def test_startTestRun_stopTestRun(self): result = unittest2.TestResult() result.startTestRun() result.stopTestRun() # "addSuccess(test)" # ... # "Called when the test case test succeeds" # ... # "wasSuccessful() - Returns True if all tests run so far have passed, # otherwise returns False" # ... # "testsRun - The total number of tests run so far." # ... # "errors - A list containing 2-tuples of TestCase instances and # formatted tracebacks. Each tuple represents a test which raised an # unexpected exception. Contains formatted # tracebacks instead of sys.exc_info() results." # ... # "failures - A list containing 2-tuples of TestCase instances and # formatted tracebacks. Each tuple represents a test where a failure was # explicitly signalled using the TestCase.fail*() or TestCase.assert*() # methods. Contains formatted tracebacks instead # of sys.exc_info() results."
def testFailFast(self): result = unittest2.TestResult() result._exc_info_to_string = lambda *_: '' result.failfast = True result.addError(None, None) self.assertTrue(result.shouldStop) result = unittest2.TestResult() result._exc_info_to_string = lambda *_: '' result.failfast = True result.addFailure(None, None) self.assertTrue(result.shouldStop) result = unittest2.TestResult() result._exc_info_to_string = lambda *_: '' result.failfast = True result.addUnexpectedSuccess(None) self.assertTrue(result.shouldStop)
def test_skip_doesnt_run_setup(self): class Foo(unittest2.TestCase): wasSetUp = False wasTornDown = False def setUp(self): Foo.wasSetUp = True def tornDown(self): Foo.wasTornDown = True @unittest2.skip('testing') def test_1(self): pass result = unittest2.TestResult() test = Foo("test_1") suite = unittest2.TestSuite([test]) suite.run(result) self.assertEqual(result.skipped, [(test, "testing")]) self.assertFalse(Foo.wasSetUp) self.assertFalse(Foo.wasTornDown)
def test_decorated_skip(self): def decorator(func): def inner(*a): return func(*a) return inner class Foo(unittest2.TestCase): @decorator @unittest2.skip('testing') def test_1(self): pass result = unittest2.TestResult() test = Foo("test_1") suite = unittest2.TestSuite([test]) suite.run(result) self.assertEqual(result.skipped, [(test, "testing")])
def testInterruptCaught(self): default_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT) result = unittest2.TestResult() unittest2.installHandler() unittest2.registerResult(result) self.assertNotEqual(signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT), default_handler) def test(result): pid = os.getpid() os.kill(pid, signal.SIGINT) result.breakCaught = True self.assertTrue(result.shouldStop) try: test(result) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.fail("KeyboardInterrupt not handled") self.assertTrue(result.breakCaught)
def testSecondInterrupt(self): # Can't use skipIf decorator because the signal handler may have # been changed after defining this method. if signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT) == signal.SIG_IGN: self.skipTest("test requires SIGINT to not be ignored") result = unittest2.TestResult() unittest2.installHandler() unittest2.registerResult(result) def test(result): pid = os.getpid() os.kill(pid, signal.SIGINT) result.breakCaught = True self.assertTrue(result.shouldStop) os.kill(pid, signal.SIGINT) self.fail("Second KeyboardInterrupt not raised") try: test(result) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass else: self.fail("Second KeyboardInterrupt not raised") self.assertTrue(result.breakCaught)
def testTwoResults(self): unittest2.installHandler() result = unittest2.TestResult() unittest2.registerResult(result) new_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT) result2 = unittest2.TestResult() unittest2.registerResult(result2) self.assertEqual(signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT), new_handler) result3 = unittest2.TestResult() def test(result): pid = os.getpid() os.kill(pid, signal.SIGINT) try: test(result) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.fail("KeyboardInterrupt not handled") self.assertTrue(result.shouldStop) self.assertTrue(result2.shouldStop) self.assertFalse(result3.shouldStop)
