def generate(self, **kwargs): """Generate this template with the given arguments.""" namespace = { "escape": escape.xhtml_escape, "xhtml_escape": escape.xhtml_escape, "url_escape": escape.url_escape, "json_encode": escape.json_encode, "squeeze": escape.squeeze, "linkify": escape.linkify, "datetime": datetime, "_utf8": escape.utf8, # for internal use "_string_types": (unicode, bytes_type), } namespace.update(self.namespace) namespace.update(kwargs) exec self.compiled in namespace execute = namespace["_execute"] try: return execute() except Exception: formatted_code = _format_code(self.code).rstrip() logging.error("%s code:\n%s", self.name, formatted_code) raise
def make_oembed_url(url): url_parsed = None try: url_parsed = urlparse(url) except: return None if url_parsed.hostname.lower() not in ['youtube.com', 'www.youtube.com', 'vimeo.com', 'www.vimeo.com', 'youtu.be', 'flic.kr', 'flickr.com', 'www.flickr.com']: return None oembed_url = None if url_parsed.hostname.lower() in ['youtube.com', 'www.youtube.com', 'youtu.be']: to_url = 'https://%s%s?%s' % (url_parsed.hostname, url_parsed.path, url_parsed.query) oembed_url = 'https://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%s&maxwidth=550&format=json' % (url_escape(to_url)) elif url_parsed.hostname.lower() in ['vimeo.com', 'www.vimeo.com']: to_url = 'https://%s%s' % (url_parsed.hostname, url_parsed.path) oembed_url = 'https://vimeo.com/api/oembed.json?url=%s&maxwidth=550' % (url_escape(to_url)) elif url_parsed.hostname.lower() in ['flic.kr', 'flickr.com', 'www.flickr.com']: to_url = 'https://%s%s' % (url_parsed.hostname, url_parsed.path) oembed_url = 'https://www.flickr.com/services/oembed/?url=%s&maxwidth=550&format=json' % (url_escape(to_url)) return oembed_url
def test_creating_a_new_comment_does_not_create_a_duplicate_conversation(self): request = HTTPRequest(self.get_url('/p/%s/comment' % self.shf.share_key), 'POST', {'Cookie':'_xsrf=%s;sid=%s' % (self.xsrf, self.sid)}, "body=%s&_xsrf=%s" % (url_escape("a comment"), self.xsrf)) self.http_client.fetch(request, self.stop) response = self.wait() request = HTTPRequest(self.get_url('/p/%s/comment' % self.shf.share_key), 'POST', {'Cookie':'_xsrf=%s;sid=%s' % (self.xsrf, self.sid)}, "body=%s&_xsrf=%s" % (url_escape("a second comment"), self.xsrf)) self.http_client.fetch(request, self.stop) response = self.wait() conversations = Conversation.all() self.assertEqual(len(conversations), 2)
def test_another_user_commenting_will_update_the_files_activity_at(self): request = HTTPRequest(self.get_url('/p/%s/comment' % self.shf.share_key), 'POST', {'Cookie':'_xsrf=%s;sid=%s' % (self.xsrf, self.sid)}, "body=%s&_xsrf=%s" % (url_escape("a comment"), self.xsrf)) self.http_client.fetch(request, self.stop) response = self.wait() time.sleep(1) sf = Sharedfile.get('id=%s', self.shf.id) activity_one = sf.activity_at request = HTTPRequest(self.get_url('/p/%s/comment' % self.shf.share_key), 'POST', {'Cookie':'_xsrf=%s;sid=%s' % (self.xsrf, self.sid)}, "body=%s&_xsrf=%s" % (url_escape("a second comment"), self.xsrf)) self.http_client.fetch(request, self.stop) response = self.wait() sf = Sharedfile.get('id=%s', self.shf.id) activity_two = sf.activity_at self.assertTrue(activity_two > activity_one)
def generate(self, **kwargs): """Generate this template with the given arguments.""" namespace = { "escape": escape.xhtml_escape, "xhtml_escape": escape.xhtml_escape, "url_escape": escape.url_escape, "json_encode": escape.json_encode, "squeeze": escape.squeeze, "linkify": escape.linkify, "datetime": datetime, "_tt_utf8": escape.utf8, # for internal use "_tt_string_types": (unicode_type, bytes), # __name__ and __loader__ allow the traceback mechanism to find # the generated source code. "__name__": self.name.replace('.', '_'), "__loader__": ObjectDict(get_source=lambda name: self.code), } namespace.update(self.namespace) namespace.update(kwargs) exec_in(self.compiled, namespace) execute = namespace["_tt_execute"] # Clear the traceback module's cache of source data now that # we've generated a new template (mainly for this module's # unittests, where different tests reuse the same name). linecache.clearcache() return execute()
