).split('/') dirs=[i for i in dirs if i] #?????? downdir=encode('/'+'/'.join(dirs)) if not os.path.exists(downdir): os.makedirs(downdir) #??downdir self.downdir=downdir+'/'+encode(self.novelname.text)+'.txt' self.novelshow.text=self.downdir+'\n' self.noveldown.text='??' thread.start_new_thread(self.newthread,()) else: self.stop() else: self.novelshow.text='???????' #????
def _setUp(self): self.server_ready = threading.Event() self.client_ready = threading.Event() self.done = threading.Event() self.queue = Queue.Queue(1) # Do some munging to start the client test. methodname = self.id() i = methodname.rfind('.') methodname = methodname[i+1:] test_method = getattr(self, '_' + methodname) self.client_thread = thread.start_new_thread( self.clientRun, (test_method,)) self.__setUp() if not self.server_ready.is_set(): self.server_ready.set() self.client_ready.wait()
def test_foreign_thread(self): # Check that a "foreign" thread can use the threading module. def f(mutex): # Calling current_thread() forces an entry for the foreign # thread to get made in the threading._active map. threading.current_thread() mutex.release() mutex = threading.Lock() mutex.acquire() tid = thread.start_new_thread(f, (mutex,)) # Wait for the thread to finish. mutex.acquire() self.assertIn(tid, threading._active) self.assertIsInstance(threading._active[tid], threading._DummyThread) del threading._active[tid] # PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc() is a CPython-only gimmick, not (currently) # exposed at the Python level. This test relies on ctypes to get at it.
def test_dummy_thread_after_fork(self): # Issue #14308: a dummy thread in the active list doesn't mess up # the after-fork mechanism. code = """if 1: import thread, threading, os, time def background_thread(evt): # Creates and registers the _DummyThread instance threading.current_thread() evt.set() time.sleep(10) evt = threading.Event() thread.start_new_thread(background_thread, (evt,)) evt.wait() assert threading.active_count() == 2, threading.active_count() if os.fork() == 0: assert threading.active_count() == 1, threading.active_count() os._exit(0) else: os.wait() """ _, out, err = assert_python_ok("-c", code) self.assertEqual(out, '') self.assertEqual(err, '')
def evaluate(calling): c = str(text.get("1.0",END)).strip() for result in results: print('Trying to connect to {}...'.format(socket.inet_ntoa(result['zc_info'].address))) scpi_connection = get_scpi_connection_tuple((socket.inet_ntoa(result['zc_info'].address), result['zc_info'].port)) if scpi_connection is not (None, None): if any("?" in s for s in c): rs = receive_scpi(scpi_connection, c) textb.delete("1.0", END) if strType(rs) == "float": t = str(float(rs)) else: t = str(rs) textb.insert(END, t) if ttsenabled.get(): thread.start_new_thread(tts, (t,)) else: send_scpi(scpi_connection, str(text.get("1.0",END)).strip()) text.delete("1.0", END)
def test_start_new_thread(self): pydev_monkey.patch_thread_modules() try: found = {} def function(a, b, *args, **kwargs): found['a'] = a found['b'] = b found['args'] = args found['kwargs'] = kwargs thread.start_new_thread(function, (1,2,3,4), {'d':1, 'e':2}) import time for _i in xrange(20): if len(found) == 4: break time.sleep(.1) else: raise AssertionError('Could not get to condition before 2 seconds') self.assertEqual({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'args': (3, 4), 'kwargs': {'e': 2, 'd': 1}}, found) finally: pydev_monkey.undo_patch_thread_modules()
def launch(): if not config.IS_OUT_TERMINAL: return preloader.counter = 0 preloader.isLaunch = True thread.start_new_thread(preloader.draw, ())
def mt_interact(self): """Multithreaded version of interact().""" import thread thread.start_new_thread(self.listener, ()) while 1: line = sys.stdin.readline() if not line: break self.write(line)
def start_new_thread(function, args, kwargs={}): """Dummy implementation of thread.start_new_thread(). Compatibility is maintained by making sure that ``args`` is a tuple and ``kwargs`` is a dictionary. If an exception is raised and it is SystemExit (which can be done by thread.exit()) it is caught and nothing is done; all other exceptions are printed out by using traceback.print_exc(). If the executed function calls interrupt_main the KeyboardInterrupt will be raised when the function returns. """ if type(args) != type(tuple()): raise TypeError("2nd arg must be a tuple") if type(kwargs) != type(dict()): raise TypeError("3rd arg must be a dict") global _main _main = False try: function(*args, **kwargs) except SystemExit: pass except: _traceback.print_exc() _main = True global _interrupt if _interrupt: _interrupt = False raise KeyboardInterrupt
def interrupt_main(): """Set _interrupt flag to True to have start_new_thread raise KeyboardInterrupt upon exiting.""" if _main: raise KeyboardInterrupt else: global _interrupt _interrupt = True
def config_update(self, config): self.config = config self.mqtt_qos_publish = int(self.config['mqtt_qos_publish']) if 'mqtt_qos_publish' in config else 0 self.mqtt_qos_subscribe = int(self.config['mqtt_qos_subscribe']) if 'mqtt_qos_subscribe' in config else 0 self.mqtt_retain = 'mqtt_retain' in config and self.config['mqtt_retain'] if 'api_url' in config: self.api_url = config['api_url'] thread.start_new_thread(self.api_login, ()) if self.mqtt_client: self.mqtt_client.disconnect() else: self.mqtt_connect()
def stream_events_mongo(self, input_name, input_item, client, ew): lt = LineTailer(client.admin) try: thread.start_new_thread( stream_logs, (lt, input_name, ew) ) except: print "Error: unable to start thread"