def testRemoveResult(self): result = unittest2.TestResult() unittest2.registerResult(result) unittest2.installHandler() self.assertTrue(unittest2.removeResult(result)) # Should this raise an error instead? self.assertFalse(unittest2.removeResult(unittest2.TestResult())) try: pid = os.getpid() os.kill(pid, signal.SIGINT) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass self.assertFalse(result.shouldStop)
def testRunnerRegistersResult(self): class Test(unittest2.TestCase): def testFoo(self): pass originalRegisterResult = unittest2.runner.registerResult def cleanup(): unittest2.runner.registerResult = originalRegisterResult self.addCleanup(cleanup) result = unittest2.TestResult() runner = unittest2.TextTestRunner(stream=StringIO()) # Use our result object runner._makeResult = lambda: result self.wasRegistered = 0 def fakeRegisterResult(thisResult): self.wasRegistered += 1 self.assertEqual(thisResult, result) unittest2.runner.registerResult = fakeRegisterResult runner.run(unittest2.TestSuite()) self.assertEqual(self.wasRegistered, 1)
def test_discover_with_init_module_that_raises_SkipTest_on_import(self): vfs = {abspath('/foo'): ['my_package'], abspath('/foo/my_package'): ['__init__.py', 'test_module.py']} self.setup_import_issue_package_tests(vfs) import_calls = [] def _get_module_from_name(name): import_calls.append(name) raise unittest.SkipTest('skipperoo') loader = unittest.TestLoader() loader._get_module_from_name = _get_module_from_name suite = loader.discover(abspath('/foo')) self.assertIn(abspath('/foo'), sys.path) self.assertEqual(suite.countTestCases(), 1) result = unittest.TestResult() suite.run(result) self.assertEqual(len(result.skipped), 1) self.assertEqual(result.testsRun, 1) self.assertEqual(import_calls, ['my_package']) # Check picklability for proto in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1): pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(suite, proto))
def test_run_call_order__error_in_tearDown_default_result(self): class Foo(Test.LoggingTestCase): def defaultTestResult(self): return LoggingResult(self.events) def tearDown(self): super(Foo, self).tearDown() raise RuntimeError('raised by Foo.tearDown') events = [] Foo(events).run() expected = ['startTestRun', 'startTest', 'setUp', 'test', 'tearDown', 'addError', 'stopTest', 'stopTestRun'] self.assertEqual(events, expected) # "TestCase.run() still works when the defaultTestResult is a TestResult # that does not support startTestRun and stopTestRun.
def test_init__TestSuite_instances_in_tests(self): def tests(): ftc = unittest2.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None) yield unittest2.TestSuite([ftc]) yield unittest2.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None) suite = unittest2.TestSuite(tests()) self.assertEqual(suite.countTestCases(), 2) # countTestCases() still works after tests are run suite.run(unittest.TestResult()) self.assertEqual(suite.countTestCases(), 2) ################################################################ ### /Tests for TestSuite.__init__ # Container types should support the iter protocol
def test_countTestCases_nested(self): class Test1(unittest2.TestCase): def test1(self): pass def test2(self): pass test2 = unittest2.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None) test3 = unittest2.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None) child = unittest2.TestSuite((Test1('test2'), test2)) parent = unittest2.TestSuite((test3, child, Test1('test1'))) self.assertEqual(parent.countTestCases(), 4) # countTestCases() still works after tests are run parent.run(unittest.TestResult()) self.assertEqual(parent.countTestCases(), 4) self.assertEqual(child.countTestCases(), 2) # "Run the tests associated with this suite, collecting the result into # the test result object passed as result." # # And if there are no tests? What then?
