def __init__(self): super(mnist_model, self).__init__() self.feats = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(1, 32, 5, 1, 1), nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2), nn.ReLU(True), nn.BatchNorm2d(32), nn.Conv2d(32, 64, 3, 1, 1), nn.ReLU(True), nn.BatchNorm2d(64), nn.Conv2d(64, 64, 3, 1, 1), nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2), nn.ReLU(True), nn.BatchNorm2d(64), nn.Conv2d(64, 128, 3, 1, 1), nn.ReLU(True), nn.BatchNorm2d(128) ) self.classifier = nn.Conv2d(128, 10, 1) self.avgpool = nn.AvgPool2d(6, 6) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.5)
def __init__(self, bn=False): super(MCNN, self).__init__() self.branch1 = nn.Sequential(Conv2d( 1, 16, 9, same_padding=True, bn=bn), nn.MaxPool2d(2), Conv2d(16, 32, 7, same_padding=True, bn=bn), nn.MaxPool2d(2), Conv2d(32, 16, 7, same_padding=True, bn=bn), Conv2d(16, 8, 7, same_padding=True, bn=bn)) self.branch2 = nn.Sequential(Conv2d( 1, 20, 7, same_padding=True, bn=bn), nn.MaxPool2d(2), Conv2d(20, 40, 5, same_padding=True, bn=bn), nn.MaxPool2d(2), Conv2d(40, 20, 5, same_padding=True, bn=bn), Conv2d(20, 10, 5, same_padding=True, bn=bn)) self.branch3 = nn.Sequential(Conv2d( 1, 24, 5, same_padding=True, bn=bn), nn.MaxPool2d(2), Conv2d(24, 48, 3, same_padding=True, bn=bn), nn.MaxPool2d(2), Conv2d(48, 24, 3, same_padding=True, bn=bn), Conv2d(24, 12, 3, same_padding=True, bn=bn)) self.fuse = nn.Sequential(Conv2d( 30, 1, 1, same_padding=True, bn=bn))
def __init__(self, in_planes, cardinality=32, bottleneck_width=4, stride=1): super(Block, self).__init__() group_width = cardinality * bottleneck_width self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_planes, group_width, kernel_size=1, bias=False) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(group_width) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(group_width, group_width, kernel_size=3, stride=stride, padding=1, groups=cardinality, bias=False) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(group_width) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(group_width, self.expansion*group_width, kernel_size=1, bias=False) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2d(self.expansion*group_width) self.shortcut = nn.Sequential() if stride != 1 or in_planes != self.expansion*group_width: self.shortcut = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(in_planes, self.expansion*group_width, kernel_size=1, stride=stride, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(self.expansion*group_width) )
def __init__(self, in_channels, n_filters, k_size, stride, padding, bias=True): super(conv2DBatchNorm, self).__init__() self.cb_unit = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(int(in_channels), int(n_filters), kernel_size=k_size, padding=padding, stride=stride, bias=bias), nn.BatchNorm2d(int(n_filters)),)
def _augment_module_post(net: nn.Module, callback_dict: dict) -> (dict, list): backward_hook_remove_func_list = [] vis_param_dict = dict() vis_param_dict['layer'] = None vis_param_dict['index'] = None vis_param_dict['method'] = GradType.NAIVE for x, y in net.named_modules(): if not isinstance(y, nn.Sequential) and y is not net: # I should add hook to all layers, in case they will be needed. backward_hook_remove_func_list.append( y.register_backward_hook( partial(_backward_hook, module_name=x, callback_dict=callback_dict, vis_param_dict=vis_param_dict))) def remove_handles(): for x in backward_hook_remove_func_list: x.remove() return vis_param_dict, remove_handles
def conv_bn(in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0, bias=False): "convolution with batchnorm, relu" return nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(out_planes, eps=1e-3), nn.ReLU() )