def test_task_handler(self): response = self.fetch('/task?url=%s' % url_escape(self.get_url('/sequence'))) self.assertEqual(response.body, b"got response: 123")
def test_url_escape_unicode(self): tests = [ # byte strings are passed through as-is (u('\u00e9').encode('utf8'), '%C3%A9'), (u('\u00e9').encode('latin1'), '%E9'), # unicode strings become utf8 (u('\u00e9'), '%C3%A9'), ] for unescaped, escaped in tests: self.assertEqual(url_escape(unescaped), escaped)
def test_url_escape_quote_plus(self): unescaped = '+ #%' plus_escaped = '%2B+%23%25' escaped = '%2B%20%23%25' self.assertEqual(url_escape(unescaped), plus_escaped) self.assertEqual(url_escape(unescaped, plus=False), escaped) self.assertEqual(url_unescape(plus_escaped), unescaped) self.assertEqual(url_unescape(escaped, plus=False), unescaped) self.assertEqual(url_unescape(plus_escaped, encoding=None), utf8(unescaped)) self.assertEqual(url_unescape(escaped, encoding=None, plus=False), utf8(unescaped))
def reverse(self, *args): assert self._path is not None, \ "Cannot reverse url regex " + self.regex.pattern assert len(args) == self._group_count, "required number of arguments "\ "not found" if not len(args): return self._path converted_args = [] for a in args: if not isinstance(a, (unicode_type, bytes)): a = str(a) converted_args.append(escape.url_escape(utf8(a), plus=False)) return self._path % tuple(converted_args)
def register_volume(self, volume): # globally register volume global volumes volumes[volume.token] = volume # globally register kernel client for this volume in the Jupyter server cf = url_escape(find_connection_file()) http_client= HTTPClient() try: response = http_client.fetch(self.get_server_url() + '/register_token/' + volume.token.decode('utf8') + '/' + cf) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError("could not register token: " + str(e)) http_client.close()
def test_task_handler(self): response = self.fetch('/task?url=%s' % url_escape(self.get_url('/sequence'))) self.assertEqual(response.body, b("got response: 123"))
def test_url_escape(self): tests = [ # byte strings are passed through as-is (u'\u00e9'.encode('utf8'), '%C3%A9'), (u'\u00e9'.encode('latin1'), '%E9'), # unicode strings become utf8 (u'\u00e9', '%C3%A9'), ] for unescaped, escaped in tests: self.assertEqual(url_escape(unescaped), escaped)
def generate(self, **kwargs): """Generate this template with the given arguments.""" namespace = { "escape": escape.xhtml_escape, "xhtml_escape": escape.xhtml_escape, "url_escape": escape.url_escape, "json_encode": escape.json_encode, "squeeze": escape.squeeze, "linkify": escape.linkify, "datetime": datetime, "_tt_utf8": escape.utf8, # for internal use "_tt_string_types": (unicode_type, bytes_type), # __name__ and __loader__ allow the traceback mechanism to find # the generated source code. "__name__": self.name.replace('.', '_'), "__loader__": ObjectDict(get_source=lambda name: self.code), } namespace.update(self.namespace) namespace.update(kwargs) exec_in(self.compiled, namespace) execute = namespace["_tt_execute"] # Clear the traceback module's cache of source data now that # we've generated a new template (mainly for this module's # unittests, where different tests reuse the same name). linecache.clearcache() return execute()
