def my_thread(): global files,path,timeout,options myname= threading.currentThread().getName() while files: #create command to run nextfile=files.pop() #print name of thread and command being run print('Thread {0} starts processing {1}'.format(myname,nextfile)) f=path + nextfile + options try: #timeout interrupts frozen command, shell=True does'nt open a console subprocess.check_call(args= f , shell=True, timeout=timeout) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: print('Thread {0} Processing {0} took too long' .format(myname,nextfile)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print ('Thread {0} Processing {1} returned error {2}:{3}'.format(myname,nextfile,e.returncode,e.output)) except Exception as e: print ('Thread {0} Processing {1} returned error {2}'.format(myname,nextfile,type(e).__name__)) print ('thread {0} stopped'.format(myname))
def _log(self, lvl, line): if lvl > self.debug: return if line[-2:] == CRLF: line = line[:-2] + '\\r\\n' tn = threading.currentThread().getName() if lvl <= 1 or self.debug > self.debug_buf_lvl: self.debug_lock.acquire() self._mesg(line, tn) self.debug_lock.release() if lvl != 1: return # Keep log of last `_cmd_log_len' interactions for debugging. self.debug_lock.acquire() self._cmd_log[self._cmd_log_idx] = (line, tn, time.time()) self._cmd_log_idx += 1 if self._cmd_log_idx >= self._cmd_log_len: self._cmd_log_idx = 0 self.debug_lock.release()
def _send_module_cls_name_thread_callback(): """ Callback of send module class name thread. For each module enabled, it send the name and mime types compatibles for the module. It publish each two second. """ thread_id = currentThread().ident while(Analyzer._is_send_module_cls_name_check): for mod in Analyzer._modules: body = "{}:{}:{}".format(mod, ",".join(Analyzer._modules[mod]['mime_type']['type']) , ",".join(Analyzer._modules[mod]['mime_type']['notype']) ) Queue.publish_queue("module_list", body, thread_id=thread_id) time.sleep(2)
def _worker(self, o): ct = threading.currentThread() while 1: if o is WorkerStop: break elif o is not None: self.working.append(ct) ctx, function, args, kwargs = o try: context.call(ctx, function, *args, **kwargs) except: context.call(ctx, log.deferr) self.working.remove(ct) del o, ctx, function, args, kwargs self.waiters.append(ct) o = self.q.get() self.waiters.remove(ct) self.threads.remove(ct)
def writerThread(self, d, keys, readers): if sys.version_info[0] < 3 : name = currentThread().getName() else : name = currentThread().name if verbose: print "%s: creating records %d - %d" % (name, start, stop) count=len(keys)//len(readers) count2=count for x in keys : key = '%04d' % x dbutils.DeadlockWrap(d.put, key, self.makeData(key), max_retries=12) if verbose and x % 100 == 0: print "%s: records %d - %d finished" % (name, start, x) count2-=1 if not count2 : readers.pop().start() count2=count if verbose: print "%s: thread finished" % name
def readerThread(self, d, readerNum): if sys.version_info[0] < 3 : name = currentThread().getName() else : name = currentThread().name c = d.cursor() count = 0 rec = dbutils.DeadlockWrap(c.first, max_retries=10) while rec: count += 1 key, data = rec self.assertEqual(self.makeData(key), data) rec = dbutils.DeadlockWrap(c.next, max_retries=10) if verbose: print "%s: found %d records" % (name, count) c.close() if verbose: print "%s: thread finished" % name
def run(self): print("{} has started thinking".format(threading.currentThread().getName())) while True: time.sleep(random.randint(1,5)) print("{} has finished thinking".format(threading.currentThread().getName())) self.leftFork.acquire() time.sleep(random.randint(1,5)) try: print("{} has acquired the left fork".format(threading.currentThread().getName())) self.rightFork.acquire() try: print("{} has attained both forks, currently eating".format(threading.currentThread().getName())) finally: self.rightFork.release() print("{} has released the right fork".format(threading.currentThread().getName())) finally: self.leftFork.release() print("{} has released the left fork".format(threading.currentThread().getName()))
