Java 类 实例源码

项目:Infernum    文件   
public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, @Nullable IEntityLivingData livingdata) {
    livingdata = super.onInitialSpawn(difficulty, livingdata);
    float f = difficulty.getClampedAdditionalDifficulty();

            new AttributeModifier("Random spawn bonus", this.rand.nextDouble() * 0.05000000074505806D, 0));
    double d0 = this.rand.nextDouble() * 1.5D * (double) f;

    if (d0 > 1.0D) {
                .applyModifier(new AttributeModifier("Random zombie-spawn bonus", d0, 2));

    return livingdata;
项目:DecompiledMinecraft    文件   
 * Enchants Entity's current equipments based on given DifficultyInstance
protected void setEnchantmentBasedOnDifficulty(DifficultyInstance difficulty)
    float f = difficulty.getClampedAdditionalDifficulty();

    if (this.getHeldItem() != null && this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.25F * f)
        EnchantmentHelper.addRandomEnchantment(this.rand, this.getHeldItem(), (int)(5.0F + f * (float)this.rand.nextInt(18)));

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
        ItemStack itemstack = this.getCurrentArmor(i);

        if (itemstack != null && this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.5F * f)
            EnchantmentHelper.addRandomEnchantment(this.rand, itemstack, (int)(5.0F + f * (float)this.rand.nextInt(18)));
项目:DecompiledMinecraft    文件   
 * Called only once on an entity when first time spawned, via egg, mob spawner, natural spawning etc, but not called
 * when entity is reloaded from nbt. Mainly used for initializing attributes and inventory
public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, IEntityLivingData livingdata)
    livingdata = super.onInitialSpawn(difficulty, livingdata);
    int i = this.rand.nextInt(6);
    boolean flag = false;

    if (livingdata instanceof EntityRabbit.RabbitTypeData)
        i = ((EntityRabbit.RabbitTypeData)livingdata).typeData;
        flag = true;
        livingdata = new EntityRabbit.RabbitTypeData(i);


    if (flag)

    return livingdata;
项目:CustomWorldGen    文件   
 * Called only once on an entity when first time spawned, via egg, mob spawner, natural spawning etc, but not called
 * when entity is reloaded from nbt. Mainly used for initializing attributes and inventory
public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, @Nullable IEntityLivingData livingdata)
    this.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.FOLLOW_RANGE).applyModifier(new AttributeModifier("Random spawn bonus", this.rand.nextGaussian() * 0.05D, 1));

    if (this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.05F)

    return livingdata;
项目:CustomWorldGen    文件   
 * Called only once on an entity when first time spawned, via egg, mob spawner, natural spawning etc, but not called
 * when entity is reloaded from nbt. Mainly used for initializing attributes and inventory
public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, IEntityLivingData livingdata)
    if (livingdata instanceof EntityPolarBear.GroupData)
        if (((EntityPolarBear.GroupData)livingdata).madeParent)
        EntityPolarBear.GroupData entitypolarbear$groupdata = new EntityPolarBear.GroupData();
        entitypolarbear$groupdata.madeParent = true;
        livingdata = entitypolarbear$groupdata;

    return (IEntityLivingData)livingdata;
项目:DecompiledMinecraft    文件   
 * Gives armor or weapon for entity based on given DifficultyInstance
protected void setEquipmentBasedOnDifficulty(DifficultyInstance difficulty)

    if (this.rand.nextFloat() < (this.worldObj.getDifficulty() == EnumDifficulty.HARD ? 0.05F : 0.01F))
        int i = this.rand.nextInt(3);

        if (i == 0)
            this.setCurrentItemOrArmor(0, new ItemStack(Items.iron_sword));
            this.setCurrentItemOrArmor(0, new ItemStack(Items.iron_shovel));
项目:DecompiledMinecraft    文件   
 * Enchants Entity's current equipments based on given DifficultyInstance
protected void setEnchantmentBasedOnDifficulty(DifficultyInstance difficulty)
    float f = difficulty.getClampedAdditionalDifficulty();

    if (this.getHeldItem() != null && this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.25F * f)
        EnchantmentHelper.addRandomEnchantment(this.rand, this.getHeldItem(), (int)(5.0F + f * (float)this.rand.nextInt(18)));