def _make_layer(self, block, planes, blocks, stride=1): downsample = None if stride != 1 or self.inplanes != planes * block.expansion: downsample = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(self.inplanes, planes * block.expansion, kernel_size=1, stride=stride, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(planes * block.expansion), ) layers = [] layers.append(block(self.inplanes, planes, stride, downsample)) self.inplanes = planes * block.expansion for i in range(1, blocks): layers.append(block(self.inplanes, planes)) return nn.Sequential(*layers)
def _make_layer(self, block, planes, blocks, stride=1, batch_norm=True): downsample = None if self.shortcut == 'C' or \ self.shortcut == 'B' and \ (stride != 1 or self.inplanes != planes * block.expansion): downsample = [nn.Conv2d(self.inplanes, planes * block.expansion, kernel_size=1, stride=stride, bias=not batch_norm)] if batch_norm: downsample.append(nn.BatchNorm2d(planes * block.expansion)) downsample = nn.Sequential(*downsample) else: downsample = PlainDownSample( self.inplanes, planes * block.expansion, stride) layers = [] layers.append(block(self.inplanes, planes, stride, downsample, batch_norm)) self.inplanes = planes * block.expansion for i in range(1, blocks): layers.append(block(self.inplanes, planes, batch_norm=batch_norm)) return nn.Sequential(*layers)
def __init__(self, in_channels=256, out_channels=256, stride=1, cardinality=32): """ Constructor Args: in_channels: input channel dimensionality out_channels: output channel dimensionality stride: conv stride. Replaces pooling layer. cardinality: num of convolution groups. """ super(DResNeXtBottleneck, self).__init__() D = out_channels // 2 self.conv_reduce = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, D, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0, bias=False) self.conv_conv = nn.Conv2d(D, D, kernel_size=3, stride=stride, padding=1, groups=cardinality, bias=False) self.conv_expand = nn.Conv2d(D, out_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0, bias=False) self.shortcut = nn.Sequential() if in_channels != out_channels: self.shortcut.add_module('shortcut_conv', nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=stride, padding=0, bias=False))
def def_netF(): vgg19 = M.vgg19() vgg19.load_state_dict(torch.load('vgg19.pth')) vgg19.classifier = nn.Sequential( *list(vgg19.classifier.children())[:2] ) for param in vgg19.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False return vgg19
def _make_layer(self, block, planes, blocks, stride=1): downsample = None if stride != 1 or self.inplanes != planes * block.expansion: downsample = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(self.inplanes, planes * block.expansion, kernel_size=1, stride=stride, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(planes * block.expansion), ) layers = [] layers.append(block(self.inplanes, planes, self.cardinality, self.base_width, stride, downsample)) self.inplanes = planes * block.expansion for i in range(1, blocks): layers.append(block(self.inplanes, planes, self.cardinality, self.base_width)) return nn.Sequential(*layers)
def __init__(self, dim=64): super(Generator, self).__init__() conv_bn_relu = conv_norm_act dconv_bn_relu = dconv_norm_act self.ls = nn.Sequential(nn.ReflectionPad2d(3), conv_bn_relu(3, dim * 1, 7, 1), conv_bn_relu(dim * 1, dim * 2, 3, 2, 1), conv_bn_relu(dim * 2, dim * 4, 3, 2, 1), ResiduleBlock(dim * 4, dim * 4), ResiduleBlock(dim * 4, dim * 4), ResiduleBlock(dim * 4, dim * 4), ResiduleBlock(dim * 4, dim * 4), ResiduleBlock(dim * 4, dim * 4), ResiduleBlock(dim * 4, dim * 4), ResiduleBlock(dim * 4, dim * 4), ResiduleBlock(dim * 4, dim * 4), ResiduleBlock(dim * 4, dim * 4), dconv_bn_relu(dim * 4, dim * 2, 3, 2, 1, 1), dconv_bn_relu(dim * 2, dim * 1, 3, 2, 1, 1), nn.ReflectionPad2d(3), nn.Conv2d(dim, 3, 7, 1), nn.Tanh())
