def __init__(self, mode, anchors=9, classes=80, depth=4, base_activation=F.relu, output_activation=F.sigmoid): super(SubNet, self).__init__() self.anchors = anchors self.classes = classes self.depth = depth self.base_activation = base_activation self.output_activation = output_activation self.subnet_base = nn.ModuleList([conv3x3(256, 256, padding=1) for _ in range(depth)]) if mode == 'boxes': self.subnet_output = conv3x3(256, 4 * self.anchors, padding=1) elif mode == 'classes': # add an extra dim for confidence self.subnet_output = conv3x3(256, (1 + self.classes) * self.anchors, padding=1) self._output_layer_init(self.subnet_output.bias.data)
def test_csub(self): # with a tensor a = torch.randn(100,90) b = a.clone().normal_() res_add = torch.add(a, -1, b) res_csub = a.clone() res_csub.sub_(b) self.assertEqual(res_add, res_csub) # with a scalar a = torch.randn(100,100) scalar = 123.5 res_add = torch.add(a, -scalar) res_csub = a.clone() res_csub.sub_(scalar) self.assertEqual(res_add, res_csub)
def assertIsOrdered(self, order, x, mxx, ixx, task): SIZE = 4 if order == 'descending': check_order = lambda a, b: a >= b elif order == 'ascending': check_order = lambda a, b: a <= b else: error('unknown order "{}", must be "ascending" or "descending"'.format(order)) are_ordered = True for j, k in product(range(SIZE), range(1, SIZE)): self.assertTrue(check_order(mxx[j][k-1], mxx[j][k]), 'torch.sort ({}) values unordered for {}'.format(order, task)) seen = set() indicesCorrect = True size = x.size(x.dim()-1) for k in range(size): seen.clear() for j in range(size): self.assertEqual(x[k][ixx[k][j]], mxx[k][j], 'torch.sort ({}) indices wrong for {}'.format(order, task)) seen.add(ixx[k][j]) self.assertEqual(len(seen), size)
def test_abs(self): size = 1000 max_val = 1000 original = torch.rand(size).mul(max_val) # Tensor filled with values from {-1, 1} switch = torch.rand(size).mul(2).floor().mul(2).add(-1) types = ['torch.DoubleTensor', 'torch.FloatTensor', 'torch.LongTensor', 'torch.IntTensor'] for t in types: data = original.type(t) switch = switch.type(t) res = torch.mul(data, switch) self.assertEqual(res.abs(), data, 1e-16) # Checking that the right abs function is called for LongTensor bignumber = 2^31 + 1 res = torch.LongTensor((-bignumber,)) self.assertGreater(res.abs()[0], 0)
def forward(self, x): if not self.active: self.eval() if not self.equalInOut: x = self.relu1(self.bn1(x)) else: out = self.relu1(self.bn1(x)) out = self.relu2(self.bn2(self.conv1(out if self.equalInOut else x))) if self.droprate > 0: out = F.dropout(out, p=self.droprate, training=self.training) out = self.conv2(out) out = torch.add(x if self.equalInOut else self.convShortcut(x), out) if self.active: return out else: return out.detach() # note: we call it DenseNet for simple compatibility with the training code. # similar we call it growthRate instead of widen_factor
def _test_spadd_shape(self, shape_i, shape_v=None): shape = shape_i + (shape_v or []) x, _, _ = self._gen_sparse(len(shape_i), 10, shape) y = self.randn(*shape) r = random.random() res = torch.add(y, r, x) expected = y + r * x.to_dense() self.assertEqual(res, expected) # Non contiguous dense tensor s = list(shape) s[0] = shape[-1] s[-1] = shape[0] y = self.randn(*s) y.transpose_(0, len(s) - 1) r = random.random() res = torch.add(y, r, x) expected = y + r * x.to_dense() self.assertEqual(res, expected)