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
        ItemStack itemstack = this.getCurrentArmor(i);

        if (itemstack != null && this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.5F * f)
            EnchantmentHelper.addRandomEnchantment(this.rand, itemstack, (int)(5.0F + f * (float)this.rand.nextInt(18)));
项目:DecompiledMinecraft    文件   
 * Called only once on an entity when first time spawned, via egg, mob spawner, natural spawning etc, but not called
 * when entity is reloaded from nbt. Mainly used for initializing attributes and inventory
public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, IEntityLivingData livingdata)
    livingdata = super.onInitialSpawn(difficulty, livingdata);
    int i = this.rand.nextInt(6);
    boolean flag = false;

    if (livingdata instanceof EntityRabbit.RabbitTypeData)
        i = ((EntityRabbit.RabbitTypeData)livingdata).typeData;
        flag = true;
        livingdata = new EntityRabbit.RabbitTypeData(i);


    if (flag)

    return livingdata;
项目:DecompiledMinecraft    文件   
 * Called only once on an entity when first time spawned, via egg, mob spawner, natural spawning etc, but not called
 * when entity is reloaded from nbt. Mainly used for initializing attributes and inventory
public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, IEntityLivingData livingdata)
    livingdata = super.onInitialSpawn(difficulty, livingdata);

    if (this.worldObj.rand.nextInt(7) == 0)
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
            EntityOcelot entityocelot = new EntityOcelot(this.worldObj);
            entityocelot.setLocationAndAngles(this.posX, this.posY, this.posZ, this.rotationYaw, 0.0F);

    return livingdata;
项目:DecompiledMinecraft    文件   
 * Gives armor or weapon for entity based on given DifficultyInstance
protected void setEquipmentBasedOnDifficulty(DifficultyInstance difficulty)

    if (this.rand.nextFloat() < (this.worldObj.getDifficulty() == EnumDifficulty.HARD ? 0.05F : 0.01F))
        int i = this.rand.nextInt(3);

        if (i == 0)
            this.setCurrentItemOrArmor(0, new ItemStack(Items.iron_sword));
            this.setCurrentItemOrArmor(0, new ItemStack(Items.iron_shovel));
项目:CustomWorldGen    文件   
private EntitySkeleton createSkeleton(DifficultyInstance p_188514_1_, EntityHorse p_188514_2_)
    EntitySkeleton entityskeleton = new EntitySkeleton(p_188514_2_.worldObj);
    entityskeleton.onInitialSpawn(p_188514_1_, (IEntityLivingData)null);
    entityskeleton.setPosition(p_188514_2_.posX, p_188514_2_.posY, p_188514_2_.posZ);
    entityskeleton.hurtResistantTime = 60;

    if (entityskeleton.getItemStackFromSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot.HEAD) == null)
        entityskeleton.setItemStackToSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot.HEAD, new ItemStack(Items.IRON_HELMET));

    EnchantmentHelper.addRandomEnchantment(entityskeleton.getRNG(), entityskeleton.getHeldItemMainhand(), (int)(5.0F + p_188514_1_.getClampedAdditionalDifficulty() * (float)entityskeleton.getRNG().nextInt(18)), false);
    EnchantmentHelper.addRandomEnchantment(entityskeleton.getRNG(), entityskeleton.getItemStackFromSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot.HEAD), (int)(5.0F + p_188514_1_.getClampedAdditionalDifficulty() * (float)entityskeleton.getRNG().nextInt(18)), false);
    return entityskeleton;
项目:BaseClient    文件   
 * Called only once on an entity when first time spawned, via egg, mob spawner, natural spawning etc, but not called
 * when entity is reloaded from nbt. Mainly used for initializing attributes and inventory
public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, IEntityLivingData livingdata)
    livingdata = super.onInitialSpawn(difficulty, livingdata);
    int i = this.rand.nextInt(6);
    boolean flag = false;

    if (livingdata instanceof EntityRabbit.RabbitTypeData)
        i = ((EntityRabbit.RabbitTypeData)livingdata).typeData;
        flag = true;
        livingdata = new EntityRabbit.RabbitTypeData(i);


    if (flag)

    return livingdata;
项目:BaseClient    文件   
 * Called only once on an entity when first time spawned, via egg, mob spawner, natural spawning etc, but not called
 * when entity is reloaded from nbt. Mainly used for initializing attributes and inventory
public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, IEntityLivingData livingdata)
    livingdata = super.onInitialSpawn(difficulty, livingdata);

    if (this.worldObj.rand.nextInt(7) == 0)
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
            EntityOcelot entityocelot = new EntityOcelot(this.worldObj);
            entityocelot.setLocationAndAngles(this.posX, this.posY, this.posZ, this.rotationYaw, 0.0F);

    return livingdata;
项目:BaseClient    文件   
 * Enchants Entity's current equipments based on given DifficultyInstance
protected void setEnchantmentBasedOnDifficulty(DifficultyInstance difficulty)
    float f = difficulty.getClampedAdditionalDifficulty();

    if (this.getHeldItem() != null && this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.25F * f)
        EnchantmentHelper.addRandomEnchantment(this.rand, this.getHeldItem(), (int)(5.0F + f * (float)this.rand.nextInt(18)));

