public GuiListWorldSelectionEntry(GuiListWorldSelection listWorldSelIn, WorldSummary p_i46591_2_, ISaveFormat p_i46591_3_) { this.containingListSel = listWorldSelIn; this.worldSelScreen = listWorldSelIn.getGuiWorldSelection(); this.worldSummary = p_i46591_2_; this.client = Minecraft.getMinecraft(); this.iconLocation = new ResourceLocation("worlds/" + p_i46591_2_.getFileName() + "/icon"); this.iconFile = p_i46591_3_.getFile(p_i46591_2_.getFileName(), "icon.png"); if (!this.iconFile.isFile()) { this.iconFile = null; } this.loadServerIcon(); }
public void refreshList() { ISaveFormat isaveformat =; List<WorldSummary> list; try { list = isaveformat.getSaveList(); } catch (AnvilConverterException anvilconverterexception) { LOGGER.error((String)"Couldn\'t load level list", (Throwable)anvilconverterexception); GuiErrorScreen(I18n.format("selectWorld.unable_to_load", new Object[0]), anvilconverterexception.getMessage())); return; } Collections.sort(list); for (WorldSummary worldsummary : list) { this.entries.add(new GuiListWorldSelectionEntry(this, worldsummary,; } }
public void refreshList() { ISaveFormat isaveformat =; List<WorldSummary> list; try { list = isaveformat.getSaveList(); } catch (AnvilConverterException anvilconverterexception) { LOGGER.error((String)"Couldn\'t load level list", (Throwable)anvilconverterexception); GuiErrorScreen("Unable to load worlds", anvilconverterexception.getMessage())); return; } Collections.sort(list); for (WorldSummary worldsummary : list) { this.entries.add(new GuiListWorldSelectionEntry(this, worldsummary,; } }
/** * Attempts to delete all Minecraft Worlds with "TEMP_" in front of the name * @param currentWorld excludes this world from deletion, can be null */ public static void cleanupTemporaryWorlds(String currentWorld){ List<WorldSummary> saveList; ISaveFormat isaveformat = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getSaveLoader(); isaveformat.flushCache(); try{ saveList = isaveformat.getSaveList(); } catch (AnvilConverterException e){ e.printStackTrace(); return; } String searchString = tempMark + AddressHelper.getMissionControlPort() + "_"; for (WorldSummary s: saveList){ String folderName = s.getFileName(); if (folderName.startsWith(searchString) && !folderName.equals(currentWorld)){ isaveformat.deleteWorldDirectory(folderName); } } }
public List<WorldSummary> getSaveList() throws AnvilConverterException { if (this.savesDirectory != null && this.savesDirectory.exists() && this.savesDirectory.isDirectory()) { List<WorldSummary> list = Lists.<WorldSummary>newArrayList(); File[] afile = this.savesDirectory.listFiles(); for (File file1 : afile) { if (file1.isDirectory()) { String s = file1.getName(); WorldInfo worldinfo = this.getWorldInfo(s); if (worldinfo != null && (worldinfo.getSaveVersion() == 19132 || worldinfo.getSaveVersion() == 19133)) { boolean flag = worldinfo.getSaveVersion() != this.getSaveVersion(); String s1 = worldinfo.getWorldName(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(s1)) { s1 = s; } long i = 0L; list.add(new WorldSummary(worldinfo, s, s1, 0L, flag)); } } } return list; } else { throw new AnvilConverterException(I18n.translateToLocal("selectWorld.load_folder_access")); } }
public List<RealmsLevelSummary> getLevelList() throws AnvilConverterException { List<RealmsLevelSummary> list = Lists.<RealmsLevelSummary>newArrayList(); for (WorldSummary worldsummary : this.levelStorageSource.getSaveList()) { list.add(new RealmsLevelSummary(worldsummary)); } return list; }
@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public List<WorldSummary> getSaveList() throws AnvilConverterException { if (this.savesDirectory != null && this.savesDirectory.exists() && this.savesDirectory.isDirectory()) { List<WorldSummary> list = Lists.<WorldSummary>newArrayList(); File[] afile = this.savesDirectory.listFiles(); for (File file1 : afile) { if (file1.isDirectory()) { String s = file1.getName(); WorldInfo worldinfo = this.getWorldInfo(s); if (worldinfo != null && (worldinfo.getSaveVersion() == 19132 || worldinfo.getSaveVersion() == 19133)) { boolean flag = worldinfo.getSaveVersion() != this.getSaveVersion(); String s1 = worldinfo.getWorldName(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(s1)) { s1 = s; } long i = 0L; list.add(new WorldSummary(worldinfo, s, s1, 0L, flag)); } } } return list; } else { throw new AnvilConverterException("Unable to read or access folder where game worlds are saved!"); } }
public RealmsLevelSummary(WorldSummary levelSummaryIn) { this.levelSummary = levelSummaryIn; }
public int compareTo(WorldSummary p_compareTo_1_) { return this.levelSummary.compareTo(p_compareTo_1_); }
@Override public boolean createWorld(MissionInit missionInit) { if (this.mapFilename == null || this.mapFilename.length() == 0) { this.errorDetails = "No basemap URI provided - check your Mission XML."; return false; } File mapSource = new File(this.mapFilename); if (!mapSource.exists()) { this.errorDetails = "Basemap file " + this.mapFilename + " was not found - check your Mission XML and ensure the file exists on the Minecraft client machine."; return false; } if (!mapSource.isDirectory()) { this.errorDetails = "Basemap location " + this.mapFilename + " needs to be a folder. Check the path in your Mission XML."; return false; } File mapCopy = MapFileHelper.copyMapFiles(mapSource, this.fwparams.isDestroyAfterUse()); if (mapCopy == null) { this.errorDetails = "Unable to copy " + this.mapFilename + " - is the hard drive full?"; return false; } if (!Minecraft.getMinecraft().getSaveLoader().canLoadWorld(mapCopy.getName())) { this.errorDetails = "Minecraft is unable to load " + this.mapFilename + " - is it a valid saved world?"; return false; } ISaveFormat isaveformat = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getSaveLoader(); List<WorldSummary> worldlist; try { worldlist = isaveformat.getSaveList(); } catch (AnvilConverterException anvilconverterexception) { this.errorDetails = "Minecraft couldn't rebuild saved world list."; return false; } WorldSummary newWorld = null; for (WorldSummary ws : worldlist) { if (ws.getFileName().equals(mapCopy.getName())) newWorld = ws; } if (newWorld == null) { this.errorDetails = "Minecraft could not find the copied world."; return false; } net.minecraftforge.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.instance().tryLoadExistingWorld(null, newWorld); IntegratedServer server = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getIntegratedServer(); String worldName = (server != null) ? server.getWorldName() : null; if (worldName == null || !worldName.equals(newWorld.getDisplayName())) { this.errorDetails = "Minecraft could not load " + this.mapFilename + " - is it a valid saved world?"; return false; } MapFileHelper.cleanupTemporaryWorlds(mapCopy.getName()); // Now we are safely running a new file, we can attempt to clean up old ones. return true; }