Python web 模块,application() 实例源码


项目:argparseweb    作者:nirizr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def app(self, dispatch, parsed):
    # Make sure we get an argh-like object here that has a dispatch object
    if dispatch is None:
      if not hasattr(self._parser, 'dispatch'):
        raise ValueError("Can't dispatch a non dispatchable parser without a dispatch method")
      dispatch = self._parser.dispatch
      parsed = False

    class WebuiPageWrapper(page.WebuiPage):
      _parser = self._parser
      _dispatch = dispatch
      _parsed = parsed

    urls = ('/', 'index')
    classes = {'index': WebuiPageWrapper}

    return web.application(urls, classes)
项目:rucio    作者:rucio01    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self):
        """ list all rucio accounts.

        HTTP Success:
            200 OK

        HTTP Error:
            401 Unauthorized
            500 InternalError

        :param Rucio-Account: Account identifier.
        :param Rucio-Auth-Token: as an 32 character hex string.
        :returns: A list containing all account names as dict.
        header('Content-Type', 'application/x-json-stream')
        filter = {}
        if ctx.query:
            filter = dict(parse_qsl(ctx.query[1:]))

        for account in list_accounts(filter=filter):
            yield render_json(**account) + "\n"
项目:rucio    作者:rucio01    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self, account):
        Return the account usage of the account.

        HTTP Success:
            200 OK

        HTTP Error:
            401 Unauthorized
            404 Not Found

        :param account: The account name.
        header('Content-Type', 'application/x-json-stream')
            for usage in get_account_usage(account=account, rse=None, issuer=ctx.env.get('issuer')):
                yield dumps(usage, cls=APIEncoder) + '\n'
        except AccountNotFound, e:
            raise generate_http_error(404, 'AccountNotFound', e.args[0][0])
        except AccessDenied, e:
            raise generate_http_error(401, 'AccessDenied', e.args[0][0])
        except Exception, e:
            print format_exc()
            raise InternalError(e)
项目:rucio    作者:rucio01    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self, rule_id):
        """ get rule information for given rule id.

        HTTP Success:
            200 OK

        HTTP Error:
            401 Unauthorized
            404 Not Found
            500 InternalError

        :returns: JSON dict containing informations about the requested user.
        header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            rule = get_replication_rule(rule_id)
        except RuleNotFound as error:
            raise generate_http_error(404, 'RuleNotFound', error.args[0][0])
        except RucioException as error:
            raise generate_http_error(500, error.__class__.__name__, error.args[0])
        except Exception as error:
            raise InternalError(error)

        return render_json(**rule)
项目:rucio    作者:rucio01    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self, rule_id):
        """ get locks for a given rule_id.

        HTTP Success:
            200 OK

        HTTP Error:
            404 Not Found
            500 InternalError

        :returns: JSON dict containing informations about the requested user.
        header('Content-Type', 'application/x-json-stream')
            locks = get_replica_locks_for_rule_id(rule_id)
        except RucioException as error:
            raise generate_http_error(500, error.__class__.__name__, error.args[0])
        except Exception as error:
            raise InternalError(error)

        for lock in locks:
            yield dumps(lock, cls=APIEncoder) + '\n'
项目:rucio    作者:rucio01    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self, rule_id):
        """ get history for a given rule_id.

        HTTP Success:
            200 OK

        HTTP Error:
            404 Not Found
            500 InternalError

        :returns: JSON dict containing informations about the requested user.
        header('Content-Type', 'application/x-json-stream')
            history = list_replication_rule_history(rule_id)
        except RucioException as error:
            raise generate_http_error(500, error.__class__.__name__, error.args[0])
        except Exception as error:
            raise InternalError(error)

        for hist in history:
            yield dumps(hist, cls=APIEncoder) + '\n'
项目:rucio    作者:rucio01    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self, scope, name):
        """ get history for a given DID.