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
        ItemStack itemstack = this.getCurrentArmor(i);

        if (itemstack != null && this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.5F * f)
            EnchantmentHelper.addRandomEnchantment(this.rand, itemstack, (int)(5.0F + f * (float)this.rand.nextInt(18)));
项目:CustomWorldGen    文件   
 * Updates the task
public void updateTask()
    DifficultyInstance difficultyinstance = BlockPos(;;;;; EntityLightningBolt(,,,, true));
    EntitySkeleton entityskeleton = this.createSkeleton(difficultyinstance,;

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        EntityHorse entityhorse = this.createHorse(difficultyinstance);
        EntitySkeleton entityskeleton1 = this.createSkeleton(difficultyinstance, entityhorse);
        entityhorse.addVelocity( * 0.5D, 0.0D, * 0.5D);
项目:BaseClient    文件   
 * Called only once on an entity when first time spawned, via egg, mob spawner, natural spawning etc, but not called
 * when entity is reloaded from nbt. Mainly used for initializing attributes and inventory
public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, IEntityLivingData livingdata)
    livingdata = super.onInitialSpawn(difficulty, livingdata);

    if (this.worldObj.rand.nextInt(7) == 0)
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
            EntityOcelot entityocelot = new EntityOcelot(this.worldObj);
            entityocelot.setLocationAndAngles(this.posX, this.posY, this.posZ, this.rotationYaw, 0.0F);

    return livingdata;
项目:CustomWorldGen    文件   
 * Called only once on an entity when first time spawned, via egg, mob spawner, natural spawning etc, but not called
 * when entity is reloaded from nbt. Mainly used for initializing attributes and inventory
public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, @Nullable IEntityLivingData livingdata)
    livingdata = super.onInitialSpawn(difficulty, livingdata);

    if (this.getTameSkin() == 0 && this.worldObj.rand.nextInt(7) == 0)
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
            EntityOcelot entityocelot = new EntityOcelot(this.worldObj);
            entityocelot.setLocationAndAngles(this.posX, this.posY, this.posZ, this.rotationYaw, 0.0F);

    return livingdata;
项目:BaseClient    文件   
 * Gives armor or weapon for entity based on given DifficultyInstance
protected void setEquipmentBasedOnDifficulty(DifficultyInstance difficulty)

    if (this.rand.nextFloat() < (this.worldObj.getDifficulty() == EnumDifficulty.HARD ? 0.05F : 0.01F))
        int i = this.rand.nextInt(3);

        if (i == 0)
            this.setCurrentItemOrArmor(0, new ItemStack(Items.iron_sword));
            this.setCurrentItemOrArmor(0, new ItemStack(Items.iron_shovel));
项目:Backmemed    文件   
 * Called only once on an entity when first time spawned, via egg, mob spawner, natural spawning etc, but not called
 * when entity is reloaded from nbt. Mainly used for initializing attributes and inventory
public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, IEntityLivingData livingdata)
    if (livingdata instanceof EntityPolarBear.GroupData)
        if (((EntityPolarBear.GroupData)livingdata).madeParent)
        EntityPolarBear.GroupData entitypolarbear$groupdata = new EntityPolarBear.GroupData();
        entitypolarbear$groupdata.madeParent = true;
        livingdata = entitypolarbear$groupdata;

    return (IEntityLivingData)livingdata;
项目:Halloween    文件   
 * Overridden to fire "fake" arrows instead of real ones.
 * see {@link, float)}.
public void attackEntityWithRangedAttack(EntityLivingBase target, float distanceFactor)
    EntityFakeArrow entityarrow = new EntityFakeArrow(, this);
    double x = target.posX - this.posX;
    double y = target.getEntityBoundingBox().minY + (double)(target.height / 3.0F) - entityarrow.posY;
    double z = target.posZ - this.posZ;
    double d3 = (double)MathHelper.sqrt(x * x + z * z);
    entityarrow.setThrowableHeading(x, y + d3 * 0.2D, z, 1.6F, (float)(14 - * 4));