def test_addTest__TestSuite(self): class Foo(unittest2.TestCase): def test(self): pass suite_2 = unittest2.TestSuite([Foo('test')]) suite = unittest2.TestSuite() suite.addTest(suite_2) self.assertEqual(suite.countTestCases(), 1) self.assertEqual(list(suite), [suite_2]) # countTestCases() still works after tests are run suite.run(unittest.TestResult()) self.assertEqual(suite.countTestCases(), 1) # "Add all the tests from an iterable of TestCase and TestSuite # instances to this test suite." # # "This is equivalent to iterating over tests, calling addTest() for # each element"
def assert_garbage_collect_test_after_run(self, TestSuiteClass): if not unittest.BaseTestSuite._cleanup: raise unittest.SkipTest("Suite cleanup is disabled") class Foo(unittest.TestCase): def test_nothing(self): pass test = Foo('test_nothing') wref = weakref.ref(test) suite = TestSuiteClass([wref()]) suite.run(unittest.TestResult()) del test # for the benefit of non-reference counting implementations gc.collect() self.assertEqual(suite._tests, [None]) self.assertIsNone(wref())
def test_story(self): client = unittest.TestResult() protocol = subunit.TestProtocolServer(client) traceback = "foo.c:53:ERROR invalid state\n" pipe = BytesIO(_b("test old mcdonald\n" "success old mcdonald\n" "test bing crosby\n" "failure bing crosby [\n" + traceback + "]\n" "test an error\n" "error an error\n")) protocol.readFrom(pipe) bing = subunit.RemotedTestCase("bing crosby") an_error = subunit.RemotedTestCase("an error") self.assertEqual( client.errors, [(an_error, tb_prelude + _remote_exception_repr + '\n')]) self.assertEqual( client.failures, [(bing, tb_prelude + _remote_exception_repr + ": " + details_to_str({'traceback': text_content(traceback)}) + "\n")]) self.assertEqual(client.testsRun, 3)
def test_progress_accepted_extended(self): # With a progress capable TestResult, progress events are emitted. self.result = ExtendedTestResult() self.stream = BytesIO() self.protocol = subunit.TestProtocolServer(self.result, stream=self.stream) self.protocol.lineReceived(_b("progress: 23")) self.protocol.lineReceived(_b("progress: push")) self.protocol.lineReceived(_b("progress: -2")) self.protocol.lineReceived(_b("progress: pop")) self.protocol.lineReceived(_b("progress: +4")) self.assertEqual(_b(""), self.stream.getvalue()) self.assertEqual([ ('progress', 23, subunit.PROGRESS_SET), ('progress', None, subunit.PROGRESS_PUSH), ('progress', -2, subunit.PROGRESS_CUR), ('progress', None, subunit.PROGRESS_POP), ('progress', 4, subunit.PROGRESS_CUR), ], self.result._events)
def resultFactory(*_): return unittest2.TestResult()
def startTest(self, test): # so this fake TestResult can still count tests self.testsRun += 1
def testInheritance(self): self.assertIsSubclass(unittest2.TestCase, unittest.TestCase) self.assertIsSubclass(unittest2.TestResult, unittest.TestResult) self.assertIsSubclass(unittest2.TestSuite, unittest.TestSuite) self.assertIsSubclass(unittest2.TextTestRunner, unittest.TextTestRunner) self.assertIsSubclass(unittest2.TestLoader, unittest.TestLoader) self.assertIsSubclass(unittest2.TextTestResult, unittest.TestResult)
def test_init(self): result = unittest2.TestResult() self.assertTrue(result.wasSuccessful()) self.assertEqual(len(result.errors), 0) self.assertEqual(len(result.failures), 0) self.assertEqual(result.testsRun, 0) self.assertEqual(result.shouldStop, False) self.assertIsNone(result._stdout_buffer) self.assertIsNone(result._stderr_buffer) # "This method can be called to signal that the set of tests being # run should be aborted by setting the TestResult's shouldStop # attribute to True."
def test_stop(self): result = unittest2.TestResult() result.stop() self.assertEqual(result.shouldStop, True) # "Called when the test case test is about to be run. The default # implementation simply increments the instance's testsRun counter."
