def error_response(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): try: result = func(self, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as ex: if not isinstance(ex, (web.HTTPError, ExecutionError, GraphQLError)): tb = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())) app_log.error('Error: {0} {1}'.format(ex, tb)) self.set_status(error_status(ex)) error_json = json_encode({'errors': error_format(ex)}) app_log.debug('error_json: %s', error_json) self.write(error_json) else: return result return wrapper
def _execute_command(self, command): if len(self.job_servers) == 0: app_log.error('there is no job server') return server = self.job_servers[self.job_server_index] self.job_server_index = (self.job_server_index + 1) % len(self.job_servers) context = zmq.Context.instance() zmq_sock = context.socket(zmq.DEALER) zmq_sock.linger = 1000 zmq_sock.identity = bytes(str(os.getpid()), 'ascii') ip = server['ip'] if ip == '*': ip = 'localhost' url = 'tcp://{0}:{1}'.format(ip, server['zmq_port']) app_log.info('connect %s', url) zmq_sock.connect(url) command = json_encode({'command': command}) app_log.info('command: %s', command) zmq_sock.send_multipart([b'0', bytes(command, 'ascii')]) stream = ZMQStream(zmq_sock) stream.on_recv(self.response_handler)
def test_positions_save(self): monitor_position1 = Monitor(label='position1', url=SERVICE_URL, monitor_type='TextMonitor', data={'expected': 'LIVE'}) monitor_position1.save() monitor_position0 = Monitor(label='position0', url=SERVICE_URL, monitor_type='TextMonitor', data={'expected': 'LIVE'}) monitor_position0.save() body = json_encode({ 'monitors': ['position0', 'position1'] }) self.fetch('/api/monitors/positions', method='POST', body=body) monitor = Monitor() monitor.load('position1') self.assertEqual(monitor.get_position(), 1) monitor = Monitor() monitor.load('position0') self.assertEqual(monitor.get_position(), 0)
def get(self): """ Handle the READ-ONLY tasks operations. Supported actions: - get: Get the current status of tasks. """ action = self.get_argument("action", "get") if action == "get": response = {"status": self.status} success = True else: # ERROR: bad action success = False reason = "Bad request action: {0}".format(action) # if success: logger.debug("Response: {0}".format(response)) self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8") self.write(json_encode(response)) else: logger.warning("Request failed: {0}".format(reason)) self.send_error(400, reason=reason)
def _push_configs(self): """ Get the current configurations as well as the validation status, then push to the client to updates the configurations form. """ data = self.configs.dump(flatten=True) data["userconfig"] = self.configs.userconfig __, errors = self.configs.check_all(raise_exception=False) msg = {"success": True, "type": "configs", "action": "push", "data": data, "errors": errors} message = json_encode(msg) logger.debug("Message of current configurations: {0}".format(message)) self.write_message(message) logger.info("WebSocket: Pushed current configurations data " + "with validation errors to the client")
def _encode_payload(schema_cache, topic, batch): value_schema = avro.schema.make_avsc_object(schema_cache[topic]['value'], avro.schema.Names()) value_serializer = AvroJsonSerializer(value_schema) if schema_cache[topic].get('key') is not None: key_schema = avro.schema.make_avsc_object(schema_cache[topic]['key'], avro.schema.Names()) key_serializer = AvroJsonSerializer(key_schema) body = {'records': [{'value': value_serializer.to_ordered_dict(message.value), 'key': key_serializer.to_ordered_dict(message.key) if message.key is not None else None, 'partition': message.partition} for message in batch]} # The REST proxy's API requires us to double-encode the schemas. # Don't ask why, because I have no idea. if schema_cache[topic].get('value-id') is None: body['value_schema'] = json_encode(schema_cache[topic]['value']) else: body['value_schema_id'] = schema_cache[topic]['value-id'] if schema_cache[topic].get('key') is not None: if schema_cache[topic].get('key-id') is None: body['key_schema'] = json_encode(schema_cache[topic]['key']) else: body['key_schema_id'] = schema_cache[topic]['key-id'] return json_encode(body)