    DifficultyInstance difficultyinstance = BlockPos(this));
    entityarrow.setDamage((double)(distanceFactor * 2.0F) + this.rand.nextGaussian() * 0.25D + (double)((float) * 0.11F));

    this.playSound(SoundEvents.ENTITY_SKELETON_SHOOT, 1.0F, 1.0F / (this.getRNG().nextFloat() * 0.4F + 0.8F));;
项目:Halloween    文件   
 * Overridden to call {@link EntityZombie#setChild(boolean)} to force all ZombieHands to be adults, and to create HuskHands in desert biomes
public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, @Nullable IEntityLivingData livingdata)
    super.onInitialSpawn(difficulty, livingdata);

    // *** logic copied from 1.10 implementation of EntityZombie
    Biome biome = BlockPos(this));
    if (biome instanceof BiomeDesert && BlockPos(this)) && this.rand.nextInt(5) != 0)
    // *** logic copied from 1.10 implementation of EntityZombie

    return livingdata;
项目:Backmemed    文件   
 * Updates the task
public void updateTask()
    DifficultyInstance difficultyinstance = BlockPos(;;;; EntityLightningBolt(,,,, true));
    EntitySkeleton entityskeleton = this.createSkeleton(difficultyinstance,;

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        AbstractHorse abstracthorse = this.createHorse(difficultyinstance);
        EntitySkeleton entityskeleton1 = this.createSkeleton(difficultyinstance, abstracthorse);
        abstracthorse.addVelocity( * 0.5D, 0.0D, * 0.5D);
项目:Backmemed    文件   
private EntitySkeleton createSkeleton(DifficultyInstance p_188514_1_, AbstractHorse p_188514_2_)
    EntitySkeleton entityskeleton = new EntitySkeleton(;
    entityskeleton.onInitialSpawn(p_188514_1_, (IEntityLivingData)null);
    entityskeleton.setPosition(p_188514_2_.posX, p_188514_2_.posY, p_188514_2_.posZ);
    entityskeleton.hurtResistantTime = 60;

    if (entityskeleton.getItemStackFromSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot.HEAD).func_190926_b())
        entityskeleton.setItemStackToSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot.HEAD, new ItemStack(Items.IRON_HELMET));

    entityskeleton.setItemStackToSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot.MAINHAND, EnchantmentHelper.addRandomEnchantment(entityskeleton.getRNG(), entityskeleton.getHeldItemMainhand(), (int)(5.0F + p_188514_1_.getClampedAdditionalDifficulty() * (float)entityskeleton.getRNG().nextInt(18)), false));
    entityskeleton.setItemStackToSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot.HEAD, EnchantmentHelper.addRandomEnchantment(entityskeleton.getRNG(), entityskeleton.getItemStackFromSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot.HEAD), (int)(5.0F + p_188514_1_.getClampedAdditionalDifficulty() * (float)entityskeleton.getRNG().nextInt(18)), false));;
    return entityskeleton;
项目:Backmemed    文件   
 * Enchants Entity's current equipments based on given DifficultyInstance
protected void setEnchantmentBasedOnDifficulty(DifficultyInstance difficulty)
    float f = difficulty.getClampedAdditionalDifficulty();

    if (!this.getHeldItemMainhand().func_190926_b() && this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.25F * f)
        this.setItemStackToSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot.MAINHAND, EnchantmentHelper.addRandomEnchantment(this.rand, this.getHeldItemMainhand(), (int)(5.0F + f * (float)this.rand.nextInt(18)), false));

    for (EntityEquipmentSlot entityequipmentslot : EntityEquipmentSlot.values())
        if (entityequipmentslot.getSlotType() == EntityEquipmentSlot.Type.ARMOR)
            ItemStack itemstack = this.getItemStackFromSlot(entityequipmentslot);

            if (!itemstack.func_190926_b() && this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.5F * f)
                this.setItemStackToSlot(entityequipmentslot, EnchantmentHelper.addRandomEnchantment(this.rand, itemstack, (int)(5.0F + f * (float)this.rand.nextInt(18)), false));
项目:Backmemed    文件   