def test_abs(self): size = 1000 max_val = 1000 original = torch.rand(size).mul(max_val) # Tensor filled with values from {-1, 1} switch = torch.rand(size).mul(2).floor().mul(2).add(-1) types = ['torch.DoubleTensor', 'torch.FloatTensor', 'torch.LongTensor', 'torch.IntTensor'] for t in types: data = original.type(t) switch = switch.type(t) res = torch.mul(data, switch) # abs is used in assertEqual so we use the slow version instead self.assertTensorsSlowEqual(res.abs(), data, 1e-16) # Checking that the right abs function is called for LongTensor bignumber = 2 ^ 31 + 1 res = torch.LongTensor((-bignumber,)) self.assertGreater(res.abs()[0], 0)
def forward(self, x): upblock = True # Downsizing layer - Large Kernel ensures large receptive field on the residual blocks h = F.relu(self.b2(self.c1(x))) # Residual Layers for r in self.rs: h = r(h) # will go through all residual blocks in this loop if upblock: # Upsampling Layers - improvement suggested by [2] to remove "checkerboard pattern" for u in self.up: h = u(h) # will go through all upsampling blocks in this loop else: # As recommended by [1] h = F.relu(self.bc2(self.dc2(h))) h = F.relu(self.bc3(self.dc3(h))) # Last layer and scaled tanh activation - Scaled from 0 to 1 instead of 0 - 255 h = F.tanh(self.c3(h)) h = torch.add(h, 1.) h = torch.mul(h, 0.5) return h
def _test_neg(self, cast): float_types = ['torch.DoubleTensor', 'torch.FloatTensor', 'torch.LongTensor'] int_types = ['torch.IntTensor', 'torch.ShortTensor'] for t in float_types + int_types: if t in float_types: a = cast(torch.randn(100, 90).type(t)) else: a = cast(torch.Tensor(100, 90).type(t).random_()) zeros = cast(torch.Tensor().type(t)).resize_as_(a).zero_() res_add = torch.add(zeros, -1, a) res_neg = a.clone() res_neg.neg_() self.assertEqual(res_neg, res_add) # test out of place as well res_neg_out_place = a.clone().neg() self.assertEqual(res_neg_out_place, res_add) # test via __neg__ operator res_neg_op = -a.clone() self.assertEqual(res_neg_op, res_add)
def train(epoch): for e_ in range(epoch): if (e_ + 1) % 10 == 0: adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, e_) cnt = 0 loss = Variable(torch.Tensor([0])) for i_q, i_k, i_v, i_cand, i_a in zip(train_q, train_key,train_value, train_cand, train_a): cnt += 1 i_q = i_q.unsqueeze(0) # add dimension probs = model.forward(i_q, i_k, i_v,i_cand) i_a = Variable(i_a) curr_loss = loss_function(probs, i_a) loss = torch.add(loss, torch.div(curr_loss, config.batch_size)) # naive batch implemetation, the lr is divided by batch size if cnt % config.batch_size == 0: print "Training loss", loss.data.sum() loss.backward() optimizer.step() loss = Variable(torch.Tensor([0])) model.zero_grad() if cnt % config.valid_every == 0: print "Accuracy:",eval()
def forward(self, qu, w, cand): qu = Variable(qu) w = Variable(w) cand = Variable(cand) embed_q = self.embed_B(qu) embed_w1 = self.embed_A(w) embed_w2 = self.embed_C(w) embed_c = self.embed_C(cand) #pdb.set_trace() q_state = torch.sum(embed_q, 1).squeeze(1) w1_state = torch.sum(embed_w1, 1).squeeze(1) w2_state = torch.sum(embed_w2, 1).squeeze(1) for _ in range(self.config.hop): sent_dot = torch.mm(q_state, torch.transpose(w1_state, 0, 1)) sent_att = F.softmax(sent_dot) a_dot = torch.mm(sent_att, w2_state) a_dot = self.H(a_dot) q_state = torch.add(a_dot, q_state) f_feat = torch.mm(q_state, torch.transpose(embed_c, 0, 1)) score = F.log_softmax(f_feat) return score
def train(epoch): for e_ in range(epoch): if (e_ + 1) % 10 == 0: adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, e_) cnt = 0 loss = Variable(torch.Tensor([0])) for i_q, i_w, i_e_p, i_a in zip(train_q, train_w, train_e_p, train_a): cnt += 1 i_q = i_q.unsqueeze(0) # add dimension probs = model.forward(i_q, i_w, i_e_p) i_a = Variable(i_a) curr_loss = loss_function(probs, i_a) loss = torch.add(loss, torch.div(curr_loss, config.batch_size)) # naive batch implemetation, the lr is divided by batch size if cnt % config.batch_size == 0: print "Training loss", loss.data.sum() loss.backward() optimizer.step() loss = Variable(torch.Tensor([0])) model.zero_grad() if cnt % config.valid_every == 0: print "Accuracy:",eval()