def test_stopTest(self): class Foo(unittest2.TestCase): def test_1(self): pass test = Foo('test_1') result = unittest2.TestResult() result.startTest(test) self.assertTrue(result.wasSuccessful()) self.assertEqual(len(result.errors), 0) self.assertEqual(len(result.failures), 0) self.assertEqual(result.testsRun, 1) self.assertEqual(result.shouldStop, False) result.stopTest(test) # Same tests as above; make sure nothing has changed self.assertTrue(result.wasSuccessful()) self.assertEqual(len(result.errors), 0) self.assertEqual(len(result.failures), 0) self.assertEqual(result.testsRun, 1) self.assertEqual(result.shouldStop, False) # "Called before and after tests are run. The default implementation does nothing."
def test_addSuccess(self): class Foo(unittest2.TestCase): def test_1(self): pass test = Foo('test_1') result = unittest2.TestResult() result.startTest(test) result.addSuccess(test) result.stopTest(test) self.assertTrue(result.wasSuccessful()) self.assertEqual(len(result.errors), 0) self.assertEqual(len(result.failures), 0) self.assertEqual(result.testsRun, 1) self.assertEqual(result.shouldStop, False) # "addFailure(test, err)" # ... # "Called when the test case test signals a failure. err is a tuple of # the form returned by sys.exc_info(): (type, value, traceback)" # ... # "wasSuccessful() - Returns True if all tests run so far have passed, # otherwise returns False" # ... # "testsRun - The total number of tests run so far." # ... # "errors - A list containing 2-tuples of TestCase instances and # formatted tracebacks. Each tuple represents a test which raised an # unexpected exception. Contains formatted # tracebacks instead of sys.exc_info() results." # ... # "failures - A list containing 2-tuples of TestCase instances and # formatted tracebacks. Each tuple represents a test where a failure was # explicitly signalled using the TestCase.fail*() or TestCase.assert*() # methods. Contains formatted tracebacks instead # of sys.exc_info() results."
def test_addError(self): class Foo(unittest2.TestCase): def test_1(self): pass test = Foo('test_1') try: raise TypeError() except: exc_info_tuple = sys.exc_info() result = unittest2.TestResult() result.startTest(test) result.addError(test, exc_info_tuple) result.stopTest(test) self.assertFalse(result.wasSuccessful()) self.assertEqual(len(result.errors), 1) self.assertEqual(len(result.failures), 0) self.assertEqual(result.testsRun, 1) self.assertEqual(result.shouldStop, False) test_case, formatted_exc = result.errors[0] self.assertIs(test_case, test) self.assertIsInstance(formatted_exc, six.string_types)
def test_addSubTest(self): log = [] class Foo(unittest.TestCase): def test_1(self): with self.subTest(foo=1): subtest = self._subtest log.append(subtest) try: 1/0 except ZeroDivisionError: exc_info_tuple = sys.exc_info() # Register an error by hand (to check the API) result.addSubTest(test, subtest, exc_info_tuple) # Now trigger a failure self.fail("some recognizable failure") test = Foo('test_1') result = unittest.TestResult() test.run(result) self.assertFalse(result.wasSuccessful()) self.assertEqual(len(result.errors), 1) self.assertEqual(len(result.failures), 1) self.assertEqual(result.testsRun, 1) self.assertEqual(result.shouldStop, False) test_case, formatted_exc = result.errors[0] subtest = log[0] self.assertIs(test_case, subtest) self.assertIn("ZeroDivisionError", formatted_exc) test_case, formatted_exc = result.failures[0] self.assertIs(test_case, subtest) self.assertIn("some recognizable failure", formatted_exc)