def generate(self, **kwargs): """Generate this template with the given arguments.""" namespace = { "escape": escape.xhtml_escape, "xhtml_escape": escape.xhtml_escape, "url_escape": escape.url_escape, "json_encode": escape.json_encode, "squeeze": escape.squeeze, "linkify": escape.linkify, "datetime": datetime, "_utf8": escape.utf8, # for internal use "_string_types": (unicode, bytes_type), } namespace.update(self.namespace) namespace.update(kwargs) exec self.compiled in namespace execute = namespace["_execute"] try: return execute() except Exception: formatted_code = _format_code(self.code).rstrip() logging.error("%s code:\n%s", self.name, formatted_code) raise
def write(self, chunk): """Writes the given chunk to the output buffer. To write the output to the network, use the flush() method below. If the given chunk is a dictionary, we write it as JSON and set the Content-Type of the response to be application/json. (if you want to send JSON as a different Content-Type, call set_header *after* calling write()). Note that lists are not converted to JSON because of a potential cross-site security vulnerability. All JSON output should be wrapped in a dictionary. More details at http://haacked.com/archive/2008/11/20/anatomy-of-a-subtle-json-vulnerability.aspx """ if self._finished: raise RuntimeError("Cannot write() after finish(). May be caused " "by using async operations without the " "@asynchronous decorator.") if isinstance(chunk, dict): chunk = escape.json_encode(chunk) self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8") chunk = utf8(chunk) self._write_buffer.append(chunk)
def write(self, chunk): """Writes the given chunk to the output buffer. To write the output to the network, use the flush() method below. If the given chunk is a dictionary, we write it as JSON and set the Content-Type of the response to be ``application/json``. (if you want to send JSON as a different ``Content-Type``, call set_header *after* calling write()). Note that lists are not converted to JSON because of a potential cross-site security vulnerability. All JSON output should be wrapped in a dictionary. More details at http://haacked.com/archive/2008/11/20/anatomy-of-a-subtle-json-vulnerability.aspx """ if self._finished: raise RuntimeError("Cannot write() after finish(). May be caused " "by using async operations without the " "@asynchronous decorator.") if isinstance(chunk, dict): chunk = escape.json_encode(chunk) self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8") chunk = utf8(chunk) self._write_buffer.append(chunk)
def test_on_message_when_nonexistent_event(self): ws_connection = yield self.ws_connect('/ws/test') # Test when the event is not binded self.assertDictEqual(self.ws.events, {'hello': ANY}) ws_connection.write_message(json_encode({ 'event': 'bye', 'data': {'message': 'Bye !'} })) # Throw TimeoutError and/or StopIteration, because WebSocketHandler.on_message() does not send # any message when the client send a nonexistent event ('bye' in our case). # Also, I don't know how catch them, because self.assertRaises() and try/catch don't work. # So I use @unittest.expectedFailure here, but it's a bit dirty imo. yield ws_connection.read_message()
def test_invalid_signature(self): body = { "registration_id": "1234567890" } timestamp = int(time.time()) signature = sign_request(FAUCET_PRIVATE_KEY, "POST", "/", timestamp, json_encode(body).encode('utf-8')) resp = await self.fetch_signed("/", method="POST", body=body, address=TEST_ADDRESS, timestamp=timestamp, signature=signature) self.assertEqual(resp.code, 400, resp.body) # make sure query string also fails resp = await self.fetch("/?{}".format( generate_query_args(signature=signature, address=TEST_ADDRESS, timestamp=timestamp))) self.assertEqual(resp.code, 400, resp.body)
def create_from_json_oembed(link=None, oembed_doc=None, thumbnail_file_path=None): """ Ideally this is a link right now. Specificallly a video link. JSON object, thumbnail_path, and the actual url comes in, a sha1 should be created from the url and the file_key takes that sha1 value. Then call get_from_file with the type=link value set along with the thumbnail path in place. The resulting sourcefile should then have the data field set with the oembed doc. A source file should be created and returned. """ sha1_key = Sourcefile.get_sha1_file_key(file_path=None, file_data=link) sf = Sourcefile.get_from_file(thumbnail_file_path, sha1_key, type='link') if sf: sf.data = json_encode(oembed_doc) sf.save() return sf