def _test_spadd_shape(self, shape_i, shape_v=None): shape = shape_i + (shape_v or []) x, _, _ = self._gen_sparse(len(shape_i), 10, shape) y = self.randn(*shape) r = random.random() res = torch.add(y, r, x) expected = y + r * self.safeToDense(x) self.assertEqual(res, expected) # Non contiguous dense tensor s = list(shape) s[0] = shape[-1] s[-1] = shape[0] y = self.randn(*s) y.transpose_(0, len(s) - 1) r = random.random() res = torch.add(y, r, x) expected = y + r * self.safeToDense(x) self.assertEqual(res, expected)
def _test_neg(self, cast): float_types = ['torch.DoubleTensor', 'torch.FloatTensor', 'torch.LongTensor'] int_types = ['torch.IntTensor', 'torch.ShortTensor', 'torch.ByteTensor', 'torch.CharTensor'] for t in float_types + int_types: if t in float_types: a = cast(torch.randn(100, 90).type(t)) else: a = cast(torch.Tensor(100, 90).type(t).random_()) zeros = cast(torch.Tensor().type(t)).resize_as_(a).zero_() res_add = torch.add(zeros, -1, a) res_neg = a.clone() res_neg.neg_() self.assertEqual(res_neg, res_add) # test out of place as well res_neg_out_place = a.clone().neg() self.assertEqual(res_neg_out_place, res_add) # test via __neg__ operator res_neg_op = -a.clone() self.assertEqual(res_neg_op, res_add)
def mix(w: T.FloatingPoint, x: T.FloatTensor, y: T.FloatTensor) -> None: """ Compute a weighted average of two matrices (x and y) and return the result. Multilinear interpolation. Note: Modifies x in place. Args: w: The mixing coefficient (float or tensor) between 0 and 1. x: A tensor. y: A tensor: Returns: tensor = w * x + (1-w) * y """ return torch.add(torch.mul(x, w), torch.mul(1-w, y))
def pdist(x: T.FloatTensor, y: T.FloatTensor) -> T.FloatTensor: """ Compute the pairwise distance matrix between the rows of x and y. Args: x (tensor (num_samples_1, num_units)) y (tensor (num_samples_2, num_units)) Returns: tensor (num_samples_1, num_samples_2) """ inner = dot(x, transpose(y)) x_mag = norm(x, axis=1) ** 2 y_mag = norm(y, axis=1) ** 2 squared = add(unsqueeze(y_mag, axis=0), add(unsqueeze(x_mag, axis=1), -2*inner)) return torch.sqrt(clip(squared, a_min=0))
def forward(self, x): # don't need resnet_feature_2 as it is too large _, resnet_feature_3, resnet_feature_4, resnet_feature_5 = self.resnet(x) pyramid_feature_6 = self.pyramid_transformation_6(resnet_feature_5) pyramid_feature_7 = self.pyramid_transformation_7(F.relu(pyramid_feature_6)) pyramid_feature_5 = self.pyramid_transformation_5(resnet_feature_5) pyramid_feature_4 = self.pyramid_transformation_4(resnet_feature_4) upsampled_feature_5 = self._upsample(pyramid_feature_5, pyramid_feature_4) pyramid_feature_4 = self.upsample_transform_1( torch.add(upsampled_feature_5, pyramid_feature_4) ) pyramid_feature_3 = self.pyramid_transformation_3(resnet_feature_3) upsampled_feature_4 = self._upsample(pyramid_feature_4, pyramid_feature_3) pyramid_feature_3 = self.upsample_transform_2( torch.add(upsampled_feature_4, pyramid_feature_3) ) return (pyramid_feature_3, pyramid_feature_4, pyramid_feature_5, pyramid_feature_6, pyramid_feature_7)