        HTTP Success:
            200 OK

        HTTP Error:
            404 Not Found
            500 InternalError

        :returns: JSON dict containing informations about the requested user.
        header('Content-Type', 'application/x-json-stream')
            history = list_replication_rule_full_history(scope, name)
        except RucioException as error:
            raise generate_http_error(500, error.__class__.__name__, error.args[0])
        except Exception as error:
            raise InternalError(error)

        for hist in history:
            yield dumps(hist, cls=APIEncoder) + '\n'
项目:rucio    作者:rucio01    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self, rule_id):
        """ get analysis for given rule.

        HTTP Success:
            200 OK

        HTTP Error:
            404 Not Found
            500 InternalError

        :returns: JSON dict containing informations about the requested user.
        header('Content-Type', 'application/x-json-stream')
            analysis = examine_replication_rule(rule_id)
        except RucioException as error:
            raise generate_http_error(500, error.__class__.__name__, error.args[0])
        except Exception as error:
            raise InternalError(error)

        return render_json(**analysis)
项目:rucio    作者:rucio01    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self, account, name=None):
        Return a summary of the states of all rules of a given subscription id.

        HTTP Success:
            200 OK

        HTTP Error:
            404 Not Found
            500 Internal Error

        header('Content-Type', 'application/x-json-stream')
            for row in list_subscription_rule_states(account=account):
                yield dumps(row, cls=APIEncoder) + '\n'
        except RucioException as error:
            raise generate_http_error(500, error.__class__.__name__, error.args[0])
        except Exception as error:
            raise InternalError(error)
项目:rucio    作者:rucio01    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self, subscription_id):
        Retrieve a subscription matching the given subscription id

        HTTP Success:
            200 OK

        HTTP Error:
            404 Not Found
            401 Unauthorized

        header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            subscription = get_subscription_by_id(subscription_id)
        except SubscriptionNotFound as error:
            raise generate_http_error(404, 'SubscriptionNotFound', error.args[0][0])
        except RucioException as error:
            raise generate_http_error(500, error.__class__.__name__, error.args[0])
        except Exception as error:
            raise InternalError(error)

        return render_json(**subscription)
项目:rucio    作者:rucio01    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self, rse):
        List dataset replicas replicas.

        HTTP Success:
            200 OK

        HTTP Error:
            401 Unauthorized
            500 InternalError

        :returns: A dictionary containing all replicas on the RSE.
        header('Content-Type', 'application/x-json-stream')
            for row in list_datasets_per_rse(rse=rse):
                yield dumps(row, cls=APIEncoder) + '\n'
        except RucioException, e:
            raise generate_http_error(500, e.__class__.__name__, e.args[0][0])
        except Exception, e:
            print format_exc()
            raise InternalError(e)
项目:rucio    作者:rucio01    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self, rse):
        """ list all RSE attributes for a RSE.

        HTTP Success:
            200 OK

        HTTP Error:
            401 Unauthorized
            404 Not Found
            500 InternalError

        :param rse: RSE name.

        :returns: A list containing all RSE attributes.
        header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
        return dumps(list_rse_attributes(rse))
项目:rucio    作者:rucio01    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self, rse):
        Get RSE usage information.

        :param rse: the RSE name.
        header('Content-Type', 'application/x-json-stream')
        source = None
        if ctx.query:
            params = parse_qs(ctx.query[1:])
            if 'source' in params:
                source = params['source'][0]

            for usage in list_rse_usage_history(rse=rse, issuer=ctx.env.get('issuer'), source=source):
                yield render_json(**usage) + '\n'
        except RSENotFound, error:
            raise generate_http_error(404, 'RSENotFound', error[0][0])
        except RucioException, error:
            raise generate_http_error(500, error.__class__.__name__, error.args[0][0])
        except Exception, error:
            print format_exc()
            raise InternalError(error)
项目:rucio    作者:rucio01    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self, rse):
        Get account usage and limit for one RSE.

        :param rse: the RSE name.
        header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            usage = get_rse_account_usage(rse=rse)
            for row in usage:
                yield dumps(row, cls=APIEncoder) + '\n'
        except RSENotFound, error:
            raise generate_http_error(404, 'RSENotFound', error[0][0])
        except RucioException, error:
            raise generate_http_error(500, error.__class__.__name__, error.args[0][0])
        except Exception, error:
            print format_exc()
            raise InternalError(error)
项目:rucio    作者:rucio01    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self, scope, name):
        """ List all parents of a data identifier.