def __init__(self, n_layers=2, h_size=512): super(ResLSTM, self).__init__() print('Building AlexNet + LSTM model...') self.h_size = h_size self.n_layers = n_layers resnet = models.resnet50(pretrained=True) self.conv = nn.Sequential(*list(resnet.children())[:-1]) self.lstm = nn.LSTM(1280, h_size, dropout=0.2, num_layers=n_layers) self.fc = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(h_size, 64), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(0.2), nn.Linear(64, 1) )
def __init__(self, h_size=512, n_layers=3): super(DenseLSTM, self).__init__() print('Building DenseNet + LSTM model...') self.h_size = h_size self.n_layers = n_layers densenet = models.densenet201(pretrained=True) self.conv = nn.Sequential(*list(densenet.children())[:-1]) self.lstm = nn.LSTM(23040, h_size, dropout=0.2, num_layers=n_layers) self.fc = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(512, 256), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(0.2), nn.Linear(256, 1) )
def __init__(self, n_layers=2, h_size=420): super(AlexLSTM, self).__init__() print('Building AlexNet + LSTM model...') self.h_size = h_size self.n_layers = n_layers alexnet = models.alexnet(pretrained=True) self.conv = nn.Sequential(*list(alexnet.children())[:-1]) self.lstm = nn.LSTM(1280, h_size, dropout=0.2, num_layers=n_layers) self.fc = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(h_size, 64), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(0.2), nn.Linear(64, 1) )
def build_conv_block(self, dim, padding_type, norm_layer, use_dropout): conv_block = [] p = 0 # TODO: support padding types assert(padding_type == 'zero') p = 1 # TODO: InstanceNorm conv_block += [nn.Conv2d(dim, dim, kernel_size=3, padding=p), norm_layer(dim, affine=True), nn.ReLU(True)] if use_dropout: conv_block += [nn.Dropout(0.5)] conv_block += [nn.Conv2d(dim, dim, kernel_size=3, padding=p), norm_layer(dim, affine=True)] return nn.Sequential(*conv_block)
def test_parameters(self): def num_params(module): return len(list(module.parameters())) class Net(nn.Container): def __init__(self): super(Net, self).__init__( l1=l, l2=l ) self.param = Parameter(torch.Tensor(3, 5)) l = nn.Linear(10, 20) n = Net() s = nn.Sequential(n, n, n, n) self.assertEqual(num_params(l), 2) self.assertEqual(num_params(n), 3) self.assertEqual(num_params(s), 3)
def __init__(self, num_layers, in_channels, growth_rate, bottleneck, p): """ Initialize the different parts of the DenseBlock. Params ------ - num_layers: the number of layers L in the dense block. - in_channels: the number of input channels feeding into the first subblock. - growth_rate: the number of output feature maps produced by each subblock. This number is common across all subblocks. """ super(DenseBlock, self).__init__() # create L subblocks layers = [] for i in range(num_layers): cumul_channels = in_channels + i * growth_rate layers.append(SubBlock(cumul_channels, growth_rate, bottleneck, p)) self.block = nn.Sequential(*layers) self.out_channels = cumul_channels + growth_rate
def generate_model(): class MyModel(nn.Module): def __init__(self, pretrained_model): super(MyModel, self).__init__() self.pretrained_model = pretrained_model self.layer1 = pretrained_model.layer1 self.layer2 = pretrained_model.layer2 self.layer3 = pretrained_model.layer3 self.layer4 = pretrained_model.layer4 pretrained_model.avgpool = nn.AvgPool2d(8) classifier = [ nn.Linear(pretrained_model.fc.in_features, 17), ] self.classifier = nn.Sequential(*classifier) pretrained_model.fc = self.classifier def forward(self, x): return F.sigmoid(self.pretrained_model(x)) return MyModel(torchvision.models.resnet50(pretrained=True))
def generate_model(): class MyModel(nn.Module): def __init__(self, pretrained_model): super(MyModel, self).__init__() self.pretrained_model = pretrained_model self.layer1 = pretrained_model.layer1 self.layer2 = pretrained_model.layer2 self.layer3 = pretrained_model.layer3 self.layer4 = pretrained_model.layer4 pretrained_model.avgpool = nn.AvgPool2d(8) classifier = [ nn.Linear(pretrained_model.fc.in_features, 17), ] self.classifier = nn.Sequential(*classifier) pretrained_model.fc = self.classifier def forward(self, x): return F.sigmoid(self.pretrained_model(x)) return MyModel(torchvision.models.resnet34(pretrained=True))