def updateOutput(self, input, target): # - log(input) * target - log(1 - input) * (1 - target) if input.nelement() != target.nelement(): raise RuntimeError("input and target size mismatch") self.buffer = self.buffer or input.new() buffer = self.buffer weights = self.weights buffer.resize_as_(input) if weights is not None and target.dim() != 1: weights = self.weights.view(1, target.size(1)).expand_as(target) # log(input) * target torch.add(buffer, input, self.eps).log_() if weights is not None: buffer.mul_(weights) output = torch.dot(target, buffer) # log(1 - input) * (1 - target) torch.mul(buffer, input, -1).add_(1+self.eps).log_() if weights is not None: buffer.mul_(weights) output = output + torch.sum(buffer) output = output - torch.dot(target, buffer) if self.sizeAverage: output = output / input.nelement() self.output = - output return self.output
def updateGradInput(self, input, target): # - (target - input) / ( input (1 - input) ) # The gradient is slightly incorrect: # It should have be divided by (input + self.eps) (1 - input + self.eps) # but it is divided by input (1 - input + self.eps) + self.eps # This modification requires less memory to be computed. if input.nelement() != target.nelement(): raise RuntimeError("input and target size mismatch") self.buffer = self.buffer or input.new() buffer = self.buffer weights = self.weights gradInput = self.gradInput if weights is not None and target.dim() != 1: weights = self.weights.view(1, target.size(1)).expand_as(target) buffer.resize_as_(input) # - x ( 1 + self.eps -x ) + self.eps torch.add(buffer, input, -1).add_(-self.eps).mul_(input).add_(-self.eps) gradInput.resize_as_(input) # y - x torch.add(gradInput, target, -1, input) # - (y - x) / ( x ( 1 + self.eps -x ) + self.eps ) gradInput.div_(buffer) if weights is not None: gradInput.mul_(weights) if self.sizeAverage: gradInput.div_(target.nelement()) return gradInput
def updateOutput(self, input): self.output.resize_(1) assert input[0].dim() == 2 self.diff = self.diff or input[0].new() torch.add(self.diff, input[0], -1, input[1]).abs_() self.output.resize_(input[0].size(0)) self.output.zero_() self.output.add_(self.diff.pow_(self.norm).sum(1)) self.output.pow_(1./self.norm) return self.output
def test_clamp(self): m1 = torch.rand(100).mul(5).add(-2.5) # uniform in [-2.5, 2.5] # just in case we're extremely lucky. min_val = -1 max_val = 1 m1[1] = min_val m1[2] = max_val res1 = m1.clone() res1.clamp_(min_val, max_val) res2 = m1.clone() for i in iter_indices(res2): res2[i] = max(min_val, min(max_val, res2[i])) self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
def test_xcorr3_xcorr2_eq(self): def reference(x, k, o3, o32): for i in range(o3.size(1)): for j in range(k.size(1)): o32[i].add(torch.xcorr2(x[i+j-1], k[j])) self._test_conv_corr_eq(lambda x, k: torch.xcorr3(x, k), reference)
def test_xcorr3_xcorr2_eq(self): def reference(x, k, o3, o32): for i in range(x.size(1)): for j in range(k.size(1)): o32[i].add(torch.xcorr2(x[i], k[k.size(1) - j + 1], 'F')) self._test_conv_corr_eq(lambda x, k: torch.xcorr3(x, k, 'F'), reference)
def test_conv3_conv2_eq(self): def reference(x, k, o3, o32): for i in range(o3.size(1)): for j in range(k.size(1)): o32[i].add(torch.conv2(x[i+j-1], k[k.size(1)-j+1])) self._test_conv_corr_eq(lambda x, k: torch.conv3(x, k), reference)
def test_pstrf(self): def checkPsdCholesky(a, uplo, inplace): if inplace: u = torch.Tensor(a.size()) piv = torch.IntTensor(a.size(0)) args = [u, piv, a] else: args = [a] if uplo is not None: args += [uplo] u, piv = torch.pstrf(*args) if uplo is False: a_reconstructed = torch.mm(u, u.t()) else: a_reconstructed = torch.mm(u.t(), u) piv = piv.long() a_permuted = a.index_select(0, piv).index_select(1, piv) self.assertEqual(a_permuted, a_reconstructed, 1e-14) dimensions = ((5, 1), (5, 3), (5, 5), (10, 10)) for dim in dimensions: m = torch.Tensor(*dim).uniform_() a = torch.mm(m, m.t()) # add a small number to the diagonal to make the matrix numerically positive semidefinite for i in range(m.size(0)): a[i][i] = a[i][i] + 1e-7 for inplace in (True, False): for uplo in (None, True, False): checkPsdCholesky(a, uplo, inplace)