def reverse(self, *args): assert self._path is not None, \ "Cannot reverse url regex " + self.regex.pattern assert len(args) == self._group_count, "required number of arguments "\ "not found" if not len(args): return self._path converted_args = [] for a in args: if not isinstance(a, (unicode_type, bytes_type)): a = str(a) converted_args.append(escape.url_escape(utf8(a), plus=False)) return self._path % tuple(converted_args)
def generate(self, **kwargs): """Generate this template with the given arguments.""" namespace = { "escape": escape.xhtml_escape, "xhtml_escape": escape.xhtml_escape, "url_escape": escape.url_escape, "json_encode": escape.json_encode, "squeeze": escape.squeeze, "linkify": escape.linkify, "datetime": datetime, "_utf8": escape.utf8, # for internal use "_string_types": (unicode_type, bytes_type), # __name__ and __loader__ allow the traceback mechanism to find # the generated source code. "__name__": self.name.replace('.', '_'), "__loader__": ObjectDict(get_source=lambda name: self.code), } namespace.update(self.namespace) namespace.update(kwargs) exec_in(self.compiled, namespace) execute = namespace["_execute"] # Clear the traceback module's cache of source data now that # we've generated a new template (mainly for this module's # unittests, where different tests reuse the same name). linecache.clearcache() return execute()
def test_url_escape(self): tests = [ # byte strings are passed through as-is (u('\u00e9').encode('utf8'), '%C3%A9'), (u('\u00e9').encode('latin1'), '%E9'), # unicode strings become utf8 (u('\u00e9'), '%C3%A9'), ] for unescaped, escaped in tests: self.assertEqual(url_escape(unescaped), escaped)
def reverse(self, *args): assert self._path is not None, \ "Cannot reverse url regex " + self.regex.pattern assert len(args) == self._group_count, "required number of arguments "\ "not found" if not len(args): return self._path converted_args = [] for a in args: if not isinstance(a, (unicode_type, bytes_type)): a = str(a) converted_args.append(escape.url_escape(utf8(a))) return self._path % tuple(converted_args)
def test_saving_a_comment_is_stored(self): #submit a comment to /share_key/save_comment body = """This is a comment. A multi-line comment.& That is all.&_xsrf=asdf """ request = HTTPRequest(self.get_url('/p/%s/comment' % self.shf.share_key), 'POST', {'Cookie':'_xsrf=%s;sid=%s' % (self.xsrf, self.sid)}, "body=%s&_xsrf=%s" % (url_escape(body), self.xsrf)) self.http_client.fetch(request, self.stop) response = self.wait() comments = self.shf.comments() self.assertEqual(len(comments), 1) self.assertEqual(comments[0].body, body.strip())
def test_blank_comment_doesnt_save(self): body = "" request = HTTPRequest(self.get_url('/p/%s/comment' % self.shf.share_key), 'POST', {'Cookie':'_xsrf=%s;sid=%s' % (self.xsrf, self.sid)}, "body=%s&_xsrf=%s" % (url_escape(body), self.xsrf)) self.http_client.fetch(request, self.stop) response = self.wait() comments = self.shf.comments() self.assertEqual(len(comments), 0)
def test_saving_an_empty_comment_not_stored(self): #submit a comment to /share_key/save_comment body = """ """ request = HTTPRequest(self.get_url('/p/%s/comment' % self.shf.share_key), 'POST', {'Cookie':'_xsrf=%s;sid=%s' % (self.xsrf, self.sid)}, "body=%s&_xsrf=%s" % (url_escape(body), self.xsrf)) self.http_client.fetch(request, self.stop) response = self.wait() comments = self.shf.comments() self.assertEqual(len(comments), 0)
def test_creating_a_new_comment_creates_a_conversation(self): request = HTTPRequest(self.get_url('/p/%s/comment' % self.shf.share_key), 'POST', {'Cookie':'_xsrf=%s;sid=%s' % (self.xsrf, self.sid)}, "body=%s&_xsrf=%s" % (url_escape("a comment"), self.xsrf)) self.http_client.fetch(request, self.stop) response = self.wait() conversations = Conversation.all() self.assertEqual(len(conversations), 2)