        HTTP Success:
            200 OK

        HTTP Error:
            401 Unauthorized
            500 InternalError

        :returns: A list of dictionary containing all dataset information.
        header('Content-Type', 'application/x-json-stream')
            for dataset in list_parent_dids(scope=scope, name=name):
                yield render_json(**dataset) + "\n"
        except DataIdentifierNotFound, error:
            raise generate_http_error(404, 'DataIdentifierNotFound', error.args[0][0])
        except RucioException, error:
            raise generate_http_error(500, error.__class__.__name__, error.args[0][0])
        except Exception, error:
            print format_exc()
            raise InternalError(error)
项目:rucio    作者:rucio01    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self, scope, name):
        Return all rules of a given DID.

        HTTP Success:
            200 OK

        HTTP Error:
            401 Unauthorized
            404 Not Found

        :param scope: The scope name.
        header('Content-Type', 'application/x-json-stream')
            for rule in list_replication_rules({'scope': scope, 'name': name}):
                yield dumps(rule, cls=APIEncoder) + '\n'
        except RuleNotFound, error:
            raise generate_http_error(404, 'RuleNotFound', error.args[0][0])
        except RucioException, error:
            raise generate_http_error(500, error.__class__.__name__, error.args[0])
        except Exception, error:
            raise InternalError(error)
项目:rucio    作者:rucio01    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self, guid):
        Return the file associated to a GUID.

        HTTP Success:
            200 OK

        HTTP Error:
            401 Unauthorized
            404 Not Found

        :param scope: The scope name.
        header('Content-Type', 'application/x-json-stream')
            for dataset in get_dataset_by_guid(guid):
                yield dumps(dataset, cls=APIEncoder) + '\n'
        except DataIdentifierNotFound, error:
            raise generate_http_error(404, 'DataIdentifierNotFound', error.args[0][0])
        except RucioException, error:
            raise generate_http_error(500, error.__class__.__name__, error.args[0])
        except Exception, error:
            raise InternalError(error)
项目:rucio    作者:rucio01    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self):
        Returns list of recent identifiers.

        HTTP Success:
            200 OK

        HTTP Error:
            401 Unauthorized

        :param type: The DID type.
        header('Content-Type', 'application/x-json-stream')
        params = parse_qs(ctx.query[1:])

        type = None
        if 'type' in params:
            type = params['type'][0]
            for did in list_new_dids(type):
                yield dumps(did, cls=APIEncoder) + '\n'
        except RucioException, error:
            raise generate_http_error(500, error.__class__.__name__, error.args[0])
        except Exception, error:
            raise InternalError(error)
项目:rucio    作者:rucio01    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self):
        Retrieve all exceptions.

        HTTP Success:
            200 OK

        HTTP Error:
            404 Not Found
            500 Internal Error

        header('Content-Type', 'application/x-json-stream')
            for exception in list_exceptions():
                yield dumps(exception, cls=APIEncoder) + '\n'
        except LifetimeExceptionNotFound as error:
            raise generate_http_error(404, 'LifetimeExceptionNotFound', error.args[0][0])
        except RucioException as error:
            raise generate_http_error(500, error.__class__.__name__, error.args[0])
        except Exception as error:
            raise InternalError(error)
项目:rucio    作者:rucio01    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self, exception_id):
        Retrieve an exception.