def generate_model(): class MyModel(nn.Module): def __init__(self, pretrained_model): super(MyModel, self).__init__() self.pretrained_model = pretrained_model self.layer1 = pretrained_model.layer1 self.layer2 = pretrained_model.layer2 self.layer3 = pretrained_model.layer3 self.layer4 = pretrained_model.layer4 pretrained_model.avgpool = nn.AvgPool2d(8) classifier = [ nn.Linear(pretrained_model.fc.in_features, 17), ] self.classifier = nn.Sequential(*classifier) pretrained_model.fc = self.classifier def forward(self, x): return F.sigmoid(self.pretrained_model(x)) return MyModel(torchvision.models.resnet101(pretrained=True))
def generate_model(): class MyModel(nn.Module): def __init__(self, pretrained_model): super(MyModel, self).__init__() self.pretrained_model = pretrained_model self.layer1 = pretrained_model.layer1 self.layer2 = pretrained_model.layer2 self.layer3 = pretrained_model.layer3 self.layer4 = pretrained_model.layer4 pretrained_model.avgpool = nn.AvgPool2d(8) classifier = [ nn.Linear(pretrained_model.fc.in_features, 17), ] self.classifier = nn.Sequential(*classifier) pretrained_model.fc = self.classifier def forward(self, x): return self.pretrained_model(x) return MyModel(torchvision.models.resnet18(pretrained=True))
def __init__(self, opt): super(resnet_mil, self).__init__() import model.resnet as resnet resnet = resnet.resnet101() resnet.load_state_dict(torch.load('/media/jxgu/d2tb/model/resnet/resnet101.pth')) self.conv = torch.nn.Sequential() self.conv.add_module("conv1", resnet.conv1) self.conv.add_module("bn1", resnet.bn1) self.conv.add_module("relu", resnet.relu) self.conv.add_module("maxpool", resnet.maxpool) self.conv.add_module("layer1", resnet.layer1) self.conv.add_module("layer2", resnet.layer2) self.conv.add_module("layer3", resnet.layer3) self.conv.add_module("layer4", resnet.layer4) self.l1 = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(2048, 1000), nn.ReLU(True), nn.Dropout(0.5)) self.att_size = 7 self.pool_mil = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=self.att_size, stride=0)
def __init__(self,out_size,gpu_id,num_seg): super(VC_inception_v4,self).__init__() sys.path.insert(0,'../tool/models_zoo/') from inceptionv4.pytorch_load import inceptionv4 self.inception_v4=inceptionv4(pretrained=True).cuda() mod=[nn.Dropout(p=0.8)]#.cuda(self.gpu_id)] mod.append(nn.Linear(1536,101))#.cuda(self.gpu_id)) new_fc=nn.Sequential(*mod)#.cuda(self.gpu_id) self.inception_v4.classif=new_fc self.num_seg=num_seg #self.resnet101.fc=nn.Linear(2048,101).cuda(gpu_id) self.avg_pool2d=nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=(3,1))#.cuda(self.gpu_id) # for params in self.inception_v4.parameters(): # params.requires_grad=False # for params in self.inception_v4.features[21].parameters(): # params.requires_grad=True
def _make_test_model(): import torch.nn as nn from inferno.extensions.layers.reshape import AsMatrix toy_net = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(3, 128, 3, 1, 1), nn.ELU(), nn.MaxPool2d(2), nn.Conv2d(128, 128, 3, 1, 1), nn.ELU(), nn.MaxPool2d(2), nn.Conv2d(128, 256, 3, 1, 1), nn.ELU(), nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((1, 1)), AsMatrix(), nn.Linear(256, 10), nn.Softmax()) return toy_net
def setUp(self): # Build a simple ass model model = Sequential(Conv2D(3, 32, 3, 'ReLU'), MaxPool2d(2, 2), Conv2D(32, 32, 3, 'ReLU'), MaxPool2d(2, 2), Conv2D(32, 32, 3, 'ReLU'), MaxPool2d(2, 2), Conv2D(32, 32, 3, 'ReLU'), AdaptiveAvgPool2d((1, 1)), AsMatrix(), Linear(32, 10), Softmax()) train_dataloader = generate_random_dataloader(512, (3, 32, 32), 10, batch_size=16) validate_dataloader = generate_random_dataloader(32, (3, 32, 32), 10, batch_size=16) # Build trainer trainer = Trainer(model)\ .bind_loader('train', train_dataloader)\ .bind_loader('validate', validate_dataloader)\ .save_to_directory(to_directory=join(self.WORKING_DIRECTORY, 'Weights'))\ .build_criterion('CrossEntropyLoss').build_optimizer('RMSprop') self.trainer = trainer