def forward(self, x): x0 = self.conv.forward(x.float()) x = self.pool_mil(x0) x = x.squeeze(2).squeeze(2) x1 = torch.add(torch.mul(x0.view(x.size(0), 1000, -1), -1), 1) cumprod = torch.cumprod(x1, 2) out = torch.max(x, torch.add(torch.mul(cumprod[:, :, -1], -1), 1)) #out = F.softmax(out) return out
def forward(self, img, att_size=14): x0 = self.conv(img) x = self.pool_mil(x0) x = x.squeeze(2).squeeze(2) x = self.l1(x) x1 = torch.add(torch.mul(x.view(x.size(0), 1000, -1), -1), 1) cumprod = torch.cumprod(x1, 2) out = torch.max(x, torch.add(torch.mul(cumprod[:, :, -1], -1), 1)) return out
def forward(self, input_enc, input_attW_enc, input_dec, lengths_enc, hidden_att=None, hidden_dec1=None, hidden_dec2=None): N = input_dec.size(0) out_att = self.prenet(input_dec).unsqueeze(1) # N x O_dec -> N x 1 x H out_att, hidden_att = self.gru_att(out_att, hidden_att) # N x 1 x 2H in_attW_dec = self.linear_dec(out_att.squeeze(1)).unsqueeze(1).expand_as(input_enc) in_attW_dec = rnn.pack_padded_sequence(in_attW_dec, lengths_enc, True) # N*T_enc x 2H self.attn_weights = torch.add(input_attW_enc, in_attW_dec.data).tanh() # N x T_enc x 2H self.attn_weights = self.attn(self.attn_weights).exp() # N*T_enc x 1 self.attn_weights = rnn.PackedSequence(self.attn_weights, in_attW_dec.batch_sizes) self.attn_weights, _ = rnn.pad_packed_sequence(self.attn_weights, True) self.attn_weights = F.normalize(self.attn_weights, 1, 1) # N x T_enc x 1 attn_applied = torch.bmm(self.attn_weights.transpose(1,2), input_enc) # N x 1 x 2H out_dec = torch.cat((attn_applied, out_att), 2) # N x 1 x 4H residual = self.short_cut(out_dec.squeeze(1)).unsqueeze(1) # N x 1 x 2H out_dec, hidden_dec1 = self.gru_dec1(out_dec, hidden_dec1) residual = residual + out_dec out_dec, hidden_dec2 = self.gru_dec2(residual, hidden_dec2) residual = residual + out_dec output = self.out(residual.squeeze(1)).view(N, self.r_factor, -1) return output, hidden_att, hidden_dec1, hidden_dec2
def forward(self, x): residual = x out = self.relu(self.input(x)) out = self.residual_layer(out) out = self.output(out) out = torch.add(out,residual) return out
def forward(self, x): # print("source x {} ".format(x.size())) x = self.embed(x) # (N,W,D) x = self.dropout(x) x = x.unsqueeze(1) # (N,Ci,W,D) if self.args.batch_normalizations is True: x = [self.convs1_bn(F.tanh(conv(x))).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs1] #[(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks) x = [F.max_pool1d(i, i.size(2)).squeeze(2) for i in x] #[(N,Co), ...]*len(Ks) else: # x = [self.dropout(F.relu(conv(x)).squeeze(3)) for conv in self.convs1] #[(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks) x = [F.relu(conv(x)).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs1] #[(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks) # x = [F.tanh(conv(x)).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs1] #[(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks) # x = [conv(x).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs1] #[(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks) x = [F.max_pool1d(i, i.size(2)).squeeze(2) for i in x] #[(N,Co), ...]