def testStackFrameTrimming(self): class Frame(object): class tb_frame(object): f_globals = {} result = unittest2.TestResult() self.assertFalse(result._is_relevant_tb_level(Frame)) Frame.tb_frame.f_globals['__unittest'] = True self.assertTrue(result._is_relevant_tb_level(Frame))
def testBufferOutputOff(self): real_out = self._real_out real_err = self._real_err result = unittest2.TestResult() self.assertFalse(result.buffer) self.assertIs(real_out, sys.stdout) self.assertIs(real_err, sys.stderr) result.startTest(self) self.assertIs(real_out, sys.stdout) self.assertIs(real_err, sys.stderr)
def test_skip_class(self): class Foo(unittest2.TestCase): def test_1(self): record.append(1) # was originally a class decorator... Foo = unittest2.skip("testing")(Foo) record = [] result = unittest2.TestResult() test = Foo("test_1") suite = unittest2.TestSuite([test]) suite.run(result) self.assertEqual(result.skipped, [(test, "testing")]) self.assertEqual(record, [])
def test_skip_non_unittest_class_old_style(self): @unittest.skip("testing") class Mixin: def test_1(self): record.append(1) class Foo(Mixin, unittest.TestCase): pass record = [] result = unittest.TestResult() test = Foo("test_1") suite = unittest.TestSuite([test]) suite.run(result) self.assertEqual(result.skipped, [(test, "testing")]) self.assertEqual(record, [])
def test_skip_non_unittest_class_new_style(self): @unittest.skip("testing") class Mixin(object): def test_1(self): record.append(1) class Foo(Mixin, unittest.TestCase): pass record = [] result = unittest.TestResult() test = Foo("test_1") suite = unittest.TestSuite([test]) suite.run(result) self.assertEqual(result.skipped, [(test, "testing")]) self.assertEqual(record, [])
def testWeakReferences(self): # Calling registerResult on a result should not keep it alive result = unittest2.TestResult() unittest2.registerResult(result) ref = weakref.ref(result) del result # For non-reference counting implementations gc.collect();gc.collect() self.assertIsNone(ref())
def test_multiple_inheritance(self): class AResult(unittest.TestResult): def __init__(self, stream, descriptions, verbosity): super(AResult, self).__init__(stream, descriptions, verbosity) class ATextResult(unittest.TextTestResult, AResult): pass # This used to raise an exception due to TextTestResult not passing # on arguments in its __init__ super call ATextResult(None, None, 1)
def testBufferAndFailfast(self): class Test(unittest2.TestCase): def testFoo(self): pass result = unittest2.TestResult() runner = unittest2.TextTestRunner(stream=StringIO(), failfast=True, buffer=True) # Use our result object runner._makeResult = lambda: result runner.run(Test('testFoo')) self.assertTrue(result.failfast) self.assertTrue(result.buffer)
def test_discover_with_module_that_raises_SkipTest_on_import(self): loader = unittest.TestLoader() def _get_module_from_name(name): raise unittest.SkipTest('skipperoo') loader._get_module_from_name = _get_module_from_name self.setup_import_issue_tests('test_skip_dummy.py') suite = loader.discover('.') self.assertEqual(suite.countTestCases(), 1) result = unittest.TestResult() suite.run(result) self.assertEqual(len(result.skipped), 1)
def test_defaultTestResult(self): class Foo(unittest2.TestCase): def runTest(self): pass result = Foo().defaultTestResult() self.assertEqual(type(result), unittest2.TestResult) # "When a setUp() method is defined, the test runner will run that method # prior to each test. Likewise, if a tearDown() method is defined, the # test runner will invoke that method after each test. In the example, # setUp() was used to create a fresh sequence for each test." # # Make sure the proper call order is maintained, even if setUp() raises # an exception.