def __init__(self, config): super(SNLIClassifier, self).__init__() self.config = config self.embed = nn.Embedding(config.n_embed, config.d_embed) self.projection = Linear(config.d_embed, config.d_proj) self.embed_bn = BatchNorm(config.d_proj) self.embed_dropout = nn.Dropout(p=config.embed_dropout) self.encoder = SPINN(config) if config.spinn else Encoder(config) feat_in_size = config.d_hidden * ( 2 if self.config.birnn and not self.config.spinn else 1) self.feature = Feature(feat_in_size, config.mlp_dropout) self.mlp_dropout = nn.Dropout(p=config.mlp_dropout) self.relu = nn.ReLU() mlp_in_size = 4 * feat_in_size mlp = [nn.Linear(mlp_in_size, config.d_mlp), self.relu, nn.BatchNorm1d(config.d_mlp), self.mlp_dropout] for i in range(config.n_mlp_layers - 1): mlp.extend([nn.Linear(config.d_mlp, config.d_mlp), self.relu, nn.BatchNorm1d(config.d_mlp), self.mlp_dropout]) mlp.append(nn.Linear(config.d_mlp, config.d_out)) self.out = nn.Sequential(*mlp)
def __init__(self, hidden_size, output_size, r_factor=2, dropout_p=0.5): super(AttnDecoderRNN, self).__init__() self.r_factor = r_factor self.prenet = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(output_size, 2 * hidden_size), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(dropout_p), nn.Linear(2 * hidden_size, hidden_size), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(dropout_p) ) self.linear_dec = nn.Linear(2 * hidden_size, 2 * hidden_size) self.gru_att = nn.GRU(hidden_size, 2 * hidden_size, batch_first=True) self.attn = nn.Linear(2 * hidden_size, 1) # TODO: change name... self.short_cut = nn.Linear(4 * hidden_size, 2 * hidden_size) self.gru_dec1 = nn.GRU(4 * hidden_size, 2 * hidden_size, num_layers=1, batch_first=True) self.gru_dec2 = nn.GRU(2 * hidden_size, 2 * hidden_size, num_layers=1, batch_first=True) self.out = nn.Linear(2 * hidden_size, r_factor * output_size)
def __init__(self, in_planes, out_planes, pool_method, stride): super(Block, self).__init__() self.branches = nn.ModuleList([ nn.Sequential( _make_conv(in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size=1, padding=0), _make_conv(out_planes, out_planes, stride=stride) ), nn.Sequential( _make_conv(in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size=1, padding=0), _make_conv(out_planes, out_planes), _make_conv(out_planes, out_planes, stride=stride)) ]) if pool_method == 'Avg': assert stride == 1 self.branches.append( _make_conv(in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size=1, padding=0)) self.branches.append(nn.Sequential( nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1), _make_conv(in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size=1, padding=0))) else: self.branches.append( nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=stride, padding=1))
def __init__(self): super(LeNetSeq, self).__init__() self.conv = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(3, 6, 5), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d(2), nn.Conv2d(6, 16, 5), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d(2), ) self.fc = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(16*5*5, 120), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(120, 84), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(84, 10) )