def distributed_transaction_commit(*instances): if not instances: return instances = enumerate(instances) thread_key = '%s.%s' % ( socket.gethostname(), threading.currentThread()) keys = ['%s.%i' % (thread_key, i) for (i, db) in instances] for (i, db) in instances: if not db._adapter.support_distributed_transaction(): raise SyntaxError( 'distributed transaction not suported by %s' % db._dbanme) try: for (i, db) in instances: db._adapter.prepare(keys[i]) except: for (i, db) in instances: db._adapter.rollback_prepared(keys[i]) raise RuntimeError('failure to commit distributed transaction') else: for (i, db) in instances: db._adapter.commit_prepared(keys[i]) return
def __init__(self, request, client_address, server, select_poll = False): self.__SMB = server self.__ip, self.__port = client_address self.__request = request self.__connId = threading.currentThread().getName() self.__timeOut = 60*5 self.__select_poll = select_poll #self.__connId = os.getpid() SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler.__init__(self, request, client_address, server)
def InterruptibleSleep(sleep_time): """Puts thread to sleep, checking this threads exit_flag four times a second. Args: sleep_time: Time to sleep. """ slept = 0.0 epsilon = .0001 thread = threading.currentThread() while slept < sleep_time - epsilon: remaining = sleep_time - slept this_sleep_time = min(remaining, 0.25) time.sleep(this_sleep_time) slept += this_sleep_time if hasattr(thread, 'exit_flag') and thread.exit_flag: return
def AddTransfer(self, throttle_name, token_count): """Add a count to the amount this thread has transferred. Each time a thread transfers some data, it should call this method to note the amount sent. The counts may be rotated if sufficient time has passed since the last rotation. Args: throttle_name: The name of the throttle to add to. token_count: The number to add to the throttle counter. """ self.VerifyThrottleName(throttle_name) transferred = self.transferred[throttle_name] try: transferred[id(threading.currentThread())] += token_count except KeyError: thread = threading.currentThread() raise ThreadNotRegisteredError( 'Unregistered thread accessing throttled datastore stub: id = %s\n' 'name = %s' % (id(thread), thread.getName())) if self.last_rotate[throttle_name] + self.ROTATE_PERIOD < self.get_time(): self._RotateCounts(throttle_name)
def InterruptibleSleep(sleep_time): """Puts thread to sleep, checking this threads exit_flag four times a second. Args: sleep_time: Time to sleep. """ slept = 0.0 epsilon = .0001 thread = threading.currentThread() while slept < sleep_time - epsilon: remaining = sleep_time - slept this_sleep_time = min(remaining, 0.25) time.sleep(this_sleep_time) slept += this_sleep_time if thread.exit_flag: return
def StartWork(self): """Starts a critical section in which the number of workers is limited. Starts a critical section which allows self.__enabled_count simultaneously operating threads. The critical section is ended by calling self.FinishWork(). """ self.__thread_semaphore.acquire() if self.__backoff_time > 0.0: if not threading.currentThread().exit_flag: logger.info('[%s] Backing off due to errors: %.1f seconds', threading.currentThread().getName(), self.__backoff_time) self.__sleep(self.__backoff_time)
def InterruptibleSleep(sleep_time): """Puts thread to sleep, checking this threads exit_flag twice a second. Args: sleep_time: Time to sleep. """ slept = 0.0 epsilon = .0001 thread = threading.currentThread() while slept < sleep_time - epsilon: remaining = sleep_time - slept this_sleep_time = min(remaining, 0.5) time.sleep(this_sleep_time) slept += this_sleep_time if thread.exit_flag: return
def _OpenSecondaryConnection(self): """Possibly open a database connection for the secondary thread. If the connection is not open (for the calling thread, which is assumed to be the unique secondary thread), then open it. We also open a couple cursors for later use (and reuse). """ if self.secondary_conn: return assert not _RunningInThread(self.primary_thread) self.secondary_thread = threading.currentThread() self.secondary_conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_filename) self.insert_cursor = self.secondary_conn.cursor() self.update_cursor = self.secondary_conn.cursor()
