def init_loss(opt, tensor): disc_loss = None content_loss = None if opt.model == 'content_gan': content_loss = PerceptualLoss() content_loss.initialize(nn.MSELoss()) elif opt.model == 'pix2pix': content_loss = ContentLoss() content_loss.initialize(nn.L1Loss()) else: raise ValueError("Model [%s] not recognized." % opt.model) if opt.gan_type == 'wgan-gp': disc_loss = DiscLossWGANGP() elif opt.gan_type == 'lsgan': disc_loss = DiscLossLS() elif opt.gan_type == 'gan': disc_loss = DiscLoss() else: raise ValueError("GAN [%s] not recognized." % opt.gan_type) disc_loss.initialize(opt, tensor) return disc_loss, content_loss
def createCriterion(opt, model): "Criterion is still a legacy of pytorch." # criterion = nn.MultiCriterion() # if opt.absLoss != 0: # criterion.add(nn.AbsCriterion(), weight=opt.absLoss) # if opt.mseLoss != 0: # criterion.add(nn.MSECriterion(), weight=opt.absLoss) # if opt.gdlLoss != 0: # criterion.add(nn.GDLCriterion(), weight=opt.absLoss) # if opt.customLoss != 0: # criterion.add(customCriterion(), weight=opt.customLoss) if opt.L1Loss != 0: criterion = nn.L1Loss() elif opt.mseLoss != 0: criterion = nn.MSELoss() elif opt.gdlLoss != 0: criterion = nn.GDLLoss() return criterion
def train_network_to_target_p(network, optimizer, x, target_p, num_it = 1000, dim = 1, cuda = False): target = Variable(torch.from_numpy(target_p.astype(np.float32))) l1loss = nn.L1Loss() batch_size = len(x) n_samples = len(x) loss_hist = [] choice = range(n_samples) x_input = Variable(torch.from_numpy(x[choice].astype(np.float32).reshape(batch_size,dim))) if cuda: x_input = x_input.cuda() target = target.cuda() for iteration in range(num_it): if iteration % 100 == 0: print iteration optimizer.zero_grad() output = network.forward(x_input) loss = l1loss(output, target) loss.backward() optimizer.step() loss_hist.append(loss.data[0]) return loss_hist
def __init__(self, use_l1=True, target_real_label=1.0, target_fake_label=0.0, tensor=torch.FloatTensor): super(GANLoss, self).__init__() self.real_label = target_real_label self.fake_label = target_fake_label self.real_label_var = None self.fake_label_var = None self.Tensor = tensor if use_l1: self.loss = nn.L1Loss() else: self.loss = nn.BCELoss()
def __init__(self, model, data_generator, epochs, loss): self.epochs = epochs self.model = model self.data_generator = data_generator self.loss = loss if loss == "smoothl1": self.loss_fn = F.smooth_l1_loss elif loss == "l1": self.loss_fn = nn.L1Loss() elif loss == "l2": self.loss_fn = nn.MSELoss() else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized loss type: {}".format(loss))
def build_network(self): print('=' * 50) print('Building network...') self.R = Refiner(4, cfg.img_channels, nb_features=64) self.D = Discriminator(input_features=cfg.img_channels) if cfg.cuda_use: self.R.cuda(cfg.cuda_num) self.D.cuda(cfg.cuda_num) self.opt_R = torch.optim.Adam(self.R.parameters(), lr=cfg.r_lr) self.opt_D = torch.optim.SGD(self.D.parameters(), lr=cfg.d_lr) self.self_regularization_loss = nn.L1Loss(size_average=False) self.local_adversarial_loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(size_average=True) self.delta = cfg.delta
def l1_loss(size_ave=True): return nn.L1Loss(size_average=size_ave)
def __init__(self, nic, noc, ngf, ndf, beta=0.5, lamb=100, lr=1e-3, cuda=True, crayon=False): """ Args: nic: Number of input channel noc: Number of output channels ngf: Number of generator filters ndf: Number of discriminator filters lamb: Weight on L1 term in objective """ self.cuda = cuda self.start_epoch = 0 self.crayon = crayon if crayon: self.cc = CrayonClient(hostname="localhost", port=8889) try: self.logger = self.cc.create_experiment('pix2pix') except: self.cc.remove_experiment('pix2pix') self.logger = self.cc.create_experiment('pix2pix') self.gen = self.cudafy(Generator(nic, noc, ngf)) self.dis = self.cudafy(Discriminator(nic, noc, ndf)) # Optimizers for generators self.gen_optim = self.cudafy(optim.Adam( self.gen.parameters(), lr=lr, betas=(beta, 0.999))) # Optimizers for discriminators self.dis_optim = self.cudafy(optim.Adam( self.dis.parameters(), lr=lr, betas=(beta, 0.999))) # Loss functions self.criterion_bce = nn.BCELoss() self.criterion_mse = nn.MSELoss() self.criterion_l1 = nn.L1Loss() self.lamb = lamb
def __init__(self, recon_loss='l2'): """VAE Loss = Reconsturction Loss + KL Divergence""" super(VAELoss, self).__init__() if recon_loss == 'bce': self.recon_loss = nn.BCELoss(size_average=False) elif recon_loss == 'l2': self.recon_loss = nn.MSELoss(size_average=False) elif recon_loss == 'l1': self.recon_loss = nn.L1Loss(size_average=False)
def setup(self): ?, ?1 = self.opt.lr, self.opt.beta1 self.? = self.opt.lamb self.criterion = nn.BCELoss() self.criterion_l1 = nn.L1Loss() self.g_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam( self.generator.parameters(), lr=?, betas=(?1, 0.999)) self.d_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam( self.discriminator.parameters(), lr=?, betas=(?1, 0.999)) if self.opt.cuda: self.generator = self.generator.cuda() self.discriminator = self.discriminator.cuda()
def train(trainloader,testloader): max_epochs = 100 moving_average = 30 mlp = MLP() print mlp criterion = nn.L1Loss() optimizer = optim.Adam(mlp.parameters(),lr=0.001) mlp_list = [] crt_list = [] for epoch in range(0, max_epochs): current_loss = 0 for i,data in enumerate(trainloader,0): input,target = data input,target = Variable(input),Variable(target) mlp.zero_grad() output = mlp(input.float()) loss = criterion(output, target.float()) loss.backward() optimizer.step() loss = loss.data[0] current_loss += loss #print ('[ %d ] loss : %.3f' % (epoch+1,current_loss)) train_c = incorrectness(mlp,trainloader) test_c = incorrectness(mlp,testloader) print ('[ %d ] incorrectness: %.4f %.4f' % (epoch+1,train_c,test_c)) mlp_list.append(mlp) crt_list.append(train_c+test_c) if epoch >= moving_average: if early_stop(crt_list,moving_average): print 'Early stopping.' index = len(mlp_list) - moving_average/2 return mlp_list[index] current_loss = 0 return mlp