def __init__(self, bn=False): super(VGG16, self).__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Sequential(Conv2d(3, 64, 3, same_padding=True, bn=bn), Conv2d(64, 64, 3, same_padding=True, bn=bn), nn.MaxPool2d(2)) self.conv2 = nn.Sequential(Conv2d(64, 128, 3, same_padding=True, bn=bn), Conv2d(128, 128, 3, same_padding=True, bn=bn), nn.MaxPool2d(2)) network.set_trainable(self.conv1, requires_grad=False) network.set_trainable(self.conv2, requires_grad=False) self.conv3 = nn.Sequential(Conv2d(128, 256, 3, same_padding=True, bn=bn), Conv2d(256, 256, 3, same_padding=True, bn=bn), Conv2d(256, 256, 3, same_padding=True, bn=bn), nn.MaxPool2d(2)) self.conv4 = nn.Sequential(Conv2d(256, 512, 3, same_padding=True, bn=bn), Conv2d(512, 512, 3, same_padding=True, bn=bn), Conv2d(512, 512, 3, same_padding=True, bn=bn), nn.MaxPool2d(2)) self.conv5 = nn.Sequential(Conv2d(512, 512, 3, same_padding=True, bn=bn), Conv2d(512, 512, 3, same_padding=True, bn=bn), Conv2d(512, 512, 3, same_padding=True, bn=bn))
def __init__(self): """Init LeNet encoder.""" super(Generator, self).__init__() self.restored = False self.encoder = nn.Sequential( # 1st conv block # input [1 x 28 x 28] # output [64 x 12 x 12] nn.Conv2d(1, 64, 5, 1, 0, bias=False), nn.MaxPool2d(2), nn.ReLU(), # 2nd conv block # input [64 x 12 x 12] # output [50 x 4 x 4] nn.Conv2d(64, 50, 5, 1, 0, bias=False), nn.Dropout2d(), nn.MaxPool2d(2), nn.ReLU() ) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(50 * 4 * 4, 500)
def convLayer(opt, layer_pos, nInput, nOutput, k ): "3x3 convolution with padding" #if 'BN_momentum' in opt.keys(): # batchNorm = nn.BatchNorm2d(nOutput,momentum=opt['BN_momentum']) #else: # batchNorm = nn.BatchNorm2d(nOutput) seq = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(nInput, nOutput, kernel_size=k, stride=1, padding=1, bias=True), #batchNorm, opt['bnorm2d'][layer_pos], nn.ReLU(True), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2) ) if opt['useDropout']: # Add dropout module list_seq = list(seq.modules())[1:] list_seq.append(nn.Dropout(0.1)) seq = nn.Sequential(*list_seq) return seq
def _make_layers(self, cfg): layers = [] in_channels = 3 for x in cfg: if x == 'M': layers += [nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2)] else: layers += [nn.Conv2d(in_channels, x, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.BatchNorm2d(x), nn.ReLU(inplace=True)] in_channels = x layers += [nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=1, stride=1)] return nn.Sequential(*layers) # net = VGG('VGG11') # x = torch.randn(2,3,32,32) # print(net(Variable(x)).size())
def _make_layer(self, num_blocks, stride): strides = [stride] + [1]*(num_blocks-1) layers = [] for stride in strides: layers.append(Block(self.in_planes, self.cardinality, self.bottleneck_width, stride)) self.in_planes = Block.expansion * self.cardinality * self.bottleneck_width # Increase bottleneck_width by 2 after each stage. self.bottleneck_width *= 2 return nn.Sequential(*layers)
def __init__(self, feature_scale=4, n_classes=21, is_deconv=True, in_channels=3, is_batchnorm=True): super(pspnet, self).__init__() self.is_deconv = is_deconv self.in_channels = in_channels self.is_batchnorm = is_batchnorm self.feature_scale = feature_scale self.layers = [2, 2, 2, 2] # Currently hardcoded for ResNet-18 filters = [64, 128, 256, 512] filters = [x / self.feature_scale for x in filters] self.inplanes = filters[0] # Encoder self.convbnrelu1 = conv2DBatchNormRelu(in_channels=3, k_size=7, n_filters=64, padding=3, stride=2, bias=False) self.maxpool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) block = residualBlock self.encoder1 = self._make_layer(block, filters[0], self.layers[0]) self.encoder2 = self._make_layer(block, filters[1], self.layers[1], stride=2) self.encoder3 = self._make_layer(block, filters[2], self.layers[2], stride=2) self.encoder4 = self._make_layer(block, filters[3], self.layers[3], stride=2) self.avgpool = nn.AvgPool2d(7) # Decoder self.decoder4 = linknetUp(filters[3], filters[2]) self.decoder4 = linknetUp(filters[2], filters[1]) self.decoder4 = linknetUp(filters[1], filters[0]) self.decoder4 = linknetUp(filters[0], filters[0]) # Final Classifier self.finaldeconvbnrelu1 = nn.Sequential(nn.ConvTranspose2d(filters[0], 32/feature_scale, 3, 2, 1), nn.BatchNorm2d(32/feature_scale), nn.ReLU(inplace=True),) self.finalconvbnrelu2 = conv2DBatchNormRelu(in_channels=32/feature_scale, k_size=3, n_filters=32/feature_scale, padding=1, stride=1) self.finalconv3 = nn.Conv2d(32/feature_scale, n_classes, 2, 2, 0)