def do_release_write_lock(self): self.condition.acquire() try: if self.current_sync_operation is not _threading.currentThread(): raise LockError("Synchronizer error - current thread doesnt " "have the write lock") # reset the current sync operation so # another can get it self.current_sync_operation = None # tell everyone to get ready self.condition.notifyAll() finally: # everyone go !! self.condition.release()
def auto(self): t = threading.currentThread() self.register_thread(t) self.root.info("starting auto run through") for x in range(0, 8): if self.run_time.stop: # Leaves a checkpoint when stopped self.current_run = x break self.root.debug("Run through {}".format(x)) self.compare_with_back_button() self.wait_for_ui(1) self.swipe_right() try: self.scan() except Exception as e: raise e self.register_thread(None)
def distributed_transaction_commit(*instances): if not instances: return instances = enumerate(instances) thread_key = '%s.%s' % (socket.gethostname(), threading.currentThread()) keys = ['%s.%i' % (thread_key, i) for (i,db) in instances] for (i, db) in instances: if not db._adapter.support_distributed_transaction(): raise SyntaxError( 'distributed transaction not suported by %s' % db._dbanme) try: for (i, db) in instances: db._adapter.prepare(keys[i]) except: for (i, db) in instances: db._adapter.rollback_prepared(keys[i]) raise RuntimeError('failure to commit distributed transaction') else: for (i, db) in instances: db._adapter.commit_prepared(keys[i]) return
def crawtest(step, proxy, urlquery, isproxy): #global log1,log2 threadname = "??" + threading.currentThread().getName() headers = {"Proxy-Authorization":"SDU0Ujg4MTI4N0UxN1I2RDo4QzFERjYyNUIwMzI4ODJD"} http_ok = 0 http_notok = 0 for i in range(0,step): try: if isproxy == 1: craw_result = requests.get(urlquery[i]["url"],proxies=proxy,headers=headers,verify=False) else: craw_result = requests.get(urlquery[i]["url"],headers=headers,verify=False) if craw_result.status_code==200: http_ok = http_ok + 1 #log1.write(threadname+"http_ok\n") else: http_notok = http_notok + 1 #log1.write(threadname+"http_error\n") #request.get?? except Exception as e: print("sigleTest???????????"+threadname+str(e)+'\n') #log2.write("sigleTest???????????"+threadname+str(e)+'\n') break pass #log1.write("the thread is over"+threadname+'\n'+'len(http_ok)='+str(http_ok)+'\t'+'len(http_notok)='+str(http_notok)+'\n')
def actionThread_exec (params): t = threading.currentThread() memory_service = getattr(t, "mem_serv", None) tts_service = getattr(t, "session", None).service("ALTextToSpeech") print "Action "+actionName+" started with params "+params # action init count = 1 tosay = phraseToSay(memory_service,params) tts_service.say(tosay) print " -- Say: "+tosay # action init while (getattr(t, "do_run", True) and count>0): print "Action "+actionName+" "+params+" exec..." # action exec count = count - 1 # action exec time.sleep(0.1) print "Action "+actionName+" "+params+" terminated" # action end # action end memory_service.raiseEvent("PNP_action_result_"+actionName,"success");
def rhMonitorThread (memory_service): t = threading.currentThread() while getattr(t, "do_run", True): sonarValues = memory_service.getListData(sonarValueList) # print "Sonar: [Front, Back]", sonarValues laserValues = memory_service.getListData(laserValueList) # print "Laser center: ", laserValues[42],laserValues[44],laserValues[46] # X values of central beams # TODO if (laserValues[42]>2 and laserValues[44]>2 and laserValues[46]>2): v = 'true' else: v = 'false' set_condition(memory_service,'dooropen',v) # print 'dooropen = ',v time.sleep(1) print "dooropen thread quit"
def actionThread_exec (params): t = threading.currentThread() memory_service = getattr(t, "mem_serv", None) print "Action "+actionName+" started with params "+params # action init val = False # action init while (getattr(t, "do_run", True) and (not val)): #print "Action "+actionName+" "+params+" exec..." # action exec val = get_condition(memory_service, params) # action exec time.sleep(0.25) print "Action "+actionName+" "+params+" terminated" # action end # action end memory_service.raiseEvent("PNP_action_result_"+actionName,"success");