def post(self, user_name): is_json = self.get_argument('json', None) user = self.get_current_user_object() shake_owner = User.get('name="%s"' % (user_name)) if not shake_owner: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404) if not user.subscribe_to_user(shake_owner): if is_json: return self.write(json_encode({'error':'error'})) else: return self.redirect('/user/%s' % (user_name)) else: if is_json: return self.write(json_encode({'subscription_status': True})) else: return self.redirect('/user/%s' % (user_name))
def post(self, user_name): is_json = self.get_argument('json', None) user = self.get_current_user_object() shake_owner = User.get('name="%s"' % (user_name)) if not shake_owner: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404) if not user.unsubscribe_from_user(shake_owner): if is_json: return self.write(json_encode({'error':'error'})) else: return self.redirect('/user/%s' % (user_name)) else: if is_json: return self.write(json_encode({'subscription_status': False})) else: return self.redirect('/user/%s' % (user_name))
def post(self, share_key, comment_id): shared_file = models.Sharedfile.get_by_share_key(share_key) user = self.get_current_user_object() comment = Comment.get("id=%s", comment_id) if not shared_file or not comment: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404) existing_comment_like = models.CommentLike.get("comment_id = %s and user_id = %s", comment.id, user.id) if existing_comment_like: existing_comment_like.deleted = 1 existing_comment_like.save() json = self.get_argument("json", False) if json: self.set_header("Cache-Control","no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); self.set_header("Pragma","no-cache"); self.set_header("Expires", 0); count = models.CommentLike.where_count("comment_id = %s", comment.id) return self.write(json_encode({'response':'ok', 'count': count, 'like' : True })) else: return self.redirect("/p/%s?salty" % (share_key,))
def get(self, shake_name): shake = Shake.get("name=%s and deleted=0", shake_name) if not shake: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404) value = { 'title' : escape.xhtml_escape(shake.title) if shake.title else '', 'title_raw' : shake.title if shake.title else '', 'description' : escape.xhtml_escape(shake.description) if shake.description else '', 'description_raw' : shake.description if shake.description else '' } # prevents IE from caching ajax requests. self.set_header("Cache-Control","no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); self.set_header("Pragma","no-cache"); self.set_header("Expires", 0); return self.write(escape.json_encode(value))
def post(self, shake_id): is_json = self.get_argument('json', None) user = self.get_current_user_object() shake = Shake.get('id=%s and deleted=0', shake_id) if not shake: if is_json: return self.write(json_encode({'error':'Shake not found.'})) else: return self.redirect(shake.path()) if not user.subscribe(shake): if is_json: return self.write(json_encode({'error':'error'})) else: return self.redirect(shake.path()) else: if is_json: return self.write(json_encode({'subscription_status': True})) else: return self.redirect(shake.path())
def post(self, shake_id): is_json = self.get_argument('json', None) user = self.get_current_user_object() shake = Shake.get('id=%s and deleted=0', shake_id) if not shake: if is_json: return self.write({'error':'Shake not found.'}) else: return self.redirect(shake.path()) if not user.unsubscribe(shake): if is_json: return self.write({'error':'error'}) else: return self.redirect(shake.path()) else: if is_json: return self.write(json_encode({'subscription_status': False})) else: return self.redirect(shake.path())
def write_json(self, code, message='', data=None): if self._mode != self.MODE_JSON: self.write('should be json request.') self.finish() return if not isinstance(code, int): raise RuntimeError('`code` must be a integer.') if not isinstance(message, str): raise RuntimeError('`msg` must be a string.') if data is None: data = list() _ret = {'code': code, 'message': message, 'data': data} self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json") self.write(json_encode(_ret)) self.finish()
def update_user_info(self,mdn,params): sql = '''select id from user where mdn = '%s' '''%mdn user_id = self.mysql_read.query(sql)[0]['id'] sql = '''select id,info_json from user_info where user_id = %s ''' %user_id result = self.mysql_read.query(sql) if result: info_json = json_decode(result[0]['info_json']) info_json.update(params) sql = '''update user_info set info_json='%s',update_time=now() where id=%s ''' %(json_encode(info_json),result[0]['id']) self.mysql_write.execute(sql) else: sql = '''insert into user_info (user_id,info_json,update_time) values(%s,'%s',now()) ''' %(user_id,json_encode(params)) self.mysql_write.execute(sql)