def _start_request(self, req): thread.start_new_thread(req.run, ())
def __init__(self, minSpare=1, maxSpare=5, maxThreads=sys.maxint): self._minSpare = minSpare self._maxSpare = maxSpare self._maxThreads = max(minSpare, maxThreads) self._lock = threading.Condition() self._workQueue = [] self._idleCount = self._workerCount = maxSpare # Start the minimum number of worker threads. for i in range(maxSpare): thread.start_new_thread(self._worker, ())
def addJob(self, job, allowQueuing=True): """ Adds a job to the work queue. The job object should have a run() method. If allowQueuing is True (the default), the job will be added to the work queue regardless if there are any idle threads ready. (The only way for there to be no idle threads is if maxThreads is some reasonable, finite limit.) Otherwise, if allowQueuing is False, and there are no more idle threads, the job will not be queued. Returns True if the job was queued, False otherwise. """ self._lock.acquire() try: # Maintain minimum number of spares. while self._idleCount < self._minSpare and \ self._workerCount < self._maxThreads: self._workerCount += 1 self._idleCount += 1 thread.start_new_thread(self._worker, ()) # Hand off the job. if self._idleCount or allowQueuing: self._workQueue.append(job) self._lock.notify() return True else: return False finally: self._lock.release()
def start(self): 'Start the Proxy object.' self.__lock.acquire() self.__status = True if not self.__thread: self.__thread = True _thread.start_new_thread(self.__proxy, ()) self.__lock.release()
def EndDialogAfter(self, timeOut): #thread needed because win32gui does not expose SetTimer API import thread thread.start_new_thread(self.Timer, (timeOut, ))
def main(): try: socket.socket().connect(('', 80)) webbrowser.open('') except: if len(sys.argv) > 1: sys.argv[1] = '80' else: sys.argv.append('80') thread.start_new_thread(CGIHTTPServer.test, ()) webbrowser.open('') s = socket.socket() s.bind(('', 8080)) s.listen(1) s.accept()
def start(self): 'Start the Mille_Timer object.' self.__lock.acquire() self.__status = True if not self.__thread: self.__thread = True _thread.start_new_thread(self.__run, ()) self.__lock.release()
def __init__(self, ZSP): 'Initialize the Query/Reply Protocol object.' self.__ZSP = ZSP self.__error = None self.__Q_anchor = [] self.__Q_packet = [] self.__R_anchor = {} self.__Q_lock = _thread.allocate_lock() self.__R_lock = _thread.allocate_lock() _thread.start_new_thread(self.__thread, ())
def recv_Q(self, timeout=None): 'Receive one query.' if self.__error: raise self.__error if timeout is not None: if not isinstance(timeout, (float, int, long)): raise TypeError, 'timeout must be of type float, int, or long' if not timeout >= 0: raise ValueError, 'timeout must be greater than or equal to 0' self.__Q_lock.acquire() try: try: if self.__Q_packet: Q = True ID, obj = self.__Q_packet.pop() else: Q = False anchor = [_thread.allocate_lock()] anchor[0].acquire() self.__Q_anchor.append(anchor) finally: self.__Q_lock.release() except AttributeError: raise self.__error if Q: return ID, obj if timeout: _thread.start_new_thread(self.__Q_thread, (timeout, anchor)) anchor[0].acquire() try: Q = anchor[1] except IndexError: if self.__error: raise self.__error raise Warning return Q
def recv_R(self, ID, timeout=None): 'Receive one reply.' if self.__error: raise self.__error if timeout is not None: if not isinstance(timeout, (float, int, long)): raise TypeError, 'timeout must be of type float, int, or long' if not timeout >= 0: raise ValueError, 'timeout must be greater than or equal to 0' anchor = [_thread.allocate_lock()] anchor[0].acquire() self.__R_lock.acquire() try: try: self.__R_anchor[ID] = anchor finally: self.__R_lock.release() except AttributeError: raise self.__error if timeout: _thread.start_new_thread(self.__R_thread, (timeout, ID)) anchor[0].acquire() try: R = anchor[1] except IndexError: if self.__error: raise self.__error raise Warning return R
def shutdown(self,sec,save=True,filepath='temp.h5'): if save: self.model.save(filepath, overwrite=True) self.t_send('Command accepted,the model has already been saved,shutting down the computer....') else: self.t_send('Command accepted,shutting down the computer....') if 'Windows' in platform.system(): th.start_new_thread(system, ('shutdown -s -t %d' %sec,)) else: m=(int(sec/60) if int(sec/60) else 1) th.start_new_thread(system, ('shutdown -h -t %d' %m,))
def cancel(self): #Cancel function to cancel shutting down the computer self.t_send('Command accepted,cancel shutting down the computer....') if 'Windows' in platform.system(): th.start_new_thread(system, ('shutdown -a',)) else: th.start_new_thread(system, ('shutdown -c',))
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None): for k in self.params['metrics']: if k in logs: self.mesg+=(k+': '+str(logs[k])[:5]+' ') self.logs_epochs.setdefault(k, []).append(logs[k]) if epoch+1>=self.stopped_epoch: self.model.stop_training = True logs = logs or {} self.epoch.append(epoch) self.t_epochs.append(time.time()-self.t_s) if self.savelog: sio.savemat((self.fexten if self.fexten else self.validateTitle(self.localtime))+'_logs_batches'+'.mat',{'log':np.array(self.logs_batches)}) sio.savemat((self.fexten if self.fexten else self.validateTitle(self.localtime))+'_logs_batches'+'.mat',{'log':np.array(self.logs_epochs)}) th.start_new_thread(self.get_fig,()) self.t_send(self.mesg) return