def actionThread_exec(params): t = threading.currentThread() memory_service = getattr(t, "mem_serv", None) print "FAKING action " + params # action init dt = 0.25 count = 1.0 / dt # action init while (getattr(t, "do_run", True) and count > 0): # print "Action "+actionName+" "+params+" exec..." # action exec count = count - 1 # action exec time.sleep(dt) print "FAKING " + params + " terminated" # action end count = 0 # action end memory_service.raiseEvent("PNP_action_result_" + actionName, "success");
def rhMonitorThread (memory_service): global last_personid t = threading.currentThread() print "persondetected thread started" personid = 0 while getattr(t, "do_run", True): plist = memory_service.getData("PeoplePerception/PeopleList") v = 'false' try: if (len(plist)>0): memory_service.insertData("persondetectedid",plist[0]) v = 'true' except: v = 'false' set_condition(memory_service,'persondetected',v) time.sleep(0.5) print "persondetected thread quit"
def actionThread_exec(params): t = threading.currentThread() memory_service = getattr(t, "mem_serv", None) # tts_service = getattr(t, "session", None).service("ALTextToSpeech") print "Action speechbtn started with params " + params # action init # action init if len(params) > 0: memory_service.raiseEvent('AnswerOptions', 'speechbtn_' + params) else: memory_service.raiseEvent('AnswerOptions', 'speechbtn') print "Action " + actionName + " " + params + " terminated" # action end sleep(.5) memory_service.raiseEvent("PNP_action_result_" + actionName, "success")
def actionThread_exec (params): t = threading.currentThread() memory_service = getattr(t, "mem_serv", None) print "Action "+actionName+" "+params+" started" # action init if (params=='off'): memory_service.raiseEvent(logkey,0.0) print " -- Recording data disabled --" else: memory_service.raiseEvent(logkey,0.5) print " -- Recording data enabled --" # action init time.sleep(1.0) print "Action "+actionName+" "+params+" terminated" memory_service.raiseEvent("PNP_action_result_"+actionName,"success");
def actionThread_exec (params): t = threading.currentThread() memory_service = getattr(t, "mem_serv", None) print "Action "+actionName+" "+params+" started" # action init if (params=='off'): memory_service.raiseEvent(asrkey,'0') else: memory_service.raiseEvent(asrkey,'1') # action init time.sleep(1.0) print "Action "+actionName+" "+params+" terminated" memory_service.raiseEvent("PNP_action_result_"+actionName,"success");
def actionThread_exec (params): t = threading.currentThread() memory_service = getattr(t, "mem_serv", None) print "Action "+actionName+" started with params "+params # action init dt = 0.25 count = int(float(params) / dt) # action init while (getattr(t, "do_run", True) and count>0): #print "Action "+actionName+" "+params+" exec..." # action exec count = count-1 # action exec time.sleep(dt) print "Action "+actionName+" "+params+" terminated" # action end count = 0 # action end memory_service.raiseEvent("PNP_action_result_"+actionName,"success");
def actionThread_exec (params): t = threading.currentThread() memory_service = getattr(t, "mem_serv", None) print "Action "+actionName+" started with params "+params # action init try: vp = params.split('_') print " -- Assign: ",vp[0]," = ",vp[1] memory_service.insertData(vp[0],vp[1]) except: print "ERROR in Assign parameters" # action init time.sleep(1.0) print "Action "+actionName+" "+params+" terminated" # action end # action end memory_service.raiseEvent("PNP_action_result_"+actionName,"success");
def rhMonitorThread (memory_service): global last_personid t = threading.currentThread() print "personbehind thread started" personid = 0 while getattr(t, "do_run", True): v = 'false' try: pdist = memory_service.getData("Device/SubDeviceList/Platform/Back/Sonar/Sensor/Value") #distance to consider that the person following #print "rear sonar dist: ", pdist if (pdist < 1.5): v = 'true' except: v = 'false' set_condition(memory_service,'personbehind',v) time.sleep(0.5) print "personbehind thread quit"