def test_subtests_failfast(self): # Ensure proper test flow with subtests and failfast (issue #22894) events = [] class Foo(unittest.TestCase): def test_a(self): with self.subTest(): events.append('a1') events.append('a2') def test_b(self): with self.subTest(): events.append('b1') with self.subTest(): self.fail('failure') events.append('b2') def test_c(self): events.append('c') result = unittest.TestResult() result.failfast = True suite = unittest.makeSuite(Foo) suite.run(result) expected = ['a1', 'a2', 'b1'] self.assertEqual(events, expected) # "This class attribute gives the exception raised by the test() method. # If a test framework needs to use a specialized exception, possibly to # carry additional information, it must subclass this exception in # order to ``play fair'' with the framework. The initial value of this # attribute is AssertionError"
def testSkippingEverywhere(self): def _skip(self=None): raise unittest2.SkipTest('some reason') def nothing(self): pass class Test1(unittest2.TestCase): test_something = _skip class Test2(unittest2.TestCase): setUp = _skip test_something = nothing class Test3(unittest2.TestCase): test_something = nothing tearDown = _skip class Test4(unittest2.TestCase): def test_something(self): self.addCleanup(_skip) for klass in (Test1, Test2, Test3, Test4): result = unittest2.TestResult() klass('test_something').run(result) self.assertEqual(len(result.skipped), 1) self.assertEqual(result.testsRun, 1)
def testSystemExit(self): def _raise(self=None): raise SystemExit def nothing(self): pass class Test1(unittest2.TestCase): test_something = _raise class Test2(unittest2.TestCase): setUp = _raise test_something = nothing class Test3(unittest2.TestCase): test_something = nothing tearDown = _raise class Test4(unittest2.TestCase): def test_something(self): self.addCleanup(_raise) for klass in (Test1, Test2, Test3, Test4): result = unittest2.TestResult() klass('test_something').run(result) self.assertEqual(len(result.errors), 1) self.assertEqual(result.testsRun, 1)
def test_init__empty_tests(self): suite = unittest2.TestSuite([]) self.assertEqual(suite.countTestCases(), 0) # countTestCases() still works after tests are run suite.run(unittest.TestResult()) self.assertEqual(suite.countTestCases(), 0) # "class TestSuite([tests])" # ... # "If tests is given, it must be an iterable of individual test cases # or other test suites that will be used to build the suite initially" # # TestSuite should allow any iterable to provide tests
def test_init__tests_from_any_iterable(self): def tests(): yield unittest2.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None) yield unittest2.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None) suite_1 = unittest2.TestSuite(tests()) self.assertEqual(suite_1.countTestCases(), 2) suite_2 = unittest2.TestSuite(suite_1) self.assertEqual(suite_2.countTestCases(), 2) suite_3 = unittest2.TestSuite(set(suite_1)) self.assertEqual(suite_3.countTestCases(), 2) # countTestCases() still works after tests are run suite_1.run(unittest.TestResult()) self.assertEqual(suite_1.countTestCases(), 2) suite_2.run(unittest.TestResult()) self.assertEqual(suite_2.countTestCases(), 2) suite_3.run(unittest.TestResult()) self.assertEqual(suite_3.countTestCases(), 2) # "class TestSuite([tests])" # ... # "If tests is given, it must be an iterable of individual test cases # or other test suites that will be used to build the suite initially" # # Does TestSuite() also allow other TestSuite() instances to be present # in the tests iterable?
def test_countTestCases_simple(self): test1 = unittest2.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None) test2 = unittest2.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None) suite = unittest2.TestSuite((test1, test2)) self.assertEqual(suite.countTestCases(), 2) # countTestCases() still works after tests are run suite.run(unittest.TestResult()) self.assertEqual(suite.countTestCases(), 2) # "Return the number of tests represented by the this test object. # ...this method is also implemented by the TestSuite class, which can # return larger [greater than 1] values" # # Make sure this holds for nested TestSuite instances, too
def test_function_in_suite(self): def f(_): pass suite = unittest2.TestSuite() suite.addTest(f) # when the bug is fixed this line will not crash suite.run(unittest2.TestResult())
def test_overriding_call(self): class MySuite(unittest2.TestSuite): called = False def __call__(self, *args, **kw): self.called = True unittest2.TestSuite.__call__(self, *args, **kw) suite = MySuite() wrapper = unittest2.TestSuite() wrapper.addTest(suite) wrapper(unittest2.TestResult()) self.assertTrue(suite.called)
def run(self, test): result = unittest.TestResult() test(result) return result