def test_invalid_signature_in_pn_registration(self): body = { "registration_id": TEST_APN_ID, } timestamp = int(time.time()) signature = sign_request(FAUCET_PRIVATE_KEY, "POST", "/v1/apn/register", timestamp, json_encode(body).encode('utf-8')) resp = await self.fetch_signed("/apn/register", method="POST", body=body, signature=signature, address=TEST_ADDRESS, timestamp=timestamp) self.assertEqual(resp.code, 400, resp.body) async with self.pool.acquire() as con: rows1 = await con.fetch("SELECT * FROM notification_registrations WHERE toshi_id = $1", TEST_ADDRESS) rows2 = await con.fetch("SELECT * FROM notification_registrations WHERE toshi_id = $1", FAUCET_ADDRESS) self.assertEqual(len(rows1), 0) self.assertEqual(len(rows2), 0)
def test_invalid_signature_in_deregistration(self): async with self.pool.acquire() as con: await con.fetchrow("INSERT INTO notification_registrations VALUES ($2, 'apn', $1, $2)", TEST_APN_ID, TEST_ADDRESS) body = { "registration_id": TEST_APN_ID } timestamp = int(time.time()) signature = sign_request(FAUCET_PRIVATE_KEY, "POST", "/v1/apn/deregister", timestamp, json_encode(body).encode('utf-8')) resp = await self.fetch_signed("/apn/deregister", method="POST", body=body, timestamp=timestamp, signature=signature, address=TEST_ADDRESS) self.assertEqual(resp.code, 400, resp.body) async with self.pool.acquire() as con: rows = await con.fetch("SELECT * FROM notification_registrations WHERE toshi_id = $1", TEST_ADDRESS) self.assertEqual(len(rows), 1)
def on_stdin(self, fd, events): data = fd.read() lines = data.splitlines(True) # TODO: Use the value of '--input-encoding' here. decoded_data = data.decode('utf8', errors='replace') lines = decoded_data.splitlines(True) if lines: if not lines[-1].endswith('\n'): self.last_line.append(lines[-1]) lines = lines[:-1] else: if self.last_line: lines[0] = ''.join(self.last_line) + lines[0] self.last_line = [] self.broadcast(self.clients, escape.json_encode(lines)) self.stdout_buffer.write(data) self.stdout_buffer.flush() # TODO: Empty string and None mean different things with os.O_NONBLOCK. if not data: log.debug('stdin closed') self.stdin_closed = True self.disable_stdin_handler()
def test_kernel_env(self): """Kernel should start with environment vars defined in the request.""" self.app.personality.env_whitelist = ['TEST_VAR'] kernel_body = json.dumps({ 'name': 'python', 'env': { 'KERNEL_FOO': 'kernel-foo-value', 'NOT_KERNEL': 'ignored', 'KERNEL_GATEWAY': 'overridden', 'TEST_VAR': 'allowed' } }) ws = yield self.spawn_kernel(kernel_body) req = self.execute_request('import os; print(os.getenv("KERNEL_FOO"), os.getenv("NOT_KERNEL"), os.getenv("KERNEL_GATEWAY"), os.getenv("TEST_VAR"))') ws.write_message(json_encode(req)) content = yield self.await_stream(ws) self.assertEqual(content['name'], 'stdout') self.assertIn('kernel-foo-value', content['text']) self.assertNotIn('ignored', content['text']) self.assertNotIn('overridden', content['text']) self.assertIn('allowed', content['text']) ws.close()
def test_seed_language_support(self): """Kernel should have variables preseeded from notebook.""" ws = yield self.spawn_kernel() if sys.version_info.major == 2: code = 'print this.s' else: code = 'print(this.s)' # Print the encoded "zen of python" string, the kernel should have # it imported req = self.execute_request(code) ws.write_message(json_encode(req)) content = yield self.await_stream(ws) self.assertEqual(content['name'], 'stdout') self.assertIn('Gur Mra bs Clguba', content['text']) ws.close()
def handle_graqhql(self): result = self.execute_graphql() app_log.debug('GraphQL result data: %s errors: %s invalid %s', result.data, result.errors, result.invalid) if result and result.invalid: ex = ExecutionError(errors=result.errors) app_log.warn('GraphQL Error: %s', ex) raise ex response = {'data': result.data} self.write(json_encode(response))
def on_subscribe(self, subid, data): query = data.get('query') op_name = self._get_op_name(query) app_log.info('subscrption start: subid=%s query=%s op_name=%s', subid, query, op_name) if op_name in self.subscriptions: del self.subscriptions[op_name] self.subscriptions[op_name] = subid app_log.debug('subscriptions: %s', self.subscriptions) self.write_message(json_encode({ 'type': 'subscription_success', 'id': subid }))