*len(Ks) x = torch.cat(x, 1) # x = self.dropout(x) # (N,len(Ks)*Co) if self.args.batch_normalizations is True: x = self.fc1_bn(self.fc1(x)) fc = self.fc2_bn(self.fc2(F.tanh(x))) else: fc = self.fc1(x) # fc = self.fc2(F.relu(x)) # print("xxx {} ".format(x.size())) gate_layer = F.sigmoid(self.gate_layer(x)) # calculate highway layer values # print(" fc_size {} gate_layer_size {}".format(fc.size(), gate_layer.size())) gate_fc_layer = torch.mul(fc, gate_layer) # print("gate_layer {} ".format(gate_layer)) # print("1 - gate_layer size {} ".format((1 - gate_layer).size())) # if write like follow ,can run,but not equal the HighWay NetWorks formula # gate_input = torch.mul((1 - gate_layer), fc) gate_input = torch.mul((1 - gate_layer), x) highway_output = torch.add(gate_fc_layer, gate_input) logit = self.logit_layer(highway_output) return logit
def forward(self, x): x = self.embed(x) x = self.dropout(x) # x = x.view(len(x), x.size(1), -1) # x = embed.view(len(x), embed.size(1), -1) bilstm_out, self.hidden = self.bilstm(x, self.hidden) bilstm_out = torch.transpose(bilstm_out, 0, 1) bilstm_out = torch.transpose(bilstm_out, 1, 2) # bilstm_out = F.max_pool1d(bilstm_out, bilstm_out.size(2)).squeeze(2) bilstm_out = F.max_pool1d(bilstm_out, bilstm_out.size(2)) bilstm_out = bilstm_out.squeeze(2) hidden2lable = self.hidden2label1(F.tanh(bilstm_out)) gate_layer = F.sigmoid(self.gate_layer(bilstm_out)) # calculate highway layer values gate_hidden_layer = torch.mul(hidden2lable, gate_layer) # if write like follow ,can run,but not equal the HighWay NetWorks formula # gate_input = torch.mul((1 - gate_layer), hidden2lable) gate_input = torch.mul((1 - gate_layer), bilstm_out) highway_output = torch.add(gate_hidden_layer, gate_input) logit = self.logit_layer(highway_output) return logit
def forward(self, x): # do we want a PRELU here as well? out = self.bn1(self.conv1(x)) # split input in to 16 channels x16 = torch.cat((x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x), 0) out = self.relu1(torch.add(out, x16)) return out
def forward(self, x): down = self.relu1(self.bn1(self.down_conv(x))) out = self.do1(down) out = self.ops(out) out = self.relu2(torch.add(out, down)) return out
def forward(self, x, skipx): out = self.do1(x) skipxdo = self.do2(skipx) out = self.relu1(self.bn1(self.up_conv(out))) xcat = torch.cat((out, skipxdo), 1) out = self.ops(xcat) out = self.relu2(torch.add(out, xcat)) return out
def forward(self, x): if not self.equalInOut: x = self.relu1(self.bn1(x)) else: out = self.relu1(self.bn1(x)) out = self.conv1(self.equalInOut and out or x) if self.droprate > 0: out = F.dropout(out, p=self.droprate, training=self.training) out = self.conv2(self.relu2(self.bn2(out))) return torch.add((not self.equalInOut) and self.convShortcut(x) or x, out)
def exp_mask(logits, mask): return torch.add(logits.data, (torch.ones(mask.size()) - mask.type(dtype)) * VERY_NEGATIVE_NUMBER)
def forward(self, x): trans = self.nonlin(self.lin(x)) gate = self.gate_nonlin(self.gate_lin(x)) return torch.add(torch.mul(gate, trans), torch.mul((1 - gate), x))
def updateOutput(self, input, target): # - log(input) * target - log(1 - input) * (1 - target) if input.nelement() != target.nelement(): raise RuntimeError("input and target size mismatch") if self.buffer is None: self.buffer = input.new() buffer = self.buffer weights = self.weights buffer.resize_as_(input) if weights is not None and target.dim() != 1: weights = self.weights.view(1, target.size(1)).expand_as(target) # log(input) * target torch.add(input, self.eps, out=buffer).log_() if weights is not None: buffer.mul_(weights) output = torch.dot(target, buffer) # log(1 - input) * (1 - target) torch.mul(input, -1, out=buffer).add_(1 + self.eps).log_() if weights is not None: buffer.mul_(weights) output = output + torch.sum(buffer) output = output - torch.dot(target, buffer) if self.sizeAverage: output = output / input.nelement() self.output = - output return self.output