def _make_layer(self, block, planes, blocks, stride=1): downsample = None if stride != 1 or self.inplanes != planes * block.expansion: downsample = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(self.inplanes, planes * block.expansion, kernel_size=1, stride=stride, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(planes * block.expansion),) layers = [] layers.append(block(self.inplanes, planes, stride, downsample)) self.inplanes = planes * block.expansion for i in range(1, blocks): layers.append(block(self.inplanes, planes)) return nn.Sequential(*layers)
def __init__(self, feature_scale=4, n_classes=21, is_deconv=True, in_channels=3, is_batchnorm=True): super(linknet, self).__init__() self.is_deconv = is_deconv self.in_channels = in_channels self.is_batchnorm = is_batchnorm self.feature_scale = feature_scale self.layers = [2, 2, 2, 2] # Currently hardcoded for ResNet-18 filters = [64, 128, 256, 512] filters = [x / self.feature_scale for x in filters] self.inplanes = filters[0] # Encoder self.convbnrelu1 = conv2DBatchNormRelu(in_channels=3, k_size=7, n_filters=64, padding=3, stride=2, bias=False) self.maxpool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) block = residualBlock self.encoder1 = self._make_layer(block, filters[0], self.layers[0]) self.encoder2 = self._make_layer(block, filters[1], self.layers[1], stride=2) self.encoder3 = self._make_layer(block, filters[2], self.layers[2], stride=2) self.encoder4 = self._make_layer(block, filters[3], self.layers[3], stride=2) self.avgpool = nn.AvgPool2d(7) # Decoder self.decoder4 = linknetUp(filters[3], filters[2]) self.decoder4 = linknetUp(filters[2], filters[1]) self.decoder4 = linknetUp(filters[1], filters[0]) self.decoder4 = linknetUp(filters[0], filters[0]) # Final Classifier self.finaldeconvbnrelu1 = nn.Sequential(nn.ConvTranspose2d(filters[0], 32/feature_scale, 3, 2, 1), nn.BatchNorm2d(32/feature_scale), nn.ReLU(inplace=True),) self.finalconvbnrelu2 = conv2DBatchNormRelu(in_channels=32/feature_scale, k_size=3, n_filters=32/feature_scale, padding=1, stride=1) self.finalconv3 = nn.Conv2d(32/feature_scale, n_classes, 2, 2, 0)
def __init__(self, in_channels, n_filters, k_size, stride, padding, bias=True): super(conv2DBatchNormRelu, self).__init__() self.cbr_unit = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(int(in_channels), int(n_filters), kernel_size=k_size, padding=padding, stride=stride, bias=bias), nn.BatchNorm2d(int(n_filters)), nn.ReLU(inplace=True),)
def __init__(self, in_channels, n_filters, k_size, stride, padding, bias=True): super(deconv2DBatchNormRelu, self).__init__() self.dcbr_unit = nn.Sequential(nn.ConvTranspose2d(int(in_channels), int(n_filters), kernel_size=k_size, padding=padding, stride=stride, bias=bias), nn.BatchNorm2d(int(n_filters)), nn.ReLU(inplace=True),)
def __init__(self, in_size, out_size, is_batchnorm): super(unetConv2, self).__init__() if is_batchnorm: self.conv1 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(in_size, out_size, 3, 1, 0), nn.BatchNorm2d(out_size), nn.ReLU(),) self.conv2 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(out_size, out_size, 3, 1, 0), nn.BatchNorm2d(out_size), nn.ReLU(),) else: self.conv1 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(in_size, out_size, 3, 1, 0), nn.ReLU(),) self.conv2 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(out_size, out_size, 3, 1, 0), nn.ReLU(),)