     * Called only once on an entity when first time spawned, via egg, mob spawner, natural spawning etc, but not called
     * when entity is reloaded from nbt. Mainly used for initializing attributes and inventory
    public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, @Nullable IEntityLivingData livingdata)
        this.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.FOLLOW_RANGE).applyModifier(new AttributeModifier("Random spawn bonus", this.rand.nextGaussian() * 0.05D, 1));

        if (this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.05F)

        return livingdata;
项目:Backmemed    文件   

     * Called only once on an entity when first time spawned, via egg, mob spawner, natural spawning etc, but not called
     * when entity is reloaded from nbt. Mainly used for initializing attributes and inventory
    public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, @Nullable IEntityLivingData livingdata)
        livingdata = super.onInitialSpawn(difficulty, livingdata);
        int i;

        if (livingdata instanceof EntityLlama.GroupData)
            i = ((EntityLlama.GroupData)livingdata).field_190886_a;
            i = this.rand.nextInt(4);
            livingdata = new EntityLlama.GroupData(i);

        return livingdata;
项目:Backmemed    文件   

     * Called only once on an entity when first time spawned, via egg, mob spawner, natural spawning etc, but not called
     * when entity is reloaded from nbt. Mainly used for initializing attributes and inventory
    public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, @Nullable IEntityLivingData livingdata)
        livingdata = super.onInitialSpawn(difficulty, livingdata);

        if (this.rand.nextInt(5) == 0)

        return livingdata;
项目:Backmemed    文件   

     * Called only once on an entity when first time spawned, via egg, mob spawner, natural spawning etc, but not called
     * when entity is reloaded from nbt. Mainly used for initializing attributes and inventory
    public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, @Nullable IEntityLivingData livingdata)
        livingdata = super.onInitialSpawn(difficulty, livingdata);

        if (this.getTameSkin() == 0 && == 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
                EntityOcelot entityocelot = new EntityOcelot(;
                entityocelot.setLocationAndAngles(this.posX, this.posY, this.posZ, this.rotationYaw, 0.0F);

        return livingdata;
项目:CustomWorldGen    文件   
 * Enchants Entity's current equipments based on given DifficultyInstance
protected void setEnchantmentBasedOnDifficulty(DifficultyInstance difficulty)
    float f = difficulty.getClampedAdditionalDifficulty();

    if (this.getHeldItemMainhand() != null && this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.25F * f)
        EnchantmentHelper.addRandomEnchantment(this.rand, this.getHeldItemMainhand(), (int)(5.0F + f * (float)this.rand.nextInt(18)), false);

    for (EntityEquipmentSlot entityequipmentslot : EntityEquipmentSlot.values())
        if (entityequipmentslot.getSlotType() == EntityEquipmentSlot.Type.ARMOR)
            ItemStack itemstack = this.getItemStackFromSlot(entityequipmentslot);

            if (itemstack != null && this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.5F * f)
                EnchantmentHelper.addRandomEnchantment(this.rand, itemstack, (int)(5.0F + f * (float)this.rand.nextInt(18)), false);
项目:Backmemed    文件   
 * Gives armor or weapon for entity based on given DifficultyInstance
protected void setEquipmentBasedOnDifficulty(DifficultyInstance difficulty)

    if (this.rand.nextFloat() < ( == EnumDifficulty.HARD ? 0.05F : 0.01F))
        int i = this.rand.nextInt(3);

        if (i == 0)
            this.setItemStackToSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot.MAINHAND, new ItemStack(Items.IRON_SWORD));
            this.setItemStackToSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot.MAINHAND, new ItemStack(Items.IRON_SHOVEL));
项目:Backmemed    文件   

     * Called only once on an entity when first time spawned, via egg, mob spawner, natural spawning etc, but not called
     * when entity is reloaded from nbt. Mainly used for initializing attributes and inventory
    public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, @Nullable IEntityLivingData livingdata)
        this.renderYawOffset = 180.0F;
        this.prevRenderYawOffset = 180.0F;
        this.rotationYaw = 180.0F;
        this.prevRotationYaw = 180.0F;
        this.rotationYawHead = 180.0F;
        this.prevRotationYawHead = 180.0F;
        return super.onInitialSpawn(difficulty, livingdata);
项目:Mods    文件   
public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance p_180482_1_, IEntityLivingData data) {
    data=super.onInitialSpawn(p_180482_1_, data);
    if(!this.loadout.getStackInSlot(1).isEmpty() && this.loadout.getStackInSlot(1).getItem() instanceof ItemChargingTarge){
        this.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.MAX_HEALTH).applyModifier(new AttributeModifier("ShieldHP", 3, 0));
        this.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED).applyModifier(new AttributeModifier("ShieldMove", 0.02, 2));
    return data;
项目:CustomWorldGen    文件   
 * Called only once on an entity when first time spawned, via egg, mob spawner, natural spawning etc, but not called
 * when entity is reloaded from nbt. Mainly used for initializing attributes and inventory
public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, @Nullable IEntityLivingData livingdata)
    livingdata = super.onInitialSpawn(difficulty, livingdata);
    return livingdata;
项目:DecompiledMinecraft    文件   
 * Called only once on an entity when first time spawned, via egg, mob spawner, natural spawning etc, but not called
 * when entity is reloaded from nbt. Mainly used for initializing attributes and inventory
public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, IEntityLivingData livingdata)
    livingdata = super.onInitialSpawn(difficulty, livingdata);
    return livingdata;
项目:DecompiledMinecraft    文件   
 * Called only once on an entity when first time spawned, via egg, mob spawner, natural spawning etc, but not called
 * when entity is reloaded from nbt. Mainly used for initializing attributes and inventory
public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, IEntityLivingData livingdata)
    super.onInitialSpawn(difficulty, livingdata);
    return livingdata;
项目:Backmemed    文件   