def actionThread_exec(params): t = threading.currentThread() memory_service = getattr(t, "mem_serv", None) session = getattr(t, "session", None) print "Action "+actionName+" started with params "+params # action init tracker_service = session.service("ALTracker") p = params.split('_') if p[0] == 'start': tracker_service.setMode("Head") tracker_service.registerTarget("Face", 0.15) tracker_service.track("Face") elif p[0] == 'stop': tracker_service.stopTracker() tracker_service.unregisterAllTargets() print "Action "+actionName+" "+params+" terminated" # action end # action end memory_service.raiseEvent("PNP_action_result_" + actionName, "success")
def rhMonitorThread (memory_service, rate, output_file): print 'Starting recording data @%.2fHz'%rate t = threading.currentThread() output_file.write(str(keys_list)) output_file.write('\n') while getattr(t, "do_run", True): try: values = memory_service.getListData(keys_list) ts = time.time() timestamp = 'timestamp: %f\n' % ts output_file.write(timestamp) output_file.write(str(values)) output_file.write('\n') except: pass time.sleep(1.0/rate) print "Exiting Thread Log"
def readerThread(self, d, readerNum): if sys.version_info[0] < 3 : name = currentThread().getName() else : name = currentThread().name for i in xrange(5) : c = d.cursor() count = 0 rec = c.first() while rec: count += 1 key, data = rec self.assertEqual(self.makeData(key), data) rec = c.next() if verbose: print "%s: found %d records" % (name, count) c.close() if verbose: print "%s: thread finished" % name
def _getresponse(self, myseq, wait): self.debug("_getresponse:myseq:", myseq) if threading.currentThread() is self.sockthread: # this thread does all reading of requests or responses while 1: response = self.pollresponse(myseq, wait) if response is not None: return response else: # wait for notification from socket handling thread cvar = self.cvars[myseq] cvar.acquire() while myseq not in self.responses: cvar.wait() response = self.responses[myseq] self.debug("_getresponse:%s: thread woke up: response: %s" % (myseq, response)) del self.responses[myseq] del self.cvars[myseq] cvar.release() return response
def gitshell_watcher(self): t = threading.currentThread() logging.debug("Watcher thread init {}".format(t)) while getattr(t, "do_run", True): if not self.data_q.empty(): logging.debug("Polling Queue for Closed Issues") comment_list=ghlib.getClosedIssueComments( self.git_repo, self.data_q.get()) if comment_list: for comment in comment_list: print(comment) logging.debug("Polling Wait for {} ". format(self.rtm_poll_freq)) sleep(self.rtm_poll_freq) logging.debug("Watcher thread de-init {}".format(t)) return
def _cobra_http_getsock(self): thr = currentThread() tsocks = getattr(thr, 'cobrahttpsocks', None) if tsocks == None: tsocks = {} thr.cobrahttpsocks = tsocks sock = tsocks.get(self._cobra_slookup) if not sock or sock.trashed: # Lets build a new socket... shall we? sock = self._cobra_http_newsock() # If we have authinfo lets authenticate authinfo = self._cobra_kwargs.get('authinfo') if authinfo != None: sock.authUser(authinfo) tsocks[self._cobra_slookup] = sock return sock
def boredthread(func): """ The same as "workthread" above, but drop the request on the floor if the worker thread already has better things to do... """ # If we're already the work thread, just do it. def workadd(*args, **kwargs): if getattr(currentThread(), 'VQtWorkerThread', False): return func(*args, **kwargs) if not len(workerq): workerq.append((func, args, kwargs)) functools.update_wrapper(workadd, func) return workadd
def workerThread(): # We are *not* allowed to make Qt API calls currentThread().VQtWorkerThread = True while True: try: todo = workerq.get() if todo is not None: func, args, kwargs = todo if func is None: return func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() print(('vqt worker warning: %s' % e))
def startup(css=None): # yea yea.... globals suck... global qapp # the main QApplication global guiq # queue of GUI calls to proxy global ethread # QtThread that consumes guiq global workerq # queue of "worker" calls to proxy guiq = e_threads.EnviQueue() workerq = e_threads.EnviQueue() currentThread().QtSafeThread = True qapp = VQApplication(sys.argv) if css: qapp.setStyleSheet(css) ethread = QEventThread(guiq) ethread.idleadd.connect(qapp.callFromQtLoop) ethread.start() workerThread()