        HTTP Success:
            200 OK

        HTTP Error:
            404 Not Found
            500 Internal Error

        header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            for exception in list_exceptions(exception_id):
                yield dumps(exception, cls=APIEncoder) + '\n'

        except LifetimeExceptionNotFound as error:
            raise generate_http_error(404, 'LifetimeExceptionNotFound', error.args[0][0])
        except RucioException as error:
            raise generate_http_error(500, error.__class__.__name__, error.args[0])
        except Exception as error:
            raise InternalError(error)
项目:rucio    作者:rucio01    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self, section):
        List configuration of a section

        HTTP Success:
            200 OK

        HTTP Error:
            401 Unauthorized
            404 NotFound

        header('Content-Type', 'application/json')

        res = {}
        for item in config.items(section, issuer=ctx.env.get('issuer')):
            res[item[0]] = item[1]

        if res == {}:
            raise generate_http_error(404, 'ConfigNotFound', 'No configuration found for section \'%s\'' % section)

        return json.dumps(res)
项目:rucio    作者:rucio01    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self, scope, name, rse):
        List request for given DID to a destination RSE.

        HTTP Success:
            200 OK

        HTTP Error:
            401 Unauthorized
            404 Request Not Found

        header('Content-Type', 'application/json')

            return json.dumps(request.get_request_by_did(scope=scope,
            raise generate_http_error(404, 'RequestNotFound', 'No request found for DID %s:%s at RSE %s' % (scope,
项目:py-script    作者:xiaoxiamin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(urls, fvars, *middleware):

    def stdout_processor(handler):
        return web.ctx.get('output', '')

    def hook_processor(handler):
        for h in web.loadhooks.values() + web._loadhooks.values(): h()
        output = handler()
        for h in web.unloadhooks.values(): h()
        return output

    app = web.application(urls, fvars)
项目:py-script    作者:xiaoxiamin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testRedirect(self):
        urls = (
            "/a", "redirect /hello/",
            "/b/(.*)", r"redirect /hello/\1",
            "/hello/(.*)", "hello"
        app = web.application(urls, locals())
        class hello:
            def GET(self, name): 
                name = name or 'world'
                return "hello " + name

        response = app.request('/a')
        self.assertEquals(response.status, '301 Moved Permanently')
        self.assertEquals(response.headers['Location'], '')

        response = app.request('/a?x=2')
        self.assertEquals(response.status, '301 Moved Permanently')
        self.assertEquals(response.headers['Location'], '')

        response = app.request('/b/foo?x=2')
        self.assertEquals(response.status, '301 Moved Permanently')
        self.assertEquals(response.headers['Location'], '')
项目:py-script    作者:xiaoxiamin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_subdirs(self):
        urls = (
            "/(.*)", "blog"
        class blog:
            def GET(self, path):
                return "blog " + path
        app_blog = web.application(urls, locals())

        urls = (
            "/blog", app_blog,
            "/(.*)", "index"
        class index:
            def GET(self, path):
                return "hello " + path
        app = web.application(urls, locals())

        self.assertEquals(app.request('/blog/foo').data, 'blog foo')
        self.assertEquals(app.request('/foo').data, 'hello foo')

        def processor(handler):
            return web.ctx.path + ":" + handler()
        self.assertEquals(app.request('/blog/foo').data, '/blog/foo:blog foo')
项目:py-script    作者:xiaoxiamin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_subdomains(self):
        def create_app(name):
            urls = ("/", "index")
            class index:
                def GET(self):
                    return name
            return web.application(urls, locals())

        urls = (
            "", create_app('a'),
            "", create_app('b'),
            ".*", create_app('*')
        app = web.subdomain_application(urls, locals())

        def test(host, expected_result):
            result = app.request('/', host=host)
            self.assertEquals(, expected_result)

        test('', 'a')
        test('', 'b')
        test('', '*')
        test('', '*')
项目:py-script    作者:xiaoxiamin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testUnload(self):
        x =

        urls = (
            "/foo", "foo",
            "/bar", "bar"
        class foo:
            def GET(self):
                return "foo"
        class bar:
            def GET(self):
                raise web.notfound()

        app = web.application(urls, locals())
        def unload():
            x.a += 1

        self.assertEquals(x.a, 1)

        self.assertEquals(x.a, 2)
项目:py-script    作者:xiaoxiamin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_stopsimpleserver(self):
        urls = (
            '/', 'index',
        class index:
            def GET(self):
        app = web.application(urls, locals())
        thread = threading.Thread(