def _augment_module_pre(net: nn.Module) -> (dict, list): callback_dict = OrderedDict() # not necessarily ordered, but this can help some readability. forward_hook_remove_func_list = [] for x, y in net.named_modules(): if not isinstance(y, nn.Sequential) and y is not net: if isinstance(y, nn.ReLU): callback_dict[x] = {} forward_hook_remove_func_list.append( y.register_forward_hook(partial(_forward_hook, module_name=x, callback_dict=callback_dict))) def remove_handles(): for x in forward_hook_remove_func_list: x.remove() return callback_dict, remove_handles
def __init__(self, num_layers, in_channels = 3, out_channels = 8, batch_norm = True): super(ConvEncoder2D, self).__init__() # set up number of layers if isinstance(num_layers, int): num_layers = [num_layers, 0] network = [] # several 3x3 convolutional layers and max-pooling layers for k in range(num_layers[0]): # 2d convolution network.append(nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, 3, padding = 1)) # batch normalization if batch_norm: network.append(nn.BatchNorm2d(out_channels)) # non-linearity and max-pooling network.append(nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, True)) network.append(nn.MaxPool2d(2)) # double channel size in_channels = out_channels out_channels *= 2 # several 1x1 convolutional layers for k in range(num_layers[1]): # 2d convolution network.append(nn.Conv2d(in_channels, in_channels, 1)) # batch normalization if batch_norm: network.append(nn.BatchNorm2d(in_channels)) # non-linearity network.append(nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, True)) # set up modules for network self.network = nn.Sequential(*network) self.network.apply(weights_init)
def __init__(self, num_layers, in_channels = 3, out_channels = 8, batch_norm = True): super(ConvEncoder3D, self).__init__() # set up number of layers if isinstance(num_layers, int): num_layers = [num_layers, 0] network = [] # several 3x3 convolutional layers and max-pooling layers for k in range(num_layers[0]): # 3d convolution network.append(nn.Conv3d(in_channels, out_channels, 3, padding = 1)) # batch normalization if batch_norm: network.append(nn.BatchNorm3d(out_channels)) # non-linearity and max-pooling network.append(nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, True)) network.append(nn.MaxPool3d(2)) # double channel size in_channels = out_channels out_channels *= 2 # several 1x1 convolutional layers for k in range(num_layers[1]): # 3d convolution network.append(nn.Conv3d(in_channels, in_channels, 1)) # batch normalization if batch_norm: network.append(nn.BatchNorm3d(in_channels)) # non-linearity network.append(nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, True)) # set up modules for network self.network = nn.Sequential(*network) self.network.apply(weights_init)
def __init__(self, in_planes, scale=1.0, activation=nn.ReLU(True)): super(block35, self).__init__(in_planes, scale, activation) self.Branch_0 = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([ ('Conv2d_1x1', conv_bn(in_planes, 32, 1)) ])) self.Branch_1 = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([ ('Conv2d_0a_1x1', conv_bn(in_planes, 32, 1)), ('Conv2d_0b_3x3', conv_bn(32, 32, 3, padding=1)) ])) self.Branch_2 = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([ ('Conv2d_0a_1x1', conv_bn(in_planes, 32, 1)), ('Conv2d_0b_3x3', conv_bn(32, 48, 3, padding=1)), ('Conv2d_0c_3x3', conv_bn(48, 64, 3, padding=1)) ])) self.Conv2d_1x1 = conv_bn(128, in_planes, 1)
def __init__(self, in_planes, scale=1.0, activation=nn.ReLU(True)): super(block17, self).__init__(in_planes, scale, activation) self.Branch_0 = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([ ('Conv2d_1x1', conv_bn(in_planes, 192, 1)) ])) self.Branch_1 = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([ ('Conv2d_0a_1x1', conv_bn(in_planes, 128, 1)), ('Conv2d_0b_1x7', conv_bn(128, 160, (1, 7), padding=(0, 3))), ('Conv2d_0c_7x1', conv_bn(160, 192, (7, 1), padding=(3, 0))) ])) self.Conv2d_1x1 = conv_bn(384, in_planes, 1)