def updateGradInput(self, input, target): # - (target - input) / ( input (1 - input) ) # The gradient is slightly incorrect: # It should have be divided by (input + self.eps) (1 - input + self.eps) # but it is divided by input (1 - input + self.eps) + self.eps # This modification requires less memory to be computed. if input.nelement() != target.nelement(): raise RuntimeError("input and target size mismatch") if self.buffer is None: self.buffer = input.new() buffer = self.buffer weights = self.weights gradInput = self.gradInput if weights is not None and target.dim() != 1: weights = self.weights.view(1, target.size(1)).expand_as(target) buffer.resize_as_(input) # - x ( 1 + self.eps -x ) + self.eps torch.add(input, -1, out=buffer).add_(-self.eps).mul_(input).add_(-self.eps) gradInput.resize_as_(input) # y - x torch.add(target, -1, input, out=gradInput) # - (y - x) / ( x ( 1 + self.eps -x ) + self.eps ) gradInput.div_(buffer) if weights is not None: gradInput.mul_(weights) if self.sizeAverage: gradInput.div_(target.nelement()) return gradInput
def updateOutput(self, input): self.output.resize_(1) assert input[0].dim() == 2 if self.diff is None: self.diff = input[0].new() torch.add(input[0], -1, input[1], out=self.diff).abs_() self.output.resize_(input[0].size(0)) self.output.zero_() self.output.add_(self.diff.pow_(self.norm).sum(1)) self.output.pow_(1. / self.norm) return self.output
def test_neg(self): a = torch.randn(100, 90) zeros = torch.Tensor().resize_as_(a).zero_() res_add = torch.add(zeros, -1, a) res_neg = a.clone() res_neg.neg_() self.assertEqual(res_neg, res_add)
def test_clamp(self): m1 = torch.rand(100).mul(5).add(-2.5) # uniform in [-2.5, 2.5] # just in case we're extremely lucky. min_val = -1 max_val = 1 m1[1] = min_val m1[2] = max_val res1 = m1.clone() res1.clamp_(min_val, max_val) res2 = m1.clone() for i in iter_indices(res2): res2[i] = max(min_val, min(max_val, res2[i])) self.assertEqual(res1, res2) res1 = torch.clamp(m1, min=min_val) res2 = m1.clone() for i in iter_indices(res2): res2[i] = max(min_val, res2[i]) self.assertEqual(res1, res2) res1 = torch.clamp(m1, max=max_val) res2 = m1.clone() for i in iter_indices(res2): res2[i] = min(max_val, res2[i]) self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
def assertIsOrdered(self, order, x, mxx, ixx, task): SIZE = 4 if order == 'descending': def check_order(a, b): return a >= b elif order == 'ascending': def check_order(a, b): return a <= b else: error('unknown order "{}", must be "ascending" or "descending"'.format(order)) are_ordered = True for j, k in product(range(SIZE), range(1, SIZE)): self.assertTrue(check_order(mxx[j][k - 1], mxx[j][k]), 'torch.sort ({}) values unordered for {}'.format(order, task)) seen = set() indicesCorrect = True size = x.size(x.dim() - 1) for k in range(size): seen.clear() for j in range(size): self.assertEqual(x[k][ixx[k][j]], mxx[k][j], 'torch.sort ({}) indices wrong for {}'.format(order, task)) seen.add(ixx[k][j]) self.assertEqual(len(seen), size)
def test_xcorr3_xcorr2_eq(self): def reference(x, k, o3, o32): for i in range(o3.size(1)): for j in range(k.size(1)): o32[i].add(torch.xcorr2(x[i + j - 1], k[j])) self._test_conv_corr_eq(lambda x, k: torch.xcorr3(x, k), reference)
def test_xcorr3_xcorr2_eq_full(self): def reference(x, k, o3, o32): for i in range(x.size(1)): for j in range(k.size(1)): o32[i].add(torch.xcorr2(x[i], k[k.size(1) - j + 1], 'F')) self._test_conv_corr_eq(lambda x, k: torch.xcorr3(x, k, 'F'), reference)