def limit_handled(cursor: tweepy.Cursor): """Wrap cursor access with rate limiting :param cursor: The cursor to siphon :returns: Cursor items """ while True: try: yield cursor.next() except tweepy.RateLimitError: time.sleep(15 * 60)
def get_tweets(self): """ Generator used to retrieve tweets from the user :return: """ while True: try: yield self.user_cursor.pages().next() except tweepy.RateLimitError: logging.info("[%s] Timeout Reached, Sleep for 15 minutes before restart" % self.process_name) time.sleep(15 * 60) logging.info("[%s] Waking up. Try again" % self.process_name) except StopIteration: logging.info("[%s] Stop Iteration, process complete" % self.process_name) break except Exception as e: logging.info("[%s] Generic Error, restart in 60 seconds: %s" % (self.process_name, e)) time.sleep(60)
def _handle_twitter_rate_limit(cursor): '''Handle twitter rate limits. If rate limit is reached, the next element will be accessed again after sleep time''' while True: try: yield cursor.next() except tweepy.RateLimitError: log.info('Twitter API rate limit error. Sleeping for {} secs.') \ .format(TWITTER_API_RATE_LIMIT_PERIOD) sleep_time = TWITTER_API_RATE_LIMIT_PERIOD time.sleep(sleep_time) except tweepy.TweepError as e: if str(e.api_code) == TWITTER_API_USER_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_CODE: raise ValueError( 'Requested user was not found. Check your configuration') raise e
def limit_handled(cursor): while True: try: yield cursor.next() except tweepy.RateLimitError: timestamp = time.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) print('Warning: Rate limit reached! ' + timestamp) time.sleep(15 * 60)
def limit_handled(cursor): while True: try: yield cursor.next() except tweepy.RateLimitError: time.sleep(15 * 60)
def limit_handled(cursor): """ :param cursor: A cursor to iterate :type cursor: tweepy.Cursor """ while True: try: yield cursor.next() except tweepy.RateLimitError: sleep(60)
def get_user_init(): global status global path global rev try: path = 'D:/Twitter/Depth-%d/%s' % (depth_num,str(user_id)) try: os.makedirs(path) except FileExistsError: print("Folder already exist") status="skip" return data = api.get_user(user_id) if data['protected']==False: get_user(data) rev=1 else: status="skip" print("Protected") except tweepy.RateLimitError: countdown(960) get_user_init() except tweepy.TweepError as e: if tweepy.TweepError is "[{'message': 'Over capacity', 'code': 130}]" or e[0]['code'] is 130: countdown_te(600,e) get_user_init() elif tweepy.TweepError is "[{'message': 'User not found.', 'code':50}]" or e[0]['code'] is 50: status="skip" return else: print(e)
def get_id(sn): try: return(api.get_user(screen_name=sn)['id']) except tweepy.RateLimitError: countdown(960) get_id(sn) except tweepy.TweepError as e: if tweepy.TweepError is "[{u'message': u'Over capacity', u'code': 130}]" or e is "[{u'message': u'Over capacity', u'code': 130}]": countdown_te(600,e) get_id(sn) else: print(e)
def limit_handler(cursor): while True: try: yield cursor.next() except tweepy.RateLimitError: countdown(960) except tweepy.TweepError as e: if tweepy.TweepError is "[{u'message': u'Over capacity', u'code': 130}]" or e is "[{u'message': u'Over capacity', u'code': 130}]": countdown_te(600,e) else: print(e)
def limit_handled(cursor): while True: try: yield cursor.next() except tweepy.RateLimitError as error: print('RateLimitError') print(error) time.sleep(60 * 5) except tweepy.TweepError as error: print('tweepy.TweepError') print(error) time.sleep(60 * 5)
def limit_handled(cursor): while True: try: yield cursor.next() except tweepy.RateLimitError: print("\nRateLimitError... sleeping...\n") time.sleep(15 * 60) except tweepy.TweepError as e: if e.message.split()[-1] == '429': print("\nTweepError 429... sleeping...\n") time.sleep(15 * 60) else: print(e.message)
def rate_limited(cursor, sleeping_time=(15*60+5)): while True: try: yield next(cursor) except tweepy.RateLimitError: print("Sleeping...", file=sys.stderr) time.sleep(sleeping_time)
def ratelimit_backoff(fxn, *args, **kwargs): for _ in range(3): try: return fxn(*args, **kwargs) except tweepy.RateLimitError: yield gen.sleep(5 * 60) raise tweepy.RateLimitError()
def get_friends(self): for friend_id in self.api.friends_ids(self.user.id): try: yield self.api.get_user(friend_id) except tweepy.RateLimitError: logging.info("[%s] Timeout Reached, Sleep for 15 minutes before restart" % self.process_name) time.sleep(15 * 60) logging.info("[%s] Waking up. Try again" % self.process_name) except StopIteration: logging.info("[%s] Stop Iteration, process complete" % self.process_name) break except Exception as e: logging.info("[%s] Generic Error, restart in 60 seconds: %s" % (self.process_name, e)) time.sleep(60)
def get_followers(self): while True: try: yield self.user_cursor.pages().next() except tweepy.RateLimitError: logging.info("[%s] Timeout Reached, Sleep for 15 minutes before restart" % self.process_name) time.sleep(15 * 60) logging.info("[%s] Waking up. Try again" % self.process_name) except StopIteration: logging.info("[%s] Stop Iteration, process complete" % self.process_name) break except Exception as e: logging.info("[%s] Generic Error, restart in 60 seconds: %s" % (self.process_name, e)) time.sleep(60)
def create_api(): if APIHandler._api is None: try: with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../api_keys/twitter_keys'), 'r') as f: keys = f.readlines() except FileNotFoundError: raise NoSecretFileException("File containing twitter OAuth keys doesn't exists. " "Please create a file named twitter_keys " "containing your OAuth credentials " "in ultron/ultron/api_keys directory.") keys = [key.strip() for key in keys] if len(keys) != 4: raise InvalidAPIException('Twitter requires 4 keys. But, ' + str(len(keys)) + ' are present. Please ensure ' 'that keys are placed in same order ' 'as mentioned in README') else: consumer_key = keys[0] consumer_secret = keys[1] access_token = keys[2] access_token_secret = keys[3] auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret) APIHandler._api = tweepy.API(auth) try: APIHandler._api.verify_credentials() except RateLimitError: raise MaximumLimitCrossedException('Rate limit for API is reached. ' 'Please wait for 15 minutes.') except TweepError: raise InvalidAPIException('Invalid or expired token') return APIHandler._api
def limit_handled (self, cursor): while True: try: yield cursor.next() except tweepy.RateLimitError: time.sleep(15 * 60)