def response_handler(self, msg): ident, resp_bytes = msg resp = json_decode(to_unicode(resp_bytes)) app_log.debug('resp: %s', resp) subid = self.subscriptions.get('commandExecute') if subid is not None: self.write_message(json_encode({ 'type': 'subscription_data', 'id': subid, 'payload': { 'data': resp } }))
def generate(self, **kwargs): """Generate this template with the given arguments.""" namespace = { "escape": escape.xhtml_escape, "xhtml_escape": escape.xhtml_escape, "url_escape": escape.url_escape, "json_encode": escape.json_encode, "squeeze": escape.squeeze, "linkify": escape.linkify, "datetime": datetime, "_tt_utf8": escape.utf8, # for internal use "_tt_string_types": (unicode_type, bytes), # __name__ and __loader__ allow the traceback mechanism to find # the generated source code. "__name__": self.name.replace('.', '_'), "__loader__": ObjectDict(get_source=lambda name: self.code), } namespace.update(self.namespace) namespace.update(kwargs) exec_in(self.compiled, namespace) execute = namespace["_tt_execute"] # Clear the traceback module's cache of source data now that # we've generated a new template (mainly for this module's # unittests, where different tests reuse the same name). linecache.clearcache() return execute()
def finish(self): response_body = utf8(json_encode(self.chunk_lengths)) self.connection.write_headers( ResponseStartLine('HTTP/1.1', 200, 'OK'), HTTPHeaders({'Content-Length': str(len(response_body))})) self.connection.write(response_body) self.connection.finish()
def test_json_encode(self): # json deals with strings, not bytes. On python 2 byte strings will # convert automatically if they are utf8; on python 3 byte strings # are not allowed. self.assertEqual(json_decode(json_encode(u("\u00e9"))), u("\u00e9")) if bytes is str: self.assertEqual(json_decode(json_encode(utf8(u("\u00e9")))), u("\u00e9")) self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError, json_encode, b"\xe9")
def write(self, chunk): """Writes the given chunk to the output buffer. To write the output to the network, use the flush() method below. If the given chunk is a dictionary, we write it as JSON and set the Content-Type of the response to be ``application/json``. (if you want to send JSON as a different ``Content-Type``, call set_header *after* calling write()). Note that lists are not converted to JSON because of a potential cross-site security vulnerability. All JSON output should be wrapped in a dictionary. More details at http://haacked.com/archive/2009/06/25/json-hijacking.aspx/ and https://github.com/facebook/tornado/issues/1009 """ if self._finished: raise RuntimeError("Cannot write() after finish()") if not isinstance(chunk, (bytes, unicode_type, dict)): message = "write() only accepts bytes, unicode, and dict objects" if isinstance(chunk, list): message += ". Lists not accepted for security reasons; see http://www.tornadoweb.org/en/stable/web.html#tornado.web.RequestHandler.write" raise TypeError(message) if isinstance(chunk, dict): chunk = escape.json_encode(chunk) self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8") chunk = utf8(chunk) self._write_buffer.append(chunk)
def finish(self, chunk=None): if chunk is not None: chunk = json_encode(chunk) super(RESTfulHandler, self).finish(chunk)
def respond_json(method): @wraps(method) def call(self, *args, **kwargs): data = method(self, *args, **kwargs) if data: self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.write(json_encode(data)) return call
def respond_json_async(method): @wraps(method) async def call(self, *args, **kwargs): future = method(self, *args, **kwargs) if future: data = await future if data: self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.write(json_encode(data)) return call
def get(self): with self._connect() as connection: items = sources(connection) self.write(json_encode(items))
def get(self, url): with self._connect() as connection: try: item = source(connection, url) self.write(json_encode(item)) except IndexError: self.set_status(404, "Can't find '%s'" % url)
def reply(self, data): self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8') self.finish(json_encode(data))
def test_create(self): body = json_encode({ 'type': 'TextMonitor', 'label': 'server', 'url': SERVICE_URL, 'data': {'expected': 'LIVE'} }) response = self.fetch('/api/monitors', method='POST', body=body) self.assertEqual(response.code, 200) self.assertEqual(len(Monitor().all()), 1)