项目:MonopolyWeb    作者:zeal4u    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self):
        # one ip can start one game at time
        ip = web.ctx.ip
            service = Game.manager.get_service_by_key(ip)
        except KeyError:

            # register game service
            service = Game.manager.get_service_by_key(ip)

            # get players' names
            data = web.input()
            players_names = [data[str(x)] for x in range(len(data))]

            # init game service

        messages = [service.map_describe()]
        response = {
            'current_player': json.loads(json.dumps(service.current_player,cls=PlayerEncoder)),
            'messages': messages
        web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
        return json.dumps(response)
项目:candidate-selection-tutorial    作者:candidate-selection-tutorial-sigir2017    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def search_simple_index(query, offset, count, draw):
        This function is responsible for hitting the solr endpoint
        and returning the results back.
        results =, **{
            'start': int(offset),
            'rows': int(count)
        print("Saw {0} result(s) for query {1}.".format(len(results), query))
        formatted_hits = []
        for hit in
                [hit['_news_title'], hit['_news_publisher'], CATEGORY[hit['_news_category'][0]], hit['_news_url']])
        response = {'draw': draw,
                    'recordsFiltered': results.hits,
                    'data': formatted_hits}
        web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
        return json.dumps(response)
项目:candidate-selection-tutorial    作者:candidate-selection-tutorial-sigir2017    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def search_entity_aware_index(query, offset, count, draw, qf):
        This function is responsible for hitting the solr endpoint
        and returning the results back.
        results =, **{
            'start': int(offset),
            'rows': int(count),
            'qf': qf
        print("Saw {0} result(s) for query {1}.".format(len(results), query))
        formatted_hits = []
        for hit in
                [hit['_news_title'], hit['_news_publisher'], CATEGORY[hit['_news_category'][0]], hit['_news_url']])
        response = {'draw': draw,
                    'recordsFiltered': results.hits,
                    'data': formatted_hits}
        web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
        return json.dumps(response)
项目:candidate-selection-tutorial    作者:candidate-selection-tutorial-sigir2017    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def search(query, offset, count, draw, solr_endpoint):
    This function is responsible for hitting the solr endpoint
    and returning the results back.
    results =, **{
        'start': int(offset),
        'rows': int(count)
    print("Saw {0} result(s) for query {1}.".format(len(results), query))
    formatted_hits = []
    for hit in
            [hit['_news_title'], hit['_news_publisher'], CATEGORY[hit['_news_category'][0]], hit['_news_url']])
    response = {'draw': draw,
                'recordsFiltered': results.hits,
                'data': formatted_hits}
    web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
    return json.dumps(response)
项目:candidate-selection-tutorial    作者:candidate-selection-tutorial-sigir2017    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def search_simple_index(query, offset, count, draw):
        This function is responsible for hitting the solr endpoint
        and returning the results back.
        results =, **{
            'start': int(offset),
            'rows': int(count),
            'cache': 'false'
        print("Saw {0} result(s) for query {1}.".format(len(results), query))
        formatted_hits = []
        for hit in
                [hit['_news_title'], hit['_news_publisher'], CATEGORY[hit['_news_category'][0]], hit['_news_url']])
        response = {'draw': draw,
                    'recordsFiltered': results.hits,
                    'data': formatted_hits}
        web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
        return json.dumps(response)
项目:tuning-box    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self.__name__ = self = None
        self.lock = threading.Lock()
项目:vent    作者:CyberReboot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, port=8080, host=''):  # pragma: no cover
        d_client = docker.from_env()
        d_client.images.pull('cyberreboot/vent-ncapture', tag='master')
        nf_inst = NControl()
        urls = nf_inst.urls()
        app = web.application(urls, globals())
        web.httpserver.runsimple(app.wsgifunc(), (host, port))
项目:vent    作者:CyberReboot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def start_web_app():
    """ starts the web app in a TestApp for testing """
    nf_inst = ncontrol.NControl()
    urls = nf_inst.urls()
    app = web.application(urls, globals())
    test_app = TestApp(app.wsgifunc())
    return test_app
项目:vent    作者:CyberReboot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_create_r():
    """ tests the restful endpoint: create """
    # get web app
    test_app = start_web_app()