     * Called only once on an entity when first time spawned, via egg, mob spawner, natural spawning etc, but not called
     * when entity is reloaded from nbt. Mainly used for initializing attributes and inventory
    public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, @Nullable IEntityLivingData livingdata)
        livingdata = super.onInitialSpawn(difficulty, livingdata);
        this.setCanPickUpLoot(this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.55F * difficulty.getClampedAdditionalDifficulty());

        if (this.getItemStackFromSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot.HEAD).func_190926_b())
            Calendar calendar =;

            if (calendar.get(2) + 1 == 10 && calendar.get(5) == 31 && this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.25F)
                this.setItemStackToSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot.HEAD, new ItemStack(this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.1F ? Blocks.LIT_PUMPKIN : Blocks.PUMPKIN));
                this.inventoryArmorDropChances[EntityEquipmentSlot.HEAD.getIndex()] = 0.0F;

        return livingdata;
项目:DecompiledMinecraft    文件   
 * Called only once on an entity when first time spawned, via egg, mob spawner, natural spawning etc, but not called
 * when entity is reloaded from nbt. Mainly used for initializing attributes and inventory
public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, IEntityLivingData livingdata)
    livingdata = super.onInitialSpawn(difficulty, livingdata);
    return livingdata;
项目:DecompiledMinecraft    文件   
 * Called only once on an entity when first time spawned, via egg, mob spawner, natural spawning etc, but not called
 * when entity is reloaded from nbt. Mainly used for initializing attributes and inventory
public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, IEntityLivingData livingdata)
    livingdata = super.onInitialSpawn(difficulty, livingdata);

    if (this.worldObj.provider instanceof WorldProviderHell && this.getRNG().nextInt(5) > 0)
        this.tasks.addTask(4, this.aiAttackOnCollide);
        this.setCurrentItemOrArmor(0, new ItemStack(Items.stone_sword));
        this.tasks.addTask(4, this.aiArrowAttack);

    this.setCanPickUpLoot(this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.55F * difficulty.getClampedAdditionalDifficulty());

    if (this.getEquipmentInSlot(4) == null)
        Calendar calendar = this.worldObj.getCurrentDate();

        if (calendar.get(2) + 1 == 10 && calendar.get(5) == 31 && this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.25F)
            this.setCurrentItemOrArmor(4, new ItemStack(this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.1F ? Blocks.lit_pumpkin : Blocks.pumpkin));
            this.equipmentDropChances[4] = 0.0F;

    return livingdata;
项目:DecompiledMinecraft    文件   
 * Called only once on an entity when first time spawned, via egg, mob spawner, natural spawning etc, but not called
 * when entity is reloaded from nbt. Mainly used for initializing attributes and inventory
public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, IEntityLivingData livingdata)
    int i = this.rand.nextInt(3);

    if (i < 2 && this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.5F * difficulty.getClampedAdditionalDifficulty())

    int j = 1 << i;
    return super.onInitialSpawn(difficulty, livingdata);
项目:DecompiledMinecraft    文件   
 * Called only once on an entity when first time spawned, via egg, mob spawner, natural spawning etc, but not called
 * when entity is reloaded from nbt. Mainly used for initializing attributes and inventory
public IEntityLivingData onInitialSpawn(DifficultyInstance difficulty, IEntityLivingData livingdata)
    super.onInitialSpawn(difficulty, livingdata);
    return livingdata;