    # test create
    r ='/create', params={'id': 'foo',
                                         'interval': '60',
                                         'filter': '',
                                         'nic': 'eth1'},
                      headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
    assert r.status == 200
    r ='/create', params={'id': 'foo',
                                         'interval': '60',
                                         'iters': '1',
                                         'filter': '',
                                         'nic': 'eth1'},
                      headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
    assert r.status == 200
    r ='/create', params={})
    assert r.status == 200
    r ='/create', params={'nic': 'eth1'})
    assert r.status == 200
    r ='/create', params={'nic': 'eth1', 'id': 'foo'})
    assert r.status == 200
    r =
        '/create', params={'nic': 'eth1', 'id': 'foo', 'interval': '61'})
    assert r.status == 200
    r ='/create', params='{}')
    assert r.status == 200
    r ='/create', params={'id': 'foo',
                                         'interval': '60',
                                         'filter': '',
                                         'metadata': '{"foo": "bar"}',
                                         'iters': '1',
                                         'nic': 'eth1'},
                      headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
    assert r.status == 200
项目:IPProxyPool    作者:jianghaibo12138    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def startServer(self):
        sys.argv.append('' % config.PORT)
        app = web.application(self.urls, globals())
项目:auto_proxy    作者:peablog    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_json_response():
        web.header('content-type', 'application/json;charset=utf-8', unique=True)
项目:easy-py-web-app    作者:ma-ha    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__( self, title, port, main_page ):
        self.title = title
        portal_pages['main/structure'] = main_page 
        main_page.addToPortal( self ) = web.application( self.urls, globals() )
项目:easy-py-web-app    作者:ma-ha    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET( self, x ):
        print 'in structure: '+x
        web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
        layout = portal_pages[x]
        return '{"layout":'+ layout.to_JSON() +'}'
项目:CommunityCellularManager    作者:facebookincubator    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self):
        web.header('Content-Type', "application/json")
        return json.dumps({'status': 'ok'})
项目:CommunityCellularManager    作者:facebookincubator    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def POST(self):
        data = web.input()
        if not ("ident" in data and "csr" in data):
            raise web.BadRequest()

        crt = sign_csr(data.csr, data.ident)
        web.header('Content-Type', "application/json")
        return json.dumps({'certificate': crt})
项目:tensorflow_recommendation_engine    作者:goodrahstar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self):

        topic = web.input(value=' ')

            output = run_model.model(requirement = [topic.value])
            output = 'Invalid query'

        return output
项目:nupic-history-server    作者:htm-community    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def POST(self):
    global modelCache
    params = json.loads(
    requestInput = web.input()
    id = requestInput["id"]
    # We will always return the active cells because they are cheap.
    returnSnapshots = [TM_SNAPS.ACT_CELLS]
    from pprint import pprint; pprint(params)
    tm = TM(**params)

    tmFacade = TmFacade(tm, ioClient, modelId=id)

    modelId = tmFacade.getId()
    modelCache[modelId]["tm"] = tmFacade
    modelCache[modelId]["classifier"] = SDRClassifierFactory.create(implementation="py")
    modelCache[modelId]["recordsSeen"] = 0

    print "Created TM {}".format(modelId)

    payload = {
      "meta": {
        "id": modelId,
        "saving": returnSnapshots

    tmState = tmFacade.getState(*returnSnapshots)

    for key in tmState:
      payload[key] = tmState[key]

    web.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
    return json.dumps(payload)
项目:chat-bots-manager    作者:toxtli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        port = 8080
        app = web.application(self.urls, {
        web.httpserver.runsimple(app.wsgifunc(), ("", self.port))
项目:IPProxyPool    作者:qiyeboy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def start_api_server():
    sys.argv.append('' % config.API_PORT)
    app = web.application(urls, globals())
项目:costi    作者:lawlrenz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    # arguments = parse_arguments()

    app = web.application(urls, globals())
    print 'Starting daemons for updating the cache and confidence rating..'
    print 'Start server..'
项目:webapi    作者:IntPassion    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self):
       all_col = ('name','description','owner','family_id','time','change_log')
       citype_input = web.input()
       condition = " "
       for col in range(len(all_col)):
           col_name = all_col[col]
           value = citype_input.get(col_name,None)
           if value <> None:
               if col_name == 'time' :
                   condition = condition + "ct.starttime <= '" + value + "' and ct.endtime > '" + value + "' and "
               else :
                   condition = condition + "ct." + col_name + " = '" + value + "' and "
           if value == None and col_name == 'time':
               condition = condition + "ct.endtime = '" + ENDTIME + "' and "

       v_sql = "select , convert(ct.description,'utf8') description,ct.owner,ct.family_id,convert(ct.displayname,'utf8') " \
               "displayname,ct.change_log from t_ci_type ct where " + condition + "1=1"
       #v_sql = "select , ct.description,ct.owner,ct.family_id,ct.displayname,ct.change_log from t_ci_type ct where " + condition + "1=1"
       ci_type = db.query(v_sql)
       ci_as_dict = []
       for ci in ci_type:
       ci_type_json = json.dumps(ci_as_dict, indent = 4,ensure_ascii=False, separators = (',',':')).decode("GB2312")
       #Type is unicode
#        import sys,httplib, urllib
#        params = urllib.urlencode({'fid':'FCIT00000004','change_log':'test'})
#        headers = {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Accept': 'text/plain'}
#        con2  =   httplib.HTTPConnection("localhost:8080")
#        con2.request("DELETE","/citype",params,headers)
#        con2.close()

       return ci_type_json
项目:webapi    作者:IntPassion    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GET(self):
       all_col = ('value','description','type_fid','ci_fid','owner','family_id','time','change_log','citype_name','ci_name','ciat_name','value_type') 
       ci_input = web.input()
       condition = " "
       for col in range(len(all_col)):
           col_name = all_col[col]
           value = ci_input.get(col_name,None)
           if value <> None:
               if col_name == 'time' :
                   condition = condition + "a.starttime <= '" + value + "' and a.endtime > '" + value + "' and b.starttime <= '" + value + "' and b.endtime > '" + value + "' and c.starttime <= '" + value + "' and c.endtime > '" + value + "' and d.starttime <= '" + value + "' and d.endtime > '" + value + "' and "
               elif col_name == 'citype_name':
                   condition = condition + " = '" + value + "' and "
               elif col_name == 'ci_name':
                   condition = condition + " = '" + value + "' and "
               elif col_name == 'ciat_name':
                   condition = condition + " = '" + value + "' and "
               elif col_name == 'value_type':
                   condition = condition + "c.value_type = '" + value + "' and "
               else :
                   condition = condition + "a." + col_name + " = '" + value + "' and "
           if value == None and col_name == 'time':
               condition = condition + "a.endtime = '" + ENDTIME + "' and b.endtime = '" + ENDTIME + "' and c.endtime = '" + ENDTIME + "' and d.endtime = '" + ENDTIME + "' and "

       v_sql = "select distinct citype_name, ci_name, ciat_name, c.value_type, a.value, convert(a.description,'utf8') description, a.type_fid, a.ci_fid, a.owner, a.family_id, a.change_log from t_ci_attribute a, t_ci b, t_ci_attribute_type c, t_ci_type d where " + condition + "a.type_fid = c.family_id and a.ci_fid = b.family_id and b.type_fid = d.family_id and c.ci_type_fid = d.family_id "
       ci_recs = db.query(v_sql)
       ci_as_dict = []
       for ci in ci_recs:
       ci_json = json.dumps(ci_as_dict, indent = 4,ensure_ascii=False, separators = (',',':')).decode("GB2312")
#        import sys,httplib, urllib 
#        params = urllib.urlencode({'fid':'FCAD00000002','change_log':'test'})
#        headers = {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Accept': 'text/plain'}
#        con2  =   httplib.HTTPConnection("localhost:8080") 
#        con2.request("DELETE","/ciattr",params,headers) 
#        con2.close()

       return ci_json